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Eric Musco, WHERE is our "promised" Investigation.


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It's been two months on a five month old bug you said you'd get investigated. and I'm seeing more break related to it than being fixed, and that worries and frustrates me, I hate to call anyone out by name, but you said You'd see it happen, and I'm holding you to your word. Before more bugs happen related to this than gets fixed.




Revan is so strong he stacks hoods for power!!!


I will pass this on for investigation. :rak_03:





Its been almost 2 months since you said this with no word, and the bug has been here SINCE Free 2 play and before Christmas. Reguardless of any new issues, you should own up to what you promised to do. Several threads have been begging in pleading on General Forums for months now as-well.


Doublehood bug is on Revan's Chestplate, Investigators Robes, and Pathfinders Chestpiece, on top of that Revan's set is Still broken, along with the appearance of Revan on his Holostatue that just came out. Cut the cancer, and prevent future issues.


I am sure the Cartel Development team can make this fix while the rest of the team works on the PvP fixes and other issues. since this is related to the Cartel Market directly.



I play this game for my enjoyment, I probobly spend almost 100$ a month dependent on the cartel pack coming out sometimes. And if there is one thing I personally put my wallet away from, is liars.



I can literally direct you to over 6 threads that I didn't even make myself that complain of this issue. Is it really this hard to get the color bugs on Revans chestpeice and lower robe fixed, and the double hood bug on those 3 chestpeices? Is it really hard to just even say. "We're still looking into this" We don't even get this much.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=633456 -Bvhawkvt


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=613191 -Terin


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=599508 -Magnusheart (mine)


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=631782 -AshlaBoga


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=629549 -Greenify


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=620398 - Merenhail


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=611424 -AshlaBoga (again)


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=570954 -Aelther


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=583086 - Karaiblis (mentioned in several posts within)

Edited by Magnusheart
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The investigation is most likely ongoing, and if its ongoing hes not going to publish the results here until its done.


Also, there are wors problems in the game than revans double hood (and yeah, i mean in the cartel division). The investigation is most likely not priority 1.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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What's there to investigate when other players have already detailed all the bugs therefor? If its ongoing why has it taken almost 2 months to hear anything? I can honestly say with a sad heart they are avoiding this. Edited by Magnusheart
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What's there to investigate when other players have already detailed all the bugs therefor? If its ongoing why has it taken almost 2 months to hear anything? I can honestly say with a sad heart they are avoiding this.


They have other things to fix first. Revans hood is not the only thing bugged you know. And its not game breaking, nor is it an enormous issue, so its on the back burner.

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They cut the development team on this game down to bare bones. They were barely able to squeeze out the Cartel DLC, never mind fix outstanding bugs that have been around since beta. I am at the final chapter of the Bounty Hunter quest line and the bugs are atrocious. There is also still long outstanding content promised to be released with no update. Fact is, the Revan Chestpiece is one item on a very long list of bugs. Edited by Dunzo
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Has anyone considered that the double hood is a fashion statement?? Kinda like the kids that wear their pants around their ankles with their underwear sticking out?? Or those baseball caps with all the tags hanging off of them?? How dare you condemn Revan's right to freedom of expression and artistic taste..


Revan has the same rights as everyone else to look stupid.. :D

Edited by MajikMyst
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What's there to investigate when other players have already detailed all the bugs therefor? If its ongoing why has it taken almost 2 months to hear anything? I can honestly say with a sad heart they are avoiding this.


*Puts on tinfoil hat*


Maybe it's a dev who dislikes the CM and is messing with Cartel gear as a form of protest?


*Takes off hat*

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They have other things to fix first. Revans hood is not the only thing bugged you know. And its not game breaking, nor is it an enormous issue, so its on the back burner.


Obviously you didn't even bother reading the whole thing, I stated all three items with the double hood bug, Revans, Investigators, Pathfinders.


Secondly, the least we want is a reply for a possible ETA. Yeah, its not gamebreaking, but it wouldn't take an army of 3000 to fix either.


The investigation is most likely not priority 1.



And yet they formally announced and claimed on this bugs existence. Entering into the agreement that it was in fact being looked at to be fixed, while we are in fact, waiting.

Edited by Magnusheart
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Obviously you didn't even bother reading the whole thing, I stated all three items with the double hood bug, Revans, Investigators, Pathfinders.


Secondly, the least we want is a reply for a possible ETA. Yeah, its not gamebreaking, but it wouldn't take an army of 3000 to fix either.





And yet they formally announced and claimed on this bugs existence. Entering into the agreement that it was in fact being looked at to be fixed, while we are in fact, waiting.


Of course. They aknowledged the existance of the bug. They stated that it would be investigated.


And here it is on the list:

1: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

2: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

3: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

4: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

5: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

6: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

7: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

8: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

9: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

10: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

11: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

12: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

13: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

14: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

15: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

16: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

17: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

18: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

19: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

20: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

21: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

22: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

23: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

24: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

25: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

26: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

27: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

28: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

29: Some more important or earlier discovered bug.

30: Revans hood.


See how it works? They are investigating the bug, but they have other things to do first that are either more important or were reported earlier than this bug.

Simmer down, its not the end of the world. Although its very apparant that this is the center of your world since you keep popping into almost every thread about bugs and bringing this up at every opportunity.

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. Although its very apparant that this is the center of your world since you keep popping into almost every thread about bugs and bringing this up at every opportunity.




Damn straight im keeping it alive whenever I can, I am not letting this die off like Kallig's Countenance no longer working with hood bug for a year and a half. And I can see I am not alone in this either buddy.


If there is one thing that has been long proven on this game, activity of the subject is how **** gets taken care of.

Edited by Magnusheart
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Damn straight im keeping it alive whenever I can, I am not letting this die off like Kallig's Countenance no longer working with hood bug for a year and a half. And I can see I am not alone in this either buddy.


If there is one thing that has been long proven on this game, activity of the subject is how **** gets taken care of.


Yeah, all this activity sure has made them take care of this ****... or not.

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Damn straight im keeping it alive whenever I can, I am not letting this die off like Kallig's Countenance no longer working with hood bug for a year and a half. And I can see I am not alone in this either buddy.


If there is one thing that has been long proven on this game, activity of the subject is how **** gets taken care of.


You want them to work on the bug for you? Then stop breaking the rules by calling out a community team member. It is rude and makes your post look hostile. You want respect you have to give it first.

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You want them to work on the bug for you? Then stop breaking the rules by calling out a community team member. It is rude and makes your post look hostile. You want respect you have to give it first.






And yet sadlyother threads work just fine getting a reply by calling him out. : / I'm not happy making this, I even said so at the first paragraph of the OP, I've waited patiently since December 18th when the bugs first happened(not counting free to play launch on the the bug with investigators and pathfinders).


And if there is one thing that rots with time, is hope. I've spent well over a thousand dollars on this game since F2P launched. I'm not trying to say I'm special, or important. But all I'm asking for is an update on one little thing, not just me asking either, as I also tried to point out in the OP.

Edited by Magnusheart
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Damn straight im keeping it alive whenever I can, I am not letting this die off like Kallig's Countenance no longer working with hood bug for a year and a half. And I can see I am not alone in this either buddy.


If there is one thing that has been long proven on this game, activity of the subject is how **** gets taken care of.


This is of course your choice to do so.


Suggestion: if you intend to do so... best to have head-gasket replaced now... lest it burst in the middle of a forum post. :p


On a more serious note: do you know what the term "investigate" means in the context of a software development team? It would be helpful context for you I think. Tip: it does not mean what you think it does... it's not a law enforcment term in this case and it does not come with the public relations meetings with the press by the law enforcement watch commander.


TL;DR when they patch in a fix.. you will know your answers to your demands.

Edited by Andryah
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This is of course your choice to do so.


Suggestion: if you intend to do so... best to have head-gasket replaced now... lest it burst in the middle of a forum post. :p


On a more serious note: do you know what the term "investigate" means in the context of a software development team? It would be helpful context for you I think. Tip: it does not mean what you think it does... it's not a law enforcment term in this case and it does not come with the public relations meetings with the press by the law enforcement watch commander.


TL;DR when they patch in a fix.. you will know your answers to your demands.


And yet, sadly even the Holo Revan Statue is my example. They are breaking more new things before they are fixing. Revans set was ignored during the classic item overhaul. and its being avoided now. and thats all I have to say.


I'm made this thread because its an insult to the protagonist who, without the game about him, this game wouldn't exist. Eric is my favorite community manager on here, but I believe when he passed this on for investigation, the "investigators" didn't do anything.

Edited by Magnusheart
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It's funny, before eric made this post i was using Revan's Robes and never even noticed the double hood issue. Ever since I saw it was being investigated, it has become the first thing I notice every time I see the back of that robe. Needless to say, I no longer use it.
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It's funny, before eric made this post i was using Revan's Robes and never even noticed the double hood issue. Ever since I saw it was being investigated, it has become the first thing I notice every time I see the back of that robe. Needless to say, I no longer use it.


Indeed. I have 3 characters I have wearing it, and 6 companions. (nicest cult/acolyte outfit you can find thats cheap on Jung Ma) I have a complete set on both a Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight. (because the boots 100% look alike is the investigators unified). And so its the first thing I see on the login next to the robes color bug being light grey.

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There are several outfits that have been broken since beta, and outfits break all the time. My robes clip through the bottom of my speeder. Some have some pretty insane clipping. Some move independently of other parts. Why does your obsession (which is significantly less severe than outfits that don't even work correctly) deserve to be fixed sooner? I'm not defending BioWare's practices, by any means, but you seem like a lone gunman against the mongul horde in this instance. The CE vendor got the run around for over a year before seeing a joke of a fix.


You gotta know when to hold 'em...

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There are several outfits that have been broken since beta, and outfits break all the time. My robes clip through the bottom of my speeder. Some have some pretty insane clipping. Some move independently of other parts. Why does your obsession (which is significantly less severe than outfits that don't even work correctly) deserve to be fixed sooner? I'm not defending BioWare's practices, by any means, but you seem like a lone gunman against the mongul horde in this instance. The CE vendor got the run around for over a year before seeing a joke of a fix.


You gotta know when to hold 'em...


Like I said, Revan was half the reason this game exists with Kotor, It's a disrespect to him, and Kotor, and Drew Karpyshyn. Its not because I wear the set on 3 characters. Its because the Original Protagonist doesn't deserve this. And I am trying to prevent it from taking over a year to fix. You tell me, is that really a bad thing?

Edited by Magnusheart
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I hate to consider calling anyone out, especially you. But seriously. You said you would look into it, and i'm holding your word. It's been 2 months with not so much as a "Still looking into it" Silence is all we have. Would it kill for just one update about this?







Its been almost 2 months since you said this with no word, and the bug has been here SINCE Free 2 play and before Christmas. Reguardless of any new issues, you should own up to what you promised to do. Several threads have been begging in pleading on General Forums for months now as-well.


Doublehood bug is on Revan's Chestplate, Investigators Robes, and Pathfinders Chestpiece, on top of that Revan's set is Still broken, along with the appearance of Revan on his Holostatue that just came out. Cut the cancer, and prevent future issues.


I am sure the Cartel Development team can make this fix while the rest of the team works on the PvP fixes and other issues. since this is related to the Cartel Market directly.



I play this game for my enjoyment, I probobly spend almost 100$ a month dependent on the cartel pack coming out sometimes. And if there is one thing I personally put my wallet away from, is liars.



I can literally direct you to over 6 threads that I didn't even make myself that complain of this issue. Is it really this hard to get the color bugs on Revans chestpeice and lower robe fixed, and the double hood bug on those 3 chestpeices? Is it really hard to just even say. "We're still looking into this" We don't even get this much.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=633456 -Bvhawkvt


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=613191 -Terin


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=599508 -Magnusheart (mine)


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=631782 -AshlaBoga


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=629549 -Greenify


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=620398 - Merenhail


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=611424 -AshlaBoga (again)


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=570954 -Aelther


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=583086 - Karaiblis (mentioned in several posts within)


Don't remember the name but a loot drop in Foundry drops a cloak the same.

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I hate to consider calling anyone out, especially you. But seriously. You said you would look into it, and i'm holding your word. It's been 2 months with not so much as a "Still looking into it" Silence is all we have. Would it kill for just one update about this?


WHO CARES about Revan.. Get over the guy..


There are MUCH more important issues, like why we wait for 1-2 HOURS for a FP queue!


You carebears make me want to vomit.

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Like I said, Revan was half the reason this game exists with Kotor, It's a disrespect to him, and Kotor, and Drew Karpyshyn. Its not because I wear the set on 3 characters. Its because the Original Protagonist doesn't deserve this. And I am trying to prevent it from taking over a year to fix. You tell me, is that really a bad thing?


So, without Revan, no one else in the time frame would've existed? Sure, he's iconic, but without Darth Vader, we wouldn't have Star Wars to have an Old Republic of, and his outfit isn't even in the game!


To be quite honest, I think it's lame that Revan's robes are in the game at all, and what's really disrespectful is that they're cartel pack drops. Other people like them, so I say whatever. However, you need to admit to yourself:

A.) It IS because you wear them on 3 different characters. I love KotOR. Still play the original. You OBVIOUSLY like Revan a whole lot more than me.

B.) It won't take a year to fix. It's going to take LONGER. Eric has been a world of help ever since he got on the scene, if he says he passed it on for investigation, he did. If nothing happened, I hate to break it to you, it's because the powers that be just don't care. Once it's not a priority, well, once again, look to the CE vendor. (Oooh! Our exclusive weapons and armor turned into three dyes out of close to 50 that we may end up sharing with the security key vendor!)

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Of course. They aknowledged the existance of the bug. They stated that it would be investigated.


And here it is on the list:

1: Cartel Cashgrab

2: Cartel Cashgrab

3: Cartel Cashgrab

4: Cartel Cashgrab

5: Cartel Cashgrab

6: Cartel Cashgrab

7: Cartel Cashgrab

8: Cartel Cashgrab

9: Cartel Cashgrab

10: Cartel Cashgrab

11: Cartel Cashgrab

12: Cartel Cashgrab

13: Cartel Cashgrab

14: Cartel Cashgrab

15: Cartel Cashgrab

16: Cartel Cashgrab

17: Cartel Cashgrab

18: Cartel Cashgrab

19: Cartel Cashgrab

20: Cartel Cashgrab

21: Cartel Cashgrab

22: Cartel Cashgrab

23: Cartel Cashgrab

24: Cartel Cashgrab

25: Cartel Cashgrab

26: Cartel Cashgrab

27: Cartel Cashgrab

28: Cartel Cashgrab

29: Cartel Cashgrab

18: Cartel Cashgrab

19: Cartel Cashgrab

20: Cartel Cashgrab

21: Cartel Cashgrab

22: Cartel Cashgrab

23: Cartel Cashgrab

24: Cartel Cashgrab

25: Cartel Cashgrab

26: Cartel Cashgrab

27: Cartel Cashgrab

28: Cartel Cashgrab

29: Cartel Cashgrab

30: Fixing Bugs.


Fix'd that for you.

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I'm offended by A: because its only half true. The star of the original game which lead this this games creation still doesn't deserve a slap in the face.


and for B: thats what I am trying to stop, Cartel market development team should care when they made mistakes. Look at the Phantom and other classic gear flame war that happened. They need to acknowledge their mistakes more.

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