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PvP Community's Plans for Server Transfers


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Can't have it both ways homie.


Well that's not exactly true..


WE all have enough toons that its probable not everyone will move all of their characters. Main toons for sure..


I can easily see a situation where I move Mortalya, but keep Mortasha here just send you hugs and kisses




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Pax Imperius and Pax Dominus is staying


However from the discussions in this thread it seems the first few days/weeks after server transfers open will be an interesting time in the PvP life of this RP server


glad to hear you guys are staying, Order of Iledis will also be staying. tho we are smaller and likely none of you have heard about us 8p


BTW: our guild does have some good PVPers that are wiling to do ranked but we just dont have the interest to make a full team, any anybody is interested lol.

Edited by Nrock
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glad to hear you guys are staying, Order of Iledis will also be staying. tho we are smaller and likely none of you have heard about us 8p


BTW: our guild does have some good PVPers that are wiling to do ranked but we just dont have the interest to make a full team, any anybody is interested lol.


I've seen your guildies out and about in WZ's. Can't say any of them ever stood out to me as sucking, which says something :p But I have noticed them, and if it's not for sucking, then they must be doing something right!

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The one thing I'm upset about the most, is that (and I don't know how accurate this is, as I try to stay out of the drama) Game Genie, if transfers happen, are going to stay and just troll people in PvP. They have no intentions of leaving and finding a group that can challenge them. They want to stay and just grief other players. That, to me, is poor sportsmanship and just all around horse****. Sure, you have a right to choose a server. You can go wherever you want. But if you claim to be a PvP guild, and instead of transferring to a place where you can actually face a challenge, or continue to face a challenge (I realize there are quite a few spectacular PvP guilds on the server, despite how I feel about them) then that's scum worthy material. Why would you choose to not better yourselves and just prevent other people from enjoying the PvP?


Now, I am not with a well known guild, nor am I a well known PvP'er, but I'm sure people have seen me around with a few of my other guildies. I am Nevarr with <Mandalorians of Recluse> and I generally run with Kalagar/Althaea and Raffant. They both love PvP, and I consider them to be quite good. I just enjoy PvPing with them, and you generally won't see me doing it without them. We have fought a majority of the people in this thread, sometimes winning, mostly losing. I hate the losing, and I will be the first to admit that I constantly shout about exploits/hacks. If it's true? I couldn't tell you. It's how I cope with a complete roflstomp. But there are times when I don't understand how something has gone down. CC breaking after you already used a CC break? Resolve not capping? Wall capping in NC? I've seen it all. Maybe it's not me fully understanding the PvP mechanics, because as I've said, I am not an avid PvPer, but those things never seem to work as intended when I play against certain people.


With a majority of the PvP guilds leaving the server, I hope that the PvP community will be able to flourish and balance out. Because right now, 55 PvP is pretty one sided, and even though I enjoy it, I can't stand losing to the same group over and over for what I feel is cheap tactics and exploits. If you are an avid PvPer on Ebon Hawk, I strongly encourage you to consider server transfers so that you can continue to grow and fight people that would be worth your time. It's a win/win for everyone involved.

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That's a fairly big dose of negativity thrust into this thread.


Are you talking about my post? Because it wasn't meant to be negative. And even if it was, THAT'S the post that throws negativity in here? This thread was negative before it hit the second page.

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The one thing I'm upset about the most, is that (and I don't know how accurate this is, as I try to stay out of the drama) Game Genie, if transfers happen, are going to stay and just troll people in PvP. They have no intentions of leaving and finding a group that can challenge them. They want to stay and just grief other players. That, to me, is poor sportsmanship and just all around horse****......

I think you overvalue the significance and worth of yourself and other baddies. To the likes of GG, you are nothing but flies on a wall, spittle in a can, worm slime, ...

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I think you overvalue the significance and worth of yourself and other baddies. To the likes of GG, you are nothing but flies on a wall, spittle in a can, worm slime, ...


Can't tell if trolling, or joking. Either way, I never said *I* wasn't a baddie. I'll be the first to admit that I am not that great at PvP. But even people that aren't bad have a hard time against GG. It's just not good sportsmanship to stick around in a place that can't challenge you anymore. I may be nothing more than a fly on the wall to them. If that's the case, why do they want to keep worrying about a fly?

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cheap tactics


I just wanna step in here and touch on this tiny little phrase, for whatever it's worth. (Yes, I know since this is an RP server, most people won't give a ****, but still, humor me at least.)


First off, I want to set up a comparison. StarCraft. I dunno if you're familiar with the game, but there's a wide range of strategies in SCII that are commonly called cheese (basically cheap, no brain tactics). For instance, the photon cannon rush. Probably the most infamous, and then there's the 6 pool zergling rush which is probably the most famous (since almost every game now uses the word 'zerg' to denote a rushing type strategy).


There's a number of similarities between those two cheese strats. They both happen at the beginning of a match. They are extremely simple to do, requiring only that you build a building, and then a handful of cannons or zerglings. They are both highly effective. ... Against unprepared players. The drawbacks? They are easily spotted, and when spotted, easily countered, 99% of the time to the degree that the 'cheeser' loses immediately after. In any case, if the victim loses, it's almost always because they didn't scout for funny business, and prepare for it.


Now for where I'm going with this. What's a cheap tactic in SWTOR? A team stacked with stealthers? Stealther ninja capping, maybe? For organized groups, diversions? In huttball, leapers crossing the field and passing to a stealther in the endzone?


All those things are solidly in the category of one trick ponies (or at least they should be). Once spotted, they're easily prepared for. Group of stealthers? Always expect them to be behind you, and save CDs accordingly. Ninja capping? Save CC breaker, and call out. Diversions? Don't take the bait. Huttball? Don't give leapers targets to leap to, and make liberal use of roots and CC to prevent the endzone stealther from ever coming into play.


It really shouldn't take very much experience to figure out how to counter 'cheap tactics.' Not unless you're deliberately not learning from them. And if teams continue to lose to cheap tactics, maybe they're less 'cheap,' and more 'effective.' A win is a win (unless honest-to-god hacking is involved).


As a final note, yes, since each match is team based, it is a normal occurrence that 'that one guy' keeps losing it for you because the cheap tactics are still over his head. That happens and you can be annoyed that they fell for the trick. But to continue to complain about it is just silly if you know you don't fall for such things.


Okay. Done being off topic. Back to server transfer talking! I'm still staying! :p

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The whole object of this thread was just to see who had big ideas of transferring to PVP servers, and to kind of give a general idea of where people in the PVP community would transfer to. Possibly some level of coordination could be reached so many Elite PVPers could go together as you all truly deserve each other.///Best of Luck!!!
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I just wanna step in here and touch on this tiny little phrase, for whatever it's worth. (Yes, I know since this is an RP server, most people won't give a ****, but still, humor me at least.)


First off, I want to set up a comparison. StarCraft. I dunno if you're familiar with the game, but there's a wide range of strategies in SCII that are commonly called cheese (basically cheap, no brain tactics). For instance, the photon cannon rush. Probably the most infamous, and then there's the 6 pool zergling rush which is probably the most famous (since almost every game now uses the word 'zerg' to denote a rushing type strategy).


There's a number of similarities between those two cheese strats. They both happen at the beginning of a match. They are extremely simple to do, requiring only that you build a building, and then a handful of cannons or zerglings. They are both highly effective. ... Against unprepared players. The drawbacks? They are easily spotted, and when spotted, easily countered, 99% of the time to the degree that the 'cheeser' loses immediately after. In any case, if the victim loses, it's almost always because they didn't scout for funny business, and prepare for it.


Now for where I'm going with this. What's a cheap tactic in SWTOR? A team stacked with stealthers? Stealther ninja capping, maybe? For organized groups, diversions? In huttball, leapers crossing the field and passing to a stealther in the endzone?


All those things are solidly in the category of one trick ponies (or at least they should be). Once spotted, they're easily prepared for. Group of stealthers? Always expect them to be behind you, and save CDs accordingly. Ninja capping? Save CC breaker, and call out. Diversions? Don't take the bait. Huttball? Don't give leapers targets to leap to, and make liberal use of roots and CC to prevent the endzone stealther from ever coming into play.


It really shouldn't take very much experience to figure out how to counter 'cheap tactics.' Not unless you're deliberately not learning from them. And if teams continue to lose to cheap tactics, maybe they're less 'cheap,' and more 'effective.' A win is a win (unless honest-to-god hacking is involved).


As a final note, yes, since each match is team based, it is a normal occurrence that 'that one guy' keeps losing it for you because the cheap tactics are still over his head. That happens and you can be annoyed that they fell for the trick. But to continue to complain about it is just silly if you know you don't fall for such things.


Okay. Done being off topic. Back to server transfer talking! I'm still staying! :p


Oh, don't get me wrong. All the tactics you mentioned are perfectly viable, and we use some of them ourselves. That is just good planning and team strategy. I'm not complaining about things like that. I was talking more about what I had listed before that. The wall capping in NC, for example. There is no strategy needed for it, it is difficult to stop without certain attacks, and it's a boring way to win. That is a cheap trick/exploit to me.

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Oh, don't get me wrong. All the tactics you mentioned are perfectly viable, and we use some of them ourselves. That is just good planning and team strategy. I'm not complaining about things like that. I was talking more about what I had listed before that. The wall capping in NC, for example. There is no strategy needed for it, it is difficult to stop without certain attacks, and it's a boring way to win. That is a cheap trick/exploit to me.


Game Genie, played Dark Empire in ranked two days ago. We went into Novare Coast twice, both teams used corner capping it was not hard in any form to stop it all you had to do was click them. The node was actually capped more on the very far corners outside of the hutt. This "Cheap trick" is no different then capping outside only difference is capping outside is in the open while capping inside is not. Depending where you are standing you will not see it because the walls of the hutt are in the way. That same reason applies to whether you are capping in the corner or just straight inside. So no it is not cheap all you have to do is use your eyes.

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OMG can we give the corner capping a rest, PLEASE.


I think you guys are referring to two different era's of corner capping here. You used to be able to clip into the wall of the house in NC and cap from there, all you'd see is a pair of hands sticking out of the wall and the beam of light. The hands weren't targetable by clicking or tabbing, and these folks could only be hit by AOE's. In fact, I first installed FRAPS to catch a certain group of people on TEH doing this (not that BW gave a ****). But as soon as you caught these mofos, its hard to fight from that spot so they would remove themselves from the wall and be on their merry way. Would I call this an exploit? Absolutely yes, and there's no reason for people of reasonable skill level to be doing stuff like this. Was it a huge deal? Only if you had idiots on your team that didn't know to watch for it.


As far as I can tell, this issue has been fixed and what we have now is people just standing in the corner but they don't clip into the wall anymore and they can still be targeted by clicking. Exploit? No. Cheap? Maybe a little, if the teams are really unbalanced or there is a "gentleman's agreement" being violated. Big deal? Again, only if you have idiots on your team.


tl;dr corner capping is really not worth arguing about anymore.


Edit: Before people jump down my throat for using the word "exploit" here, I should add that back in the day people argued that wall-capping was working as intended. The fact that they seem to have fixed it supports my assertion that it was indeed an exploit (as if your avatar vanishing and not being targetable wasn't proof enough for you).

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That is exactly what I meant by wall capping. Standing in a corner is not cheap, it's smart, and any decently minded player can stop a cap that way.


They've long since fixed the wall glitch though, you can't get in there anymore like you used to... that's what I meant.

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They've long since fixed the wall glitch though, you can't get in there anymore like you used to... that's what I meant.


Nah, you can still get in there. Still aren't able to see the capping beam, still aren't able to see the player name, when you select them the targeting reticle doesn't show up.


I'm done complaining about it. It's gotten to the point where I will stand inside the bunker when known corner cappers are in the warzone and I will sit there just to ruin their fun. That is until they get the rest of their premade to murder me and they cap the node while I'm trying to run back.

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