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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Who feels like a valued subscriber?


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If I was a game developer/community manager/EA/Bioware....


I would value subscribers above free players and make content for them so they can ENJOY the game and I'd want to ENJOY making FUN content for those dedicated players.


What I wouldnt do is ruin my games reputation by paying more attention to how much money I'm earning, I wouldnt focus on content for the free players. What I wouldnt do is ignore paying customers.


I wouldnt ignore exploits and bugs. I also wouldnt make a 46 second trailer and only show 15 seconds of footage.


Just saying. :)


600CC for basically a face paint? Disgusting.


I wouldnt have subscribed to this game knowing that Bioware/EA would turn it into a free to play money grabbing flop. Horrible customer service, horrible forum community. No communication between the devs and the players. They are probably too busy making free to play cartel market stuff. I feel 2nd best as a customer.


EA can now pretty much exploit the franchise.

Edited by Vassise
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yes, cartel doesn't sell mega gear-stomping armor sets and weaponry. *


Don't care about Cathar.


40 coins got me all I needed from the aestethic changer.


Equipment I might require gets bought off the GTN ( including Black ) and Blue dye ) , and my coins stipend goes in pretty much what I feel like getting at the moment.


Get in straight away on peak sunday hours instaed of having to wait on a freebie 600+ queue.


Not having to worry about ransoming back my money with coins from an escrow account that wasn't even there until now.


Would you like me to continue?


Edit: * = should gear stompers come ever into cartel sale, I'll be the first one to leave, gonna have to trust me on that one.

Edited by Tachenko_Yuri
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At the moment? I sure as hell don't.


I haven't complained about much in the time I've been here (since before launch). In fact I can count maybe two things that irked me. I've bought and paid for all the stuff offered, and I'm a sub.


But this latest thing where buying the item is not enough, that you have to pay more to use it, is ridiculous. Pretty sad, when you spend your week's budget for fun things on a game to get dyes, a new race, new eye colour, new hairstyle and colour, only to find, that you can't use any of it, cause you have to PAY MORE to implement it.


Thanks a lot for nothing. Only think I sort of enjoyed was the white/red, red/white dyes. Have to wonder what crack the designers were on when they came up with some of those combinations of colours. Did they drive around looking at gas station signs for inspiration?


Please let subs have a few free changes, or atleast for credits not CC. The race change, ok, I can live with that being CC, but the hair/colour, cosmetic stuff, shouldn't be real money things for SUBS. Imagine how much fun it is, to pay out all this money, and then not be able to make use of it, because they want more money. Cost of use should have been included. Not Cool Bioware, not cool.

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yes, cartel doesn't sell mega gear-stomping armor sets and weaponry.


Don't care about Cathar.


40 coins got me all I needed from the aestethic changer.


Equipment I might require gets bought off the GTN ( including Black ) and Blue dye ) , and my coins stipend goes in pretty much what I feel like getting at the moment.


Get in straight away on peak sunday hours instaed of having to wait on a freebie 600+ queue.


Not having to worry about ransoming back my money with coins from an escrow account that wasn't even there until now.


Would you like me to continue?


That's exactly it. I play the actual game whenever I want with no restrictions or issues. That's what I give my $15 per month for. I give them additional money as well for cartel items because they are appealing to me.


If you feel you aren't valued and get by as a preferred account then by all means do so. They owe us nothing beyond what we already get. I expect nothing more because I get everything they promised already.

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From a sub'd PvP'ers perspective, I don't really feel that valued, probably never will I guess.


Over time I'm finally understanding that particular aspect isn't remotely important to EA/SWTOR.


But I continue to plug away like a boss, because it's Star Wars, and that's about it.

Edited by Pistols
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I give them additional money as well for cartel items because they are appealing to me.



Most of the yapping going on is because of this sentence. Other people can't afford it. And something you can't have? Gets hated :)


Aesop's fables, my bedtime stories 20 years ago, and can still be applied into real-life situations.


"Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. As he went away, the fox remarked, 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.'

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Most of the yapping going on is because of this sentence. Other people can't afford it. And something you can't have? Gets hated :)


Aesop's fables, my bedtime stories 20 years ago, and can still be applied into real-life situations.


"Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. As he went away, the fox remarked, 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.'


I know that's the reason and you stated it better than I could. I personally would LOVE to be able to buy the dyes I want outright. Who wouldn't? But I understand that it doesn't make business sense. My logical side overcomes my own sense of entitlement and I accept this.

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I only pay 15 dollars a month. A movie and Dinner costs me more than that.


So for 15 dollars, the number of hours entertainment I get from SWTOR is great value.


If you dont think its good value, unsub and play for free. No ones forcing you to sub.

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I have found you have to make your own fun in this game and not rely too much on the developers and publishers adding things exclusively for my amusement.


I do this by taking my irrational frustrations out on the F2Pers on my server. See that? Emotional transference. Wherever possible, troll, take the piss, deliberately misinform and otherwise make the lives of the poor, impoverished free to players as utterly miserable as I possibly can in the vague hopes of driving them away all together, or berate them into subscribing so that they too can be an entitled, elitist, sneering imperialistic *** like me.


Turns out money can buy you happiness after all.

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I only pay 15 dollars a month. A movie and Dinner costs me more than that.


So for 15 dollars, the number of hours entertainment I get from SWTOR is great value.


If you dont think its good value, unsub and play for free. No ones forcing you to sub.


He wasn't asking if you saw value in the game, he was asking if you think the devs value us as customers if we are not also pouring money into their store.



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I have found you have to make your own fun in this game and not rely too much on the developers and publishers adding things exclusively for my amusement.


I do this by taking my irrational frustrations out on the F2Pers on my server. See that? Emotional transference. Wherever possible, troll, take the piss, deliberately misinform and otherwise make the lives of the poor, impoverished free to players as utterly miserable as I possibly can in the vague hopes of driving them away all together, or berate them into subscribing so that they too can be an entitled, elitist, sneering imperialistic *** like me.


Turns out money can buy you happiness after all.





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He wasn't asking if you saw value in the game, he was asking if you think the devs value us as customers if we are not also pouring money into their store.




It's a flawed question. You give them the subscription, they give you a list of features.


Feeling 'valued' is in your head. Your perception on this is your own issue. You are getting what you paid to get.

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He wasn't asking if you saw value in the game

The title of the thread is asking exactly that question. If I feel the game has enough value for what I pay (and I do), then I feel valued as a subscriber (and I do). That's not the answer the OP has predetermined is what "the playerbase" feels, but that's the way it goes.

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It's a flawed question. You give them the subscription, they give you a list of features.


Feeling 'valued' is in your head. Your perception on this is your own issue. You are getting what you paid to get.


* List of features subject to change.

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It's a flawed question. You give them the subscription, they give you a list of features.


Feeling 'valued' is in your head. Your perception on this is your own issue. You are getting what you paid to get.


Exactly. I get what I agreed to pay $15/month for way back when I first subbed. More stuff has been added and I get access to more now then I did and there's been no inflation in my cost. They are giving me what I agreed to when I signed on. No sense of entitlement, no "but...but I'm a sub". Both sides are upholding the agreement we made. They don't need to make me feel valued, to validate my existence and my time. They need to give me what they agreed to for my $15 and that's the end of it. It's a business transaction, not an emotional one.

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* List of features subject to change.
Seems to me that my $15 subscription includes more now than it did when the game launched.

Even more than that if you add what I get with the one-time fee of $10 for RotHC.


Absolutely nothing has been taken away with the addition of the Cartel Market and yet, many more things have been made possible because of it.

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It's not asking if people see any value in the game, it's asking subscribers if they feel like the company cares about them at all.:cool:

I'll say it again, just for you: If I feel the game has enough value for what I pay (and I do), then I feel valued as a subscriber (and I do). That's not the answer the OP has predetermined is what "the playerbase" feels, but that's the way it goes.

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If I was a game developer/community manager/EA/Bioware....


I would value subscribers above free players and make content for them so they can ENJOY the game and I'd want to ENJOY making FUN content for those dedicated players.


What I wouldnt do is ruin my games reputation by paying more attention to how much money I'm earning, I wouldnt focus on content for the free players. What I wouldnt do is ignore paying customers.


I wouldnt ignore exploits and bugs. I also wouldnt make a 46 second trailer and only show 15 seconds of footage.


Just saying. :)


It's not wrong of them to want to earn money from the game, on the contrary it's a healthy aproach to want to make money. It is however wrong to go the way they have, in the short perspective they have made great money on the Cartel Market and probably will do so for a while forth, but then?

Already the game lost too many subscribers and with this upsetting patch I'm sure far too many more will cancel their subscriptions. The question is, what will happen when too many subscribers unsub? Will the F2P player base be enough to keep the game going? I don't thiink it will work out well, but that's just me.

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I only pay 15 dollars a month. A movie and Dinner costs me more than that.


So for 15 dollars, the number of hours entertainment I get from SWTOR is great value.


If you dont think its good value, unsub and play for free. No ones forcing you to sub.


If you didnt like the dinner after trying it, you can refuse to pay for it.

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