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DEVS calling for 8hr auto boot system


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the queues are totally insane, some people need to share, i call for an 8 hour auto boot.


once the play has played 8 hours he will be booted from the server and forced to requeue.


this will give others a chance to play, and you know allow those greedy mofos to move around abit before they die from deep vein thrombosis.


I am 100% against it, because I have set up atleast 3-4 lan parties for this xmas and 8 hours straight is nothing.

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Ermm the fact that they paid for their subscription and are entitled to playing?




So? You'd get booted all you'd have to do is wait in queue again. "So unfair..." Gross. Get up and get outside, god that's sad.



That's said OP's idea is still dumb. What if you're in the middle of a flash point or something? Other games implemented a penalty to experience gain based on the time you played. Say it decreases by 5% per objective/quest/kill every hour after 5 until a max of 20% which can be erased by relogging or until the server resets, substitute your own numbers. It's an alternative idea.


DVT is a real threat by the way. Mother-in-law oddly enough is avid gamer, in addition to working at a desk for the government of Canada. Ended up in the hospital with a pulmonary embolism. She survived (I don't know how) but yeah... Make sure to at least leave the seat and stretch once in a while. You don't have to re log but... Yeah huge digression. Sorry.

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the queues are totally insane, some people need to share, i call for an 8 hour auto boot.


once the play has played 8 hours he will be booted from the server and forced to requeue.


this will give others a chance to play, and you know allow those greedy mofos to move around abit before they die from deep vein thrombosis.


This is not a player problem !!

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Maybe once ever hour you have a popup that has one of your security questions you have to answer. That way if they are afk it boots you but if they are there they get to keep playing for how ever long they want. Just a suggestion.


i like this idea, its alot better then mine, and i think i saw something like this in aion

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When we are on holiday some of us play for 12-16 hours a day, with breaks in the middle.


These breaks might normally be an hour or two but with the queues this long it's not in our best interests to log out since we'll be lucky if we get back in again.


I've been waiting an hour to get onto my server this morning, what if I started queuing at say 12pm, waited near 2 hours to get onto the server and then got disconnected close to 10pm with your mandatory 8 hour autoboot in the middle of an instance or just before I was scheduled to go raiding.


Essentially you haven't thought this through, your system encourages people not to play the game if they are planning on doing a group activity in roughly 8 hours time.


The solution to all of this should have been implemented already, FREE SERVER TRANSFERS


It's that simple, allow people to move to less populated servers, spread the load that the staggered launch has created (friends get assigned servers, those servers fill up early but as more and more people are let in they join their friends on already full servers thus creating long queues).

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Its not a case of heavily instanced or not, in areas past the very first one or two its unacceptable.


On Tat yesterday I was in instance #2 with 60 people. Thats just laughable that that number has to be instances across such an absolutely vast area. I think I saw about 2 others players in 3 hours. My server is constantly flagged as Full and has a constant queue.


So you are mad that you don't get to see other players? Oh i'm sorry. Just join another instance that got more players. I still get to see alot of players even through there are only 50.

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On Tat yesterday I was in instance #2 with 60 people. Thats just laughable that that number has to be instances across such an absolutely vast area. I think I saw about 2 others players in 3 hours. My server is constantly flagged as Full and has a constant queue.
Actually I think that's kinda cool and it adds to immersion. As you pointed out, Tatooine is a large, vast, barren area (dessert).

Would you rather expect bumping into other people every other inch? Now, that would kill the atmosphere.


On the other hand... Tatooine is 25+? Maybe there are not that much people with that level at the moment.

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the queues are totally insane, some people need to share, i call for an 8 hour auto boot.


once the play has played 8 hours he will be booted from the server and forced to requeue.


this will give others a chance to play, and you know allow those greedy mofos to move around abit before they die from deep vein thrombosis.






Well there's another solution though, those that are AFK for a lot of time (like more than 20 minutes) should be disconnected from the server. As it is now people are logged off and sent to the character screen, but they are still connected to the server and they still affect queue.


I'm using this exploit and hardly closing the client if I have to go AFK for quite some time.

Edited by _Tarkus_
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Well there's another solution though, those that are AFK for a lot of time (like more than 20 minutes) should be disconnected from the server. As it is now people just log off and go to the character screen, but they are still connected in the server and they still affect queue.


I'm using this exploit and hardly closing the client if I have to go AFK for quite some time.


When I go and eat I eat for about 30 mins or more, when I take a dump I **** for 30+ mins. No, not 20 minutes.

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Well there's another solution though, those that are AFK for a lot of time (like more than 20 minutes) should be disconnected from the server. As it is now people just log off and go to the character screen, but they are still connected to the server and they still affect queue.


I'm using this exploit and hardly closing the client if I have to go AFK for quite some time.

It's not an exploit and the character select screen also has an afk timer, if you don't log in within a certain time frame it will boot you out and you will have to enter the queue again (gives a server error I think).

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Well there's another solution though, those that are AFK for a lot of time (like more than 20 minutes) should be disconnected from the server. As it is now people are logged off and sent to the character screen, but they are still connected to the server and they still affect queue.


I'm using this exploit and hardly closing the client if I have to go AFK for quite some time.


20 minutes isn't a good number. That's roughly the length of a good (medically advisable) eye-break.

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the queues are totally insane, some people need to share, i call for an 8 hour auto boot.


once the play has played 8 hours he will be booted from the server and forced to requeue.


this will give others a chance to play, and you know allow those greedy mofos to move around abit before they die from deep vein thrombosis.


Thanks for making my day, I had a hearty laugh!

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Can you imagine...running and questing then doing some heroic and right in the middle of it, booted cuz your were on for 8 hours...I feel the rage!


Bottom line, people pay to play, whether they are being active or not, personally none of your business what others are doing, they are doing what they want in game, you gonna complain about rp'ers who stand around and talk? That's what they are paying to do.


My opinion on these open forums, don't like it, then don't post your opinion here for others to see, file a ticket, all your going to do is get flamed by others.

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Rofl op you mad? roll another server if the ques buggs you.. simple


This reply bloody annoys me, no one is gunna get to level 24 then switch server just because the server queues. If however server transfers happen that's a different story.. BTW i am in no way agreeing with the OP i think it's a bloody stupid idea. I kinda like the idea of 3 or 4 hour popups that require you to input certain text, 1 hour is too short

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This will NEVER happen as long as people are paying subscriptions.


They just need to stop people from making characters on full servers unless you already have one there, or your pre-launch guild is there.

Edited by NasherUK
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This will NEVER happen as long as people are paying subscriptions.


They just need to stop people from making characters on full servers unless you already have one there, or your pre-launch guild is there.


Won't work, people want to play with their friends which they can't do if their friends are heavily invested on a server that will be locked, you want people to keep playing and paying their subscription for many months/years, they are more likely to do this if they are able to play with their friends.


Again, offer FREE CHARACTER TRANSFERS from full servers to light servers


It's tried and tested, and Blizzard still uses it to this day if a server exceeds it's maximum capacity.

Edited by Pudsley
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Maybe once ever hour you have a popup that has one of your security questions you have to answer. That way if they are afk it boots you but if they are there they get to keep playing for how ever long they want. Just a suggestion.


even stupider than the OP's idea.

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Dont want to queue for hours, make a char on low server pop, simples stop moaning ;)


I cant join, or wont join my guild on red eclipse because of the queue times, I work a full day and havent got a spare 2 hours to be queuing


Simple answer started on a low pop server and made new friends simples :)

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