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PvP Community's Plans for Server Transfers


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Ya, don't let Spurlock pull the blinders over you. I recently got top level access to our guilds secret vault, and was so surprised to see the huttball macro in there, along with some hacking software and detailed instructions on glitching.


Was actually surprised that no one called us out on the Civil War macro yet. I don't want to give too many of their secrets away (because I have friends in the guild and its not my place), but just watching this Video you can see the macro is used multiple times along with a few other hacks and cheats.




Anyway....I used to think that these players were just good and didn't realize it was because they cheat so much. I think my cohesive bond is fading so I am gquitting later today, and will be looking for a guild that actually has talent.


Take away Gamemperilla's hacks/cheats/macros and they are nothing.


If this is true, wow.. disappointing to say the least.

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lol, Ok now you're pulling what Lebron did a few years ago before he went to Miami. Saying to everyone there are several contenders for your services when in reality there was only 1. Just admit Guerilla is and was always your first choice in joining a pvp guild. You must be feeling some kind of guilt joining Guerilla if you can't even acknowledge that if you were going to leave PAX that Guerilla was the guild you wanted to join. ...


Give it a rest already, and get off of Mort's butt over this. He has already owned up to, and made his reasons clear. You also might want to keep in mind LOTS of people apply to Guerrilla each and every week. Virtually all get turned down. Just ask Raando how many whispers, requests, and applications he gets. The fact that Mort was accepted, says something about his ability and potential.

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Give it a rest already, and get off of Mort's butt over this. He has already owned up to, and made his reasons clear. You also might want to keep in mind LOTS of people apply to Guerrilla each and every week. Virtually all get turned down. Just ask Raando how many whispers, requests, and applications he gets. The fact that Mort was accepted, says something about his ability and potential.


I wasn't criticizing mort's ability as a player. I know your guild is the best imp side pvp guild and you don't take just anyone. I just wanted him to acknowledge his real reason for joining. Maybe I come off as harsh but when I see bs I can't help myself and call it like I see it. And if anyone incl mort was offended, I apologize.

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Okay, I think the trolling in this thread needs to stop. Lets all stop derailing this thread and get back on topic before stuff gets way too out of hand.


Says the known exploiter.


Dont try to deny it, I know you use the flowers and rainbows macro.

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I wasn't criticizing mort's ability as a player. I know your guild is the best imp side pvp guild and you don't take just anyone. I just wanted him to acknowledge his real reason for joining. Maybe I come off as harsh but when I see bs I can't help myself and call it like I see it. And if anyone incl mort was offended, I apologize.



I did.. mult times. Im failing to see the issue now.


If you want me to get on my knees and apologize about .. sorry.


My wife is only person i do that for. :D


PS.. Thanks for the good words Pravus.. I appreciate it bro.

Edited by DarthBror
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I did.. mult times. Im failing to see the issue now.


If you want me to get on my knees and apologize about .. sorry.


My wife is only person i do that for. :D


PS.. Thanks for the good words Pravus.. I appreciate it bro.


nah you don't owe me an apology. If anything I took it too far and came out looking like a petty player. I apologize again if I offended you.

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Rytan you are wrong about the song you posted, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wl_uQOABxg is more like it. So exclude the elite guild who really do not want competition and just want to roll over people again and again. Guilds who want to do ranked just get associated guild to que ranked against and keep it a secret from the "great" people at Guerilla. Oh and when you see these guys in WZ's try harder and smarter and beat them.

Take an example of Basketball in the 80's Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, considering Free Agency started in 1980 they could have eventually got on the same team and dominated the NBA, they didn't because one wanted to beat the other. The competitive spirit at its best. This does not apply to Game Genie, Empire, Guerilla etc. who just want to dominate and when things were more competitive they could not deal with it so they merged up together. And please stop calling them Gamepirella or Megaguild or what ever, They are Tandem Bicycle!

Edited by Traejen
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Ryton you are wrong about the song you posted, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wl_uQOABxg is more like it. So exclude the elite guild who really do not want competition and just want to roll over people again and again. Guilds who want to do ranked just get associated guild to que ranked against and keep it a secret from the "great" people at Guerilla. Oh and when you see these guys in WZ's try harder and smarter and beat them.

Take an example of Basketball in the 80's Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, considering Free Agency started in 1980 they could have eventually got on the same team and dominated the NBA, they didn't because one wanted to beat the other. The competitive spirit at its best. This does not apply to Game Genie, Empire, Guerilla etc. who just want to dominate and when things were more competitive they could not deal with it so they merged up together. And please stop calling them Gamepirella or Megaguild or what ever, They are Tandem Bicycle!

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Non-troll portion of my post follows:


Not to interrupt the drama or anything but it kinda sucks server transfers are coming up and PM finally finished recruiting and leveling our ranked team - we were hoping to start sometime in the next couple weeks after Uorp got back from his vacation and we got our new 55's a bit of gear. Would be fairly nice to know a way to get people to queue up for ranked if we're going to and nobody is queueing. :o


Also, we're aware we're probably going to take a few (or a lot) of losses to start but none of us give a rats *** about that - you have to take some losses when you're learning to play together, that's how you learn to mesh. Gods know I'm not a perfect player - I'm *good* but I have off days as Tor'barr can attest to, and I can still find myself slightly distracted when I'm not in voice chat with my teammates (which luckily won't happen during ranked games). I also solo or duo queue a lot which can make things rough when I'm in with a bunch of deathmatchers who ignore objectives, or just plain silly/dumb people. I've never considered myself an *amazing* player, but I'm lucky enough to play with a few. :)


So if everyone leaves, who's paying for my server xfer? :(


Troll portion of my post follows:


Obligatory hate. Obligatory hacking accusation. Obligatory chest thumping.

Obligatory screenshot collage.


/end troll

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nah you don't owe me an apology. If anything I took it too far and came out looking like a petty player. I apologize again if I offended you.


No offense taken. I really enjoy seeing you in the ops frame.. Your a good player and a good dude. See you in some WZs:D

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Rytan you are wrong about the song you posted, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wl_uQOABxg is more like it. So exclude the elite guild who really do not want competition and just want to roll over people again and again. Guilds who want to do ranked just get associated guild to que ranked against and keep it a secret from the "great" people at Guerilla. Oh and when you see these guys in WZ's try harder and smarter and beat them.

Take an example of Basketball in the 80's Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, considering Free Agency started in 1980 they could have eventually got on the same team and dominated the NBA, they didn't because one wanted to beat the other. The competitive spirit at its best. This does not apply to Game Genie, Empire, Guerilla etc. who just want to dominate and when things were more competitive they could not deal with it so they merged up together. And please stop calling them Gamepirella or Megaguild or what ever, They are Tandem Bicycle!


Dominating is what everyone wants! They want to form a team that has no weak links and works well together. To say that you would want to keep things competitive by passing up on things that would be good for your guild is just ignorance.


I think it was slayer that said it but i think it is appropriate "It's better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven." Roughly related to this it means I would rather dominate and have everyone hate me than to lose wz's and have everything think I am a good guy. Praise and 50 cents will get you a can of soda!

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I know I've said it before, but I'd like to see the better PVP guilds open their recruitment doors to teach those who want to learn from the best. Otherwise it really does seem like they are just comm-farming on an RP server. If you are trying to bring PVP to an RP server, I think that's a fantastic idea, but if you are only doing it for yourself, with no intention of teaching and recruiting those who really want to PVP, then you're just comm-farming.
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If you are only doing it for yourself, with no intention of teaching and recruiting those who really want to PVP, then you're just comm-farming.


Improving the skill of other players is not a responsibility of TEH's top PvP guilds. That is solely down to the individual. No one taught me or any of my guildmates how to play this game.


That said, despite popular belief, many of the members of the guilds mentioned in this thread are friendly and accommodating when approached for advice regarding their class or role.

Mortalya, who coincidentally also features prominently in this thread, even suggested a PvP mentor program earlier in the year.


However, recruiting for the sake of educating other players is something that none of the top guilds will ever be interested in doing.

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Improving the skill of other players is not a responsibility of TEH's top PvP guilds. That is solely down to the individual. No one taught me or any of my guildmates how to play this game.


I agree with this. This game really isn't hard to be fairly good at, the individual skill gap isn't THAT great. The gap comes in group play and that naturally nobody is able to learn on their own...it takes a team :cool:


That said, despite popular belief, many of the members of the guilds mentioned in this thread are friendly and accommodating when approached for advice regarding their class or role.


Not sure I'd say most...there are definitely some, yourself included as I mentioned earlier in this thread. Maybe it's just that bad apples leave more of an impression...


However, recruiting for the sake of educating other players is something that none of the top guilds will ever be interested in doing.


This is fine and I don't blame them, but they're also the first to complain about those players that don't know what they're doing. I can't tell you how perplexing it is to me when I see a group rag on one or two teammates all game because they messed up, but aren't willing to actually tell them what they may have done wrong. Calling people names and telling them how worthless they are isn't usually the best tool of encouragement.


Again, not talking about you...like I said you're one of those that stick out as helpful and generally friendly.

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Improving the skill of other players is not a responsibility of TEH's top PvP guilds. That is solely down to the individual. No one taught me or any of my guildmates how to play this game.


That said, despite popular belief, many of the members of the guilds mentioned in this thread are friendly and accommodating when approached for advice regarding their class or role.

Mortalya, who coincidentally also features prominently in this thread, even suggested a PvP mentor program earlier in the year.


However, recruiting for the sake of educating other players is something that none of the top guilds will ever be interested in doing.


You are right - it isn't the responsibility of the elite PVP guilds to teach anyone, however then they should not complain about how poorly this server PVPs, which they often do. One might think they would want more competition, rather than comm-farming. I always thought that these guilds were seating themselves above all others, not in a bad way, but as PVP leaders. Part of being a leader is leading - willing to teach, and further more, WANTING to teach. You are absolutely right, you owe this server nothing, but what does it say about a PVP guild that doesn't RP very much hanging out on an RP server? Maybe it says nothing at all, then again, maybe it does.


So if the top PVP guilds aren't interested in applicants who want to PVP, then how do you find recruits? Or don't you? Aren't people applying to guilds supposed to apply to guilds that best suit them? If someone truly loves PVP and wants to be the very best they can't, shouldn't they apply with one of these top PVP guilds? You say "recruiting for the sake of education is not something your guilds do", but then why do you recruit, and when, and what is it exactly you look for? Do you not look at all? If you do recruit, are you only interested in the very elite of players, who require no education what-so-ever, because you yourself stated in your reply, "No one ever taught me or an of my guildmates how to play this game", implying that you had no clue what you were doing when you first stepped into a warzone. So you were in a WZ with 7 other people and just decided that you were going to form a guild to get better? Please don't read this as negative, because it isn't. These are questions that a nobody like me wonders about these top PVP guilds and how to get into them, or better yet form them so that we stand a chance against the best of the best, rather than serve ourselves up as a three-course comm-farming meal.

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Improving the skill of other players is not a responsibility of TEH's top PvP guilds. That is solely down to the individual. No one taught me or any of my guildmates how to play this game.


No, it certainly isn't. However, PvP on TEH has had a very noticeable and undeniable trend. This is a RP server. By definition, NOT a PvP server and does NOT generally attract PvP-oriented players. Like-minded individuals band together. There have been numerous PvP guilds during the past 1.5 years come and go. People quit the game, have drama and guilds disband, etc. It happens.


What has also happened is that a lot of the top PvPers have banded together into one giant multi-guild conglomerate that spans both factions. Instead of there being multiple guilds with a couple great players in each of them, the community has diminished to the point where the higher tier players have all wound up in the same place and then they're chest beating on the forums about how great they are and wondering where all the competition went. Well...duh? Look at the teammate standing next to you.


That is the state of PvP on TEH right now. There's no real ranked play, it's all staged kickball or win trading. There's no real Imp vs. Pub grudge matches because it's all the same damn people just switching toons. The 55 bracket is mostly premades vs. PUGs, and God help you if you PUG in most cases. The best PvP continues to be in the pre-55 bracket, but even there you see premade domination coming from those very same players who are leveling alts.


So what's the fix here? Is there one? No, not really. I don't blame the conglomerate. Winning is addictive, and it sucks playing in PUGs all the time where half the players don't understand basic PvP concepts. It's not even about friendship, so don't even give me that crap. I'm sure there's some genuine bro love, but it's also easy to pretend to like each other when you're winning. It will eventually break apart, because that many fragile egos in one place is just a pot waiting to boil over, and drama destroys guilds faster than anything else.

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It's not even about friendship, so don't even give me that crap. I'm sure there's some genuine bro love, but it's also easy to pretend to like each other when you're winning. It will eventually break apart, because that many fragile egos in one place is just a pot waiting to boil over, and drama destroys guilds faster than anything else.


This is a very good point. "Friendship" in a game is easy when you're winning and don't really have much difficulty doing so. However, when someone else comes along and starts beating you, those friendships start degrading pretty quickly. I love watching streams of ranked matches on PoT5 and Bastion that have teammates yelling at each other over voice and ragequit at the first sign of defeat. I'll say, I have a lot more respect for Zen and Hex, and whichever other guilds continue to queue despite several losses. It's a lot harder to hold a team together through defeat than victory. Not saying that Hex/Zen always loses :p just going off of what I hear about the ranked environment through the forums.

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You can't blame like-minded people for wanting to play together. Top-tier PVPers share an interest in a certain slice of the game. It's no wonder they all end up in premades/guilds together, especially given the very small number of dedicated PVPers on our server.


Don't blame the players/guilds. Blame the game.


An 8 man team is a hard thing to organize. Once you finally get your team, and get geared, it takes a lot of practice to come together as a cohesive whole. Often, it just takes one player leaving the game (for whatever reason) to break a team. Having a deep bench can give a team an enormous advantage, especially given how sensitive team composition has been in ranked games. Naturally, guilds collaborating on a fully fleshed out team with a deep bench makes good strategic sense.


If BW had designed more support for PVP, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. I would love nothing more than to stay on TEH. I like the people here. I enjoy the rivalries and competition. All PVP should be "ranked". All PVP should contribute to your individual ELO as a player. There should be leaderboards, both weekly and monthly. There should be cross-server queues, 4 man ranked queuing options, a Huttball league etc. There should be incentive to perform well in every game you play. Dailies don't cut it. A ranking system that is "always turned on" would be a nice carrot (or stick!) that could help players want to play their hardest.


Unfortunately, BW has failed to capitalize on one of the very best aspects of their game. On the servers where the PVP community is smaller, PVP has suffered the most. I see very little other options than to transfer to a PVP server.


I've said it before many times, and I know I'm not alone: I would pay 15 bucks a month just for Huttball, and HB league support. They have a goldmine under their noses, but they just can't capitalize.


There's also a lot of talk about ranked play from folks who have very few games under their belt, or have not done ranked at all. This server has a very short memory. Not to be an ***, but please: if you haven't played ranked games on our server, you can easily avoid putting your foot in your mouth by not talking about that which you do not understand.

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So if the top PVP guilds aren't interested in applicants who want to PVP, then how do you find recruits?


To address this part of your post...


Most PvP guilds recruit by watching other players and then approaching them in private later. Usually they get invited to a group a few times so that their playstyle can be more closely observed. If they make the grade, then they'll usually be asked about the possibility of joining the guild.


The other way PvP guilds recruit is when a person with big enough balls sends their members a tell and is someone they have seen before. Then they also are put through a process of grouping with guild members before being invited.


Most 8man pvp guilds also are at least partially democratic and all new recruits are voted on by either all members or at least the senior members/officers of the guild - this is done because ALL 8man pvp guilds want to gel personality and playstyle wise.


This recruiting style has been the way 'elite' pvp guilds recruit in every single game I've played, starting with the best pvp game ever - dark age of camelot. I've never seen a successful pvp guild that has an open application policy.

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