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Original Begeren Colony players?


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Just saw an old friend on fleet that I haven't seen since like 1.2 and told him, it was good to see an OG BC'er. Since it seems like there's not too many of us around anymore.


So it made me want to post a thread to see just how many of us are still here!


Write your name and the best memories you had before server transfers.


ill start.





Best memories would be just starting/learning how to PvP at level 50 (didn't know what it was before then lol) and Fighting "The Exiles". Getting obliterated by Consular game after game along with my competitive nature is what made me strive to become a better player. xD


And also fighting Scyn back when we were both Vengeance/Vigilance, He was always my rival. >:D

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My name is Trithemius.


Some of my fondest memories are from way back before we formed Exiles. PvP'ing with members of Dawn Eternal like Scyn, Dary, Opalen, and Nagorn as well as with Beleg, Consular and Lincessa were always a blast. We used to tear up wz's back when you had to open all of those silly Battlemaster bags.


Also, some of our Ilum pvp battles with the terrible lag were quite memorable as well.

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Consular here!


The time spent as one of the GM's of Exiles was by far my favorite time in this game. The competition on PvP and the progression through content always kept me coming back every day for something new. Above all I valued and still value the community of players we had playing together. I did my best to meld my own personal values into the Exiles values and build a reputation for a friendly and mature guild that allowed everyone to enjoy themselves across all aspects of the game.


I've always enjoyed that our player base and community has been forthcoming with one another and allows players from different guilds and factions to hang out with each other on voice comm systems. I've always enjoyed the duels I would have with many players both before and after the server merges.


Unfortunately due to my scheduling now I'm forced to play late night. Usually around 10PM PST or later these days but that hasn't stopped me from talking with my old friends and creating new friends along the way!


It has been and will continue to be an absolute privilege for me to play alongside so many people. We may bicker and fight from time to time in the heat of battle but in the end we all get along and I daresay our servers community is one of the strongest out there.

Edited by Mindsting
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<-- Scyn for those who don't know.


Originally from BC of course :)


Fondest memories would have to be my old guild Dawn Eternal. Between my past and present guilds Dawn Eternal by leaps and bounds has been my best guild experience. Not only was it a tight nit guild, there was absolutely no drama and every single player was fantastic. I really learned alot from them. I also remember going against the best tandum of healers I've seen on this server Azzara + Creny. They made me work for every single kill back in the day. I only hope they come back. I'd love to go up against them :D

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I also remember going against the best tandum of healers I've seen on this server Azzara + Creny. They made me work for every single kill back in the day. I only hope they come back. I'd love to go up against them :D


Mauduin here.


Originally from BC also.


I remember pvp back in those days, Scyn you are not alone. I absolutely hated fighting against that duo, much less dee'dee. She used to kick my *** back in the day. I remember fond times of playing with Jigu back in the days with Hope's Light when they used to be an active guild. Then Exiles for me. Those were good days, mostly just pvp'ing and making fun... oops I mean encouraging Consulars love for endurance.

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Not many know this, but my first character--made at early release--was a Jedi Guardian here on Begeren Colony. Alas, most of my guildies either drifted away or defected to Empire, and at the time I was a strict PVEer with a dead guild.


If I couldn't beat 'em, I joined them. Thus Andreus found himself on Korriban, wondering how to heal. I found PVP easier to organize with smaller groups of friends than 8-man PVE raids and eventually forgot that PVE even existed. Eventually I made new friends on the Republic side, but it always seemed the community on the Empire side did more to encourage the incubation of new talent (at least, pre 1.2). At the time my guild was slowly dying, I felt the rest of the Republic had already more or less formed into its guilds and had more or less become a closed system of elitists.


The sad thing is, if I tried to play with my guardian again, I'd be That Scrub who struggled to break 100k in a warzone (actually tried it once). Maybe in lolderpsmash spec I could get 200k. LOL. I've literally forgotten how to play him. Sure I have the theorycrafting of going against guardians in warzones, but the muscle memory is completely gone. :(


And yes, I dreaded Imp-on-Imp matches because it always seemed Azzara and Creny were on the OTHER team. To this day, I've yet to see any Imperial healers cross-heal as they did--and I fall short on that as well.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Good thread. I am also an Original BC'er, my fondest memory is being part of Sithari and just being causual player. My second fondest memory is hitting 50 for the first time and seeing the end story for the Jedi Consular. IMO the most Stars feeling ending in the game.
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Not a day 1 BC vet, I let a RL friend pick the server, when he and our other friends that played quit like are wont to do, and my in game friends stopped logging in, I left Elysium and made a pit stop on Ebon Hawk, then found my way to BC, all pre merges.


First toon here was Aethan, My shadow, who fell by the way side when legacy races were announced and I decided I wanted a pure blood jedi.


My fondest memory, I guess, would be of Consular sitting on Coruscant and helping the low level players out. He helped my small army of alts at the time through the heroics.

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Endurance was the way to gear prior to 2.0.




If all you stacked was endu that explains why you were easy to take down. High endurance is nothing without the defensive stats to back it up. I bet armor pen was your worst enemy back then lol

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I'm from another server actually. But, I'll tell the story of how I came over here. ^.^


I had a friend that was interested in playing SWTOR, however he did not want to be on a PvP server. My main server is PVP. So I decided to reroll a new toon and we picked Begeren Colony as he wanted a RP server, we played for roughly two months before he abruptly quit. By that time I had already started making friends over here... and well decided to stay. I still occasionally pop over to my PvP server to visit friends and guildies.. But, this server has a better community overall.

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I'm from another server actually. But, I'll tell the story of how I came over here. ^.^


I had a friend that was interested in playing SWTOR, however he did not want to be on a PvP server. My main server is PVP. So I decided to reroll a new toon and we picked Begeren Colony as he wanted a RP server, we played for roughly two months before he abruptly quit. By that time I had already started making friends over here, including my bestest friend ebber! Myrmedon! and well decided to stay. I still occasionally pop over to my PvP server to visit friends and guildies.. But, this server has a better community overall.


*sniff* thank you this made my day

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If all you stacked was endu that explains why you were easy to take down. High endurance is nothing without the defensive stats to back it up. I bet armor pen was your worst enemy back then lol


Prior to 2.0 in PvE settings shadows excelled with mid-high endurance, high defense, and a moderate amount of absorb. With the changes to shield with 2.0 things have changed and shield is far more important than it was before. Keep in mind this is for PvE settings and not PvP. I never had one extreme but rather balanced them accordingly.


Same setup Memories of Xendor ran on their assassin tanks prior to 2.0.


Edit: Also I love you.

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Prior to 2.0 in PvE settings shadows excelled with mid-high endurance, high defense, and a moderate amount of absorb. With the changes to shield with 2.0 things have changed and shield is far more important than it was before. Keep in mind this is for PvE settings and not PvP. I never had one extreme but rather balanced them accordingly.


Same setup Memories of Xendor ran on their assassin tanks prior to 2.0.


Edit: Also I love you.


Ah i see you are backpedaling. good man!


EDIT: Also I think you should get your own one liners instead of stealing Kaelefth's :cool:


/inc angry bird man

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Posers man. Apparently dropping that line is what the kewl kids do. A common tell in ASB. Bascally you got to him with your comment. You should go back to counting smashes foghorn. ;)


Ahhh you poor soul.


Edit: Go ahead and google who that is an image of then reply back here with a witty response.

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i remember the first couple of days when Exiles was being formed and all of the electricity and fire we all had. Of of that energy was molding a group of players into a great guild. It was my first time I was part of a larger guild and i'll never forget the day Consular approached Trithemius and the rest of the Blue Sun Syndicate to join up with him, Beleg, Lincesa, and others; and forge a new name ( a name that will always be part of the BC history). That was a exciting time.

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Delere here! I remember back before I was 50 I was a compete noob fresh to the mmo environment, believe it or not I started attacking enemies by right clicking on them constantly. Wasn't really big on pvp pre 50 either. But that all changed when I joined ars astrum and meet rilo. And as I pvped with rilo I was then introduced to exiles. Not too long after I joined exiles(sorry ikada) and had an awesome time with them. Still good friends with the former exiles players, plus many others I have met along the way and am still gaining and hope to continue to make more friends.


I always find it funny when I compare myself from launch to now XD

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Well, I just got back to the game. I started on Begeren when the game launched. Dusting off the guild right now probably going to try to rebuild it I don't know personally. Not sure if I want to get into PvP at the moment, but who knows, I always could. I know more than a few Sith got annoyed with me back then though looking at my friends list I doubt many are around. ;) Edited by Silverspar
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