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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Resubbed for 3 days, game STILL is badly coded and has broken gameplay mechanics.

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Sure I get some fps stuttering every now and then, but I do in WoW and GW2 as well. I don't have those issues in instances, just out in the world and on fleet. I have the same gpu as the OP but only an i5 CPU.


PC games will always have issues because unlike a console, you've got thousands of users who have a myriad of different hardware and software configurations, different drivers, different ISPs, and I find on the average, most computer users really don't know how to keep them running in top form. They may have too many programs running in the background, trojans, Internet wiring for the neighborhood being crappy, people leaching off wireless etc. etc..


Not everyone will have any of those issues, but chances are, some people do but all they know is their game isn't working as well as they want it to.

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I Have a intel core i7 930@2.80ghz

12gb Memory running win 7 64 bit

Nvidia 460


and guess what no issues other than some frame latency is some of the same areas others have but overall game runs fine maybe your system is broken and needs a tune up...


by the way if you read my past threads i am far from being a fanboi for this game or any other sounds to me you are just looking to make excused to anyone who might say something different than you that the motive is fan based maybe you should not even post if all you plan on doing is attacking.


Your setup is EXACTLY like mine, so much that is scary, even the ram ammount. and yeah, I haven't noticed big changes since I last played 4 months ago. Maybe the fleet suffers from low FPS, but it's fine for me, most of my issues are mostly caused by my third world internet connection.

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I highly doubt that. Without you linking your dxdiag and at least showing a video of your game not stuttering or having fps issues. You are just trolling him in return to prove a point.


This game is using a terribly unoptimized engine that was not finished. Anyone claiming they do not have fps issues probably either do not notice it (don't turn on CTRL+SHIFT+F or don't monitor it with a proper program) if you actually payed attention to it you would see the dips in fps. They range from opening a simple menu like your inventory and having it dip 40-50 fps for absolutely no reason. To playing in warzones with only 16 people and having it dip in combat. (Again, you cannot really notice either of these unless you turn on some feature to track FPS.)


Visibly, the game looks fine (with a few stutters here and there) but deep down the engine suffers greatly from poor optimization.


I don't have extremely bad issues that make it unplayable but even on my rig which is better than the OP's. I notice the issues with the engine.


I honest to goodness do not experience any framerate issues. You are right, the frame rate does drop during menu selection. But, going from 80 to 60 is hardly a big deal. In warzones I pull 80 FPS consistently. I'm not trolling - during launch my game was nearly unplayable at points. But I just don't get any frame rate drops that make the game unplayable, though dropping frames occasionally does happen.

Edited by Arkhonos
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It's weird how there are tons and tons of threads of this issue in customer service forum, dont you think?



This one has 19 pages and is only one of hundreds of threads with the same issue.

Or all the recent threads concerning crappy/laggy FPS and stuttering on Makeb?


And most people playing have 0 issues with this. Clearly something exists in certain situations, but it's not a common thing.

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Before I say anything at all, I'm playing on a comp with i7 2600k cpu, Gefore 560ti (same clock as 570ti stock), 8gb ram. I run all the new games (BF3, skyrim, the witcher 2 etc etc) on max settings with fluid FPS.


Before I started playing SWTOR again for the new expansion, I enjoyed theorycrafting etc with new talent builds, checking out new abilities and what's new. It looked really nice on paper, until I logged in and noticed how "choppy" and "laggy" everything still felt. It was actually WORSE than what I remember from the last time i played SWTOR. I can have 40-100 FPS, and I will still get spikes and it feels laggy, and suddenly drop down to 20-30 FPS a lot. Warzones where battle is going on is the worst. PVP is really no fun atm, when I get spikes and FPS drops when the game should play at 60+ FPS. The gameplay and pvp is simply "laggy" overall. Oh, and just to mention it: THE BOLSTER SYSTEM IS NICE ON PAPER, BUT YOU TURNED IT INTO THE LARGEST JOKE IN MMO HISTORY. The dev that is behind the bolster system should already be fired, it is so amateurly done that I lose faith in mankind.


Now I'm expecting the EA defenders and SWTOR fanboys will flame me with "your comp is broken, you havent tried this and that blabla". I have tried different drivers, I have tried tweaking with nvidia inspector (which has helped sometimes, and what I learned from that is how **** the ingame AA is, and what a joke the graphic settings ingame really is), I have looked at the CPU/GPU % load and so on. It's the game that is poorly coded atm, and the game engine is really, really bad. I also base this on the fact that there are tons and tons of people with the same problems, with different graphic cards. Hell, even people with brand new cpu chips and nvidia 680 cards are getting low FPS and laggy gameplay.

It's even more funny at the new planet Makeb is even worse than the old planets in terms of FPS and spikes.




I can feel your pain, though things do seem to have improved a bit. The game still chokes a bit here and there, and there is still lag on ability execution.


So yes, I would strongly recommend they fix this as well, but I am one that believes they will do exactly that over time, at least now with the essentially new dev staff they have.

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I highly doubt that. Without you linking your dxdiag and at least showing a video of your game not stuttering or having fps issues. You are just trolling him in return to prove a point.


This game is using a terribly unoptimized engine that was not finished. Anyone claiming they do not have fps issues probably either do not notice it (don't turn on CTRL+SHIFT+F or don't monitor it with a proper program) if you actually payed attention to it you would see the dips in fps. They range from opening a simple menu like your inventory and having it dip 40-50 fps for absolutely no reason. To playing in warzones with only 16 people and having it dip in combat. (Again, you cannot really notice either of these unless you turn on some feature to track FPS.)


Visibly, the game looks fine (with a few stutters here and there) but deep down the engine suffers greatly from poor optimization.


I don't have extremely bad issues that make it unplayable but even on my rig which is better than the OP's. I notice the issues with the engine.


I'm running the game maxed at a steady 60 fps with no issues at all. This is on a 7970m which is rougly equivalent to the a GTX 660.

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