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Games with better dye systems than ToR


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First, this is not a complaint thread, this is a constructive criticism thread.


Second, the vast majority of people on the forums and in the game agree that the new dye system is a disappointment (to put it mildly).


So let's create a list of games with superior dye systems than our new one.


I'll start it off




Game: Guild Wars 2


System for dye acquisition: Purchasable with real currency in a pack or individually in-game through an auction house.


System for dye storage: In-game item until redeemed, then the dye is unlocked in a color-pallet UI element.


System for dye usage: Each piece if armor has up to 3 dye slots where the user assigns a color to each slot through the color-pallet UI element.


Why you feel it is superior: Easier to use and allows for full customization of colors with no fear of losing colors on armor.




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First, this is not a complaint thread, this is a constructive criticism thread.


Second, the vast majority of people on the forums and in the game agree that the new dye system is a disappointment (to put it mildly).


So let's create a list of games with superior dye systems than our new one.


I'll start it off




Game: Guild Wars 2


System for dye acquisition: Purchasable with real currency in a pack or individually in-game through an auction house.


System for dye storage: In-game item until redeemed, then the dye is unlocked in a color-pallet UI element.


System for dye usage: Each piece if armor has up to 3 dye slots where the user assigns a color to each slot through the color-pallet UI element.


Why you feel it is superior: Easier to use and allows for full customization of colors with no fear of losing colors on armor.




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Yep agree.

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Yes, this "dye" system is a bad joke. I cannot understand how greedy u have to be to require cash for armor dyes, and then its up to a random roll system (in which i always get screwed), and then, u have to settle for whatever clown colored combos they put together themselves.. Many of my friends are also unable to stay connected to the game for more than 5 minutes at a time after this update today.. it looks more and more like this is going to become a "pay to win" game, and if so, no thanks bioware.
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Star Wars Galaxies



Crafted armor recolor kits were made by crafters, and players bought them, and they could recolor crafted armor, it was simple and effective. This nightmare of a game's system is not.

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Guild Wars 2


GW2's gameplay and story may not be to everyones taste, but there is one thing they totally got right and that's their dye system. It is a lesson in how it should be done.


The amount of colour variations and permutations is incredible. There's hundreds of dyes to choose from and every armour piece has several different zones and the colours react differently based on material. It's possible to fine tune colour schemes just as you want.


GW2 has also made discovering and obtaining new dyes fun, not just some horrible cash shop lottery. Yes they sell dye packs in their cash shop and there's some luck involved. However, here's the difference compared to SWTOR - in GW2 you can gain any dye as a drop while adventuring. Kill enough mobs and you might get lucky and find a rare dye. Or you can buy at the Auction House, where there's always a healthy trade in dyes. Plus there's also the Mystic Forge if you fancy gambling.


Another reason the GW2 system is satisfying is that once you've unlocked a dye on your character, its yours to keep and reuse on new items. None of this one-shot nonsense.


The GW2 dye system makes profits for Anet via the cash shop but it does so in a way which doesn't milk the players. Most of all it is a >>FUN<< system which allows the players to get the colours THEY want, not the colours the devs thnk they want.


Now I realise that SWTOR probably has technical reasons why they can't create a similar system to GW2, but surely there has to be a better way than the current horror story?

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Guild Wars


Dyes dropped as loot, meaning they were free - wow, imagine that! - and you could trade/sell them to other players.


You could combine up to 4 dyes to create custom colors then apply the resulting combo to any piece of armor.



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I honestly do not understand why they couldn't just add 2 slots instead of this primary and secondary color crap combination crap.


The answer is simple; having two slots would reduce the number of different types of Dye Mods and therefore reduce the amount of CC spent to find the exact combination you want. This way you spend more money & time than you otherwise would.

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The answer is simple; having two slots would reduce the number of different types of Dye Mods and therefore reduce the amount of CC spent to find the exact combination you want. This way you spend more money & time than you otherwise would.


the fact that you have to spend cartel coins to change the color of your armor into anything decent if you're a subscriber is a whole nother can of worms im happy to open

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Yes, this "dye" system is a bad joke. I cannot understand how greedy u have to be to require cash for armor dyes, and then its up to a random roll system (in which i always get screwed), and then, u have to settle for whatever clown colored combos they put together themselves.. Many of my friends are also unable to stay connected to the game for more than 5 minutes at a time after this update today.. it looks more and more like this is going to become a "pay to win" game, and if so, no thanks bioware.

Because Warzones and Operations are determined by whoever has the better looking outfit. :rolleyes:


By the way, Did your friends update their wifi card recently? What you're saying used to happen to me constantly but then I just updated my wifi card and now I never get disconnected. :jawa_smile:

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My main complaint about the system is they obviously spent a lot of time designing and implementing it when there were far easier solutions. Instead of just allowing recoloring kits and calling it good, they wasted time making this system when they could have been fixing bugs, adding quality of life features, or even making new game content.


Shows you what brings them the most buck for their bang. :rolleyes:

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Because Warzones and Operations are determined by whoever has the better looking outfit. :rolleyes:


By the way, Did your friends update their wifi card recently? What you're saying used to happen to me constantly but then I just updated my wifi card and now I never get disconnected. :jawa_smile:


Well in warzones im pretty sure expertise is a required stat and the +41 crystals do sure love dropping in those packs.

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Game: Global Agenda (FPS)


System for dye acquisition:

  • Purchase solid colors from vendors for in-game cash.
  • Acquire some rare dye patterns as a drop in a raid.
  • Purchase unique color patterns from the cash shop.



System for dye storage: All dyes were Bind on Equip if I remember correctly.


System for dye usage:

  • Three dye slots for armor; Primary, Secondary, and Emissive (glowy bits on the armor). There are two dye slots for weapons; Primary and Emissive
  • Each piece of armor has 3 dye slots where the user assigns a color to each slot through the color-pallet UI element.
  • Dyes of higher "tiers" are generally more vibrant or saturated and lower tiers are more pastel/washed-out/faded.


Why you feel it is superior:

Good control over how my character looks.

Dyes are not destroyed on removal, allowing you to change your look, without fear of losing that rare dye.

Dyes from the cash shop looked truly unique. They were patterns, as opposed to being a solid color.


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Yeah the dyes are not overwhelming. OTOH, I am pleased that crafers at least got something.


Just for some balance, since the OP was about other MMOs, the fact of the matter is that the overwhelming majority of subscription MMO players are in games with no dye system since the big three are WoW, SWTOR, and EVE.

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The Entropia Universe coloring/fashion system is incredible.


Not only can you change colors, but you get paint/dye drops from mobs, that you can then sell to the colorers for profit.


In addition, coloring is a PROFESSION. There are people that make their living in-game by offering coloring services, because you must gain skills in the coloring profession in order to be able to use the better paints. The highest skills are required for the blacks and reds and whites, and so the colorers who have ascended to level 50 or so have a rather successful business.


Coloring works by taking an item and showing you all of the fields that are possible to color, and then allowing you to selectively add the color you want to that field, plus to be able to either use half of the colors required or to use a transparency slider to precisely adjust how much of that color you want to show up.


A preview is always provided in the tool window so that you can see how the item will look when finished.


If any paints are left over, they are converted to game currency and refunded to you in the process, so that you don't lose paints.


In addition to coloring, miners can dig up ores that can also be used to create textures that can then be applied to the same fields. So not only can you color a field purple, but you can give it a texture and give it much more depth than a simple color.


Texturizing is its own service skill, and manufacturing textures is also a crafting skill. So the entire system feeds into the game economy by allowing hunters and miners to find the items needed for coloring and texturizing, then feeding those to either the service layer or a crafting layer to produce the textures, and then the crafters can sell the textures to the Texturers to round out the cycle.


Or, some of the most capable players have intergrated all of them and have become the superstars of fashion in the game... such as Leeloo or Sarah.


In addition, not only can you color and texture some armors, clothing and housing furnishings and so forth, you can also do the same with vehicles.


My Sleipnir Mk1 spacecraft is custom-colored with a Fine Silk texture and a Cornsilk color, so that it gleams in the sunlight—and in CryEngine 2, this matters. I also have a Valkryie Mk 1 ground vehicle and a Hyper-combat helicopter that's also colored with the same colors and textures, so they look like a matched set. My Sæhrímnir (Hummer-type) vehicle is done up with a sandy/rocky texture that makes it look like it's covered in mud.


I've yet to see its equal in any other game, although my MMO experience is somewhat limited.


Some examples:


Sleipnir Mk1 departing Calypso for another planet:



Valkyrie Mk1 (You can really see the way the Fine Silk texture makes it gleam in the sun in this one):





Edited by Kubernetic
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SWG had awesome armor customization.


Rift also has some good armor color mechanics.


i just dont get the way they did this. it doesnt make much sense from a basic problem solving process



SWG's dye system was based purely on the palette alotted to each item piece. Some had different or partial palettes (like some pieces of Mandalorian armor.) While it was acceptable, it didn't allow complete freedom and in some cases made it impossible to match some items.


EQ had a pretty cool system since you could pick any shade you wanted with an actual RGB scale. By far the best armor dye system I've seen. They were also craftable by players and to this day, still sell pretty well. Really nice part was, you could make your armor colors look like anything in the game. Wanted to make your armor look the same color as the old Velious faction armors? No problem. Just put in the correct RGB (which you could look up on the web) and voila. I had a fondness for Cobalt's deep gray blue shade and still use it on my warrior. ;)


Every other armor/clothing dye system I've seen in MMOs has been a poor immitation. The one they just added into SWTOR is just a step above Lord of the Rings (which is the worst.) Light this, Medium that, Deep whatsit. I'm guessing we'll be lucky to see 3 hues of each color and many lack the metallic sheen some color effects have. I guess that means they'll add in matte, glossy, metallic and so on as well.


Don't even get me started on the "collections" system. CE items, crystals and other junk aren't even correctly added. And for some odd reason, I have a few war hero crystals which I never use. The only war hero crystals I've ever had in my inventory are cyan ones I've made to sell (which was over a year ago since I made one.)


I give BioWare a big golf clap. Sure glad Legacy of Romulus is out in a few days. At least I won't be able to finish that whole expansion in a day like Rise of the Hutt Cartel. It's entirely f2p with few limitations, if ya wanna check it out.

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