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Tatooine PvP Protection


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I know people are all pumped up about world PvP, but Tatooine is kind of an anomoly in that department. Normally, world PvP is fine, since if you don't wish to PvP you simply don't go there.


However, to make a world with open PvP, then to place low level missions on that planet...really? I had my level 25 player trying to get to his next mission when he was jumped by 2 level 55 players. Lets face it, this setup encourages camping and killing low level players. It discourages people from actually completing Tatooine (which is a horrible set of missions to start), and would likely discourage people from PvP if those "players" are thier first intoduction to PvP.


So, here's a solution that lets everyone win. An item that you can call "Dessert Signal Jammer", and while it's activated your PvP status does not toggle. Meaning even in the open areas, your not attackable. This item perhaps would only work from level 10-(whatever the average Tat mission completion level), and only on Tatooine.


Everyone wins:

- Low players that don't mind getting attacked can not activate it.

- Low players that don't want to be attacked could complete missions without harassment

- Item doesn't work past a certain level, leaving higher content unchanged.


Am I missing anything? The current "Hunt the lowbie" situation in Tat is unacceptable. The other solution...implement "bolstering" on tatooine, hehe. I think most would just prefer the device.

Edited by RPAngel
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I'm going to assume you are on a PvE server, since if you are on a PvP server, then you lay in the bed to make.


There is no quest on Tatooine for lowbies that requires you to be pvp flagged. Having done Tatooine on both sides, I have never found one that requires it.


Simply put, don't flag. If you do flag unintentionally, simply go to a cantina, and wait 5 minutes for your flag to drop.

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There are high level players who like to jump into the middle of a PvE fight... hitting a flagged player causes you to be flagged, and they will then kill the lowbie player... often running to the med center to wait for them to revive so they can kill them all over again.


What needs to happen is REMOVE AUTO FLAGGING!


People who want to PvP and flag, people who don't, can not attack people who are. It's not that hard to do.

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