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World PVP?


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When are we finally going to get to see some real World pvp content? and no tatooine doesnt count. some real world pvp would fill a much needed void. what is everyones opinions? what type of world pvp would you guys like to see?
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I still feel Ilum was a total waste. We could have totally relived the assult on Hoth in Empire. Commanding the Walkers to move down and attack the enemy base would have been epic!


They need to incorperate the war into the planets and have some bi-hourly events that take place in the areas that sway the balance of power in the war effort.


Correllia, Hoth, Makeb, Ilum, Belsavis all could be staging points for an epic open world PvP battle. Not the free for alls of the events they have had but a true War Effort.


If they could make the War events 4 raid groups of 24 (48 each side) that you get auto grouped for when you enter the area to face off against each. If the teams are full you get warned about it that you will be in a free for all state until an opening in one of the groups,

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Real world pvp for me is going to tatooine finding some lowbies killing them over and over, finding their base camp... Killing them over and over till they call in their 55 then when the 55 gets there they find out I have a pocket stealthy and he gets graped.




Thats my world pvp and I love it.

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i can remember the kind and polite queue of players of different factions at the gree event pvp area..everyone with his shiny orbs to deliver..there were even imperial droids and republic droids so people didn't risk to kill the same mobs and eventually fight..:mon_angel:
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I never wanted to accept it; but I am afraid people were right and the game just can't handle mass battles in the open world so we will never see it. Shame to; as I did love PvP in this game, I just can't fathom that it is mostly limited to instanced warzones and just a couple of free for all areas which do not give you the feeling of a large scale battle. You are pretty much left to rely on player driven events.
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Pretty sure POT5 crashed last time we had a real "World PvP" event, given the WZ lag situation right now I would guess the servers are less able to handle that kind of load than they were several months ago.
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Pretty sure POT5 crashed last time we had a real "World PvP" event, given the WZ lag situation right now I would guess the servers are less able to handle that kind of load than they were several months ago.


They are lucky because Cilas is taking a break from the game. Between the disdain from lolbolster, and just needing some RL time away, Prop5 hasn't had a planned open world PvP party in a month or two now.


Cilas will be back though, probably in a week or two I'd guess. He's just recharging his batteries, so to speak.

Edited by islander
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When are we finally going to get to see some real World pvp content? and no tatooine doesnt count. some real world pvp would fill a much needed void. what is everyones opinions? what type of world pvp would you guys like to see?


You're not going to. Not this year at least. The "new" Ilum is your "PvP" update of 2013. Enjoy!

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Does anyone remember how laggy (and crash-y) the servers were Launch +30 days? This engine is not conducive to having more than 40 players near one another at any given amount of time. All of them using their abilities, would be server crashing. Think about all of the graphical effects that take place in WZs, then multiply that by 10 or so.


The engine just can't handle it. (I've got a beast of a rig, so it's not anyone's specific machine that causes it.)

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Does anyone remember how laggy (and crash-y) the servers were Launch +30 days? This engine is not conducive to having more than 40 players near one another at any given amount of time. All of them using their abilities, would be server crashing. Think about all of the graphical effects that take place in WZs, then multiply that by 10 or so.


The engine just can't handle it. (I've got a beast of a rig, so it's not anyone's specific machine that causes it.)


We've seen it much more recently than launch. Not sure how many players were there exatly on P5 but I think it was way over 40. Still was choppy and did crash the server, but with graphics turned all the way down on my laptop, it was playable. For the most part. (Obviously until the server crashed)


But that was on Voss. Where there were other characters running around and it is designed as a leveling planet, complete with extra NPCs and scenery. I still think if they made an area DEDICATED to mass PvP only with a lot less landscape and extra crap going on so the resources are dedicated to only the players; it could be done. It could save this game for me and then some.


Alas; it probably doesn't matter if it is possible or not. They just won't do it.

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World pvp in SWTOR? Nope

Warcraft? Nope

GW2? Nope


AoC Nope


Notice a pattern here? Any MMO that has instanced pvp will never have world pvp, because the people are impatient and don't want to search for others. The lack of rewards in world pvp is another thing.


This is how it is now. Get used to it.

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