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Fix Healing in PVP


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Look. Let's just be serious for a bit here, folks. Healing IS kinda powerful right now, but TTK is also shortened as well. The issues you're facing, however, are not "X is overpowered", it's the same problems you will always face whenever you join a PvP match. Coordination. An individual healer is a threat to a party, yes, but CAN be shut down if your group focuses the healer. Of course, that assumes the enemy team lets you kill their healer, but that's another point. The main issue is not single healers. It's a combination of healers, working in sync. Basically, "Healers healing healers." We've all been there. Our team is bursting down that Sorc/Sage, who sprints away as they run low on HP, and the other healer in the group pops them back up to full. Repeat ad nauseum.


Things like Hypergate, Voidstar and Novare, for instance, are really Healer paradise. You always end up running into a wall of heals, because you keep having to come back to where the healers are, be it center, or a door. That being said, I really don't think it's a healer problem. I think it's a bolster problem, especially in the lower brackets. That free expertise makes it so healing isn't reduced much at all. And when you hit 55, you end up running into the wall of heals again, but this time, because so many people work together at 55. So it's not an actual "Overpowered" issue at all, but more of the way the system is set up. Nerfing healing itself will do nothing but make PvE suck more, due to less healing being generated in OPs and FPs. So, I really don't know how this can be fixed, barring scrapping Bolster.


You fix it without messing with PvE by either increasing trauma or lowering the amount of bonus healing from expertise. Doing either will fix the overtuned healing without breaking PvE.

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I agree with the OP.


Been saying this since the game launched. The heals are just too unbalanced with damage output, numbers of interrupts u can have and channeling time aswell as cooldown on the interrupts, You can heal a whole battalion of players while i wait for my cooldown. And giving damage dont stop healers either, htey just insteaheal it back up in 1 sec.


Its just outta the window with the whole ssytem, total garbage!!!


its only the premades that want to keep it.

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I used to be a fulltime PvP'er but ever since 2.0 I've spent more and more time PvE'ing instead, to the point that I've managed to fill most of the reputation bars and have tokens saved for the remaining ones (weekly maximums). Played one game yesterday, just to quit halfway in when nothing died on either side. That's not the type of game I want to play. I've always avoided rateds like the plague because of tanks and cross healing but an increasing number of normal warzones are playing the same way now. Most boring PvP experience I've ever come across, regardless of game and genre.
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all that need to be done is

disable field respecs in a wz

and have the matchmaker check to field both teams with equal numbers of healing speced chars with a maximum of 2 on each side (heal specced = 11 or more points spend into the healing tree)

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all that need to be done is

disable field respecs in a wz

and have the matchmaker check to field both teams with equal numbers of healing speced chars with a maximum of 2 on each side (heal specced = 11 or more points spend into the healing tree)


This was a good idea. Very good indeed.

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Seriously its getting old now... how hard is it to fix this god mode u gave healers.... Fix bolster, reduce healing done on expertise, grp pre mades with pre mades - ( I do alot of pre mades & would actually want a challange )


But healing is screwed up right now a couple heals on Both teams and no one Dies & most the game its a stale mate... How is this fun


Plz look at Healing done in Pvp, copy wow serioisly, u have in the past


Two things: healers DO DIE, second no offense or anything but ever heard of interrupts and focusing the healers?

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Two things: healers DO DIE, second no offense or anything but ever heard of interrupts and focusing the healers?


This hint with interrupt + focus is getting absurd. I mean, everybody and his dog is complaining about heal and heal+tank combos being too strong and all you have to say is "interrupt them"? Not everybody is a moron, you know? People do interrupt and focus and try what they can. But heal is simply too strong and this is being acknowledged every day by loads of players. You can't simply assume that they're all bads and healers are all good, what would be the odds of that?

Edited by Cretinus
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I think this is the effect of the PVE/PVP overlap which I have seen in many other games such as WOW.


Generally people who want to PVP want to fight. Go in .. inflict damage and kill stuff. That is what PVP should be.


PVP is a way of playing this game if PVE is not your thing and dancing around with a first aid kit just doesn't do it for you.


Healers play PVP like it is a PVE boss. Shield, heal, run away, shield, heal .... boring!


Most hot blooded PVP players couldn't bare that kind of game. They want to kill!


I think that the perfect solution to this is to have a one click PVE and PVP build and gear sets.


Get rid of healers from PVP all together and make it a mans fight again and not a first aid competition.


WHen a healer fancies PVP, click the PVP build and kit button and fight like a man ... instead of heal like a girl.


The fact that 1 or 2 good healers can create a crappy game for everyones is in my opinion wrong.


Now thats just insulting. I like to play healers and i do no pve whatsoever

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all that need to be done is

disable field respecs in a wz

and have the matchmaker check to field both teams with equal numbers of healing speced chars with a maximum of 2 on each side (heal specced = 11 or more points spend into the healing tree)


it would lead to what was before 'field respec'. people would go to skill tutor on the fleet, reset their skills, enter WZ. or get a que to pop, reset skills, join.


Let's make it more fun. it will require minimum 2 tanks and 2 healers to group. DPS, enjoy long que times like group finder. :rolleyes:

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it would lead to what was before 'field respec'. people would go to skill tutor on the fleet, reset their skills, enter WZ. or get a que to pop, reset skills, join.


Let's make it more fun. it will require minimum 2 tanks and 2 healers to group. DPS, enjoy long que times like group finder. :rolleyes:


easily solveable - make queing impsossible with more than 2 unspend skillpoints.

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easily solveable - make queing impsossible with more than 2 unspend skillpoints.


and second half of my post, or even sentence? you que, you pop, reset skills , join.

it would limit to maximum number of healers? or 2 is required number. what about tanks?

Edited by Atramar
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Funny, as a healer I seem to have no issue keeping people up when I face a team that knows how to focus and put out some DPS. If you are one of those people at the end of a WZ that has less than 100k hps, I think the problem lies on your end.


100k hps? Wow, where can I get one of those? Pray tell which healer can heal 100,000 healing per second.

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100k hps? Wow, where can I get one of those? Pray tell which healer can heal 100,000 healing per second.


Not even a respawn does that much, it does only 20-45k :D

I would like a pocket healer who does 100k hps as well

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and second half of my post, or even sentence? you que, you pop, reset skills , join.

it would limit to maximum number of healers? or 2 is required number. what about tanks?


resetting your skillpoints automatically unques you as you have more than 2 unskilled skillpoints.

2 healers would be the maximum, the only healer requirement is equalnumbers on each side with a maximum of 2.

whats up with tanks? they require different tactics to be faced and playing in a heavy tank setup. so they offer different play styles no need for restrictions from my pov.

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resetting your skillpoints automatically unques you as you have more than 2 unskilled skillpoints.

2 healers would be the maximum, the only healer requirement is equalnumbers on each side with a maximum of 2.

whats up with tanks? they require different tactics to be faced and playing in a heavy tank setup. so they offer different play styles no need for restrictions from my pov.


tanks can easily make a difference, because they can bring the ball in themselfs, they can make a healer unkillable, they can see to it that your team doesn't loose an objective.


(BTW I can just say the same thing: they require different tactics to be faced and playing in a heavy healer setup)


If you want to regulate one of the 3 roles, you have to regulate them all


so dps will have the short end of the stick once again


1. Nerf Healers

2. People complain about healers not working WZ

3. Healers stop playing WZ

4. People complain not enough healers

5. Healers buffed


Rinse repeat


I agree with you and the best response to this is "Sorry, but I can't heal stupidity"

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I do not think its all healers which is the problem Tbh.


And I think having a guard on them has a heavy factor on it. If I see a Sorc with guard on and several of us hit him we can take him down hopefully. I notice taking an operative is a lot harder, Commando healers? meh blink and they are gone. I have never run into massive problems unless the match has several healers but that is biowares ****** matchmaking system. Something needs to be done with regards to healing before 2.4 because in arenas it will be even worse.

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