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Server Transfers


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For those who hadn't seen. It is currently promised to be with 2.2. Which is slated for June 11th.


I agree, the population will be fine. I know some people are even bringing friends and/or alts here. However, BC will be losing pvpers. Making a quick mental list I can name at least 20 who are leaving with at least one of their characters. And that's just a small sampling of people I've chatted with.


A whole lot more are staying though. Plus, those of us who are leaving, a few of us are leaving alts. So it isn't dire, but the pvp community will take a hit.

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Well, thoughts may vary as to whether the community is taking a hit, depending on what opinions are of those leaving :p I'm sure plenty of people are happy to see me go.


The number of hardcore PVPers will probably drop, but I don't know if that's actually significant, since I think the number of hardcore PVPers total on BC is probably pretty small, and many are staying.

Edited by stringcat
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To those PvP'ers staying here on BC there isn't really much to worry about. The fact is BC won't take a hit. There isn't a large enough known player base leaving to take a hit. People will leave and others will transfer in to replace them. A few notable PvP'ers will leave to be replaced by others. That is the cycle of server transfers but to think PvP will take a huge hit is plain naive. If you wish to transfer out, may I point you to do door that will open on June 11th. Otherwise I hope to see many of you on the battlefield on BC.


Also, considering we are the largest RP server across SWTOR I think we'll be just fine. Some of the greatest PvP'ers I know also RP so I'm sure we will find others.

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Bastion seems like a good place to go. The best PvE guild in USA is there. So PvE ers can look forward to a very steep competition there. From what I hear the PvP there is also very competitive. But I am not budging till my whole raid group decides to transfer. So it is very likely that High Times will roam the realm of BC till Elder Scroll comes online.
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To those PvP'ers staying here on BC there isn't really much to worry about. The fact is BC won't take a hit. There isn't a large enough known player base leaving to take a hit. People will leave and others will transfer in to replace them. A few notable PvP'ers will leave to be replaced by others. That is the cycle of server transfers but to think PvP will take a huge hit is plain naive. If you wish to transfer out, may I point you to do door that will open on June 11th. Otherwise I hope to see many of you on the battlefield on BC.


Also, considering we are the largest RP server across SWTOR I think we'll be just fine. Some of the greatest PvP'ers I know also RP so I'm sure we will find others.


This. One guild is confirmed leaving with a few others rumored to be. It's not the end of the world :rolleyes:

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Not to have cross server pvp at this point in the games existence is a tactical facepalm by BW, which is worse than an ordinary facepalm. Server transfers is not the solution to improve pvp game experience because it opens the doors that the pvp servers will once again gain the generous portion of experienced pvp players.


True other players will come in to replace the older players, but the recovery time for that server will take months. I know because I seen it happen before last summer - Last summer I left BC for the Fatman server to see people on the fleet again. Yet as soon as server transfers became a reality I returned to BC.


The reason BW implemented server merger in the first place, was to balance the population migration. And it worked. Look at all the NA servers. Everyone has a great community of players and a bright future if it remains un touched.


However allowing server transfers will once again tip the balance of migration towards two servers, PO5 and the Bastion. From a gammers persepective the need for cross server pvp becomes even more remote. Cross server pvp would only be a good model in a stable game which up untill now swtor was not.


From a busines stand point, upsetting the balance of server population makes a lot of sense right now. Most subscribers and F2p players have at least 4 alts. Which means the likelyhood of each subscriber transfering at least one character is quite high.


How much do you guys suppose it will be to transfer one character to a new server? I bet it won't come cheap, but cheap enough to make it attractive for maybe one or two character transfers per account in one month.


The potential for it to be a lucrative deal for EA and BW is too much to overlook, especially with the hudge finacial failure swtor was in 2012.


To implement cross server pvp right now would seriously cut into a potential cash grab by EA to restore some losses of 2012. If I was the the CEO of EA it would make perfect sense for me to implement paid server transfers asap.


Outside of swtor I'm an entrepreneur by trade and I can testify to you guys we will not see cross server pvp for SWTOR this year because of paid server transfers. I seriously hope I am wrong, but my gut tells me I won't be.


Now hurry up and wait. :(

Edited by Targarion
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I think your right the Server Transfer First is certainly going to take more than if they did cross server first then allowed transfers.


Even wow took 3-4 years to get cross server bg's in place and server transfers. This game is still rather young and the Cartel Martket and Free to Play has improved to player base and the game economy.


I think at any point if they added server transfers even after cross server wz's they would still generate income for Bioware because it gives players the option to move if they don't like where they are.


What you also have to remember is in order to get all your buffs which any serious pvp player would want they will need to move the main character plus three others to get the buffs they bring and of course any money making alts etc.


What will then happen if said people move and get rolled on a regular basis and realize they went from being a top team to a low tier team they will likely move back or go to a server where they would be able to compete again. This all results in more money.


The face of PVP in BC will certainly change because some of the players moving make big impacts in games that would normally be a push over and who knows what will be replacing it. It's and RP server though first and foremost and that is the majority,I doubt will change.


I noticed there is buzz about a post 2.2 PVP patch on the PVP forums, now our cross server warzones may be on the horizon quicker than we thought. Nothing set in stone only speculation but the Dev's said it will be a PVP patch to make us happy.

Edited by Devinia-Hex
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Personally, I'll be bringing over some PCs I have on another server.


I kind of hope that the people who aren't interested in RP move to a PvP or PvE server. Hopefully the other RP servers (the other NA and the Oceanic ones when they close) get merged into BC to consolidate the RP community.

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Personally, I'll be bringing over some PCs I have on another server.


I kind of hope that the people who aren't interested in RP move to a PvP or PvE server. Hopefully the other RP servers (the other NA and the Oceanic ones when they close) get merged into BC to consolidate the RP community.


What have those who aren't interested in RP done to you to make you want them to leave?

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What have those who aren't interested in RP done to you to make you want them to leave?


Not gonna lie. Me and Ces would walk in between some super cereal RP'ers on the fleet and drop a party bomb on em. Lol

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