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6 smashers per team... again.


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Yet again, only smashers defend the tree...


Yes I don't go into threads about other classes to join in the bashing and I also don't go into threads about other classes to defend them. Most of the people that bother with these threads are trolls, people that want a class nerfed (for lots of different reasons) or people that play the attacked class. Does that make sense to you? You're not going to find many serious pvpers that agree that smash is a problem right now, but there's always going to be some (out of hundreds of thousands of people, you will find some that liked the movie "Glitter" - so what?).

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Rage/Focus spec is powerfull.


I do not complain about it. But I like to reveal some misinformed posts here.


A lot of people (and majority of them did not ever played that spec intensevely) think about smash like "one trick pony" etc.


That's not right fair and square. Smasher has a couple high damaging moves which sinergizq well and have good talent upgrades, which makes this spec very enjoyable and strong in pvp.


Besides smash, smasher uses force crush, which can crit with the last tick up to 3 k. He uses force scream which (as u can guess) can crit high too and is free after gap closers.


To help this abilities to crit he has + 6 % crit chance on them.


Then he has enchanced damage and crit chances for white attack rage spender (slash) and execute (vicious slash).


After that he has pretty good (in terms) of damage white attack - obliterate.


And of course common for every warrior class channeled big hitter - ravage.


Plus unique (compared to other trees) passive 30 % armor penetration from shi-cho form.


And I always smile when new "one trick pony'' guy appears.

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It must be PvE servers that have all the keyboard turning bads that complain about Smash.


I don't think I'm seen a single Qq about smash from a legit player of a PvP server yet. Again though, only bads have a hard time with Smash.


Focus/Rage was a really powerful spec way before 1.4. The animation fix was a must, but all the other little buffs went too far, and led to the spec being simply overtuned. Plenty of good players who play the spec couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the patch notes. And those same players knew they were getting away with something when they took the spec into pvp.


The concept of a point blank AoE with a big autocrit is reasonable, as you've pointed out before. But it's not automatically "qq" to think the spec is a little overtuned. Of course, since 2.0 dropped, it's been impossible to comment on the tuning of specs thanks to blolster.


Anyway, reading your post I'm 99% sure that you play a smasher, so your answer is "normal" for someone like you.


The last time I saw Kettlebell he was playing a Focus Sentinel with a pocket healer (he is quite good at coming into your guild's Vent and wooing the ladies) and feeling awesome about himself, but that was forever ago, maybe before 1.4.

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It must be PvE servers that have all the keyboard turning bads that complain about Smash.



I don't think I'm seen a single Qq about smash from a legit player of a PvP server yet. Again though, only bads have a hard time with Smash.


Take your e-peen and leave. I am no where near the best player and I think smash is still stupid. You cannot expect everyone to be a 1337 pro like you. Get off your high horse.

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I though the 2.0 changes in the rage tree would make some smashers stop playing it. And for the first weeks it seemed to be so. I even saw a pair of vengeance juggs. I was very happy that finally there would be some variety in warzones.


Obviously I was wrong. The smashers were just getting the new lolpower + lolsurge gear. Today I've played 3 matches against a 6 smashers team, just like before 2.0 used to be. Of course, most of them hitting 10-11k per smash. And yeah, they won and absolutely dominated the three warzones.




I am one of the best geared maras on shadowlands and the highest smash I have seen so far is 10.7k. normal smash damage is around 6 to 8k. With health pools for dps reaching 32k, and tanks (who take less damage) able to reach 40k, thst number is not at all unreasonable.

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Yesterday I got Culled by 6 Snipers at the same time. The day before that I got Rail Shot by 6 PTs at the same time. The day before that I got Master Striked by 6 Combat Sentinels at the same time. The day before that I got Maul'd by 6 Assassins at the same time. And a few months before that I got Backstabbed by a team of stun-locking Operatives at the same time. You see what I did thurr?
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Yesterday I got Culled by 6 Snipers at the same time. The day before that I got Rail Shot by 6 PTs at the same time. The day before that I got Master Striked by 6 Combat Sentinels at the same time. The day before that I got Maul'd by 6 Assassins at the same time. And a few months before that I got Backstabbed by a team of stun-locking Operatives at the same time. You see what I did thurr?




... to point out that none of those are AoE.

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... to point out that none of those are AoE.


Orbital Strike, Mortar Volley, and Forcequake are AoE and they do more damage over their period of time than Smash does while also affecting a much bigger target area.

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I don't know what you are talking about....Teams of 6+ Arsenal Mercs and Gunnery Commandos are absolutely dominating people now, oh wait, it's not opposite day.


At first I was like :confused: and then I was like :D

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Yesterday I got Culled by 6 Snipers at the same time. The day before that I got Rail Shot by 6 PTs at the same time. The day before that I got Master Striked by 6 Combat Sentinels at the same time. The day before that I got Maul'd by 6 Assassins at the same time. And a few months before that I got Backstabbed by a team of stun-locking Operatives at the same time. You see what I did thurr?


The difference is each smasher does that crazy amount in an "AOE" circle. All of the other classes are single target dps and generally those attacks require a cast and have longer cooldowns.

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Orbital Strike, Mortar Volley, and Forcequake are AoE and they do more damage over their period of time than Smash does while also affecting a much bigger target area.


More damage my *** lol! Mortar Volley is a 3-sec channeled ability with a massive glowing SPOT on the floor where it'll hit, notifying everyone who isn't an idiot to move out of the spot, and it's on a 1-minute cooldown.


I can not hit 600-999k in a WZ spamming mortar volley lol

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More damage my *** lol! Mortar Volley is a 3-sec channeled ability with a massive glowing SPOT on the floor where it'll hit, notifying everyone who isn't an idiot to move out of the spot, and it's on a 1-minute cooldown.


I can not hit 600-999k in a WZ spamming mortar volley lol


Yes, and a Guardian/Jugg is a player who is in your face and on-top of you advertising that he wants to kill you. I never saw a Guardian or Jugg leap to me and wonder if he's going to try and kill me or if he just likes me. Assume every Guard/Jugg that leaps on top of you is going to try to use Smash immediately and use precautions to avoid it (there are a lot of close range control abilities that can hold off a smash). That being said, any DPS class can put up 600-999k damage in a WZ, that is not only exlcusive to Smash Guard/Jugs. Do you think other DPS classes are any less deadly or do any less AOE?

Edited by DimeStax
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It must be PvE servers that have all the keyboard turning bads that complain about Smash.



I don't think I'm seen a single Qq about smash from a legit player of a PvP server yet. Again though, only bads have a hard time with Smash.


No comment on whether smash is OP or not just wanted to point out your flawed logic. Essentially you are saying you have yet to see a legit player complain about smash then posit that only bads complain about smash. You can't say you have yet to see a single legit player complain about smash because by definition you are already prejudging that anyone who complains about smash is not legit e.g. bad. How would you know if you saw a legit player or not when that is your criteria? Just saying.

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The difference is each smasher does that crazy amount in an "AOE" circle. All of the other classes are single target dps and generally those attacks require a cast and have longer cooldowns.


Nice try, but I was FIRST!!! ----->




... to point out that none of those are AoE.



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Yesterday I got Culled by 6 Snipers at the same time. The day before that I got Rail Shot by 6 PTs at the same time. The day before that I got Master Striked by 6 Combat Sentinels at the same time. The day before that I got Maul'd by 6 Assassins at the same time. And a few months before that I got Backstabbed by a team of stun-locking Operatives at the same time. You see what I did thurr?


Yup, I see you getting throat chopped by six other posters after your post because of FAIL logic. See what I did thurr?

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There are far more powerful abilities than smash right now. The slight nerf was a good one. Still viable but not ridiculous.


I didn't bother reading the OP however.... just assumed by the title that it was poorly focused rambling.

Edited by Baedwulf
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The difference is each smasher does that crazy amount in an "AOE" circle. All of the other classes are single target dps and generally those attacks require a cast and have longer cooldowns.


Honestly, Dirty Fighting and Saboteur Gunslingers put out way more AoE damage than Smashers... So I'm not sure if you're misguided or just trolling.

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YDo you think other DPS classes are any less deadly or do any less AOE?


Yeah, I think pretty much EVERY OTHER AoE is "less deadly" compared to Smash. How could you even argue that?? My son can spam Sweep all WZ, with very little rotation, and always end up topping the DPS charts with generally twice the next highest player. Name ANY other class that can AoE close to that effectively?!

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Yeah, I think pretty much EVERY OTHER AoE is "less deadly" compared to Smash. How could you even argue that?? My son can spam Sweep all WZ, with very little rotation, and always end up topping the DPS charts with generally twice the next highest player. Name ANY other class that can AoE close to that effectively?!


Lightning sorc (Damage + CC + 30m) > smash.



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DF? More AOE than a smash? What?


Most definitely. Fully traited Shrap Bombs AoE damage (12 second CD) and Thermal Grenade (6 second CD) are a very good means of consistent AoE DPS for Gunslingers and AoEs get even stronger in the Saboteur tree with a 30% surge bonus to all AOE effects and Incendiary Grenade. Also, Pre 2.0 my XS Freighter Flyby was ticking with ELEMENTAL DAMAGE (Ignores armor and shield) for 4.5k a tick for 4 ticks (including PvP set bonus). Gunslingers definitely have have way more AoE damage than Smashers, it's just not as obvious because it's spread out over a few more abilities.

Edited by DimeStax
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