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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Games with better dye systems than ToR


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I'd say dc online has the best one I've ever used, it's basically like the character customization screen. I would say this one is the worst, not even considering that the one many people would want comes in lottery ticket form
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Dark Age of Camelot


Dye vendors for cloth (light) Leather (medium) Armor (heavy)


they had about 30 or so different colors and they cost as low as 25 silver for the bottom end stuff up to 30 gold for the most popular. There were also player crafted dyes that were more rare and they were for armors and weapons and they could cost a few hundred gold


if they had released something like this there would have been much happier people on here yesterday


Yep daoc was awesome. Not to mention guild emblems and colors you could put on your cloaks and shields which GW2 kinda did.


For me swtor would be ok if they let all of the dyes drop randomly off bosses in all FPs, Ops, and maybe even heroics of all levels leaving the really rare ones in high end content. Or added to the seeker droid loot table of random crap you can find. Would add a little more incentive to it.

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Dye kits that are destroyable once used, random color combination from CM and top of that rarity dye combination ( blacks and whites).


So effectively Bioware has done best they could to introduce dye system in this game with max benefit cashing from ALL players no matter f2p or not who want to use them.


Now dilemma is that are you willing to pay 2-5million credits for a single dye that will be one time use? That is if you wont participate in RNG and buy from GTN.


It is hilarious what Bioware has done. Your looks and character customization directly will be affected how much money you have. Im skipping those vendor and craftable dyes, most them arent good anyway.


In my opinion ANY mmo (im my lifetime 8 MMO's) i have ever played didnt have this greedy dye system. So i dont name any as this game has worst. Fixed color combinations with RNG most of them.

Edited by Divona
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It's been said before, but I shall say it again.


Star Wars bloody Galaxies.


Not only could you choose the colors and combinations you wanted (God forbid), but there were numerous shades of those colors, so it's your decision whether to have your armor dyed a believable shade of blue versus one that was clearly dropped in a vat of concentrated #0000FF.


(By which I mean that all of this game's "deep" colors make you look like a cartoon.)

Edited by MythosHero
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Neverwinter Nights x) hundreds of different dyes, & 6 layers of your gear that you could apply a different color to. Cloth 1 & 2, Leather 1 & 2, & Metal 1 & 2. Ultimate customization there.


This. No one has done it better. Kinda ironic it is Bioware who did it, don't you think?

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I agree with the others as well that there are far more superior systems in place in several other games they could have used instead. But if we pretend it's about rights restrictions that made them come up with this system instead, they still should have implemented the whole aquisition of dyes much smoother and not with greed as the main reason for it. They should have allowed ingame customization of hair colours, hairstyles, nails, tatoos without CCs involved for subscribers and as an ulock for F2P. Even with the current system of buying with CCs they could have done it ten thousand times smooter byallowing us to buy what we want instead of sinking all our CCs into random packs. That goes for all the silly packs they have on the CM. I for one will never buy CCs apart from the ones I am "given" as a subscriber each month in order to buy a package that may, but most likely isn't containing the item I want.
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I just can't wait for a call for feedback on this patch.


This dye system is..not good. The idea that colors are bound up in some arbitrary (and downright eye-melting) color combinations is not a good way to go. I'm OK with things using 'dye modules' but there need to be three dye compartments per piece of equipment. Not one where the player has to shove in primary or secondary or primary-secondary. Three. Individual. Compartments. Which, then leads me on to my next solution, which is to no longer bind dye modules to primary, secondary or primary-secondary. Just a dye module. Right click, drop-down menu with selection, make a selection for Compartment 1, Compartment 2, Compartment 3. And I suggest three because there are more than two colors per piece of equipment. Maybe I don't want my princess leia slave dancer bra in gold, ok?


Otherwise, my other solution is to outright steal GW2's dye system. (Nobody cares if you steal it. In fact, we'll all probably cheer.) There is a handy little armor icon on our character sheets now. There is plenty of interface real-estate on that panel to put in a button to go to a 'dye armor' panel in which each piece of armor has three little color spots next to each piece, and all you do is click on the little box and choose a dye module from your collection. Nice tie in to the collection system. (right?)


Also, some of these colors just don't belong on metal. Really, they ought to be broken down into material. Sure, you can still use the dye on whatever you want, but some of these hues suits certain materials best.


I get that the last thing EA wants to do is to--wait, never-mind, I have no idea what they do or don't want to do, but I get that it could be kind of a pain to list everything on the the current equipment panel and mouse-over.


Bottom line, this feature was not well conceived, thought through or executed. We may seem like a bunch of ingrates for saying so and expecting better, but some of us still do pay for this game. And, it's also like asking for a nice pair of designer jeans for Christmas, and getting levis instead. Yeah, it's a pair of jeans, but they dont have the right fit or aren't a very good looking pair of jeans.

Edited by SriinKnorei
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DC Universe Online


You can pick a color palette of 3 different colors. You pick these colors from a color wheel.


Then you have on each armor piece (btw the look of the armor is independent from the stats but you have to acquire the armor piece to unlock the 'style') THREE areas of the piece that can be individually colored with the 3 color palette you picked out earlier. Now here's the best thing - you can not only switch which color in your palette effects which armor part ON THE FLY but also which color is in your three color palette - you guessed it - on the fly.


Also you're not paying for a single color because again - color wheel.

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DC Universe Online


You can pick a color palette of 3 different colors. You pick these colors from a color wheel.


Then you have on each armor piece (btw the look of the armor is independent from the stats but you have to acquire the armor piece to unlock the 'style') THREE areas of the piece that can be individually colored with the 3 color palette you picked out earlier. Now here's the best thing - you can not only switch which color in your palette effects which armor part ON THE FLY but also which color is in your three color palette - you guessed it - on the fly.


Also you're not paying for a single color because again - color wheel.


This, so much this. DCUO have the best customization system out there, and there is no need to cash out for dyes, or look for them on the AH there.

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