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Beware: Dye Modules, TOTAL RIPOFF


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Or... instead of creating some convoluted system of crap they could've just listed out all of the dyes on the market.

Or... instead of over-complicating this to scam their existing customers they could have just put a color picker on the kiosk.


Do *you realize that either of those solutions are 100 times simpler and would have made their customers 100 times happier and they would have made 100% the same amount of profit or higher? No, of course you don't. You want to play Forum Warrior and feel tough. Also, your subscription is due. Make sure your CC info is up to date so they can keep taking your money and you can keep buying those lottery tickets.


Most of the dyes are listed out for you when you level your Artifice Skill sufficiently. I imagine that only exceedingly rare (read Exclusive) dyes are not listed under the Artifice Skill. Expecting the GTN to actually list out what all the dyes are ahead of time would require a fundamental redesign of how the GTN actually works, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.


As for your second suggestion of adding a color selector to the kiosk... Yeah lets make it so we have to pay cartel coins each and every single time we want to change the color of our gear instead of paying something easier and cheaper to acquire such as credits.

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Does anyone actually think the devs are sitting in their offices patting each other on the back for this dye system?


They designed it this way. That's how much they care.


I too was shocked and shagrined that the brown parts on all the pieces of the Jedi Valiant set don't dye...I mean, what's the point in changing the other colors with a whole-lot-o'-brown separating your otherwise nice color combination?


There's no reason to pay cartel coins to duplicate the set to another character if it's effectively undye-able, and yet another reason not to play roulette with the absurd random box scheme.


There is nothing these guys do that is completely thought-out. When they announced FTP, they KNEW Makeb was going to cost extra, and they STILL told us we'd have unlimited access to future game features and updates. They didn't think that'd come back to bite them in the ***?


They KNEW we'd hate this new cartel patch with the inanely implemented dye system, but they did it anyway. They had to know what was coming......didn't they?


If they are truly and honestly shocked by our response to this patch, this game is in major trouble.

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But we can't... still.


Each piece of gear has at least 3 (THREE!!!!!!!!!!!) colors. The Dye Modules change up to 2 (TWO?!?!?) colors. Meaning that gear which would otherwise be nice looking like the Pathfinder's set... remains primarily a dismal color. In this case brown.


How about an option to change the third color? We'd pay you for it! How about AT LEAST an option to match the third color to one of the other two?


I bought the Pathfinder set in anticipation of 2.1. Thinking FINALLY a style with a hood AND cloak colored like a Sith!! You DO know that many of the Sith in your trailers and in canon wore clothes with a black hood and a cloak, right? Sadly you've only made this style Jedi colored. What a pity...



/like I also would like to see that we can actually costumize all of our gear, f.e. Agent's pants.

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Enjoy spending all your coins trying to get black dye.


That's exactly what I hate about the dyes. I wouldn't mind spending cartel coins on it if I knew I was going to get the colors I wanted. All I want is ONE black/black dye module, but right now the only way to get it is either spend a ton of real life money on coins until I finally get one or 500,000+ credits on the GTN. Neither option seems worth it. :(

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If you feel it is trivial, then don't use it. If you feel it is trivial, why are you wasting energy on it in the forum?


AND... it DOES NOT REQUIRE a player to play the lottery. Stop exaggerating.... all you are doing is discrediting your own comments when you exaggerate.


Look, yes it's optional. No, we don't have to use it. So I don't. Here's my problem with the system:


We asked for a system to be in place and they delivered. Yay about time.


unfortunately I'm restricted STILL, by the choices they want to hand me. Instead of handing me two slots to use different dyes with, I'm forced to use what combinations they choose to come up with. So its still not customization for me by any means. Most of the colors are garbage and I don't want black on black so that combo would never be worth the cost.


I would probably play their lottery if I actually could get something useful to customize with, but thats impossible with the current implementation of the system. So yeah, it's optional and I choose not to waste my coins on a poorly implemented, Yet desperately requested system.


One day they may get it right. Hopefully before I lose interest in the game. (no dyes were not going to keep me here, everyone eventually stops playing a game.)

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That's exactly what I hate about the dyes. I wouldn't mind spending cartel coins on it if I knew I was going to get the colors I wanted. All I want is ONE black/black dye module, but right now the only way to get it is either spend a ton of real life money on coins until I finally get one or 500,000+ credits on the GTN. Neither option seems worth it. :(


Thats pretty cheap on my server. Black/black is 4mil+ last I checked.

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If you feel it is trivial, then don't use it. If you feel it is trivial, why are you wasting energy on it in the forum?


AND... it DOES NOT REQUIRE a player to play the lottery. Stop exaggerating.... all you are doing is discrediting your own comments when you exaggerate.


It is a GARBAGE system. Explaining the system to other players doesn't change the fact that it's garbage. Why don't you quit acting like it's not a blatant attempt to rip people off. That's what it is. They worked overtime to rip everyone off. There's no other reason for convoluting the most basic feature beyond recognition.


If they leave this feature as is then players will continue to feel ripped off and they will continue to express those feelings.


If their new design philosophy is to over complicate every tiny feature and turn it into a lottery system then this game will die within the year.


But OK... keep debating and explaining and apologizing for EA. That really really helps the future of this game.

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Hey Folks,


this is my first post in an SWTOR Forum. I am a girl gamer and without any shame I admit that I love dressing virtual puppets. I got many characters in many online games, I spend days and days with character generation and my favorite game activity is SHOPPING! With other words I am totally crazy about my barbies and willing to spend lots of real money to make them look gorgeous.


When I heard that one can color gear in SWTOR, I was exited. Finally! Lucky me, I'm just taking a break from work, enough time to work through more than 20 Characters and their Companions. Heaven on earth!


Now a few days have passed and here are the results: 2 Robes, 1 Boots, 1 Top, 1 Belt, 1 Gauntlets colored.

I spent hours at the General Trade Market, in the Cartel Market and at several vendors working through all the chest pieces. Results: About 10 items colored.

And when I finally found a set worth coloring, I found out that there is no way to get a preview of the differently colored pieces all together. Not to mention the custom gear that can't be colored at all.


I cannot explain how disappointed I am. I agree with everything I have red in this threat. The whole dye system is poor and no fun at all. However, I really appreciate the new design shop, its a good service. Yet one feature is missing:




May the force be with you,


Edited by Snowangel
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originally posted by Ancaglon

In a way, I'm happy that people can't just pick black/black -- if that were the case I imagine at least 50% the characters and companions you see would be in black/black,


I don't understand why this would be a problem. Assuming 50% of players were involved with the Imperial faction (Imperial army and Sith particularly) black would feature prominently in choices for canon costuming. It would be consistent with imagery depicted in the IP.


If there is one thing about SWTOR that keeps me trying to play it is the story driven approach to gameplay. That's the reason I'm disappointed when I see decisions made that compromise aesthetic for profit. In game I can disable nameplates and don't have to see XXDarthPlayaXX but a Sith in Lakers gear (rare yellow/purple) can't be erased.

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In a way, I'm happy that people can't just pick black/black -- if that were the case I imagine at least 50% the characters and companions you see would be in black/black, and probably higher in warzones, especially on the Imperial teams. By putting the most sought-after dyes in yet more "gambling" packs, they've created another way to persuade people to spend cash trying to get them.


(Admittedly, I'd like to get a white/white combo for my PVP set, which already had a white saber crystal and "off-white" gear -- Voss robe, Alderaan pants -- but I'll wait and see if I can pick one up at a moderate price via GTN rather than obsessively opening a bunch of dye packs).


In other games, they still made black and white rare and hard to find with out implementing their dye system with a serious case of retardation.

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And when I finally found a set worth coloring, I found out that there is no way to get a preview of the differently colored pieces all together. Not to mention the custom gear that can't be colored at all.


I cannot explain how disappointed I am. I agree with everything I have red in this threat. The whole dye system is poor and no fun at all. However, I really appreciate the new design shop, its a good service. Yet one feature is missing:


Most MMO's have decent color system, i know lotro has very nice UI so you can preview EACH gear piece separately when using dye color preview.

This game has really badly developed dye system. I leave the Cartel issues aside for now as this is stupid like majority community agrees.

Problem is fixed color combination and as you said cant preview each gear individually.

But i know why they did like that. They can introduce new color combinations in future cartel packs.


Im just dissapointed and not really intresed dyeing my alts or companions. Those colors i wanted cost alot and even i could afford them i just wont do that. Not worth the credits or CC to get fixed color combinations.

Edited by Divona
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I think BW are going too far with the 'lucky dip' approach.


Fine, make certain items rare and hard to find in 'lucky dips'


However, colours like black should be able to be bought, separately. Ditto any of the collection sets.


I get that the game needs to make money and most of it is (probably) coming from the CM via CC purchases. However with 2.1, I think BW went too far and is like to see them rollback from this.

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This game has turned into a sad joke. They don't care either folks. They know you're all gonna quit. They are counting on it. They don't care if you quit. The only thing that matters now is how many garbage lottery tickets you buy from now until they shut it down. True story.
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But OK... keep debating and explaining and apologizing for EA. That really really helps the future of this game.


Isn't debating and explaining one player to another one of the main things gaming forums exist for? Or are they only for you and others to make grossly exaggerated statements (that go against known fact) unchallenged and to declare things GARBAGE unchallenged?


As for apploigzing.. I have not appologized for anything related to the dye system. I have in fact acknowledged it has clear constraints and ecouraged people to test the limits of those constraints (like everything in MMOs, because there are always constraints in MMOs) rather then throw around non-factual exaggerations and personal proclomations and then attacking anyone who disagrees. :rolleyes:


Interestingly enough, warts and all..the dye system is a great improvement to players abilites to customize their gear. Some players agree with me and have said so in the forum. Sorry you cannot or will not see that. Is it perfect? NOPE. Is it an improvement over what we had with just "color match to chest"? Definitely.

Edited by Andryah
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It will happen. they will sell like hotcakes and most of the people who complain here including you will buy tons of dye packs. and this is why they are doing it this way.


Actually some players will become smart and wait for them to appear on the GTN like I did. I knew I wanted the green on green and I waited to purchase them from the GTN and paid in game credits to a player instead.

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This game has turned into a sad joke. They don't care either folks. They know you're all gonna quit. They are counting on it. They don't care if you quit. The only thing that matters now is how many garbage lottery tickets you buy from now until they shut it down. True story.


Feel better now?


Is this what you call using the forum to make the game better? Really?

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Actually some players will become smart and wait for them to appear on the GTN like I did. I knew I wanted the green on green and I waited to purchase them from the GTN and paid in game credits to a player instead.




Every single dye in the first release that I wanted for armor dying I now have multiple copies of and in storage for my use. It cost me ZERO coins (hey Anzel.. that means I did not play any lottery, or spend any cartel coins ;) ) and frankly cost me less then if I actually used my Artificer (on a total investment basis).


Dyes are a new feature in the game. I you like/want dyes.. they are available to any player who would like to go get them off the GTN. Dyes have constraints... but even with the constraints.. they are well enough done for first release to let players make some very nice color improvements to their gear.

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This game has turned into a sad joke. They don't care either folks. They know you're all gonna quit. They are counting on it. They don't care if you quit. The only thing that matters now is how many garbage lottery tickets you buy from now until they shut it down. True story.


You would be wrong. I have no intention of quitting. And I purchased my dye from the GTN, so no "lottery" tickets for me and it was the same way I got my silver/blue crystal I wanted. I used the GTN to get and did my dailies and my crafting to make the credits.

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The Thana set looks good with the untouched portion when dyed pink\purple. Just a nice subtle addition of color. :p


But yeah there are many sets with this "third (base) color" that apparently cannot be altered. Most unfortunate.

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The Thana set looks good with the untouched portion when dyed pink\purple. Just a nice subtle addition of color. :p


But yeah there are many sets with this "third (base) color" that apparently cannot be altered. Most unfortunate.


Yes but as you said for the Thana Vesh set it's nice. And frankly it's nice for many many chestpieces, especially when it's linings, some subtle patterns, etc...

If the gear was only 2 colours it would really be bland on most and would loose a lot of volume, especially for people who want to dye black/black.


If you have a chance, and if you like Jedi garbs, do try (in preview) the black/black or white/white on the higher level versions of the Jedi initiate vestments, for example you can try on lvl 47-50 orange versions of it that always are on sale at the GTN... primeval something I think's called as orange, or proto-artifact primeval as a purple, I don't remember exactly...


You will see what I mean, and that it would be a shame that all those linings, all those patterns, would be lost, erased if the dye system would allow to overwrite them, so to speak.



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I imagined that the dye system would be something like, using sliders to color set sections of your gear, then you would pay a said amount for the total via CC's.


I didn't mind that or even if when you bought the dyes from the Cartel Market you could keep them forever, even if it was just for that one character...but nope.


It's obvious though that Bioware/EA goal is not to give players what they want.


It's to give them "half" of what they want and find a way to justify charging for it.

Edited by Tiaa
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Interestingly enough, warts and all..the dye system is a great improvement to players abilites to customize their gear. Some players agree with me and have said so in the forum. Sorry you cannot or will not see that. Is it perfect? NOPE. Is it an improvement over what we had with just "color match to chest"? Definitely.


An improvement? Yes. A great improvement? No. Is it worth the money? Definitely not.



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