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Thanks for killing PT in pvp


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Oh wake up you BW brown noses. My freaking lvl 40 Gunslinger pulls twice the damage in wz then my 55 Vanguard in Partisan/Conq. without even really trying. Same with sweep Guardian.

And you can shut up about l2p. My Vanguard is leveled through wz, you kinda pick up few things doing that.

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You're telling me there is a open spot on your ranked team, you have a marauder, a sniper and a PT available, and you're taking the PT? I highly doubt it, and if you do, all you're ensuring is he'll be the first to die.


Rank teams take PT for the pull and the taunts, remember protection points being displayed means the other team needs to focus twice as hard and be able to pull numbers with padding to counter.


Sure its a tank job to taunt, but 2 taunts means less damage and its not a bad counter vs burst teams that build for big aoe damage.


I know one comp that does 2 smash 2 sniper for all the burst and aoe's you can deal with, and it seems that comp is very strong and hard to deal with in all maps, so having a PT or a JUG dps is not a bad idea for damage control.


Preference on which ones will suit some more than others, its always debatable.


Sure there is arguments after 2.0 what comps work well, and I do know some that has put PT on the bench and added a smash instead for more burst potential.


Saying that yes I think PT still can work, and is working for some teams, even top rated teams.


Whats best for some is better with others, you have to be optimistic in PVP and not think in a FOTM way, cause if you do you lose the flavor and being like everyone else is dumb and stupid if you ask me.


If does feel when people say something is broken they already have given up and rerolled a FOTM class despite the fact maybe that opinion of something being broken might be untrue or biased.


I happen to know great players who play anything and it could be argued that any class tree could work in ranked.

Edited by Caeliux
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I just wanted to express my gratitude for absolutely killing PTs ability to compete in high end pvp, especially when it was my main, thanks. I still enjoy playing PT, but I've always been a competitive player that wants to be able to compete in the top tiers. Which with our current dps and survivability is just plain impossible.


Btw I have played several MMOs with a focus on pvp, and don't come saying that "PTs just a 3 button class that's easy to play", because no class is *********** hard to play in Swtor. I simply play PT because I wanted to focus on a BH since the beginning.


Hopefully this will get fixed soon, until then see you in game


Enjoy your new state and learn to play PT properly by not spamming 2 buttons. Search your bar, you may find new talents that will help you to be competitive, which PT is still.

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tbh before there are more nerfs/buffs to classes, there should be a nerf to healing period, the debuff of 30% in pvp is clearly not enough anymore, and healing has become the new kid on the block it seems (easy to do).
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I just wanted to express my gratitude for absolutely killing PTs ability to compete in high end pvp, especially when it was my main, thanks. I still enjoy playing PT, but I've always been a competitive player that wants to be able to compete in the top tiers. Which with our current dps and survivability is just plain impossible.


Btw I have played several MMOs with a focus on pvp, and don't come saying that "PTs just a 3 button class that's easy to play", because no class is *********** hard to play in Swtor. I simply play PT because I wanted to focus on a BH since the beginning.


Hopefully this will get fixed soon, until then see you in game

Yes, thanks BW!

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Weird, I know some PT'S that play in ranked, top charts, and is as valuable as most classes.


Sure they got nerfed, but it seems in the hands of a good player it don't matter what you do to the class, they still will be good with it.


I think you are doing bad with it cause you can't play with it, I would reroll to something more easier.


is there a class easier to play then PT? I mean even smashers have to think of distance between targets...

Edited by Atramar
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Rank teams take PT for the pull and the taunts, remember protection points being displayed means the other team needs to focus twice as hard and be able to pull numbers with padding to counter.


No. Ranked teams take a PT because they have social ties to the player who pilots the PT and they are reluctant to cut them.


Every rational ranked team will take an assassin over a PT of the same player skill level. The assassin pulls enemies just like the PT. The assassin has more burst. The assassin has more overall damage. The assassin has better survivability. The assassin is a better single node guard. The assassin is a better solo attack scout. The Assassin redeploys to distant nodes faster. Need I continue?

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No. Ranked teams take a PT because they have social ties to the player who pilots the PT and they are reluctant to cut them.


Every rational ranked team will take an assassin over a PT of the same player skill level. The assassin pulls enemies just like the PT. The assassin has more burst. The assassin has more overall damage. The assassin has better survivability. The assassin is a better single node guard. The assassin is a better solo attack scout. The Assassin redeploys to distant nodes faster. Need I continue?


you do realise that assassin that pulls is tank spec ergo no burst dps?

not to mention they are harder to play.


they only burst tree is deception, which is good for openings (kinda operative with light stick), but doesn't really dig it in substained dps over longer fights.

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in terms of level 55 games i have no opinion since mine is lower level but when i am in 55pvp i see lots powertechs putting in good numbers and kicking ***.


in mid level pvp ive just been on mine 1st time in 3 months and topped dps, objectives, and as for the over powered sages etc i actually found it easier to kill them than when im on my sniper which is weird lol


powertech to me still seems a good class and good dpser.


Merc on other hand that needs a bit of love lol

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I think is fine , the difference? now people can actually kill the damn PT that kept spamming the same abilities from a distance and never die. Oh and now you need teamwork in order to be effective big whoop , welcome to the rest of the classes on pvp .
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Weird, I know some PT'S that play in ranked, top charts, and is as valuable as most classes.


Sure they got nerfed, but it seems in the hands of a good player it don't matter what you do to the class, they still will be good with it.


I think you are doing bad with it cause you can't play with it, I would reroll to something more easier.


The classic "learn to play" post. Your argument is now invalid because you said that.

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Your welcome! At least now they can't faceroll people and get in the highet dps spots by pressing 1,2,3,4.


Poor little easymoding PT's!




Says you..probably a smasher (easier class to play in game) who uses only 3 buttons and gets top score every match, does no objectives then brags about it.


I'm sorry you got owned by powertechs before.

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Haha! Even sorcs get called a 3 button class nowadays.


Case in point: some assassin /said to me in a WZ that all I did was TKThrow spam the whole time, that I was a three button player.


When she tried to flee across the huttball map and I killed her with Force in Balance, she quit the wz!

Edited by Ycoga
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Pyrotechs still viable, but feel much worse than before 2.0. BW must return back stun 30 m range and flame thrower 30 m, if now after 2.0 pyro is dot spec, like madness sorcs.


I feel most strong classes with really good feelings after 2.0 is my focus sentinel and infiltration shadow. All others (guardian, scoundrel, vanguard) feels not so strong and enjoyable, but viable.

Edited by TonyDragonflame
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I know several PTs that can match or finish ahead of my damage in warzones. Granted I don't run lethality dot spam, but still...


Whole lot of doom and gloom about a class that's perfectly viable imho unless you just suck at it and were relying on your NES controller to play it before 2.0. I spoke to two such PTs on Pot5 and they both said the same thing jokingly - "I had to upgrade to a SNES controller in 2.0"

Edited by islander
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Whole lot of doom and gloom about a class that's perfectly viable imho unless you just suck at it and were relying on your NES controller to play it before 2.0. I spoke to two such PTs on Pot5 and they both said the same thing jokingly - "I had to upgrade to a SNES controller in 2.0"


What's the level of your PT ?

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? lol....... My PT are not death and i am top DPS :) OPs Builds of before no work right and a pt need more skills for play good. People need see more well Builds used!


I can kill easy one healer, for example, is same of before.

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What's the level of your PT ?


My own vanguard is still 50 - my main is a sniper. The VG is my 'main' on the pub side though, I'll get around to leveling him in a few weeks. I want to go earn his 55 gear first.


If you are struggling and on Pot5, I'd be happy to point you in the direction of PT's who know *** they are doing. Just send Gillies (first i is an alt-0236) a tell - I'm on usually from 8-11 most nights.

I can think of 3 or 4 guys off the top of my head who aren't 'struggling' as the qq in this thread would suggest. Truth is, the guys I know are not pro ranked guys either. I'm sure there are dozens of quality PTs still getting the job done on my server.

PT is alive and well as far as I can see. Just not faceroll time anymore. Adjust.

Edited by islander
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From what I have been noticing, all melee classes have been nerfed (Besides Ataru sents/maras) to the point where they are all practically meat shields.


The OP is correct, and this is why my trooper is going to be a commando opposed to a VG. They have changed the game to the point where nothing seems the same anymore. Not complaining. Its just different. Give it time and things will mellow back out, classes will be changed again, etc.

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