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Get rid of Jawagrams and Exp Boosts as rares in packs NOW!

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I just spent $60 buying cartel coins to buy the new Hyper Crate pack of 24 Vice Commander Cartel Packs. Out of 24 packs that I opened, 7 contained a rare other than Jawagrams or Experience boosts. That is sickening. I will likely never buy a Hyper crate again.


I mean seriously those are some of the most worthless items in the game and really feel cheated. I am not buying another Cartel Pack from the market until they change this. If you agree that something needs to be done about this I ask that you let Bioware know by not buying cartel packs until it is fixed and let them know by posting in this thread!


I know that this has been said before but we really need to make a stand by not giving them money when they are offering us crap for it. Jawagrams should be uncommon at the most and they should make some of the cooler clothes rares, at least then they would be valuable.


Thanks for letting me beat this dead horse!

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I kinda agree with you.


They also give us hologram disguises, emotes and stuff, but that I agree to be given, since they're addons and toys to have some fun sometimes. Which is good in my opinion.


But jawagrams as consumables... yeah... to me they're more useless than anything else.

Edited by Haggardbr
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I don't mind the Jawagrams what I have a problem with is getting them as my rare in a cartel pack that effectively cost me $3.20. Cartel coins are worth about $.01 each so I feel that is a pretty way to spend my money.


The cool reusable toys like the holo statue disguise is cool and so is the ball toss, speeders, etc. But a Jawagram sells for 400 credits on the galactic market, that is how useless they. No one even wants to buy a rare from a cartel pack that sells for 400 credits. Also the Rare Minor EXP boosts is a rip off. They are not worth being the most valuable item in my 320 coin pack especially since they are available for purchase separate from the packs. If you only got them in a pack that would be fine but not when you can buy a 5 pack of major exp boosts for about the same as one cartel pack. I mean seriously think about it.

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Be sure to add your opinion to JPryde's Jawagrams thread too! (in my signature)

The more unique voices it has, the better - since these things really are outrageous.


EDIT: Looks like he beat me to it by a few seconds! :p

Edited by Callaron
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I too am sick of seeing not only jawagrams & experience boosts but also the crafting materials. Blowing almost £40 for a mass of useless fluff is beyond a joke. Yes I know it's down to each persons own choice in buying them but at least make them worth buying. I could buy a full price game for the money spent on a 24 pack of crates.


Most of the stuff you get goes for next to nothing on the gtn. even the new "besh" weapons can be had for 1000 credits....

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  • 2 weeks later...



I just shelled out for a pack and got 2 Jawagrams. It's bad enough that they are single use only -- but they serve no real use and no one wants them (check out the prices on the GTN -- no one wants them!).


PLEASE get rid of them.

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/printed onto posterboard and nailed to the end of a pitchfork


/lights torch


Slot Machine Gamble Packs instead of direct purchase is a burn itself, but having the "Rare Item" from buying a Pack end up being a one-time use Jawagram that does absolutely nothing other than float around on a balloon before its gone forever.... That is like opening a pack and instead of a rare item of any kind, a hand comes out of the computer monitor and slaps you in the face. Hard.

Does *not* encourage more purchases.

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I just spent $60 buying cartel coins to buy the new Hyper Crate pack of 24 Vice Commander Cartel Packs. Out of 24 packs that I opened, 7 contained a rare other than Jawagrams or Experience boosts. That is sickening. I will likely never buy a Hyper crate again.


I mean seriously those are some of the most worthless items in the game and really feel cheated. I am not buying another Cartel Pack from the market until they change this. If you agree that something needs to be done about this I ask that you let Bioware know by not buying cartel packs until it is fixed and let them know by posting in this thread!


I know that this has been said before but we really need to make a stand by not giving them money when they are offering us crap for it. Jawagrams should be uncommon at the most and they should make some of the cooler clothes rares, at least then they would be valuable.


Thanks for letting me beat this dead horse!


Yep, my post is here.... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=630306


I will not give them anymore money for packs through the CM, maybe I will at times off GTN when I find them below 200k, anything higher is a rip-off now (not the fault of those selling, but a rip-off, because too much junk is in these packs).

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I too am sick of seeing not only jawagrams & experience boosts but also the crafting materials. Blowing almost £40 for a mass of useless fluff is beyond a joke. Yes I know it's down to each persons own choice in buying them but at least make them worth buying. I could buy a full price game for the money spent on a 24 pack of crates.


Most of the stuff you get goes for next to nothing on the gtn. even the new "besh" weapons can be had for 1000 credits....


The BESH was very disappointing... They already have the similar Grek and Aurek, so why even bother with a Besh? I think that is why they sell so cheap.... (I am aware the Aurek does NOT have laser sights)


They could have designed a gun that looks different, but they did not. I thought new packs, should contain new gear, not renamed ones....

Edited by Themanthatisi
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*Ewok propping on a log with a blank face*


"I kind of like getting Jawagrams and XP boosts."


Seriously though, even if they removed the grams and boosts, that doesn't mean your odds of getting what you want increase. If anything, you'll just end up getting more crafting supplies and gifts.

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Or atlease give us a cheaper costing pack that houses NO grade 6 crafting mats, NO random exp booster, no Companion gifts, and Yes NO NO NO single use Jawagrams ( if you going to make those things rare they should have been at least a stack of 10
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I'm generally satisfied with what's been added, but I don't give a flying fig about the jawagrams >< if we HAVE to have them, at least make them sellable - and if nothing else lower them to the useless junk rating... I'd rather have more companion relationship booster or crafting junk than MORE jawagrams ><

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*Ewok propping on a log with a blank face*


"I kind of like getting Jawagrams and XP boosts."


Seriously though, even if they removed the grams and boosts, that doesn't mean your odds of getting what you want increase. If anything, you'll just end up getting more crafting supplies and gifts.


Your right and I would expect to not have better chances at the better stuff, and I would take more crafting supplies, even though I do not craft....

Jawagrams as a rare and a consumable was just plain wrong for BW to do. If they were reusable, they would be much more acceptable, but I would still not see them be any kind of rare.


Lets say, you like jawagrams, there is no shame in that, but what fun is getting something, that BW thinks its rare and its gone in 30 seconds after you click on it. A poster above mentioned gettign them in 10 packs, maybe, i am nto so sure I would want more junk clogging up my inventory and no one wants to buy on GTN. However, 10 would allow someoen to have some fun...


It has become apparent, someone at BW has a "Jawa fetish", if that's the case, and we also must accept that Jawa fetish, MAKE THEM REUSABLE at the very least.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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*Ewok propping on a log with a blank face*


"I kind of like getting Jawagrams and XP boosts."


Seriously though, even if they removed the grams and boosts, that doesn't mean your odds of getting what you want increase. If anything, you'll just end up getting more crafting supplies and gifts.


I personally don't mind the XP boosts, and I fully understand the need for consumables - XP boosts, companion gifts, crafting materials... they are permanent items, or at least their effect is - the affection your companion gained doesn't vanish a few seconds later, and all the extra experience you've gained while using an XP booster is there to stay.

Getting the Jawagram is pretty much the same thing as buying some mystery gift, opening the box and... getting sprayed in the face with confetti, and then finding out the box is otherwise empty. :p

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I personally don't mind the XP boosts, and I fully understand the need for consumables - XP boosts, companion gifts, crafting materials... they are permanent items, or at least their effect is - the affection your companion gained doesn't vanish a few seconds later, and all the extra experience you've gained while using an XP booster is there to stay.

Getting the Jawagram is pretty much the same thing as buying some mystery gift, opening the box and... getting sprayed in the face with confetti, and then finding out the box is otherwise empty. :p


I think you explained Jawagrams better than anyone... :)

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These jawagrams are getting out of hand, I have stacks of these useless things clogging up precious cargo hold space!! I can't sell them for anything more then what a vendor will buy them for...kinda disappointing. :mad:

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  • 6 months later...
Hey guys I new to SWTOR started about 3 weeks ago as free to play then finally subscribed got my free cartel coins as well as other I had acquired went on to the cartel market to spend them wasn't sure what I was looking at apart from the description which was bounty pack contains 2 rare items and a chance of a super rare aswell as consumables and other junk and guess what that's what I got a load of junk I got a chair emote mandolorian belt level 1 space combat xp and a reputation trophy all of which are useless I understand this packs are random but I think they should make you aware that one of these randomizations can be a pack of useless crap that nobody apart from very new players like myself would buy and only because they don't know what there buying all I saw was the big lizard mount on the picture and I was sold but in reality it wasn't even close to this....... me personally I think if your paying for something you should know exactly what your getting im 25 years old my day of lucky dip are over sort it out bio ware stop cheating your customers
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The best single use Jawagram by far is... "Nice try!"

Such a nice move on Bioware's part to include that one. Add a bit of insult to that injury. ;)

That being said, the Jawagrams are only in the older packs of the "Resale Corporation pack series" - which is why I have avoided them like the plague.


At some point the newer packs got reusable Jawagrams - which I think are pretty cool, and it was a suggestion that a lot of people made on the forums.

And the Bounty Supply packs don't have them at all, they got the newest ripoff item instead - one time use tactical markers.

But at least they come in a set of three and they last longer than five seconds. And most importantly, they don't seem to be as common as the friggin' Jawagrams.

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And the Bounty Supply packs don't have them at all, they got the newest ripoff item instead - one time use tactical markers.

But at least they come in a set of three and they last longer than five seconds. And most importantly, they don't seem to be as common as the friggin' Jawagrams.


I believe the tactical markers are going to be a legacy perk in the future. I can't find the screenshot now, but I do recall hearing this. I believe Bioware admitted to that mistake and fixed it.


Now, in regards to the OP. No one is making you buy the packs. You can easily buy those packs, throw them on the GTN and then use the credits you got from them to buy whatever you want. Or you can just save the coins for something else. There is a way to get what you want from the packs without spending real money.

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I just spent $60 buying cartel coins to buy the new Hyper Crate pack of 24 Vice Commander Cartel Packs. Out of 24 packs that I opened, 7 contained a rare other than Jawagrams or Experience boosts. That is sickening. I will likely never buy a Hyper crate again.


I mean seriously those are some of the most worthless items in the game and really feel cheated. I am not buying another Cartel Pack from the market until they change this. If you agree that something needs to be done about this I ask that you let Bioware know by not buying cartel packs until it is fixed and let them know by posting in this thread!


I know that this has been said before but we really need to make a stand by not giving them money when they are offering us crap for it. Jawagrams should be uncommon at the most and they should make some of the cooler clothes rares, at least then they would be valuable.


Thanks for letting me beat this dead horse!


100% agreed.

I personally did my half off 5k coins for 20 dollars.

Then immediately spent another 39.99 for another 5k.

Then i had some CC left over from my last 39.99 purchase last week.


purchased over 50 packs in one sitting. You just do not know how upset i was when i received these stupid jawa items (and a few other things yes like exp space stuff and such... yes i kno i can sell it.. but the value is so low because it is so common it is a waste of money tbh)

So much of it wasting up my inventory. i feel like i wasted my money. I feel cheated. I feel so irritable about it that i am like you i will never purchase another pack again. I just was so floored at all the crap inside the packs to fill my inventory/bank with.


And yes i understand that if i want something i can buy it off the GTN. thank you captain obvious'.

Yes again i know that i am not forced to purchase from the CM and it is my choice thank you again major obvious'.


I understood that there was a few things that you would get that were of lesser quality. I certainly did not expect it to be to this extent though.


TBH because of this i am far less inclined to purchase any CC in the future. I am just miffed and hurt about my purchasing experience. Which as a customer who spends his money regularly i have every right to be.

Edited by Strixs
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