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Very few melee ops in 55 WZs?


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Havent seen that many. Im leveling one myself and i tear ppl apart in lowbie WZs. ofc i cant compare 10-54 WZs with 55 WZs i know.

My question is: Melee ops dont last in 55 WZs because of the nerf crit or is it just because the healing tree is way too strong too ignore?

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the roll they gave ops was a really good move in the right direction to give them some sort of mobility. However, our dmg @ 55 against other well geared/skill players is easily shut down. Other melee classes simply do it better. You wanna be sneaky and do dmg? better off with an assassin. nobody is really complaining about the 10k maul crits so roll one while you can. Op dmg overall is just too low, I can't argue that there have been a few improvements but at the end of the day we are still out performed by other melee classes. Basically right now, concealment pvp is the way to go up to lv 54. After that go heals or reroll. Oh and that "roll" ability they gave ops, its bugged and will get you kicked from a WZ or force you to relog.
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Oh thats bad news =/ I have a assassin in the mid 50s so guess thats gonna be my sneaky sneaky one in 55 and ill just go healing with my op then. Thanks for the info m8. Now i wont buy the wrong pvp set at 55 atleast hehe.

Once again thanks :)

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Operatives -- especially Concealment -- suffers from ability bloat:


1. You have to activate Acid Blade before Hidden Strike and Backstab.


Acid Blade could easily be turned into a passive, considering both abilities it affects have cooldowns. And since Acid Blade doesn't trigger the GCD, it's essentially just a button you need to hit every time you use one of the aforementioned abilities -- making it a passive would free up fingers to hit other abilities.



2. You have to use Shiv to use Lacerate -- our "Maul".


Assassins can spam their hard-hitter (albeit not for long due to resource costs). We have to use one ability to even unlock our hard-hitter. We also have two hard-hitters as Concealment: Backstab and Lacerate. They should remove the cooldown on Backstab (bring the energy cost in line with Lacerate) and add Collateral Strike to it. Would free up hotkeys for other abilities.



3. You have to keep up Corrosive Dart to manage resources.


While Corrosive Dart does good damage, it's still a GCD spent on a DoT - in a burst specialization. The skill tree needs to be cleaned up so it's not "a bit of both worlds." Leave the DoT abilities for Lethality and the single target direct damage for Concealment. Would reduce ramp-up time.



4. You have to crouch to pop Explosive Probe.


While not strictly a part of the rotation, I think most Concealment Operatives would agree that Explosive Probe is very useful. It hits hard (the closest thing we come to the Assassin's Surging Discharge), but it's a pain to apply and it has a long cooldown. I think it's about time they put a passive in the Operative skill book that removes the need to crouch to use Explosive Probe and Snipe (the only two abilities we get that require crouching).



I've not yet played 55 WZs on my Operative (who is about halfway there), but I've seen a lot (seriously, A LOT) of level 50+ Concealment Operative and Deception Assassin PvP gameplay, and the key difference is the amount of ramp-up time required on the Concealment Operative. Assassins unleash hell from the moment they pop out of stealth while Operatives have to put up all kinds of buffs and debuffs before being able to dish out the hurt.


They need to go through Concealment and remove the fluff.

Edited by Qaoz
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It's actually none of the above, it's our survivability. We had crap survivability at 50. Now at 55 with the same crap survivability, every other class is doing insane burst damage that they didn't have pre-2.0 and were cut down in seconds, spending a lot of tipi me behind a response gate. That is not exactly "fun". Sins do everything way better and can last much longer in group combat.


None of the above is 1v1, which is not what warzones are all about.

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after 2.0 i looked on the Concealment tree and i thought 'wow it gotten no love'. I bothered to try it once on twice and left it, where i left it before .. in dust.

On contrary, Lethality got lots of love (which i like, as i played Leth. from game start).


So, nowadays, no change for me i roll Lethality or Medic and respeccing as needed, just like i did before 2.0 . ..

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you don't have to go into cover for probe now. There is a one second window at the end of the roll that you can cast probe without going into cover. The more you know.


That's also literally half your energy bar just to do that. Not even worth the trivial "cool" feeling you have briefly just because you did it while rolling.

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That's also literally half your energy bar just to do that. Not even worth the trivial "cool" feeling you have briefly just because you did it while rolling.


missing the application for it instead of just the cool feeling. Kiting someone, someone running away, it is what it is. just thought I'd throw it out there.

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the issue I'm finding out and the reason I have started to drive away from pvp in general ,as it raises my blood pressure to no end, is that every other class can do our melee damage better, AND have much better survivability.


I have a 55 assassin as well as my op(who is my main). He does much better in warzones and stands up to the onslaught of attacks back to him. Not only that, but being able to do on average 22-24k damage in one rotation due to Recklessness and maul procs.. oh and they can easily reset themselves and do it again on another guy. Top it off they have their own saber ward, blackout damage reduction, and a free 15% heal that allows them to do Even MORE damage.. oh, and let's not forget force cloak.


I've done lethality and concealment in warzones since 2.0 and wearing full partisan gear with some conq pieces, and I honestly don't feel useful to my teammates because Either I'm not doing enough damage as every other melee dps class in the game, I'm just inflating my numbers by throwing grenades everywhere, or dying the moment someone throws a stiff breeze my way. Our roll is nice, but when there's so many slows, roots, knockbacks, pulls, and stuns it's just not worth it.


I'm really hoping that BW does something to help us out to bring us up to par in warzones with every other class because quite frankly every time I pvp on my op as anything but heals I feel like punching a baby afterwards, and I don't want to be shoe horned into a healer roll in pvp.


Pve tho, lethality is amazing ;)

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It's just dead is what it is. There is one reason and one reason alone they wanted it dead: Hidden Strike.


Think about it. We hit for this huge opener and nobody can see us doing it. Your sin can use spike and the maul for the same thing, but spike does little damage and they have time to react to it.


Old solution: Nerf ops. But, ops cried about it.


New solution: Buff every other class's damage and keep ops with horrible survivability. Problem solved.


The true sad part is that they have no intention in fixing it, this is how they wanted it. Think real hard and look at the evidence, you'll see its true.

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It's just dead is what it is. There is one reason and one reason alone they wanted it dead: Hidden Strike.


Think about it. We hit for this huge opener and nobody can see us doing it. Your sin can use spike and the maul for the same thing, but spike does little damage and they have time to react to it.


Old solution: Nerf ops. But, ops cried about it.


New solution: Buff every other class's damage and keep ops with horrible survivability. Problem solved.


The true sad part is that they have no intention in fixing it, this is how they wanted it. Think real hard and look at the evidence, you'll see its true.


Sadly enough, I think you may be right. My op is a low level alt, and I created it because I liked the stealth/sleep aspect from leveling my tanksin. Before 2.0, my lowbie op felt almost OP, with the huge burst (even at low levels). It was nothing for me, even as a 20-something, to hit for 4-5k top hits in a wz. (I used all on level blue mods, except for a purple knife and barrel.) But, it was so much squishier than my sin was, and if I was caught out of stealth, was pretty sure to go splat. Where I could easily go 1 vs 2 leveling the sin in pvp, due to the greater survivability.

Now, it feels the op has nothing to offset the squishiness, as our burst is about the same, but everyone has so much more hp. People that had 12-15k hp before, now have 23-27k, and my top hits are roughly only 500-1k better than before. A marginal dps increase coupled with huge health bolster makes it very hard to burst somebody down now. I can only imagine how gimped the high level concealment ops feel. Ah well, time to level my lowbie Jugg instead, I guess.

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That's where they get you man. You're in the same boat as everyone else, complaining to BW to get your class balanced.


Ops: "We want more survivability and better burst damage to put us on par with other classes. Also, we can't get our opener a lot of times, so that gimps us and we want to be able to use it out of stealth."


BW: "We have one of those, it's called an Assassin."


Personally, I'm just about done with the game. The class has been a slippery slope since the beginning and pvp is pretty much a joke now. Seems like nobody plays for objectives too much and they're all just interested in playing for big numbers. Sure I could play my Shadow and slaughter everyone with far less downtime (and less complaining) but I actually feel like playing the class I've poured my time into the most.


Basically, I stepped back and analyzed the class I've played for the past 14 months (op/scoundrel) and what used to be a tactical, precision killer is now nothing more than a non-lethal Olympic gymnast who tumbles around the room doing negligible damage. The class as a whole is pretty much a joke, not just the Concealment spec.

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