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At least at a casino they have the decentcy to feed you


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Or you can stop gambling and blaming everyone else for your woes?


Even the casino have to run adds telling you that being totally addicted to gambling is a bad idea.


I think the gamble packs should at least list what 'rare' is in terms of percentages.

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Even the casino have to run adds telling you that being totally addicted to gambling is a bad idea.


I think the gamble packs should at least list what 'rare' is in terms of percentages.


Being totally addicted to ANYTHING is a bad idea and if you don't understand that then you have bigger problems than cartel packs.

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You should try a perfect world game. They spam your screen up with the character name, @handle and item the player just unlocked. All to get you emotionally unstable so you'll be more prone to making rash decisions. Like spending more money on lockboxes to get the same item that other guy just spammed your screen with.


Believe me, there are far worse tactics out there in F2P MMOs that will try to get you addicted to gambling boxes.

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Spent 5000 cartel coins on dye packs did not receive 1 purple. I don't mind the random nature of the dye packs but come on lets increase the odds a bit.




just dont tell us the odds ......ever!

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At least they feed you while taking your money. Boware doesn't give us anything. All they do is encourage gambling via the Cartel Market. They could at least give x amount of certificates for y amount of boxes bought.


I am more excited about the free booze when I am at a casino. So Bioware... where's my MOJITO!

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Nickle slots all day, and they still bring you free drinks... and it's far, far cheaper than the CM... more entertaining? That's questionable.


And entirely subjective. I mean, some people find watching babies make stupid faces all day entertaining. Which begs the real question: Why are people still here if they hate it so much?

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Spent 5000 cartel coins on dye packs did not receive 1 purple. I don't mind the random nature of the dye packs but come on lets increase the odds a bit.




lol bought two packs and got a black on black and a black on purple

Edited by TexasMarine
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