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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fake "Tanks" that refuse to guard people in PVP...


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No we don't, nothing is sadder then a Warzone with more then 1-2 tanks in it. :p


Ever been in a Warzone where you have so many tanks we run out of things to actually guard? Talk about lessons in futility. :(




That's easily one of the biggest problems with tanking in general (pve or pvp), you only need 1 most of the time. Maybe 2. They don't stack well at all.


No, I have never, ever been in a game with "too many" tanks where all of the healers are actually guarded all of the time. To actually be guarded by a tank every single WZ would be a dream come true.....


There is a massive shortage of true tanks in regular warzones.

Edited by Volxen
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I will always guard a healer when I play on my Shadow. Untill I die while their dps buddies are getting healed to full everytime someone sneezes in thieir general direction. I wont re-guard a healer after my first death under those circumstances. Those type of situations make for very low protection numbers, but a much more enjoyable game for me personally.


I re-specd out of tanking because of this. Why bother guarding the healer when the healer spends all their time healing the marauder smashers? Meanwhile the opposing jedi leap past our marauders and wipe me out in seconds.


Since I was standing in guard range of our healer 10 seconds after I die the healer dies and people start shouting at me for not guarding them.

"Sorry, I can't guard from the spawn point."


Now I just play DPS like everybody else. I may still die quickly but I can usually take one of them with me.

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I run tank spec on my guardian and wear dps gear, I average 290k-420k per game. I do it because I get melted in 3 seconds on average (sometimes less than that) if I run dps spec and can't actually accomplish anything worth while. If you don't like it, that's tough, because I'm going to do it and encourage others to run similar specs until the damage done in pvp isn't at such an overtly preposterous level.
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No, I have never, ever been in a game with "too many" tanks where all of the healers are actually guarded all of the time. To actually be guarded by a tank every single WZ would be a dream come true.....


There is a massive shortage of true tanks in regular warzones.


It's really not that great, since your teams kill potential goes into the toilet and everyone just sorta flails around ineffectually. They can't kill you, but you can't kill them either, just a pants on head stalemate.

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It depends on your team or who is around during the current fight. If we don't have any healers then I'm not going to put guard on someone that's being focused down by 4+ people because that will just lead us both to a quick death. I would be more helpful throwing taunts and using my abilities to pull/CC guys off him. If it's a smaller scale fight or if there is a healer on our team then I'll use my guard more liberally.
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There seem to be some problems with how the lead is assigned. I thought it was supposed to go to the person with the highest valor rank, but today I was playing my commando, who has valor rank 55, and in one wz, the lead was assigned to a level 38 character - a character that can have the maximum of 38 valor.


I've once actually heard a theory that the leadership would go to the person whose valor bar is closest to the "end" - meaning a person with valor rank 3, but who's almost at valor rank 4, would get the leadership over a person who just got to valor rank 50. Can't say if that's true, though, sounds a little silly to me, but somebody claimed that once.


When my valor was in the nineties I always became ops lead once my valor was 9X.5 up until I hit the next valor rank. Once you hit 100 you will never be ops lead again. Well, hmm, not sure what would happen if everyone on your team had valor rank 100. In any case, I haven't been ops lead in months.

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When my valor was in the nineties I always became ops lead once my valor was 9X.5 up until I hit the next valor rank. Once you hit 100 you will never be ops lead again. Well, hmm, not sure what would happen if everyone on your team had valor rank 100. In any case, I haven't been ops lead in months.


Leader is given to the player with the current highest valor (not valor rank). So lets just say a level 38 has maxed out valor which is valor rank 38 and 5000/5000 valor (made up number). Then there's a level 53 with a valor rank of 57, but only 2000/12000 valor. The level 38 will be the Ops leader. This is why valor rank 100 won't get Ops leader anymore.

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I never expect a guard in Huttball (unless I'm carrying the ball). I don't usually expect a guard if I see the "tank" has less or similar HP to me) - usually means they are in dps gear. But if I see a tank in tank gear and there's healers then I would hope he'd be guarding one of them. If not, they are usually terrible players (leave pylon undefended, don't know how to pass, tries to solo attack the third node when we have two, etc).
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I had a vanguard like that yesterday in lowbie Voidstar. Tank stance, tank gear, 0 protection. My commando healer really could have used someone to look after him, but no. -.-


Your problem was that you were playing a commando.


Merc all the way.

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