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Question on Chain Lightning


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So I'm leveling another inquisitor (my third now), and this one's a sorc. Specced lightning.


I hit 48 on Corellia, and suddenly Chain Lightning was completely instant. I'm talking without the proc that resets the cd and makes it instant roughly every 10 seconds.


No this was like, walk away from the screen for 20 minutes, run over to the first mob I see, and instant CL. It was really really odd. I checked my passives, hadn't gained anything... re-read my talent choices, nothing... Even relogging didn't do anything.


Don't get me wrong it was fun to pull with an instant CL, thundering blast and then proc another instant and basically 3shot groups of mobs, but it felt sort of weird.


When the servers got restarted last night I didn't log back in, but upon logging in today, my CL is back to a 2.87s cast, the way it should be with my talents, and the proc works as intended, as always.


So my question is, what exactly did I encounter last night? Some odd sort of bug that gave me something somewhat OP for a couple hours after I dinged 48? Or am I missing a legitimate mechanic in the game?


ADDENDUM: I realize you can still do that double CL if you save a proc before the next pull and then engineer another proc right after you use it. Been doing that since I got the move, but that's not what was happening last night, the tooltip literally read "instant" for about 4 hours.

Edited by CyberTronX
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No clue. All I know for a fact that's bugged for sorc's atm is affliction. It sometimes takes two or three casts for it to actually take effect. Maybe its just server lag and its not registering on the mob. Never found it as a problem in pvp. As for your issue, only thing I can think of is maybe you did have the proc without you noticing? Still no clue as to how your instant CL happened. Definitively not as intended.
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Nah I watched for that very very thoroughly. I'd have no proc, wait for about 30 seconds, and start the next pull with an instant CL. My thoughts were "why would they give me a proc for an instant cast, on an ability that gets to be instant as baseline"? They wouldn't. This has to be some sort of really weird / hard to replicate bug.


The other one I notice occasionally is Crushing Darkness not casting occasionally when I push the button, even though the casting animation plays. Takes a few presses for the cast bar to agree that I want to cast it.

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The other one I notice occasionally is Crushing Darkness not casting occasionally when I push the button, even though the casting animation plays. Takes a few presses for the cast bar to agree that I want to cast it.


Exactly whats going on with affliction and sometimes Thundering Blast.

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Yeah I've noticed with TB too. The menacing looking purple ring pops up and I think I'm about to fire it off, then nothing. Have to press it again... Can get sort of awkward in a WZ if that happens and then just peters out before it fires :p

Affliction for me has ALWAYS gone off and applied to the correct target. I chain it to piles of mobs at times and every one has always worked. Only TB/CD sometimes fail humorously.

Edited by CyberTronX
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The Thundering Blast bug is a clever dev metaphor about the impotence of the game designers. Great theatrics, looks very strong to observers, makes you anticipate what's about to happen as it builds in strength...then just sort of sags and fails to do anything. You read it here first.


(just a joke bioware ilu don't ban me plz)

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Yeah I've noticed with TB too. The menacing looking purple ring pops up and I think I'm about to fire it off, then nothing. Have to press it again... Can get sort of awkward in a WZ if that happens and then just peters out before it fires :p

Affliction for me has ALWAYS gone off and applied to the correct target. I chain it to piles of mobs at times and every one has always worked. Only TB/CD sometimes fail humorously.


This is a bug on all casted abilities. If you try to queue it up before you technically can, it'll go through the cast animation without actually casting. I've had this happen with TB, CD, FL, hard-cast CL and even LS. The AF issue may be simply missing the cast since we now require 5% accuracy for most mobs and 10% for bosses.

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