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So I cancelled my subscription today


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:rak_02: so what you're saying is that Aric Jorgan or any of the other Cathar NPC's never existed in game?


In case you missed my point, most of the heavy lifting was already done. If it took three EA employees more than a week to add them to the character creation menu they were slacking. Using a 100USD loaded rate and a 40hr work week, that's 12,000USD. Even if it took them a month, the cost would have been trivial compared to monthly revenue.


lol i love how you pinpointed exactly how many people even down the amount of hours they worked on the project to get Cathar into the game.


sources please? unless you're with the occupy bioware movement and you have infiltrated the machine. if that then bravo. steal some stuff out of the vending machines for me and maybe a plush toy from the CEO's desk.

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:rak_02: so what you're saying is that Aric Jorgan or any of the other Cathar NPC's never existed in game?


In case you missed my point, most of the heavy lifting was already done. If it took three EA employees more than a week to add them to the character creation menu they were slacking. Using a 100USD loaded rate and a 40hr work week, that's 12,000USD. Even if it took them a month, the cost would have been trivial compared to monthly revenue.


Clearly not a software developer nor a manager of them.

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When people quit this game where do they go?


I see all these people quitting and I doubt they are just up and quiting MMOs so where are they going? Apparently WOW is losing people left and right, the forums here indicate that this game is losing people left and right....which game are all these people going to?

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First of all, let me say that I did not do this just because I was angry at the new 2.1 update, in a rage-quit kind of way. Sure, I wasn’t happy, but that’s not the real reason. I’m not posting here just to vent my frustration.

Yes, you did and yes, you are. But no one cares very much.


You're not quitting for good. People who quit for good just quit. They don't post "Hey, everyone, pay attention to me as I announce I'm quitting!" posts.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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When people quit this game where do they go?


I see all these people quitting and I doubt they are just up and quiting MMOs so where are they going? Apparently WOW is losing people left and right, the forums here indicate that this game is losing people left and right....which game are all these people going to?


probably doing what i did when i took a 3 month break from the game. bounce around from F2P to F2P game trying to find one you like.

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:rak_02: so what you're saying is that Aric Jorgan or any of the other Cathar NPC's never existed in game?


In case you missed my point, most of the heavy lifting was already done. If it took three EA employees more than a week to add them to the character creation menu they were slacking. Using a 100USD loaded rate and a 40hr work week, that's 12,000USD. Even if it took them a month, the cost would have been trivial compared to monthly revenue.


Took them that long just to make textures to put other dummies. GG bioware!

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Every MMO i have ever played has had cosmetic items or changes available for sale in some kind of market:


Star Trek Online.(Borg Collective)

Warhammer Online.



Guild Wars 2.

Star Wars Galaxies(IIRC)

Guild Wars.


And so on... this is not a new practice among MMOs, I guarantee you Elder Scrolls Online and World of Darkness will both eventually have something similar.


Since I never played those MMOs, I'm curious which if any let you customize your toon without having to spend real life currency.


WoW had a barbershop which only cost ingame gold, and renames/race/gender/faction change which cost dollars.

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Took them that long just to make textures to put other dummies. GG bioware!


then they come back here.....i guess EA doesn't really need to worry about people quitting if everyone just keeps coming back because there isn't anything out there.

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When people quit this game where do they go?


I see all these people quitting and I doubt they are just up and quiting MMOs so where are they going? Apparently WOW is losing people left and right, the forums here indicate that this game is losing people left and right....which game are all these people going to?


While I disagree with the premise of the OP quitting, there are a ton of good MMO's out there; swtor is in a very competitive market. Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter, Skyrim.....on and on with more coming.

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While I disagree with the premise of the OP quitting, there are a ton of good MMO's out there; swtor is in a very competitive market. Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter, Skyrim.....on and on with more coming.


Skyrim isnt an MMO.


ESO is an MMO.


I haven't heard many good things about Neverwinter OR ESO though, so they will probably go "unplayed" by me at least.

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Yeah, there is very little to keep a subscriber interested in this game anymore. I feel like its just turned into a giant cash grab, and EA is attempting to milk SWToR as much as possible before it dies completely.



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:rak_02: so what you're saying is that Aric Jorgan or any of the other Cathar NPC's never existed in game?


In case you missed my point, most of the heavy lifting was already done. If it took three EA employees more than a week to add them to the character creation menu they were slacking. Using a 100USD loaded rate and a 40hr work week, that's 12,000USD. Even if it took them a month, the cost would have been trivial compared to monthly revenue.


Well they have changed the way the old Cathar look , fur ? Also are the voice actors new on the Cathar ? They would have had to work out and get rid of fur clipping through all the different armors. Mind you it has taken an awful long time IMO. I'll tell you what though the the race in your avatar picture would take a lot longer , do you know why ? Yes they are in game as NPC's but those tentacles front and back , don't move on the NPC convo's , so they would have to be re-worked. They didn't cheat as such as there was/is no need for the tentacles to be free flowing if they don't move their heads , well that bit is part and part.





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The changing of appearance for real money is something a lot of MMO's do, and I doubt it's going to go away.

It would've been nice if they'd have done it the way WoW does it, AKA superficial changes like hair style, color and facial hair are all paid for with in game money, but something huge (like race changes) you have to pay for with real money.

Alas, they went with a system that's similar to Aion, TERA and several others - the all or nothing approach.


I'm not happy with the way they've done the dyes either, but it was to be expected...

You could always buy them from the GTN - and if you really want to spend real money on them instead of in game currency, buy something else and sell it to another player - that way you won't have to deal with the gambling.


Let me point out that its completely free in lord of the rings to change your appearance at anytime. Also free in APB, these are the only two mmo's I have played that allowed character appearance to be changed. They should have made it credit based and not CC... $10 to change your characters hairstyle, body etc. is silly.

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then they come back here.....i guess EA doesn't really need to worry about people quitting if everyone just keeps coming back because there isn't anything out there.


It isn't that there isn't anything out there. Swtor is just better. For me anyways. Granted, I only have characters to level 30, am still pretty new. Maybe some long-time players are just hoping that new content comes out that is as good as the content to level 50.


EA is a business. Can't say I know exactly what is going on but this is pretty certain: if I am running a business under model 1 which makes less money but I have more customers, then I change to model 2 which has less customers but makes a greater overall profit- I am going to stick with 2. I think that is kind of what is going on here. F2P will always anger the long term players who were here from the start, but new players will love it.


In all- I can't see paying for something you don't have yet. I pay month to month because my toons are only level 30 and I know I have at least another 30 days of good gaming before I get those two classes, and any other classes I make, to level 50. No, I don't plan on buying the expansion. If the game has run its course for me in the next 30 days, I'll just cancel. But I definitely would not pay past when I have an expectation to be past level 50 on the toons and classes I want to play. I just don't see the content being there. I won't complain about it, I will continue to advocate for more and better end-game content, but when and if the time comes, I'll just cancel.


IMO this is part of the reason for really good guilds. A guild that stretches across multiple mmo's. Then you always know you have friends and a good people to learn and play the game with (not to mention getting twinked) regardless of what mmo you want to play. If EA (or whoever) is the corporate boss, the answer for the players are strong guilds. Kind of like unions, but rather than dealing with contracts and so forth, they just offer solid alternatives, endorsed by people that you have known for awhile and whos opinions you trust. .

Edited by Xeperi
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Let me point out that its completely free in lord of the rings to change your appearance at anytime. Also free in APB, these are the only two mmo's I have played that allowed character appearance to be changed. They should have made it credit based and not CC... $10 to change your characters hairstyle, body etc. is silly.


Good job it's free in APB after the initial release disaster , a month later sold on to someone who could actually fix the game.





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I get what the OP is saying. I have no problem with the Cartel Market. I don't buy packs anymore (just a waste of money for all the crap you get) but I have bought a couple of sets of armor because I liked the look. But as paying subs we do get the short end of the stick. Makeb. Not and expac, this was a DLC. A true expansion is like the ones that WoW puts out. 20 levels, huge content release. That is an expansion to me. What we got was a DLC. And I have no problems with DLCs. Get them on my 360 all the time. But what I thought was funny was how they made a big deal out of it like it was a game changer. Nope. Just some content that would occupy people for a week or so. Not a game changer at all. That is what expansions do. They make the game more. RotHC did not make the game better. Just gave you a few more hours of gameplay, which everyone appreciates. But call it what it is. It was a DLC. And I didn't mind paying for it. Someone earlier said that they need to decide on a model, F2P or subscription. I agree. You can't do both. If you have subs, you have to give, and yes I said give, content that can exist outside the F2P arena. Look at the crafting system. About the only thing you can really make money off of is Augment slots. Or maybe purple 28 armor mods. All other money is made from the rare items in Cartel Packs. Crafting Orange armor and selling it doesn't work anymore. That is one aspect that the CM has started to ruin the game. I like to craft. There need to be more schematics for Orange gear in the game. Or even purple. I don't know why they put the crafting system they have into play if they knew, and the had to know, that the CM would kill it.

For fluff, the CM is fine. And by fluff I mean toys, mounts, banners, things like that. But what it has done to those of us that don't want to spend hundreds of dollars just to get Revan's Mask is limit what we can get in the game. Personally, I always thought that Revan's Mask should have been a rare drop in a Flashpoint. But the OP is right, This is a slippery slope that EA is on with this game and because of the CM and F2P, it has made having a subscription almost obsolete. I do get it. The CM probably saved this game from shutting down a year after it launched. But that was EA's fault. Not the subs. EA put out a half-assed game with no endgame content and expected to retain subs. I would have waited longer for the game in order to have that content. Then maybe we wouldn't be in the "is it F2P or subscription" gray area that we are in now.


Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

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When people quit this game where do they go?


I see all these people quitting and I doubt they are just up and quiting MMOs so where are they going? Apparently WOW is losing people left and right, the forums here indicate that this game is losing people left and right....which game are all these people going to?


I highly doubt we're losing people left and right -- at least, not any faster or slower than most other games.


I was actually shocked to see how many MMOs are out right now. While most are F2P -- some are actually decent, and not being hyped enough IMO.


Alas -- this became my new WoW. I started WoW in beta, played until Cata -- with at least a 2-3 month break before each expac. So far, similar story here.


I think the problem is -- so many people have so much time to play, they eat through all of the content and want something more. I've logged over 300 hours in this game, and STILL haven't seen a single Republic storyline past lvl 30. That is what I'm working on now, when not casually raiding with my guild, running guild events, playing other games, or unplugging from a computer.

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Skyrim isnt an MMO.


ESO is an MMO.


I haven't heard many good things about Neverwinter OR ESO though, so they will probably go "unplayed" by me at least.


My bad on skyrim :p Then we are in agreement that despite all of this (the thread), swtor is still just the better game. What I like about Neverwinter is the forge. If that game ends up being as mod-able as Neverwinter Nights 1, I will end up probably spending most of my time there. Simply because the player-made content (persistent worlds) for nwn1 has been some of the finest gaming I have ever done. I would still be there but the game is extremely elderly, and the persistent world that I played for about 6 years, has lost most of its dev staff and it is slowly dying. Funny though, when I was playing that for those years, I did donate an average of $15 a month to help keep servers up and pay for stuff. Most of us did. Kind of like a sub but with no perks for subbing. Just loved the game that much.

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Well they have changed the way the old Cathar look , fur ?

I suppose I can't blame them for trying to improve the quality. Good looking fur shaders that are performant are hard. But I'd call that more of an engine feature than a race one since it can be used for other races.


Also are the voice actors new on the Cathar ?

Are they? Or did they add a growl filter? Yes I pulled that from my rear-end, but it's neat what one can do with FFT's these days.


They would have had to work out and get rid of fur clipping through all the different armors.

Fur is like grass. Regardless of implementation (shader or geometry) it should be trivial to disable under the covered pieces. Heck, many clothing implementations remove covered geometry to avoid clipping issues.


Mind you it has taken an awful long time IMO.

I think that's due to shifting development priorities (F2P, CM, Gree, Makeb, etc.)


Note: I have no problem with EA charging for new races. Not all that interested in the Cathar but I would happily pay for a Togruta unlock. What I utterly disagree with is that the price is needed to recoup their development cost. The question is will new races be profitable enough to add development resources over and above the yet-another-armor-reskin artists.


I'll tell you what though the the race in your avatar picture would take a lot longer , do you know why ? Yes they are in game as NPC's but those tentacles front and back , don't move on the NPC convo's , so they would have to be re-worked. They didn't cheat as such as there was/is no need for the tentacles to be free flowing if they don't move their heads , well that bit is part and part.

I'm aware of the issues that Togruta have. I'm hopeful that the new #46 female hairstyle is a test run on how to handle the mondrils(?).

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I subscribe, but I'm not sure why?

I spend +-$12 a month and get 600 cartel coins.

And when I run into players who play for free, they spend their $10 to get 1200 cartel coins!


The FTP players can buy unlocks with their savings, but as a subscriber I still have to pay for unlocks.

I checked what unlocks are free and its really not taking away from game experience If you spaced out your purchasing of unlocks each month. The FTP players are way ahead and saving.


Remind me again, why I'm supposed to feel warm and fuzzy about, "Yeah but I'm a subscriber"??


Not being crass, just really missing the point or something. Pleas give me an answer.

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Just go pay-2-win already. If cartel market and microtransactions are more important than actually putting out engaging content for your subscribers let me just use cartel coins to upgrade my current 69/72 modded gear to mod's lvl 500 and let me purchase a billion credits with real-world money. let me buy pre-leveled 55 characters or buy a clickie which will take a lvl 1 toon to 55 instant (like on the PTR - so this ability is already coded in)


I want to pay to win. furries and some craptastic dyes aren't enough for my real life currency. if you want me to pay for cartel coins then put meaningful items in the Cartel Market

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