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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Damn... It happend with me again...

And i'm blame Bioware for this. It's becouse of them i got kicked from FP this time :(


Do you know what i find awsome in new cosmetic system? That i can "wear" any armor type :cool:


This time i was on my jugg, dressed in sorc/sin armor (looking awsome).

Got pop on 60 HM, loading in and... instant vote kick with reason: light armor jugg.

It was so fast that i couldn't explain anything...

Vote goes through...

Obviously no one in team didn't even bother to check my real armor :D


Well. Sith happens :D


That's been happening for years, ever since they first introduced the adaptive gear. I've had my assassin kicked cause she was wearing the Imperial Dancer's outfit... omg you can't tank in a bikini you noob... and same with my Male Juggernaut when I went in wearing a covert energy armor torso... they kicked me because I was a noob not wearing a chest piece.


And even before adaptive gear, when the Imperial Dancer's outfit was "light' armor and therefore only inquisitors could wear it, I still would get kicked for "omg you can't tank in light armor noob"

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Doing legacy of the rakata with 2 guildmates and a pug. We move through most of it with no issues until we come to the final boss (Shield Squadron 1), and we struggle to get through it. The pug (a gunslinger) thinks that he can stay in cover and not die from all the aoe attacks that show up. Yet somehow, every fight I see his health bar (I'm a healer) drop to about 10%, followed by his body flying around the screen. We finally kick him (or he rage quits when we vote to kick him) and bring in another guildmate and finish the fight on the first try.
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SM or HM?


sounded to my like battle of rishi HM



I queue up for HM 60 on my merc healer after getting a merc healing master class in a 60 HM mannan guild run as I had said in guild chat I didnt like that everything in merc healing has changed and the rotation is un-recognisable from the pre 3.0 one.


I get instant pop for a group already in progress, I accept and zone in, its blood hunt. As I zone in I see there is only 1 dps, turns out the healer quit, then they got me as replacement and while I was zoning in 1 dps and tank quit too. The dps with me is a sniper. The sniper re-queues us and I get hk out, they get kaliyo and we try to 2m the first boss.


This sniper cover rolls all over the place and does everything in their power to stay 30-35m from the boss. However they do nothing at all to avoid the blue circles and never attack the adds. We wipe. I suggest we need 4, we wait 10 mins or so and get a new dps and tank. The dps zones in while the tank quits without even zoning in. We try 3-man but the sniper still wont take out adds and the new dps, a sorc, seems competent with their class but new to the mechanics.


We wait some more, probably 10 minutes and get a jugg tank. We now have all 4 and get going. First try of the first boss both dps now ignore all adds (even the sorc who attacked them before) and the sniper still does everything in their power to maintain a range of 30-35m and ignore all mechanics. This means that I have to run back and forward to heal the sniper while I have all adds on me during the time it takes for the tank to grab aggro on them. While the tank is grabbing aggro on the adds which both dps ignore, I spam heal the sniper who has just been blasted by another blue circle, the gold-fever sorc dps rips aggro on the boss. We eventually wipe.


Try again and its the same, I spend most of my time healing the sniper who is too busy moving into 30m range to dps properly (healing the sorc and tank is easy as they stand close together so I can use my channel and missile), the boss spends most of its time attacking the sorc that ignores adds and the jugg spends most of his time doing laps of the area to keep aggro on the adds (we get to 8 adds out at the same time at one point). We wipe.


On the run back the tank says "kill adds quick please" the sniper claims they are "doing their best" and I apologise about my healing on the basis that, due to having aggro on the adds I keep getting electro-netted so I have to stand still, then with blue circles I have to move, hitting me with huge damage just for moving. The sniper says "yeah lol" (as if they would know what those nets do).


We try again, the sniper keeps at distance, but now attacks adds, the sorc tunnel-visions the boss and rips aggro when the tank tries to pick up adds. Of course the sniper is often on the opposite side of the area when they fight adds, meaning a kolto missile or channel is wasted on them, and I save my emergency heal for the tank so all my heals on the sniper are casts so I have to stand still when healing the sniper. Whenever the sorc gets aggro they kite away from me so I cant get over to them to start healing. Even with the sniper shooting adds we end up with 6 at once. We wipe.


The tank says "last time, then im going", and I tell the sniper to stay with the group so I can heal more efficiently. Do they listen? No. Things go pretty much like the paragraph above and we wipe. Tank quits with a comment "you are all noobs" and I desperately search for a chance to leave.


The problem is at the beginning I was commenting on how annoying noobs are that decide a mission is too difficult before even trying and quitting without even zoning in, and now I want to quit because, unless this sniper starts listening, the sorc starts taking adds and we wait another 10 minutes or so for a tank we will never complete.


I make up some crap about guild wanting people for op run and get out of that shambles. And of course whats the comment I see from the sniper as I am zoning out?


"this mission is still impossible". I felling like face-palming until my face is inverted. It seems to people on this game, the concept of using more than 2 brain cells = impossible.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I queue up for HM 60 on my merc healer after getting a merc healing master class in a 60 HM mannan guild run as I had said in guild chat I didnt like that everything in merc healing has changed and the rotation is un-recognisable from the pre 3.0 one.


I get instant pop for a group already in progress, I accept and zone in, its blood hunt. As I zone in I see there is only 1 dps, turns out the healer quit, then they got me as replacement and while I was zoning in 1 dps and tank quit too. The dps with me is a sniper. The sniper re-queues us and I get hk out, they get kaliyo and we try to 2m the first boss.


This sniper cover rolls all over the place and does everything in their power to stay 30-35m from the boss. However they do nothing at all to avoid the blue circles and never attack the adds. We wipe. I suggest we need 4, we wait 10 mins or so and get a new dps and tank. The dps zones in while the tank quits without even zoning in. We try 3-man but the sniper still wont take out adds and the new dps, a sorc, seems competent with their class but new to the mechanics.


We wait some more, probably 10 minutes and get a jugg tank. We now have all 4 and get going. First try of the first boss both dps now ignore all adds (even the sorc who attacked them before) and the sniper still does everything in their power to maintain a range of 30-35m and ignore all mechanics. This means that I have to run back and forward to heal the sniper while I have all adds on me during the time it takes for the tank to grab aggro on them. While the tank is grabbing aggro on the adds which both dps ignore, I spam heal the sniper who has just been blasted by another blue circle, the gold-fever sorc dps rips aggro on the boss. We eventually wipe.


Try again and its the same, I spend most of my time healing the sniper who is too busy moving into 30m range to dps properly (healing the sorc and tank is easy as they stand close together so I can use my channel and missile), the boss spends most of its time attacking the sorc that ignores adds and the jugg spends most of his time doing laps of the area to keep aggro on the adds (we get to 8 adds out at the same time at one point). We wipe.


On the run back the tank says "kill adds quick please" the sniper claims they are "doing their best" and I apologise about my healing on the basis that, due to having aggro on the adds I keep getting electro-netted so I have to stand still, then with blue circles I have to move, hitting me with huge damage just for moving. The sniper says "yeah lol" (as if they would know what those nets do).


We try again, the sniper keeps at distance, but now attacks adds, the sorc tunnel-visions the boss and rips aggro when the tank tries to pick up adds. Of course the sniper is often on the opposite side of the area when they fight adds, meaning a kolto missile or channel is wasted on them, and I save my emergency heal for the tank so all my heals on the sniper are casts so I have to stand still when healing the sniper. Whenever the sorc gets aggro they kite away from me so I cant get over to them to start healing. Even with the sniper shooting adds we end up with 6 at once. We wipe.


The tank says "last time, then im going", and I tell the sniper to stay with the group so I can heal more efficiently. Do they listen? No. Things go pretty much like the paragraph above and we wipe. Tank quits with a comment "you are all noobs" and I desperately search for a chance to leave.


The problem is at the beginning I was commenting on how annoying noobs are that decide a mission is too difficult before even trying and quitting without even zoning in, and now I want to quit because, unless this sniper starts listening, the sorc starts taking adds and we wait another 10 minutes or so for a tank we will never complete.


I make up some crap about guild wanting people for op run and get out of that shambles. And of course whats the comment I see from the sniper as I am zoning out?


"this mission is still impossible". I felling like face-palming until my face is inverted. It seems to people on this game, the concept of using more than 2 brain cells = impossible.


have you ever even done that fp? the adds come every 40 seconds and have about 1 minute enrage timer, and the hairball itself enrages at around 3:30 minutes. 8 or even 6 adds alive at the same time is bs

Edited by rantboi
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have you ever even done that fp? the adds come every 40 seconds and have about 1 minute enrage timer, and the hairball itself enrages at around 3:30 minutes. 8 or even 6 adds alive at the same time is bs


That's because dps wasn't on the adds.


Kiting / spinning boss around

Does anyone know why people do this when it's not required?

Especially using abilities that have positional requirement (Backstab, Maul) is very annoying when boss spins around once every 2 seconds. Then they complain about low dps.

Edited by Halinalle
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This is more like "Weird people that meet each other on overcrowded Ziost", but I thought it somewhat fitting.


I am minding my own business when some named meanie respawns right on top of me and instantly goes for a truckload of spinning red circles, orbital strikes and whatnot. I'm not fast enough to react, down goes Xalek, and my Sorc was more or less doomed if not for the Sin that came to the rescue. We drop the named meanie, he goes /bow at me as I go /thanks, and I notice that he is named Darth Jim. My Sorc? Darth Bertie.


It totally was the Force in work that allowed these two weirdos to meet and aid each other amidst countless Destructos, Lacrimosas and Ravagers of Empire. :D

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yeah, and have you seen how hard those *********** hit when they enrage?


about 26% per shot on the just over 46k sniper, that would be around 11.5k. With a 10% healing buff, 36% crit chance and rapid scan crit of 14k its not so bad.

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about 26% per shot on the just over 46k sniper, that would be around 11.5k. With a 10% healing buff, 36% crit chance and rapid scan crit of 14k its not so bad.


and when there's several of them hitting people nonstop for 2-3 minutes and using more than just their basic attack?

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No, I have not seen it.

I've only been there once and then got told by 51k Sniper that I'm undergeared (I had 48,5k, fully augmented).


Well, if you have 48.5k fully augmented, your non-augment modifications are probably not very good. That said, since you do have the augments, it shouldn't be that big a deal.

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SM or HM?


It was HM.


Next story, doing Korriban Incursion (HM), going to do bonus boss. Our two dps see that we have 28 kills, and instead of killing the 3 guys on the ramp right above the bonus boss, they figure we'll go to the very end of the quest, and then trek back.


Oh, and one of the dps swore that the bonus boss is harder on the pub side :D

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Since he has around 3 times more life(if it isn't fixed by now) he IS harder on pub side.


That's one of the problems with this game. You can't tell when someone's crazy claim is accurate, because a lot of the time it ends up being true.


There shouldn't be any differences between factions, buuuuuut there are, because... Bioware.



It had steadily gotten better since launch, up until 3.0 when a ton of new faction imbalances were added. From what I saw, all of them favored Imperials. Which, as an Imperial player, I would prefer to imbalance favoring the pub side, but what I'd rather have is no imbalance at all.

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Actually, it's harder dependent on the moral choice you pick before the boss fight.


LS: The boss has more HP

DS: The boss has less.


Since most pubs do LS, the boss if often harder. At least, according to a DS player that lost the roll. I have never confirmed this myself.

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Well, if you have 48.5k fully augmented, your non-augment modifications are probably not very good. That said, since you do have the augments, it shouldn't be that big a deal.


Everything is augmented: Power 186 (most) + 2 Surge 186 + 2 Accuracy 186. Crafted 186 implants.

Armorings: vendor 186/192. 192 offhand. Crafted 186 MH hilt. All vendor 186/192 enhancements replaced with low endurance crafted 186s. I have said it before multiple times: I don't have access to unlettered 186 mods on any of my Cybertechs (no, not going to pay 3+ million a piece). Even with those I think I'm way above minimum 178.


To avoid getting too much off topic:


Battle of Ilum HM

Vanguard tank(55), Scoundrel dps (51), Guardian tank (50), Scoundrel healer (51)

Yes, 2 tanks. Both in tank stance and discipline.


I haven't done this recently on level so I started worrying at the beginning. But it goes surprisingly well. We kill everything. Guardian dies few times during boss fights. We also got almost full wipe when VG, me and healer tried to get the boxes near one of the bosses (small rooms on both sides) and Guardian accidentally pulls the boss. We continue through it. Scoundrels using battle rez when possible.


So it wasn't typical bad group. We all just were more or less weird. Good run, refreshing.

Edited by Halinalle
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Oh, and one of the dps swore that the bonus boss is harder on the pub side :D


Tbh I have never seen him do the group-wide stun on my imps that we had to work around the 1 time I did it as rep. Though that was pre 3.2 so they may have sorted it, or it might just be some coincidence with the boss not bothering whenever I played imp.



HM korriban run in which I felt like the weird one. I was on my sniper, a sorc healer, pt tank and sorc dps. The group is perfect, nearly, the sorc suffers from gold fever and the tank guards healer but sadly that is standard practice on ToFN. Its completely irrelevant though because the tank holds perfect aggro.


At the first boss we get started and the sorc healer throws down an aoe. The other 3 then move to stand in it while I decide to stay where I am as I am not taking any damage and that boss has lightning aoe. Every once in a while the sorc healer throws their hot on me, I check my bars and see I have a dot, didn't know there was 1 on that fight, oh well, I know now. From then on I stay close so the healer can aoe hot us all.


When the adds come out I get aggro on 1 of them, the sorc ignores them and I cover roll towards the tank wait for him to throw afew hits on the thing I have aggro on then I aggro dump. Kill the adds and carry on. Second group of adds come out, I get aggro on 1 again, then before the tank can grab aggro back the boss force storms and I need to move away. Once his storm is finished I move back in and tank taunts back.


Afterwards I apologise for:

  1. Not standing in healer aoe, causing the healer to target switch unnecessarily
  2. Not dragging the second dog to the boss, I was trying to avoid boss aoe


Usually I dont bother apologising when I make these types of mistakes because the group is often doing much worse. However in this group I felt like my mistakes were standing out like a sore thumb. After the mission the healer whispered me asking if I wanted to re-join their guild (I left because all the ops were on nights I have other hobbies, so my gear was falling behind). I rejoined and the first thing they did was arrange gearing runs for me. Seems like next weekend is going to be:

SM ravagers, I take every resurreted token

SM ToS, I take every resurrected token

HM ravagers, I take every revanite token

I am expected to never need roll any of those tokens with that toon and pass everything else which will serve as payment for the rest of the op.


Then this healer said once I am geared they would like me in the progression ops group which is weekend evenings so I can make it.


First time I have ever been invited to join progression ops, should be hilarious.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Yesterday I wanted to do a quick KDY run. Joined GF and after several minutes it popped. 3DPS, 1 heal. So far, so good. Everything worked fine, though I noticed the level 40 DPS dies a lot, but no problem, since we can finish all w/o him. Then the boss, Lt. Krupp, the guy with the rockets. The heal charges activates all healing stations and also both platforms, attacked the boss and left... What an idiot... The second DPS (the one constantly dying) also left. I asked my guild and we cleared then within minutes... Strange ppl around here...
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I have said it before multiple times: I don't have access to unlettered 186 mods on any of my Cybertechs

I don't stalk this thread (or any thread, for that matter) and memorize people's gear or gearing ability. I'm just saying, 48.5k with augments isn't that much, and probably isn't ready for HM Flashpoints that are known to be difficult (as I've gathered from the related posts).


If you have 48,500 HP, then without the Bounty Hunter buff you'll have roughly 46,200 HP. Subtract 4760 from that (14 augments x 34 endurance each x 10 for the rough hp gain per point of endurance) and you're sitting at somewhere around 41,440 HP (assuming you didn't take the Endurance & Healing Received utility). The fact of the matter is, the tertiary stats of a 41k-42k HP character aren't going to be that great. Augments and a Hunter's Boon will get you up to 48.5k HP, but at the end of the day you're still walking into the instance with the tertiary stats of a 42k HPer, which is doubly bad as a healer. I'm not a frequent HM FP runner but that sounds pretty undergeared to me, especially since 3.0 gave tertiary stats a much more important role in the early stages of gearing. When you're sitting at the bottom of the barrel going into HM FPs, it's hard to blame the people who notice.


I'm not saying you're a scrub or can't pull your own weight in gear like that, but such gear also suggests a lack of experience with the content, and those two pieces of information together are enough to get most people to kick you.

Edited by idnewton
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I don't stalk this thread (or any thread, for that matter) and memorize people's gear or gearing ability. I'm just saying, 48.5k with augments isn't that much, and probably isn't ready for HM Flashpoints that are known to be difficult (as I've gathered from the related posts).


If you have 48,500 HP, then without the Bounty Hunter buff you'll have roughly 46,200 HP. Subtract 4760 from that (14 augments x 34 endurance each x 10 for the rough hp gain per point of endurance) and you're sitting at somewhere around 41,440 HP (assuming you didn't take the Endurance & Healing Received utility). The fact of the matter is, the tertiary stats of a 41k-42k HP character aren't going to be that great. Augments and a Hunter's Boon will get you up to 48.5k HP, but at the end of the day you're still walking into the instance with the tertiary stats of a 42k HPer, which is doubly bad as a healer. I'm not a frequent HM FP runner but that sounds pretty undergeared to me, especially since 3.0 gave tertiary stats a much more important role in the early stages of gearing. When you're sitting at the bottom of the barrel going into HM FPs, it's hard to blame the people who notice.


I'm not saying you're a scrub or can't pull your own weight in gear like that, but such gear also suggests a lack of experience with the content, and those two pieces of information together are enough to get most people to kick you.


48,5k is just fine especially if they've gotten rid of the ****** comms gear enhancements, stop being ridiculous.

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rakata tfp. Group is my jugg tank, sin tank, sorc dps and op dps (I did find it quite ironic when gf popped with 2 tanks and then we get a mission with 2 un-tankable enemies).


Op dps doesnt have sprint on (he is level 60) so is lagging behind and the pulls are usually over by the time he gets to us. At the first boss the op stands just outside the door, the sin writes "get in". The op throws his hot on all of us, but only 1-stack, then aggro dumps (we arent in combat) then evasion, ballistic shield then I dont know what because the sin got bored of waiting and pulled.


The sin was tanking the rancour and my soresu form with aggro rotation wasn't ripping off him so I decided, as im not tanking, to switch to sii-cho to get rid of my resource gen and damage debuff from soresu.


Not long in the sin writes "this is going to take ages thanks to that idiot"

me: "well at least you aren't being unnecessarily rude"

sin: "I suppose idiot is abit strong"

me: "yeah, though I found the throwing of every DCD he had rather strange considering we weren't even in combat"

sin: "that was abit weird"


We beat the first boss, the 3 of us proceed to complete the mission between us as the op still doesn't have sprint on so never gets to the pulls by the time we kill them. Second boss the op dps's at range and the third too. I consider pointing out op dps is melee but its late and I cba (I have a feeling explaining things to this guy will be a long process). I thank the group and leave, the sin whispers me apologising for not letting me tank anything fun (he tanked all the bosses and I just picked up stragglers on trash) which I wasn't concerned about anyway.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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48,5k is just fine especially if they've gotten rid of the ****** comms gear enhancements, stop being ridiculous.


You look at the first line of my point, skip all of the reasoning, and then say I'm being unreasonable.


I'm curious, why do you comment on posts you don't read?

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