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You are trying to Kill your own Product


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Most people that have played MMO's are used to this on opening days. in SWG the Bria server went down constantly for months WITH rollbacks. In WoW some servers had up to 2 hour qeues for a month or so then it slowly slacked off.


Did people really think they were going to just close "pre-order" servers from the people on launch day? This would cause a ton of guilds/friends to not get all the members in who didn't opt for the pre-order.


Letting us get an early head start was something they didn't have to do at all. Remember that.

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LoL Were you at the WoW Launch? Worse waits and the servers were constantly down.

They had to give everyone the first 30 days free post launch because of so much downtime.


Say what you want about the waits but I haven't heard about servers crashing at all or people with CTDs.


The game is popular is has waits, get over it or roll on a new server.

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If that were true, why would there a million threads if most people were prepared for it?



Forum trolls make up a small minority of the gaming community, ur like 1% of 1%, you dont speak for most people, and you help ruin games with your horrible ideas and capricious nature. I seriously wish there were no forums at all...



To answer your question there are prolly a couple of thousand threads of people complaining about server ques, and a lot of them are reposts, so gratz, your community of QQs is prolly about 300-400 people in a game community of over 1 million

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Letting us get an early head start was something they didn't have to do at all. Remember that.


They also didn't have to penalize people who pre-ordered by having them be the brunt of any queues. It's almost 2012, I don't think most were prepared for or expecting 2+ hour wait times. Any "early head start" they had will be diminished ten-fold within a week, because they'll be waiting to play while everyone who just started on launch day will be on low population servers. Remember that.

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They also didn't have to penalize people who pre-ordered by having them be the brunt of any queues. It's almost 2012, I don't think most were prepared for or expecting 2+ hour wait times. Any "early head start" they had will be diminished ten-fold within a week, because they'll be waiting to play while everyone who just started on launch day will be on low population servers. Remember that.


2+ hour plus wait times?


I've never sat in a queue longer than 20 minutes on my server which is full constantly...maybe you should have picked a bigger boat (Better server)

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Yes Bioware...you have just achieved it. You 've Just tried to Kill your own Product. I have seen companies having bad project management but u have taken a further step. You achieved to be the bad example. You ve made blizzard laughing. I wish i were the CEO of Activision right now...laughing to death with you.


I do think the that SWTOR will roll but you made a very bad impression to all of us. You didn't even try to copy the succesful policies of blizzard regarding customer support.


You launched a game in which the server policy is just rubbish. A kid would think more. You made people to pay for the pre-order and then you let them uncover by letting the already full servers to be subjects to the swarming masses of the "launch" buyers. I have send you a message waiting for your official policy about the server queues...and of course I received no answer.


I was a Bioware's great fan. But now i can say for sure...Blizzard is by far superior because it has a Policy. No game will be launched if they are not 1000% it will roll!


P.S. To The CEO of Bioware: You can now Fire the Launch Project Managers as they did succeed in Failure...! Try me m8 I will ask you less because it seems that I love your Product More than them!



Not to rain on your party but Blizzard has stated that if they could fix things, they would of tried for a more successful WoW launch. There servers lagged and went down like crazy. It was a mess no lie.


TBH I have yet to see a server lag or completely go under. Yes there are high ques but that is be expected, it will calm down.


BTW your post makes no sense.

Edited by imsorrisuck
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This game is not a failure. Tons of people are playing it without complaint. You want an example of a MMO launch failure, then look at Final Fantasy XIV. That's the closest example to an MMO launch failure. It was so bad that they didn't charge people to play for a full year, and it's taking them a full 2 years to "fix" it.
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Yes Bioware...you have just achieved it. You 've Just tried to Kill your own Product. I have seen companies having bad project management but u have taken a further step. You achieved to be the bad example. You ve made blizzard laughing. I wish i were the CEO of Activision right now...laughing to death with you.


I do think the that SWTOR will roll but you made a very bad impression to all of us. You didn't even try to copy the succesful policies of blizzard regarding customer support.


You launched a game in which the server policy is just rubbish. A kid would think more. You made people to pay for the pre-order and then you let them uncover by letting the already full servers to be subjects to the swarming masses of the "launch" buyers. I have send you a message waiting for your official policy about the server queues...and of course I received no answer.


I was a Bioware's great fan. But now i can say for sure...Blizzard is by far superior because it has a Policy. No game will be launched if they are not 1000% it will roll!


P.S. To The CEO of Bioware: You can now Fire the Launch Project Managers as they did succeed in Failure...! Try me m8 I will ask you less because it seems that I love your Product More than them!


Hmm, another GW2 Dev or Fanboi perhaps? There have been a lot of those lately.

Edited by Lord_Lunacy
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I don't play wow anymore. I am stuck on your beloved queue!! Are you satisfied...queue lovers??
Yes, yes I am. Though my servers queue, if I have one, is generally no more than fifteen minutes. This morning I logged in for half an hour before work and there was no queue.


You want to know how I can tell this game is awesome?


Because people are willing to sit in a 4 hour queue to play it.



Also, keeping people who bought at launch from rolling on the EA servers is a terrible idea. Many people buy these games to play with friends. There are many many people that bought the game at launch with the intent to play with friends that already preordered.

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Are peoples memories really that short, Wow had queue times out the ***. I did not even play it, and i remember all the QQ


Very true. I've played WoW since launch. Every expansion brings out the Queues, but those die in a few weeks and then you don't see them again until the next expansion.


MMOs are about the long term. Degrading one because it's not perfect on launch day is rediculous.

Edited by Granrick
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Yes Bioware...you have just achieved it. You 've Just tried to Kill your own Product. I have seen companies having bad project management but u have taken a further step. You achieved to be the bad example. You ve made blizzard laughing. I wish i were the CEO of Activision right now...laughing to death with you.


I do think the that SWTOR will roll but you made a very bad impression to all of us. You didn't even try to copy the succesful policies of blizzard regarding customer support.


You launched a game in which the server policy is just rubbish. A kid would think more. You made people to pay for the pre-order and then you let them uncover by letting the already full servers to be subjects to the swarming masses of the "launch" buyers. I have send you a message waiting for your official policy about the server queues...and of course I received no answer.


I was a Bioware's great fan. But now i can say for sure...Blizzard is by far superior because it has a Policy. No game will be launched if they are not 1000% it will roll!


P.S. To The CEO of Bioware: You can now Fire the Launch Project Managers as they did succeed in Failure...! Try me m8 I will ask you less because it seems that I love your Product More than them!


Anger is strong with this one which will only lead him to the dark side

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Yes Bioware...you have just achieved it. You 've Just tried to Kill your own Product. I have seen companies having bad project management but u have taken a further step. You achieved to be the bad example. You ve made blizzard laughing. I wish i were the CEO of Activision right now...laughing to death with you.


I do think the that SWTOR will roll but you made a very bad impression to all of us. You didn't even try to copy the succesful policies of blizzard regarding customer support.


You launched a game in which the server policy is just rubbish. A kid would think more. You made people to pay for the pre-order and then you let them uncover by letting the already full servers to be subjects to the swarming masses of the "launch" buyers. I have send you a message waiting for your official policy about the server queues...and of course I received no answer.


I was a Bioware's great fan. But now i can say for sure...Blizzard is by far superior because it has a Policy. No game will be launched if they are not 1000% it will roll!


P.S. To The CEO of Bioware: You can now Fire the Launch Project Managers as they did succeed in Failure...! Try me m8 I will ask you less because it seems that I love your Product More than them!


there are like standard population servers all the time, why dont u go play there to avoid ques.

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They also didn't have to penalize people who pre-ordered by having them be the brunt of any queues. It's almost 2012, I don't think most were prepared for or expecting 2+ hour wait times. Any "early head start" they had will be diminished ten-fold within a week, because they'll be waiting to play while everyone who just started on launch day will be on low population servers. Remember that.


Why do people keep saying, "It's almost 2012..." like it some sort of big deal? What does the year have anything to do this? Is it because the masses have been spoiled by instant gratification that it's entirley unacceptable to have to wait, period?


Seriously - when you enter the queue, you're provided an estimate of how long it will take. So far, in my experience, that estimate has been pretty accurate. So, instead of sitting there staring at the screen, I get up from my desk and go do something for XX amount of minutes or X hours and XX minutes. If you can spend your time brooding over a queue for a game, then you've got some priority issues in your life.

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Millions of people playing this failed game.


I don't see what you are getting at OP.


Agreed. By the way, you may want to research what "failure" actually means considering in the corporate world, it's profitability. And guess what, this game only needed 1/2 a million subs to be profitable and it's already surpassed that in preorders alone.


Go play a different game if you dislike this one so. :)

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