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Everything posted by intensiityisgood

  1. Hey, i sometimes forget that the underwear goes inside the pants too
  2. Its true, most people have a life on PoT5. And because of this, we like to queue when other teams are set to queue, which just so happens to be Tuesday-Friday. Similar to how raiding guilds prefer to use the same night(s) every week to organize and down content. Are you saying that Bastion's teams just get together whenever someone sends a text message to 7 other guys to play? Or do you have a specific couple of nights every week for all of the major teams to queue and have a quality and larger quantity of teams there at the same time? And to address your issue on our lack of streams, many guilds have requested players to stop live streams. However, we do have multiple tutorial streams each week that do get a large amount of views.
  3. It just takes a bit of getting used to. Similar situation to if you were playing at a constant lower fps, If you regularly get 60 and then jump to 20 your gonna flip. But if you get used to playing at 20, then it's basically the same as before. Just takes a bit of time to figure out. Good luck
  4. You sir, have let a troll get to you. I pray you do not attempt to enter Fleet chat anytime soon.
  5. Not to try and diminish anyone's achievement, but I believe a true world first should go to the team that is able to down the entire operation, a 2nd time.
  6. Mr. Rubberbanding Marauder who just doesn't seem to be able to stand still long enough for you to unload those freshly popped cooldowns on
  7. Couple of words, not much of a roleplayer but here it is: Player managed space ports, connected through either a central station located at fleet and accessible through your ships galaxy map or even a new onship console. Eliminates the potential for any kind of lag to occur on fleet or quest planets due to player owned housing and such. The space ports would allow tenants to dock their ship, have a small apartment station side which would be customizable and thus unique for each person. Potentially for every guild at first? Then to where you can invite friends and such into it, I'm thinking like a Runescape kind of feel where you have to join their instance through a universal teleporter or something. Just my suggestion
  8. And Considering that a lot of Bastion's Current Teams are coming to PoT5.... Why go to Bastion? It's just gonna be Harbinger teams there after the transfers are available. And if you are a part of an active ranked team then you would have no problem with switching because the rest of your team would be going as well.
  9. So in terms of gaining this gear in terms of commendations, what should we be buying in order to get the correct accuracy enhancements and power mods? I looked at the underworld seller and from what I'm seeing, the cheapest to buy is a verpine helmet. Am I correct or have i missed something. I'm not asking about the tokens, just strictly the commendation gear
  10. Smart idea, great to get the fleet trolls beating their brains out against each other. However! If you were attending the PoT5 Quesh PvP Event, you would know that this game engine has severe limitations on what can be located on screen before a slideshow begins. This would perhaps be detrimental to everyday life in the game, no one wants massive lag while they are attempting to switch mods or purchase gear on fleet. I would support a separate phase (much like a quest) to be used by a player or team to be used as a queue, or simply like a waiting room and potentially an observation post? In the room teams would be able to challenge each other(same with 1v1's). I see this also as an alternative to a ranked wz queue if done correctly. Those that wish to do a ranked wz would enter a phase, be able to challenge another team of 8 and then be admitted to a queue. This room could also be crossfaction- much like the central place on Nar Shaada- in order to allow as much competition as possible. -This could potentially limit the amount of times a ranked team would be setup against kickball rated teams and fewer games against empty teams. Of course a limit on how many times you can challenge the same team in a row would have to be set up in order to prevent the farming of ranked comms. I see the potential for more organized ranked team competition. Tournaments to see who the best team on the server due to the actual lineups in a bracket being followed.
  11. In the current state of how warzones work. Yes. However, EVENTUALLY BioWare will devote the effort to fix bolster to were the correct items are getting the correct stats in the arena. Like an earlier post, go for full Partisan and then try to itemize your set with the things that will give you the most stats and such. At least with full Partisan you stand a better chance against the fully itemized number cruncher who has found glitch in the system
  12. I also use the Tank mount from NiM EC in hutball. Bolster apparently doesn't affect it as it should though, buff plox
  13. Don't think anyone on server has the resolve hilt 30 schem. Been lookin for awhile now, not that I am incapable of winning the token, I just don't seem to have good luck on it. Got ninja'd one run on my sorc, next days' run i win the token on my undergeared merc. Goodluck.
  14. intensiityisgood

    Sorc PvP

    The only problem i run into on my Lightning sorc are sentinels. Good sentinels i should say. They saber toss, leap. ravage and choke and then when i attempt to make some distance, they cloak (should cloak) and then end up behind me while the rest of my teammates are busy ganging up on one tank on Alderaan. If I'm in a game where the other team doesnt have a player that is out for my blood the entire time I normally end up as one of the top dps.
  15. Exactly whats going on with affliction and sometimes Thundering Blast.
  16. No clue. All I know for a fact that's bugged for sorc's atm is affliction. It sometimes takes two or three casts for it to actually take effect. Maybe its just server lag and its not registering on the mob. Never found it as a problem in pvp. As for your issue, only thing I can think of is maybe you did have the proc without you noticing? Still no clue as to how your instant CL happened. Definitively not as intended.
  17. I'll give you a brief summary of 2-5. The >>> at the end of the energy bar tells you the amount of energy regeneration you currently have. The fewer arrows, the less energy( I dont personally play an agent so I dont know what to tell you from the how to play it stand point) If your looking for quick companion gifts, take up underworld trading- It gives you the actual gifts themselves not the fragments, And for your fear of crafting- Its really simple. You may have seen the terms RE- reverse engineer. To reverse engineer means that you take an object you have crafted and turn it back into 1. a few materials used to craft it originally, 2. A New and Improved form of the original object. The progression of crafting objects go from green-> blue-> Purple. Purple being the best and hardest to make due to the rarity of certain materials. Lastly, I believe you are asking how to talk in general chat? and other chats as well. First you press the enter key to talk in chat, then you type your message, finally click enter again. For switching to other chats quickly like to your Guild chat say, its /g For a group or party chat, its /p For an operations group(level 50+ content) its /ops And i just figured this one out, to go to general chat /1 Finally a whisper if a private message much like a message between you and your friend on facebook Hope it helps a bit!
  18. At first I thought you were gonna mention players lol, that would have been MUCH more interesting---> specifying PoT5 Imp fleet pvp supremists
  19. Last night i was averaging 750k+ dmg on my sorc in 4 voidstars in a row. One game i got 75 kills and the other team had 3 healers- they had low output around 700k each- next game they had 2- both did 1m heals- i only had 21 kills and our team had 2 heals- one 1.2m op and an 800k sorc. Its all the luck of the draw on who you get in your warzone heals wise, No matter how hard you attempt to nuke a team 2 competent healers can keep their meatbags alive. No point in limiting heals and as for field respec, I havent been dominated when there's decent players on my side so why not just leave it how it is and fix other things.. Its how the queue system is intended to work.
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