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Why play SWTOR?


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Sometimes, when I read on these forums, I really wonder, why people bother to play SWTOR.


I heard so many bad things. Leveling is too fast, Heroic Quests are lame, queues too long, lifetime too short etc. etc....


Now hear this: If I buy a game, and after unwrapping and installing it I find out that it's actually bad, I uninstall it and look for something else. Not so with SWTOR it seems. There seem to be so many people here, hating the game with a passion already. Yet they keep playing it.


Why is that? Is it because they just enjoy being angry? Because they actually like the game, but have fun complaining? Because they don't want to waste money and so have 1-2 really bad months in their lifes doing something they completely don't want to do?


I even saw postings from people, saying that the story in SWTOR was badly presented and that it lacked content. Even that it would be dead within a year. If it has no story and content, why play it???


Tell me any other game with no story, no content, bad presentation and everyone playing it?


These forums really keep me confused...:rolleyes:

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Sometimes, when I read on these forums, I really wonder, why people bother to play SWTOR.


I heard so many bad things. Leveling is too fast, Heroic Quests are lame, queues too long, lifetime too short etc. etc....


Now hear this: If I buy a game, and after unwrapping and installing it I find out that it's actually bad, I uninstall it and look for something else. Not so with SWTOR it seems. There seem to be so many people here, hating the game with a passion already. Yet they keep playing it.


Why is that? Is it because they just enjoy being angry? Because they actually like the game, but have fun complaining? Because they don't want to waste money and so have 1-2 really bad months in their lifes doing something they completely don't want to do?


I even saw postings from people, saying that the story in SWTOR was badly presented and that it lacked content. Even that it would be dead within a year. If it has no story and content, why play it???


Tell me any other game with no story, no content, bad presentation and everyone playing it?


These forums really keep me confused...:rolleyes:


This game is very misrepresented by angry people.


But I won't sit here and say this or that. I won't preach. I take it you want to try it, and if you feel like it's a chance worth taking, forking out the dough, I strongly suggest you do it. Maybe you'll like, maybe you won't. If you like KOTOR or other Bioware games, I don't see a reason to pass this one up just because baseless opinions circle various forums.


Make up your own god damn mind and don't let others think for you.


Nuff said.

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Because most of the people that like the game are in a queue waiting to play or actually playing :)


Its a really good game, anyone who says the story is crap is down right lying, yea some stories will be better than others, they will have there slow patches.


Lets put it this way the Republic's version of say Deadmines or Ragefire Chasm takes nearly 45mins if you wipe (I did twice once, due to starting a fight with a boss before we were healed and second due to falling though the floor...) its really interesting and after just one Flashpoint I really don't think I could go back to WoW... Which i've played - on and off but more on than off - since 2006...


The quests are interesting too, yea some are "Please kill 6 Kor'Slugs because they killed my men" (Simple form) but the quest givers butter it up so you are building ties to the Imperial Military, but others aren't go Black and White, Like you might get told to kill someone or collect something for what seems a good cause only to find out that the thing your collecting is actually Spice or the person your going to kill is actually a really nice person doing good for the community (And just pissed off the wrong person).


All in all don't come here for a review... look at the myriad of partial (Partial because you can't review an MMO in a week) Reviews praising it for been really interesting, i've read quite a few where reviewers have hated all the MMO's that have come out but like this one because of the story, fast combat etc. I personally was waiting til Dark Millenium before I bought another MMO until I played this games beta, that been said i'm a massive fan of Mass Effect. If your not one for story and will just spacebar your way through conversations, then this game will be wasted on you, you might still enjoy it but wait til trials come out. If you do like story in games and are willing to pay for a subscription then TOR is amazing :rolleyes:


Sorry for the massive wall of text if you are thinking TL;DR then in short.


Pros: Good game, Good Stories (Ignore haters they are mongs seriously), Combat is really fast makes WoW look like its playing in Slow-mo. Graphics while not Crysis worthy I think do there job really well, my graphics card is a few years old and I can run the game on full graphics with a stable 40-50 FPS. "Hearthstone" in TOR isn't just bound to one place!!! Which is great I think lol


Cons: Queues. a lot of servers are full and we can only hope Bioware sort it before the Christmas break. There are still some that are light or standard populations though. Long Journey times (though if you've played Vanilla WoW when you got the slow mount at 40 they aren't that bad) until you get Sprint. Bugs but that's to be expected.

Edited by CptBrit
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It's Star Wars.


I played the Sony Version from 04 to 07 even stuck with it through the combat upgrade and NGE. Because it was Star Wars. This is now the 2nd MMO I have played. I enjoyed Star Wars as a child. and I am an avid reader of the Expanded universe. Star Wars has a special place in my heart and it probably does for a lot of players here. I don't believe I am alone in saying it is a big reason we are playing.




Exploring the Galaxy One Inch at a time.

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It's Star Wars.


I played the Sony Version from 04 to 07 even stuck with it through the combat upgrade and NGE. Because it was Star Wars. This is now the 2nd MMO I have played. I enjoyed Star Wars as a child. and I am an avid reader of the Expanded universe. Star Wars has a special place in my heart and it probably does for a lot of players here. I don't believe I am alone in saying it is a big reason we are playing.




Exploring the Galaxy One Inch at a time.


No, its KOTOR, i played the 2003 version.... yet people keep spamming " I cant find Vader" ;):rolleyes:

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These are the vocal minority.


You have any concept of how many players are in this game? If they all posted these forums could crater in 0.5 seconds.


Only the loud mouths who need validation regularly post on forums and it's usually isn't rational feedback but yelling and screaming with "I want ... I demand ... or ME ME ME ME ME!"

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There is a vast difference between the I'm quitting because bla bla bla threads and others who actually are highlighting issues they are having in the game and suggestions on how to combat that.


The biggest problem on this forum is all criticisms are attacked as if someone had just insulted their mother.

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GOOD, maybe they'll leave and stop overcrowding my servers, mobs, quest-givers....


The game is good, its all the Jack****s/chimps, that are ruining it..../ Im exaggerating, of course


And i thought, i wouldn't have to deal with this on an RP server.


THIS! Why people roll on a RP server, choose names like Bol'ox, turn general in a bad copy of Barrens chat and generally behave like wowtards?!?

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There is a vast difference between the I'm quitting because bla bla bla threads and others who actually are highlighting issues they are having in the game and suggestions on how to combat that.


The biggest problem on this forum is all criticisms are attacked as if someone had just insulted their mother.


In my experience the people who gets 'attacked' are the ones saying this isn't like WoW make it like WoW NOW!

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As always BioWare has NOT failed on bringing a really good story to a game. This is the one game were I feel that I will want to level more characters than just one. The story really grabs you and you feel like your working towards a real goal not just some "Hi, Kill x rats and bring me x furs from x cows"
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As always BioWare has NOT failed on bringing a really good story to a game. This is the one game were I feel that I will want to level more characters than just one. The story really grabs you and you feel like your working towards a real goal not just some "Hi, Kill x rats and bring me x furs from x cows"


Right and even most of the side-quest feel important, like you change people's/world's and the Republics fate.


As a JK, ive only ever received 2 quests, that i thought were beneath me. "I'm a Jedi, out to save world, right wrong, stop the Empires machinations and make the difficult choices for the future, survival of the Republic....

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I duno why so many get angry at a game they clame to like yet can only comment on negative aspects of it.


For me if i didnt enjoy TOR, i just wouldnt be playing it anymore and sure as hell wouldnt be on forums teiling the world how much i hate this game.. so childish... :(


I LUVE THIS GAME and i already have a couple toons started and now im even sharing it with friends and we are just having a hell of a GOOD TIME :)


Good job BW. Cant wait to see what will be added over the next few years :)

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Sometimes, when I read on these forums, I really wonder, why people bother to play SWTOR.


I heard so many bad things. Leveling is too fast, Heroic Quests are lame, queues too long, lifetime too short etc. etc....


Now hear this: If I buy a game, and after unwrapping and installing it I find out that it's actually bad, I uninstall it and look for something else. Not so with SWTOR it seems. There seem to be so many people here, hating the game with a passion already. Yet they keep playing it.


Why is that? Is it because they just enjoy being angry? Because they actually like the game, but have fun complaining? Because they don't want to waste money and so have 1-2 really bad months in their lifes doing something they completely don't want to do?


I even saw postings from people, saying that the story in SWTOR was badly presented and that it lacked content. Even that it would be dead within a year. If it has no story and content, why play it???


Tell me any other game with no story, no content, bad presentation and everyone playing it?


These forums really keep me confused...:rolleyes:


Most of the people who are enjoying it are too busy playing, as evidenced by the queues :p

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