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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Patch 2.2. Prediction


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By comparison, most of my friends have already unsubbed and are now waiting to see if 2.2 will bring enough PvP content to make them come back. But whatever, summer's here and I shouldn't be spending so much time indoors anyways.
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It is not going to be Guild Ships. Guild Ships are a huge point on Wall of crazy, and if it was coming, we would be hearing about it for long time now.


I honestly expect 2.2 to be NiM tFB, a hopefully, several new flashpoints (Titans of Industry), and a new WZ to muffle the people who complain about no new content.

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How would you rate it in comparison to other patches?


Considering this was not a "real" patch (as it came in the middle of the content patch cycle and was almost exclusively CM-focused), I think it would be unfair to compare it to other patches.

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Meh. I don't know why guild ships are so desirable. Guild chat works wherever you are, and if I were on a guild ship, how would I troll gen chat?


Guild Ships would be awesome, and fulfill a certain housing need instead of cluttering up planets. I also like the idea of guild space missions. I dont care if it is on the same "rails" system that we have or not. Would just be awesome to have.


On a personal note and somewhat off topic: if they implemented a battlefront 2 type of space combat, I would never leave...ever.

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I predict more data-mined content that's already in the coding but not live yet, is added to the Cartel Market. I predict more subscribers being angry on the forums. I predict the Bioware fanboys coming out of the woodwork to say that there's nothing wrong with subscribers being charged again for the same content and that they love spending money every month to purchase more cartel coins so they can unlock all the exciting new content that they shouldve been getting with their subscription
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Guilds do need some proper love, not just a 5% xp gain.

Guild cap increase be nice. A 500 cap where one player can have 22 characters is a little low (have thread on suggestions forum about this, 8 pages long: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6313027#post6313027


I think the 5% boost was just the saying "hey guys, we have not forgotten about you", as putting in a 5% XP increase is from a programmer standpoint extremely easy, other stuff (ships, interface for perks, better management, etc), not so much.

There is even a page titled "Guild Rewards" here, so I think it is pretty much a safe bet to say that Guild Perks are coming soon™. Cap increase will probably happen as well...

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Patch 2.2 -Guilds

Guild banner -300cc

Guild fast travel option -500cc

Guild Mount-1000cc

Guild " insert here xp type" booster-300cc

Guild hologram-2000cc

There ya go all the content you need.

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