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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you leave the WZ at the first hint of losing?


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I was agreeing with you. Seriously. I think the feature for bad players to bail warzones at the first sign of trouble without a warzone penalty is a good one, because otherwise there'd be more even twits camping west after the first minute of the game than there already are. I'd rather have you leave and take the chance of having someone good zone in than listen to bad players whine as they node camp for 15 min. I honestly hope they never change it.


Because let's face it, if you are one of those players who leaves a warzone at the first sign of trouble, you're going to be bad at pvp (i.e. a "scrub"). You won't learn how to push players off a node so that the people behind you can take it back. You won't learn how to use your cc's effectively so that your teammates can cap. You won't learn how to feint so that the other team overcommits or how to use your snares and slows to beat the voidstar clock. Instead, you're going to be standing around the fleet in your shiny new PVP gear that you got by playing only easy games where better players carried you to victory. Which is fine, I guess, if that's what floats your boat, but you should be honest about it and own up to your scrubness.


I agree completely.. these people will never learn can they, and they cant admit to themselves they are "scrubs" (if thats what you name them) who have no idea how to play the game..


I cant help if 5 or 6 of my team are complete donkeys..leaving things undefended or dying and THEN calling incs..so I leave the losing game because I can just queue again and get another pop. I think its perfectly fine to leave a game if half your team is in green gear or whatever..or if 7 of your players are all healers.. I don't get why people are so obsessed with this "you have no balls if you leave" thing. I guess you can blame bioware for not keeping us in the game.


Maybe I have full pvp gear...maybe I just do pvp to pass the time...which means leaving the game or staying in the game makes no difference to me. When I do stay in a game that will inevitably lose..i just go AFK at the node or whatever...eventually the rest of the team quickly do the same thing...but the great thing is...i can still get comms even when i lose

Edited by DarthWoad
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Yes I quit. With 8 characters on all 8 advanced classes spread out on 3 accounts I do not have the time to waste sitting around while my team-mates put absolutely no effort into winning. I'm more inclined to quit when I have to complete the weekly on all my characters.


With the fact PvP no longer makes enough money to sufficiently fund augmenting gear, there is no way I can continue to just PvP, and waste 12-15 minutes with baddies with absolutely no situational awareness.


If more people read, understood, and followed:




I would be more inclined to stay.

Edited by Yeochins
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No, the only 2 reasons i leave are;


4-man Premade that includes 3 healers.

8-man premade.


Dont misunderstand me, i dont leave the moment these things become apparent, i give it a decent try to see if they are any good or just trying to help each other, of thats the case i have no issue and just lol at the rest of the PUG screaming 'Pre-made *****'s' in general chat.


If however, they are 3 totally kitted healers abusng the augment bug and can heal faster than 6 people can dps then yes i leave because thats like swimming up a 40ft waterfall.


Full premades or 2x 4 man premades of the same corp, i give it the same chance and amount of time as 4 man, they could be atrocious players or lacking communication or like to turtle a point in which case go for the others. Take a few mins to try and show your team ways to out maneuver them, if the PUG is full of people that dont care/dont understand/cant speak your language, then i leave.


The main problem against premades is, that since 2.0 the general skill level and IQ of PUGS has flatlined, 99% of PUG PvP these days consists of 2-3 players that have the intelligence to be there, the rest are just fodder and go running around licking windows and ****. Those WZ i stick out and wont leave for the simple fact that, its a PUG, you pays your money you takes your chances. Just a shame they dumbed down PvP for the people that shouldnt have really been there in the first place, if you wanna PvP then take the time to learn and understand, not whine to the devs who make it so you can enter with -45 IQ and still fail, but worse. Drag everyone else down with you.


Just my 2 pence.

Edited by Luco-Zade
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First hint no? I rarely leave a wz just because I've seen so many rage quitters leave and get filled by actual good players. Sometimes that one more good player is enough to "retake mid" or "score again".


Hell probably the best I've seen so far is when we were 3 capped 30-270 and down 2 players in a civil war. we got the 2 empty player spots filled by decent players and turned it around for a 3 cap WIN 10-0. Most epic game ever... Idk how we held all of those nodes for so long lol. But it just goes to show you. Sometimes it's worth hanging in there, I just hate the quitter mentality personally.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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Yes I leave the first sign that the people I'm playing with are brain dead and are going to make no effort at all to win. Which seems to be most people.


kinda this. Although most of the time, I quit pre-match, when I decide based on guilds/name recognition and overall expertise levels, that they are going to get rolled.

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I do, all the time. Since there's no lockout timer, I can leave whenever I want! Thanks Bioware ! :D


Its really funny, sometimes 3..maybe 4 other people leave at once...which means the other 4 people in the ops group have to fight against 8 people and now have NO chance of winning ! Especially when we're against 2 pre mades.


Obviously I have no time to lose...which is why I leave the losing warzones...it's much quicker for me to do my dailies and weekly if I leave a losing game and stay in games that have potential to win.


People like you are one of my favorite pastimes. I enjoy sending quitters whispers when they leave wins.

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People quit, I don't have to much of an issue with that. What I do have an issue with is when they quit when the warzone could easily be won. Like last night I was on my jug and had a no call which lost a node in civil war (we were up around 100 points) and 2 players instantly quit...its things like that that grinds my gears.


This. Sucks, but it happens. I try not to quit myself, and I try not to let it bother me when other people do.

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A quitter mentality is actually a disorder that starts from youth, its a parents job to teach their children to stay the course in any given subject to the very end.


I teach peewee softball to young lads, and I am a teacher of winning or losing and seeing the game through.


I don't think I need to tell some of you how much I hate the system in this game when it comes to people leaving games, if you like you can look at my epic history on the facts I have point down on this very subject.


Here is a link about the quitter mentality disorder, http://gomestic.com/family/how-to-get-rid-of-the-quitter-mentality-in-your-child/


Here is a quote,


"In the face of adversity, you find out if you're a fighter or a quitter. It's all about getting up after you've been knocked down." - Vince Lombardi


Sure this is a video game and the option to quit is there, it still don't make it right to abuse that option.

Edited by Caeliux
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Quitting at the first sign of trouble is a bad idea because if you do it you're a bad player, which isn't a crime in itself, but if all the bad players quit then that means the team is now stronger. So you, the quitter, suffers because if you didn't quit, you'd have a slightly better chance of winning compared to normal as there is a chance similarly bad players as yourself gets replaced by someone better. In fact it's usually worth it to purposely play a bit worse if you know some of your players are extremely bad, because you sure won't win with them on your team so you want them to quit and hope you get decent replacements, so it's pointless to make the game close because having those guys in your team the whole time guaranteeds a loss.


To ensure you're always quitting at the right time, you need to quit 5 seconds before the game starts. This ensures your team has no chance of making a reasonable comeback (being behind a man at start is often fatal) so you can be more sure that quitting was the correct decision.

Edited by Astarica
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Only left 3 WZs ever:


1st. A friend i was queing with was blamed by the team for wearing mostly PvE geat (Rakata) when the other choice he had was Recruit, as he kindly explained about his stats (was his 1st and last 50 WZ)


2nd. I was blamed for CALLING an incoming by 3 guys, ended ignoring the idiots and leaving the WZ in purpose when our best player also leave, i presume cause of the obvious stupidity of the team-members, leaving the idiots team in a technical-draw that with 2 less players was a clearly defeat. They deserved it.


3rd. Queing as Solo faced the same premade for 5th time in a row. They simply had too much skill and werent there to win but to humillate others that lacked their coordination (2nd was Huttball, instead of score 6 goals, they scored 4 and held the ball to kill people at will, i hate this sort of person). Leaved and stayed out of PvP for that night.

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Probable troll, but I don't care.


For those of you that quit at the first sign of failure, you should be glad that not everybody is like you, because if they were, you would almost never complete a warzone. The fact that not everybody is like you does not allow for a logical progression into continuing with the self-defeating mentality like you think it does.


I will only leave a WZ for an RL issue that pops up or I might leave early on vs and obvious pre-made no-win scenario. In that case, I only leave because I don't want to feed the pre-made more kills. In most cases, you cannot be certain of the outcome until almost the very end. By that point, stay for the comms, credits, and XP. Regarding the weekly: really? You can't win a small handful of warzones in an entire week? I don't have a ton of play time (8 - 10 hours per week) and I have no trouble completing the weekly (not on ALL of my characters of course - maybe 3 or 4 of them). Then again, I pretty much do nothing but pvp nowadays.


By the way OP, I have seen you on more than one occasion use the "reported for harassment" troll line. If you are, in fact, reporting that many people for harassment, that in and of itself is a form of harassment. If you are not, it's incessant trolling. Keep it up and I'll report you.

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The only time I ever contemplated quitting is if the enemy team is bad enough to not win quickly, like say in Alderaan you see they cap both sides at start. It should be a painless 300-0 beatdown, but they're bad enough that you somehow got the score to like 50-0 at the end despite holding a nearly impenetrable position. If I know for sure the enemy team was this bad ahead of time, it might be a good idea to quit immediately because it's not worth dragging out for a long loss (because the opposing team was bad). But of course you can't really know stuff like that ahead of time so I don't quit. Most of the time there's a reason to believe that you might even turn the game around. Alderaan is the only map I can think of where you really have this illusion of turning game around that rarely works so you just end up wasting more time on both sides.


As a corollary, strong teams have a duty to put the game out of reach immediately so that you don't waste the other side's time with false hope.

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Only cowards quit warzones. Even if I know I'm up against a premade 8 man team and we're going to get slaughtered, as a true warrior my honor dictates that I fight until the end. Edited by Alzor
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...some people leave the minute they see everyone isnt min/maxed, let alone losing.

The expectations in pugs are pretty sad and way too many people forget that they too had to gear up once upon a time... its a pug, you want full min max queue with your guild and do premades.

Bottom line there needs to be a deserter penalty in this game

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A lot of the people that leave sound like this WZ yesterday, in NC 1 PT decides to declare he is going to West and to have 1 person come with him. They go west the 2 of them cant take it from 1 person with a rezer following up, we lose mid being out manned. Then as we start to retake mid they take East with no call out of INC.


The PT heading west tells everyone they suck and leaves, then another 2 guys leave. We get back filled quick down 55ish to 100. Right when we get back to even numbers they 3 cap us for a bit. We end up communicating and 3 capping to win the game.


Point being more often then not a lot of the people that leave are the reason it seems we are losing in the first place. Not to say good players dont bail and sometimes there are legit reasons or the WZ just suchs donkey balls.


I bail if I have to due to real life or if we are just getting smoked by pre-mades that queue sync or just getting hammered and people start 1 node guarding within 2 mins in.


There is generally something fun to do like go mess with the 1 guy guarding snow or grass mind trapping them then running away to watch them tweak out and call for help, then mind trapping him again. Or crashing into a big group just for the hell of it. The little things can make all the difference in a lost in regards to personal enjoyment. Although I only do that when people have given up on my side otherwise its win at all costs, step on their throats and crush them type of mind set and play style.

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