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Server Transfers


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So fine citizens of Begeren Colony, it appears that server transfers are no longer a 'soon™' but will actually be happening soon.


I know that many of the pvpers I've been speaking with are already dreaming of pvp servers, but I'd love to hear what people are planning? Going? Staying? Taking an alt? BegerenColony4LYFE?

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Stay for now.


Though the thought of a PVP server is tempting, rumors abound that the bads are even worse on PVP servers. And besides, I'm a clicker. I don't want to have to go back in the closet again. :p


The bads tend to be those self proclaimed pros. ;)

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I was looking at the Bastion yesterday and noticed they seem to have a lot of full to be farther ahead in gear than most of the folks here. They also have the guild "Hey I'm MVP" which was a WoW guild who had a host of Gladiators. If anything I'd have to move all my toons to give me all my buffs and companion buffs and depending on the cost it may be more effective to stay and wait for cross server wz's.


Cross server Wz's will bring a new dynamic to the game and really spark things up in PVP. Hopefully that's coming soon as well.

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In a perfect world x-server would arrive first, and relieve some of the pressure for BC pvpers to leave just to have daily ranked pvp. I am giving the prospect of transferring serious consideration. I would dearly miss being on an RP server, I really like the assortment of personalities here more than I will on a pvp server.
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So fine citizens of Begeren Colony, it appears that server transfers are no longer a 'soon™' but will actually be happening soon.


I know that many of the pvpers I've been speaking with are already dreaming of pvp servers, but I'd love to hear what people are planning? Going? Staying? Taking an alt? BegerenColony4LYFE?


I have toons on PO5 and I can honestly say the pvp skill on the BC is at a higher skill level. Not to say there aren't really good players on that server, but you have more newbies rolling into pvp servers because they think it will be fun. IMO the skill level on BC is more balance, but the pvp que times are a bit long.


I will for now stay on the BC because I know a lot of people here, but maybe someday I will move the rest of my Pub cartoonz to the PO5 server.

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I probably won't because my raid group doesn't want to go and eventually they will do cross server. The problem will be solved then. Cross server is inevitable. Oh and the other main reason that I wouldn't go is because you think having 1 Neo is bad you will have 10 to 20 on a pvp server. The communities are sooo sooo bad. Not saying there aren't good people over there, but there is generally so much venom from very immature players.
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I probably won't because my raid group doesn't want to go and eventually they will do cross server. The problem will be solved then. Cross server is inevitable. Oh and the other main reason that I wouldn't go is because you think having 1 Neo is bad you will have 10 to 20 on a pvp server. The communities are sooo sooo bad. Not saying there aren't good people over there, but there is generally so much venom from very immature players.


And you know this because...? Oh forgot, you are the king of the galaxy! or because you like being a big fish in a small pond ;)

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And you know this because...? Oh forgot, you are the king of the galaxy! or because you like being a big fish in a small pond ;)


Holy non sequitor batman. Why waste time with anything constructive when we have this wonderful thing called "argumentum ad hominem"?


So it's fairly commonly accepted that RP servers tend to draw a more mature crowd than PvE which tend to draw a more mature crowd than a PvP server just by the nature of what the server claims to be about. RPers are very involved with the interpersonal interactions of the game. How they interact with each other, the friends they make are what defines the enjoyment of the game. PvP is competitive by nature so you're going to have people who are there to establish dominance. It's enjoyable in it's own right, but it's also tends to appeal to a more juvenile audience.


Also, I figure I'll be around. I don't see the guild (Eternal Guardians) going anywhere, so I'll be looking forward to many more smashes on BC.

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Holy non sequitor batman. Why waste time with anything constructive when we have this wonderful thing called "argumentum ad hominem"?


So it's fairly commonly accepted that RP servers tend to draw a more mature crowd than PvE which tend to draw a more mature crowd than a PvP server just by the nature of what the server claims to be about. RPers are very involved with the interpersonal interactions of the game. How they interact with each other, the friends they make are what defines the enjoyment of the game. PvP is competitive by nature so you're going to have people who are there to establish dominance. It's enjoyable in it's own right, but it's also tends to appeal to a more juvenile audience.


Also, I figure I'll be around. I don't see the guild (Eternal Guardians) going anywhere, so I'll be looking forward to many more smashes on BC.


RP servers draw more mature people? Gosh I couldn't tell from my time on BC. :rolleyes: Only server I've been on that fits that description was Ieldis.


I probably won't because my raid group doesn't want to go and eventually they will do cross server. The problem will be solved then. Cross server is inevitable. Oh and the other main reason that I wouldn't go is because you think having 1 Neo is bad you will have 10 to 20 on a pvp server. The communities are sooo sooo bad. Not saying there aren't good people over there, but there is generally so much venom from very immature players.


You and I both know the reason you won't go is because you're afraid to fight someone who's more experienced at ranked than you. No need to conceal the truth. Thanks for the shout out too. ;)

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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RP servers draw more mature people? Gosh I couldn't tell from my time on BC. :rolleyes: Only server I've been on that fits that description was Ieldis.)


Because Neo, we know you're such authority on the matter.:D

Edited by EFSoupy
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Lol, ASBerry. Don't know where these names come from, must be because of the natural talent some people have at changing names :rolleyes:


Btw, was kind of wondering, what are your plans for the server transfer updates Private Fudge? I surely hope you find something better on a different server than here at the BC. Please? :D

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Unless my guild leaves, or if a good portion of the population leaves, I probably won't switch. I hope most people stick around, but I understand that some people want a different environment (PvP 24/7, or a more populated server, though I'd argue that our server is actually well populated, not greatly, at the moment, or something else).


If I did leave, I'd go to a west coast PvE server. As much as I enjoy PvP, I wouldn't go a 24/7/365 PvP server. Just not my preference.

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You have to remember on a PVP server are always going to be more kid based, world pvp or pvp during dailies has never been a big deal to me. Most PVP servers are lower population however most of that are doing warzones or some form of pvp where here the % is not as high.


The skill level there is likely higher because they duel more they pvp more they do more ranked the level in a pvp enviorment (just like I did).


The problem is you loose all legacy percs and would need to move all your toons to get your companion buffs as well as your class buffs which would include multi transfers. If you did this and didn't like it you need to move it all back or elsewhere. I'll hold out I think for cross server wz's.


Coming from wow I can tell you when or if cross server wz's come out a lot of the little bickering will become much less as we will likely form mixed guild groups to queue vs other servers it will be more of a server pride thing instead of me and my guild thing. I think that is what PVP needs.

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The problem is you loose all legacy percs and would need to move all your toons to get your companion buffs as well as your class buffs which would include multi transfers. If you did this and didn't like it you need to move it all back or elsewhere. I'll hold out I think for cross server wz's.


I think the hope is that they are going to allow Legacy transfers. They said the reason server transfers didn't come with 2.1 was because there were issues with the Legacy Achievement system. At least for those who want to read between the lines.


From what I'm hearing, a number of pvpers are leaving. I agree with everything that has been said regarding the atmosphere on a pvp server versus our own (which I enjoy immensely). Sadly Begeren doesn't have a thriving pvp community, and server transfers will only make that worse. Since cross server queues are still 'Soon™', server transferring is the next step for people who play this game primarily to pvp. Unless you have a lot of patience. :)

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Coming from wow I can tell you when or if cross server wz's come out a lot of the little bickering will become much less as we will likely form mixed guild groups to queue vs other servers it will be more of a server pride thing instead of me and my guild thing. I think that is what PVP needs.


I have mixed feelings about cross server wzs. It does reduce some of the drama, but you also lose something. WIth our small, almost cozy PvP community you recognize other players for good and bad. Even pugging, you get to know some folks are good teammates and what you can rely on them for. I actually prefer getting rolled repeatedly by the same pub guilds to being rolled repeatedly by different groups. It makes it a challenge and a learning thing: "last game that guy led in heals, I'll focus him". And when my team does win against a team that has stomped us repeatedly it is far more satisfying than winning against folks I'll likely never see again.


I'm sure its inevitable, since it helps so much with queue times, but I like the change from WoW for now.

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