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Is it wrong that I believe we should receive some sort of formal apology?


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whining about a video game move..


no one is ok being hit by maul/ss (or any move) for that much, that's a silly comment you made there. BTW my highest ss is 9.9k, while dueling. we both have full expertise. know what you are complaining about. now if you have a complaint about maul/ss being able to proc duplicity/infiltration tactics twice in three globals then i'd probably agree with you


It's got nothing to do with that, it's the fact you can get 400+ more main stat, 3k+ more HP + 2-4% of every sub stat just by removing your augments from your earpiece and implant.


This wasnt a complaint, it was a question i asked you. If you're cool with exploiting game mechanics, then i feel sorry for you.

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they owe us nothing though. it's a service that we can terminate at any time. they know there is a problem with this aspect of the game and they are working on it. do people want a daily post from the csrs saying they are working on it?


personally i'm still having fun when i get a chance to log in. whether i'm playing ranked or puggin the game seems fine. skill still beats gear in this game, more so now then ever. bugs or not.


1) we don't know they are working on it. There has been no community notification.


2) they should at the very least be addressin the exploits with their bugged system

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It's got nothing to do with that, it's the fact you can get 400+ more main stat, 3k+ more HP + 2-4% of every sub stat just by removing your augments from your earpiece and implant.


This wasnt a complaint, it was a question i asked you. If you're cool with exploiting game mechanics, then i feel sorry for you.


where did I say that i exploit? i wear full pvp gear (i said full expertise). stop talking non-sense.


comparisons for main stat and hp only work if both toons are the same AC and have the same trees. it also matters if they have same augs, all of the datacrons etc etc. some ACs do not have main stat multipliers, some people use power augs instead of mainstat. the main stat different between a dps jugg with str augs and a mara with power augs is 448 (not counting the jugg str multiplier, so it can as much as 600 depending on min/maxing)

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where did I say that i exploit? i wear full pvp gear (i said full expertise). stop talking non-sense.


comparisons for main stat and hp only work if both toons are the same AC and have the same trees. it also matters if they have same augs, all of the datacrons etc etc. some ACs do not have main stat multipliers, some people use power augs instead of mainstat. the main stat different between a dps jugg with str augs and a mara with power augs is 448 (not counting the jugg str multiplier, so it can as much as 600 depending on min/maxing)


You should learn to read.



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where did I say that i exploit? i wear full pvp gear (i said full expertise). stop talking non-sense.


comparisons for main stat and hp only work if both toons are the same AC and have the same trees. it also matters if they have same augs, all of the datacrons etc etc. some ACs do not have main stat multipliers, some people use power augs instead of mainstat. the main stat different between a dps jugg with str augs and a mara with power augs is 448 (not counting the jugg str multiplier, so it can as much as 600 depending on min/maxing)



...not you again...

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they owe us nothing though. it's a service that we can terminate at any time. they know there is a problem with this aspect of the game and they are working on it. do people want a daily post from the csrs saying they are working on it?


personally i'm still having fun when i get a chance to log in. whether i'm playing ranked or puggin the game seems fine. skill still beats gear in this game, more so now then ever. bugs or not.


Right..."they owe us nothing" - that is a STUPID excuse being used by people to defend Bioware's sloppy programing.


I doubt any of us are upset because we HATE the game, just the opposite. If we wanted to leave, we all know we have that freedom, we're not dumb enough to think we're somehow trapped here - but I'm guessing the majority of the people expressing their displeasure right now are doing so because they actually LIKE the game and WANT to stay. Quitting is easy. Telling Bioware what needs to change takes effort.


And as far as I'm aware, this is the ONLY SWTOR MMO being run at the moment - if I'm incorrect, please tell me. If there's a Blizzard run SWTOR, I'll certainly check it out...the development may not be any better, but I doubt it would be any worse than what we've seen here. This isn't like buying a television where there are competing products similar enough to create real competition. I love Star Wars, I love MMOs, I love online gaming and I love PvP...find me another game that does all 4 and you'll have a point, otherwise it's disingenuous to say we have a "choice" - accepting sloppy updates or quitting isn't a "choice", that's settling for crap or leaving. SWTOR doesn't NEED to be crap!!!


And "I" am still having fun too! EVERY time I log in, I have "fun". Just because I'm having fun doesn't mean I have to stick my head in the ground and pretend everything's all peachy freaking keen when it's obvious to even the stupidest of people that there are issues.


Demanding better quality from Bioware is not asking too much. This update was sloppy, poorly implemented, and riddled with bugs that have caused a crap ton of snowballing issues. I expect better from them.

Edited by TUXs
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Right..."they owe us nothing" - that is a STUPID excuse being used by people to defend Bioware's sloppy programing.


I doubt any of us are upset because we HATE the game, just the opposite. If we wanted to leave, we all know we have that freedom, we're not stupid enough to think we're somehow trapped here - but I'm guessing the majority of the people expressing their displeasure right now are doing so because they actually LIKE the game and WANT to stay. Quitting is easy. Telling Bioware what needs to change takes effort.


And as far as I'm aware, this is the ONLY SWTOR MMO being run at the moment - if I'm incorrect, please tell me. If there's a Blizzard run SWTOR, I'll certainly check it out...the development may not be any better, but I doubt it would be any worse than what we've seen here. This isn't like buying a television where there are competing products similar enough to create real competition. I love Star Wars, I love MMOs, I love online gaming and I love PvP...find me another game that does all 4 and you'll have a point, otherwise it's disingenuous to say we have a "choice" - accepting sloppy updates or quitting isn't a "choice", that's settling for crap or leaving. SWTOR doesn't NEED to be crap!!!


And "I" am still having fun too! EVERY time I log in, I have "fun". Just because I'm having fun doesn't mean I have to stick my head in the ground and pretend everything's all peachy freaking keen when it's obvious to even the stupidest of people that there are issues.


Demanding better quality from Bioware is not asking too much. This update was sloppy, poorly implemented, and riddled with bugs that have caused a crap ton of snowballing issues. I expect better from them.


not an excuse. that's how services work, video game or otherwise.


don't take this so seriously and don't break your shift key :p

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not an excuse. that's how services work, video game or otherwise.


don't take this so seriously and don't break your shift key :p


My keyboard is in no way being compromised by my use of CAPS to add emphasis. And you are making excuses, and trolling, but you know that.

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Right..."they owe us nothing" - that is a STUPID excuse being used by people to defend Bioware's sloppy programing.


I doubt any of us are upset because we HATE the game, just the opposite. If we wanted to leave, we all know we have that freedom, we're not dumb enough to think we're somehow trapped here - but I'm guessing the majority of the people expressing their displeasure right now are doing so because they actually LIKE the game and WANT to stay. Quitting is easy. Telling Bioware what needs to change takes effort.


And as far as I'm aware, this is the ONLY SWTOR MMO being run at the moment - if I'm incorrect, please tell me. If there's a Blizzard run SWTOR, I'll certainly check it out...the development may not be any better, but I doubt it would be any worse than what we've seen here. This isn't like buying a television where there are competing products similar enough to create real competition. I love Star Wars, I love MMOs, I love online gaming and I love PvP...find me another game that does all 4 and you'll have a point, otherwise it's disingenuous to say we have a "choice" - accepting sloppy updates or quitting isn't a "choice", that's settling for crap or leaving. SWTOR doesn't NEED to be crap!!!


And "I" am still having fun too! EVERY time I log in, I have "fun". Just because I'm having fun doesn't mean I have to stick my head in the ground and pretend everything's all peachy freaking keen when it's obvious to even the stupidest of people that there are issues.


Demanding better quality from Bioware is not asking too much. This update was sloppy, poorly implemented, and riddled with bugs that have caused a crap ton of snowballing issues. I expect better from them.



Well said. Nice post.

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My keyboard is in no way being compromised by my use of CAPS to add emphasis. And you are making excuses, and trolling, but you know that.


which excuse did i make btw? if you really thought i was trolling you wouldn't troll back at me. i'm not trolling. just saying how it is. rightly or wrongly this game owes nothing to its subs, it can even cancel accounts with no refund (read the eula, literally owe nothing, not even a guarantee of game up time, which is troubling).


they will fix the issues. now if they came out and said they refuse to fix the issue, that would be a reason to complain and/or quit.

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Right..."they owe us nothing" - that is a STUPID excuse being used by people to defend Bioware's sloppy programing.


I doubt any of us are upset because we HATE the game, just the opposite. If we wanted to leave, we all know we have that freedom, we're not dumb enough to think we're somehow trapped here - but I'm guessing the majority of the people expressing their displeasure right now are doing so because they actually LIKE the game and WANT to stay. Quitting is easy. Telling Bioware what needs to change takes effort.


And as far as I'm aware, this is the ONLY SWTOR MMO being run at the moment - if I'm incorrect, please tell me. If there's a Blizzard run SWTOR, I'll certainly check it out...the development may not be any better, but I doubt it would be any worse than what we've seen here. This isn't like buying a television where there are competing products similar enough to create real competition. I love Star Wars, I love MMOs, I love online gaming and I love PvP...find me another game that does all 4 and you'll have a point, otherwise it's disingenuous to say we have a "choice" - accepting sloppy updates or quitting isn't a "choice", that's settling for crap or leaving. SWTOR doesn't NEED to be crap!!!


And "I" am still having fun too! EVERY time I log in, I have "fun". Just because I'm having fun doesn't mean I have to stick my head in the ground and pretend everything's all peachy freaking keen when it's obvious to even the stupidest of people that there are issues.


Demanding better quality from Bioware is not asking too much. This update was sloppy, poorly implemented, and riddled with bugs that have caused a crap ton of snowballing issues. I expect better from them.


Great post, sums up why I still log in and play every night. We still deserve better then what we're getting now.

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Except it doesn't. So many people are exploiting it that it's even worse now. How can you prefer a system as full of bugs as this


The advantage in exploiting currently is less than the gear gap used to be. Granted, the people that work for gear shouldn't be the ones at the bottom of the gear gap...but at least it's smaller. I'd rather have a close to even playing ground that's a bit random, than huge gaps...but then, I'd prefer all gear in pvp to be equal. I just like competition and would prefer it start with both sides having equal field.

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The advantage in exploiting currently is less than the gear gap used to be. Granted, the people that work for gear shouldn't be the ones at the bottom of the gear gap...but at least it's smaller. I'd rather have a close to even playing ground that's a bit random, than huge gaps...but then, I'd prefer all gear in pvp to be equal. I just like competition and would prefer it start with both sides having equal field.


well said. pretty much my same sentiment.

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The advantage in exploiting currently is less than the gear gap used to be. Granted, the people that work for gear shouldn't be the ones at the bottom of the gear gap...but at least it's smaller. I'd rather have a close to even playing ground that's a bit random, than huge gaps...but then, I'd prefer all gear in pvp to be equal. I just like competition and would prefer it start with both sides having equal field.


I couldn't agree more. I'd love for Bolster to be 100% removed from 55 PvP (it's needed in sub 55) and have "Expertise" be made into an innate stat that all players get by default - I suggest 1500 Expertise as a base stat + the valor rank to give a slight bonus Expertise value to PvPers (it's a minimal advantage, but makes Valor mean something). Equalize gear from PvP and PvE - if PvPers have 72 mods, PvPers should too. PvE gear is "suitable" for PvP, PvP gear should be suitable for PvE. Why does it matter what a player does? Allow them to be competitive in either environment. No scrub PvP group is going to go into S&V and clear it just because they have 72 PvP armor on.

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The advantage in exploiting currently is less than the gear gap used to be. Granted, the people that work for gear shouldn't be the ones at the bottom of the gear gap...but at least it's smaller. I'd rather have a close to even playing ground that's a bit random, than huge gaps...but then, I'd prefer all gear in pvp to be equal. I just like competition and would prefer it start with both sides having equal field.


I agree that the competition need to be plain fielded from 1.7 where the entry barrier was monumental at max level. However; this is no excuse for 1) Bugs, 2) Exploits, 3) PvP gear semi useless in PvE, 4) top PvE gear is better than top PvP gear in WZs, 5) You lose stats in 30-54 every time you update you gear. This is sloppy work, and the expansion has been out for 18 days since early access, and these issued are still persisting.


Ya, we got new Cartel items update. Wohoo!?

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Is it just me, or have we not gotten a yellow post in the PVP section since the patch hit? Do you all think they're avoiding this section of the forums?


What's going to be their excuse for not getting any type of response to us?

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which excuse did i make btw? if you really thought i was trolling you wouldn't troll back at me. i'm not trolling. just saying how it is. rightly or wrongly this game owes nothing to its subs, it can even cancel accounts with no refund (read the eula, literally owe nothing, not even a guarantee of game up time, which is troubling).


they will fix the issues. now if they came out and said they refuse to fix the issue, that would be a reason to complain and/or quit.


IF, you're not "trying" to troll, then you must just be plain stupid.

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The advantage in exploiting currently is less than the gear gap used to be. Granted, the people that work for gear shouldn't be the ones at the bottom of the gear gap...but at least it's smaller. I'd rather have a close to even playing ground that's a bit random, than huge gaps...but then, I'd prefer all gear in pvp to be equal. I just like competition and would prefer it start with both sides having equal field.


It is NOT smaller, lol.

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