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2.0 PvE DPS Leaderboard


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2480 - http://www.torparse.com/a/248578/time/1369464700/1369465081/0/Damage+Dealt


5/8/33 pyrotech (swapped Combust for Hot Iron since I have a PT tank in my op + upgraded my earpiece)




2884 - http://www.torparse.com/a/248619/time/1369467105/1369467416/0/Damage+Dealt


3/36/7 lightning sorc (no upgrades from last time, my dps seems to be fairly stabilized for now, maybe I'll try for a 'lucky crit parse' or something once I get a few more upgrades)

Edited by KTap
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Am I really going to have to do my rage parse on the guardian to get it listed? And where did all the pre 2.0 Juggs go? I barely touched that chart, but none of those names have shown up here. :confused:
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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm waiting on my last set bonus to parse. Just need to get my legs, but it's another character that is going to just be full 69s so it's definitely not going to beat yours, Lift. It looks like your parse is pretty much going to be at the very peak or close enough of what Vengeance can do in 2.0. Edited by Vaidinah
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Am I really going to have to do my rage parse on the guardian to get it listed? And where did all the pre 2.0 Juggs go? I barely touched that chart, but none of those names have shown up here. :confused:

Lift scared them off. True story.

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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm waiting on my last set bonus to parse. Just need to get my legs, but it's another character that is going to just be full 69s so it's definitely not going to beat yours, Lift. It looks like your parse is pretty much going to be pretty much at the very peak or close enough of what Vengeance can do in 2.0.


It was a complete lucky run, no doubt about it. Even with some new upgrades, I've yet to come close to it again (think I flirted with 2900 once since, but even that was at like 4 minutes). I'm mostly looking for Rage parses, since I know I am mediocre at best with that spec. I'm still shy a relic, 2 mods, and 3 enhancements from BiS, so I (now) see 3k as obtainable under similar circumstances with improved gear and a marginally higher crit rate (and a not missed V.Throw).

Edited by ssfish
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2480 - http://www.torparse.com/a/248578/time/1369464700/1369465081/0/Damage+Dealt


5/8/33 pyrotech (swapped Combust for Hot Iron since I have a PT tank in my op + upgraded my earpiece.


Well, **** you. I'm taking my thread and going home.


Am I really going to have to do my rage parse on the guardian to get it listed? And where did all the pre 2.0 Juggs go? I barely touched that chart, but none of those names have shown up here. :confused:


Historically it's been 1 parse per character on the leaderboard. The Engineering parses required a separate way of handling, but I'm open to general suggestions from everyone about allowing a character to be on the same board under different specs. I just don't want to see 1 player holding 3-4 spots on a classes leaderboard.


Also decided to get the Campaign 4 piece and see how Lethality goes. Got 2277 DPS with a 69 MH and 66 OH being my only level 55 pieces. It's a really smooth rotation with the 4-piece, I'd be interested in seeing what it can pull with decent gear.

Edited by WillLongstick
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I'm curious as to why your damage exactly matches your dps at 31 seconds.


That is quite weird, and I can't figure it out for the life of me. What I do know is A) It's not because of log editing, and B) If you crop the fight to the points it says ~7k DPS on the graph it still calculates the correct DPS of ~2.7k in the DPS box. I think it's an error in how Torparse is generating the graph, since the logs are discrete values and Torparse tries to graph a continuous DPS curve I can see how going from discrete to continuous can come out wrong sometimes.

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That is quite weird, and I can't figure it out for the life of me. What I do know is A) It's not because of log editing, and B) If you crop the fight to the points it says ~7k DPS on the graph it still calculates the correct DPS of ~2.7k in the DPS box. I think it's an error in how Torparse is generating the graph, since the logs are discrete values and Torparse tries to graph a continuous DPS curve I can see how going from discrete to continuous can come out wrong sometimes.


Its because he has a preset up time where there is 0 DPS done, (a 5 second full stop), then it restarts at a crit TM and explosive dart. Similar to how in a boss fight if after a few seconds there is nothing to hit then you suddenly have to nuke a boss you could see a spike up to 20k DPS for a few seconds.

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So I was doing back of envelope calculations to see how Sins and PTs would compare to Mercs (have armor debuff and no executes) in a Dummy > Raid setting. Using Sammul's Sin parse and Kever's Pyro parse, this is what I came up with for what each of them would do in a raid given similar stand still and hit mechanics.


Kever's: 2480 DPS

Armor Debuff and 30% Damage increase to DoTs for under 30% targets missing.


Armor is usually 35%, having an armor debuff up takes it to 28%. For PT's Rail Shot ignores an additional 60% of armor, so armor debuff makes Rail Shot effectively see an 11% damage reduction, compared to 14%. Having an armor debuff on the dummy will then increase Rail Shot damage by .89/.86 = 1.035, or in Kevers case he would gain an additional 23.2 DPS. Everything I've seen shows Elemental/Internal damage completely bypasses armor, so we have Shoulder Cannon, Rocket Punch, and Rapid Shots being effected by armor, a total of 440.25 DPS. With armor debuff this damage will increase by .72/.65 = 1.108, increasing the above damage to 487.6. That's an additional 47.4 DPS, giving a total damage increase of 70.6 DPS if you have an armor debuff.


Burnout. Increases DoT damage by 30% when targets are under 30% health. Simple multiplication shows that a 30% increase with a 30% uptime is an overall 9% damage increase. Kever's DoT damage is 352.86 DPS, so a 9% increase would bump that up by 31.75 DPS to a total of 384.62 DPS.


So all together, going from a dummy to a raid setting in terms of Armor Debuffs and Execute talents, Kever's would gain an additional 102.35 DPS, putting him at 2582 DPS.


Sammul's 2504 DPS

Armor Debuff, Assassinate, and 30% damage increase to targets under 30% health is missing.


(Sam correct me if any of this is wrong) Deception has a passive 9% Armor Penetration, so the typical 35% armor on a boss is only 31.85 to a Deception Sin. Having an Armor Debuff bringing the boss' armor down to 28% makes Sins only see 25.48% armor. This amounts to an increase of .7652/.6815 = 1.123 damage for all non internal/elemental damage. Looking at Sam's parse he gets 1654.5 DPS from attacks that are hit by armor, so the 1.123 increase in these attacks adds and additional 202 DPS, bringing his total DPS up to 2706 DPS.


Sith Executioner talent, this increases all damage to under 30% targets by 6%. This amounts to an overall 1.8% damage increase over the course of the fight. Taking the armor debuffed damage of 2706, the Sith Executioner talent adds another 48.7 DPS, bringing the total up to 2755 DPS.


I don't know how Assassinate works into the under-30% rotation, so I just have to say that it will increase the DPS some. Now Sammul's DPS was only 24 DPS higher than Kever's on the dummy, but applying the armor debuff and execute talents brings Sam's theoretical DPS up by 250, while Kever's went up by 102 DPS. Sam's 2755+ is coming into line with "average but competent" Mercs. Meanwhile Kever's 2582 still leaves a lot to be desired, but is more than enough for all current content especially considering how Pyro almost always parses the same in a raid as it does on the dummy.

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DPS: 2568


Marksmanship Sniper, 36/7/3


72 MH, mostly blue augments, 69 OH, (2) PvE set bonus, no PvP set bonus, DG Clicky and PvP SA relics.


Also, my stim ran out during the first minute of the parse.


A few things i'd like to mention..This parse was supposed to be 2915.38 (as shown as how I wanted to clip on the graph at 315 seconds), but apparently it has been brought to my attention that the Graph gives a different representation of numbers than the actual "DPS" stated. But, during the parse I had the TORParse in-game client open and it never showed anything below 2700, but the overall parse on the site says 2568 (when clipping last 20 seconds).. So, either BOTH the graph and the In-game client is wrong, or the page of TORParse to upload is wrong. I even uploaded the log to a different site, Fryingtime.com, and it showed 2860. But, not my rules. 2568 parse



Edited by NajaMahfouz
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DPS: 2568


Marksmanship Sniper, 36/7/3


72 MH, mostly blue augments, 69 OH, (2) PvE set bonus, no PvP set bonus, DG Clicky and PvP SA relics.


Also, my stim ran out during the first minute of the parse.


A few things i'd like to mention..This parse was supposed to be 2915.38 (as shown as how I wanted to clip on the graph at 315 seconds), but apparently it has been brought to my attention that the Graph gives a different representation of numbers than the actual "DPS" stated. But, during the parse I had the TORParse in-game client open and it never showed anything below 2700, but the overall parse on the site says 2568 (when clipping last 20 seconds).. So, either BOTH the graph and the In-game client is wrong, or the page of TORParse to upload is wrong. I even uploaded the log to a different site, Fryingtime.com, and it showed 2860. But, not my rules. 2568 parse



get pvp set bonus... each pvp set bonus is 80-100+ dps, no kidding

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Zhadum 36/8/2 Marksman Sniper


3031 dps http://www.torparse.com/a/240856/1


pretty sure everyone already agreed in the post that sniper exploiits were not going to count :), anyways good parse... try after the fix OR do a real parse with relics and no vital regulators, there is rly no point in comparing to you or tralt or anyone sniper whos exploting if we know they are fixing it :D

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It was a complete lucky run, no doubt about it. Even with some new upgrades, I've yet to come close to it again (think I flirted with 2900 once since, but even that was at like 4 minutes). I'm mostly looking for Rage parses, since I know I am mediocre at best with that spec. I'm still shy a relic, 2 mods, and 3 enhancements from BiS, so I (now) see 3k as obtainable under similar circumstances with improved gear and a marginally higher crit rate (and a not missed V.Throw).


make sure you use marauders 2 pc set bonus for vengeance... also ill be updating my other thread with video guides with jug tomorrow, if you want to check Rages rotation, is rly simple, same as mara exchaging berserk Vs Enrage

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Sammul's 2504 DPS

Armor Debuff, Assassinate, and 30% damage increase to targets under 30% health is missing.


(Sam correct me if any of this is wrong) Deception has a passive 9% Armor Penetration, so the typical 35% armor on a boss is only 31.85 to a Deception Sin. Having an Armor Debuff bringing the boss' armor down to 28% makes Sins only see 25.48% armor. This amounts to an increase of .7652/.6815 = 1.123 damage for all non internal/elemental damage. Looking at Sam's parse he gets 1654.5 DPS from attacks that are hit by armor, so the 1.123 increase in these attacks adds and additional 202 DPS, bringing his total DPS up to 2706 DPS.


Sith Executioner talent, this increases all damage to under 30% targets by 6%. This amounts to an overall 1.8% damage increase over the course of the fight. Taking the armor debuffed damage of 2706, the Sith Executioner talent adds another 48.7 DPS, bringing the total up to 2755 DPS.


I don't know how Assassinate works into the under-30% rotation, so I just have to say that it will increase the DPS some. Now Sammul's DPS was only 24 DPS higher than Kever's on the dummy, but applying the armor debuff and execute talents brings Sam's theoretical DPS up by 250, while Kever's went up by 102 DPS. Sam's 2755+ is coming into line with "average but competent" Mercs. Meanwhile Kever's 2582 still leaves a lot to be desired, but is more than enough for all current content especially considering how Pyro almost always parses the same in a raid as it does on the dummy.


You are right. we get 9% armor reduction while surging charge is active. (which is the only charge deception uses) lol I vote we make thrasher a operations dummy.. i broke 2700 on him.. was around 2790 but the last snipers popped up and all i could do was sit and watch while the ranged killed them lol.

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You are right. we get 9% armor reduction while surging charge is active. (which is the only charge deception uses) lol I vote we make thrasher a operations dummy.. i broke 2700 on him.. was around 2790 but the last snipers popped up and all i could do was sit and watch while the ranged killed them lol.


L2Jump like a proper melee dps. Being one of the 2 dps who are constantly on Thrasher is the best dummy whacking I can think of in a raid setting. You could stay on Writhing Horror the whole time but he pops up in different places. Everything else in a 55 HM Op has either multiple bosses, heavy movement, or long downtimes.

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L2Jump like a proper melee dps. Being one of the 2 dps who are constantly on Thrasher is the best dummy whacking I can think of in a raid setting. You could stay on Writhing Horror the whole time but he pops up in different places. Everything else in a 55 HM Op has either multiple bosses, heavy movement, or long downtimes.


yeah i did get the firebug guy 1 or 2 times but my sprint helps me get back and forth quickly. I still need another UW relic :( and some damn enhancements lol... but hey my 2705 was good for 20 on torparse... so ill take it :) Tell Sil to start uploading his darn SV runs so i can see how hes comparing or im goina unleash you on his sister lol :p

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