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I've never seen a greater sense of entitlement


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Alliance players expecting the win the Siege of Orgrimmar because Blizzard made Thrall the hero of Cataclysm.


Now there was some seriously stupid entitlement.


Almost made me faction swap my Pandaren.


Uhh no. Its because Horde nuked one of their famous city and now they are playing sidekick.


Regardless, customers ARE ENTITLED as they are the one paying. Now if you're still not satisfied, then stop paying them.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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I disagree. Guess what happens when you complain to the cable company or your water/power provider? Nothing. Maybe you should all learn a lesson here: complaining and whining is not always the appropriate solution. And for once look at it from their point of view, they are in it to make money, regardless of you may want/need. I think they've given the F2P plenty. In addition, I think they are making every effort to make the existing game as good as they can for everyone. AND, they keep addressing al of your complaints. So, again, if you're still not happy after, almost, a year and a half, go play GW2. And I played that game, and it stunk.


Then you're complaining all wrong to your cable company! Water/power is different.

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Ok how can i put this. hmm ok ppl are saying if they are going to charge you reall money for stuff, like dyes,eye, color, etc what is next. Yes you dont have to play real money for some of the stuff. But what is next what will come out of the cartel market next? yes now you are not bother with it, but maybe its going to be new content that you will pay for with real money and also need CC for it also? i see both sides yes you dont have to pay for it but where does the line stop, thats one thing i dont see ppl talking about. What is the cut off how far will they go with it?
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It annoys me. Go play another game if this one does not please you.


That is all.


0/10 troll.


Seriously though. I just want my $14.99 per month to mean something other than, I get more **** than the truly F2P sponges take, and I'd GLADLY give my monthly CC stipend away if it meant that I could get a decent story update besides a generic DLC. I bought this game WAY back because it was a Star Wars MMO, it was a hotbar MMO that WASN'T fantasy based, and it promised a HUGE character story. I played 1-50, and was left going, "WoW that was amazing, I can't wait to see what they'll come up with next!"


I'm still waiting. I'm still paying, and nowhere is my Bounty Hunter's story being expanded at all. EA is forcing my favorite gaming company to spew out cosmetic dog **** to appease a growing base of fickle jerks who no longer want to support the subscription model. So now we get F2P mediocrity. Every game I've seen go F2P loses quality content in favor of lackluster baubles that keep the easily distracted in their computer chairs just a bit longer.


I don't feel entitled. I feel cheated. They took all of the stuff we HAD when the game launched and said if you don't want to pay for it, then you don't get this; which is fine. But while the F2P'ers continuously buy the unlocks to play the full game, we people who have already been paying this get NOTHING. We get up to 600 cartel coins, and the game as we bought it originally. We got cartel coins... that's the loyalty we've been shown by being good paying customers for this product since day one. Now we have people like you, OP, who come along and say that WE are entitled? No, sir. We're still waiting to get our money's worth, and free virtual currency to buy meaningless baubles is not adequate compensation for being a good customer.


We should be getting our class stories filled out. New voice overs, or at the very least a textual version of chapter 4. Hell, make it all Huttese since none of us know what they're actually saying, and just reading the subtitles. Reuse the VO, give us more story. Expand our companion storylines. Those of us who married our companions, let's have more dialogue based around that. This is what we're waiting for as paying customers. Not a brand spanking new expansion every quarter. Just roll out small class updates to our stories. Keep the big stuff like Rise of the Hutt Cartel as a cash product, we subs will pay for it. Most of us were fine doing so.


Screw EA, long live BW.

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Another thread about "entitled whiners"? Can we move on please? If a person pays for something, they can ask for more if they think they are not getting what they pay for. How do you think things change?


If I think my sub is being devalued by the cartel market items then that is my opinion. Who are you to tell me I am wrong. Considder where the bar is set with the industry leader, WoW. Simple cosmetic changes are in-game credit, everything else costs money. There is the bar.


As for the "You get free CCs every month to pay for it" thing? That was not the deal at the start, and we all know it. Those were an incentive for us to keep subbing; they were also a gift to subscribers to offset the new f2p stuff. They were not for us to pay for the CM updates. They are not enough to pay for the new features, so if you want anything in any decent amount of time, you have to pay more than your sub. Fact.


With the new additions to the CM, the escrow specificaly, my sub is not worth as much as it was before. Now one of the limitations of f2p is offset by the CM, so my sub looks like less of a boon and more of a raw deal. This goes with the xp boosts beeing cheaper, which makes that limitation less of a problem, and all the one time purchases which unlock features which I have to pay for every month. My sub is devalued by the CM and CC, and unless I get more than the monthly stipend, that is the way I will feel.


Know what's funny, though? With all of this, I really dont care. I pay a sub every month because I am lazy and dont want to worry about having to buy CCs through the draconic and difficult to use and glitchy system used to pay for them. My sub goes every three months without problem, and I enjoy the game.


Do you know what I take issue with? The "entitled whiners" threads. I pay a sub, and I am entitled, to what I pay for. The bar was set by the industry leader, and we are seeing a feature given to us which flies under that like a pole vaulter with a too short pole. Lets let this entitled thing go, and concentrate on telling the company what we expect for our money. Maybe some people could express their opinions in a better way, and change the "tone" of their posts to be less complain-y and more state-y of their expectations. And when someone does seem "whiney", we could ask them to either elaborate on their idea, or ask them to consider a better way of posting so they may be taken a little more seriously by the folks they are trying to convince, ei. EA.

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we the 1% DEMAND that our 15 dollars allows us ALL and i mean ALL cartel market items to be given for FREE. not a single cent will be paid towards the market.


the 1% has spoken. until then our 'sub' fee is WORTHLESS.

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Another thread about "entitled whiners"? Can we move on please? If a person pays for something, they can ask for more if they think they are not getting what they pay for. How do you think things change?


Italicized the key word.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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I disagree. Guess what happens when you complain to the cable company or your water/power provider? Nothing. Maybe you should all learn a lesson here: complaining and whining is not always the appropriate solution. And for once look at it from their point of view, they are in it to make money, regardless of you may want/need. I think they've given the F2P plenty. In addition, I think they are making every effort to make the existing game as good as they can for everyone. AND, they keep addressing al of your complaints. So, again, if you're still not happy after, almost, a year and a half, go play GW2. And I played that game, and it stunk.


Heh you are right about the water/power company..although in my area there are more alternative power companies rising so we are starting to have choices on that front (but not water and I don't see that happening).But remember when DishNetwork lost AMC right before I think it was season 3 of The Walking Dead?? The tarted losing subs majorly ! And guess what the put AMC back on DishNetwork's programming. And the cable company in my area at least are bending backwards for their customers to gain business back from satellite providers, even giving free hd programming.


So yeah they have to make money , but customers give them that money and a little give on everyones part goes a long way.:)

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the 1% have spoken!


all content must be given to us FREE OF CHARGE


along with a stipend of both cartel coins and real money deposited into a paypal account of our choosing.


yes the 1% must be paid to play SWTOR. to the tune of 25 dollars a month

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Defenitely not the same thing. the reality of SWtOR is that ALL of the changes cost rl money. whether you purchase coins directly or save them up from your subscription, you still had to use rl money to make these changes.


If i decided to make a brand new Cathar Sentinel with the Eradicator Gear, i would first have to come up with 600 coins, the eradicator suit is another 800 coins, and the new matching mask is another 400 coins. thats 1800 coins. i get 600 coins a month for my subscription. so 3 months subscription at $16 a month means i would have paid $48 on my new toon before even attempting to purchase armor dye for him.


In WoW, if i wanted to make a blood elf paladin with Judgment gear, i would simply roll a blood elf and go farm the set. cost me nothing more than the time to obtain it.


Just wanted to point something out... neither for or against OP or your post for that matter...


Before F2P and Cartel Coins: Subs paid $15/m

After F2P and Cartel Coins: Subs pay $15/m


Subs still get access to everything they were getting before F2P. Technically, the CCs that come with subs are in fact... free


So please everyone, drop the "I pay for my monthly CCs with my sub" argument, because it is totally invalid

Edited by Krayven
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the 1% have spoken!


all content must be given to us FREE OF CHARGE


along with a stipend of both cartel coins and real money deposited into a paypal account of our choosing.


yes the 1% must be paid to play SWTOR. to the tune of 25 dollars a month


Obviously you missed the point. Please be constructive. Most people do not apreciate your overly emotional sarcasm. If you intend to troll, please take it to a place it can be apreciated, like a comedy club or on the road.

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Just wanted to point something out... neither for or against OP or your post for that matter...


Before F2P and Cartel Coins: Subs paid $15/m

After F2P and Cartel Coins: Subs pay $15/m


Subs still get access to everything they were getting before F2P. Technically, the CCs that come with subs are in fact... free


they're not free enough!


occupy bioware!!

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I disagree. Guess what happens when you complain to the cable company or your water/power provider? Nothing(1). Maybe you should all learn a lesson here: complaining and whining is not always the appropriate solution (2). And for once look at it from their point of view, they are in it to make money, regardless of you may want/need (3). I think they've given the F2P plenty (4). In addition, I think they are making every effort (5) to make the existing game as good as they can for everyone. AND, they keep addressing al of your complaints (6). So, again, if you're still not happy after, almost, a year and a half, go play GW2. And I played that game, and it stunk.(7)


(1) wrong and Bioware is constantly making changes because of player feedback (not whining)


(2) wrong, if you really care for the game, that's the only way given to its customers


(3) they are generally making much more money with stuff I want than with stuff I don't want


(4) can F2P player voice their opinion here? Why are you talking about F2P player then? missing the argument.


(5) I'm not saying they are making 0 effort but having more lag post 2.1, having constant lag in warzones since.... like ever which could be improved doesn't tell me how much effort they are willing to give. Same goes with rescaling content which obviously is less effort than making new flashpoints?!


(6) exxagerated because no MMO company could ever address all complaints from everyone


(7) how is it your business if other people complain? Are you going to the customer support of any supermarket in you town and start shouting at "complainers" that they should go and chose another store because you are happy? Guess what... the store would throw you out.

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can we put people on an ignore list in the forums?


funny how you're ok with all the complaining about how prices of optional features are high and exorbitant but when i want to occupy bioware.


that's grounds for ignore? lulz.


backward logic people amuse me so.


you'll probably continue ranting and raving about how prices are to high but when i want you to join me in picketing outside bioware offices that is a step to far?


join me brother. we must bring this machine down!!

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Obviously you missed the point. Please be constructive. Most people do not appreciate your overly emotional sarcasm. If you intend to troll, please take it to a place it can be appreciated, like a comedy club or on the road.


Heaven forbid someone make a joke on the internet. Maybe you should grow up.

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funny how you're ok with all the complaining about how prices of optional features are high and exorbitant but when i want to occupy bioware.


that's grounds for ignore? lulz.


backward logic people amuse me so.


you'll probably continue ranting and raving about how prices are to high but when i want you to join me in picketing outside bioware offices that is a step to far?


join me brother. we must bring this machine down!!


I never once complained about high prices. Did you even read what I posted? Or are you just spewing uncontrolably?

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The individual is being pointlessly fecitious and rude. Take your own advice and be constructive on the point please.


so tell me oh wise one..


how does one stay one point about cartel market and the cost of OPTIONAL features that everybody is so up in arms about?


the reason i'm being overly sarcastic is because the fact that so many FORUM regulars are complaining about features that they don't even friggin need. but yet complain about because of a small gateway of some free coins provided to you via your sub cost.

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