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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is it wrong that I believe we should receive some sort of formal apology?


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Seriously now. Simcity had a failed launch and EA gave everyone who purchased the game another free game to download courtesy of EA. Now, I won't go as far as saying they should do the same here.. but not even am apology? Seems pretty unprofessional. We're two patches deep into ROTHC with this new bolster system, and there are still pretty serious bugs that allow players to take advantage of exploits. This is after they were warned on the PTS in the months leading up to the release date.


I think bolster COULD have a place in this game, but honestly? It still isn't ready to be in production. Why haven't you apologized Bioware? Why haven't we received free cartel coins... something. How about a 'thank you' to the loyal players that have submitted their screenshots and testing of the broken bolster system?


Keep this thread alive if you agree.

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Deleted opinion of people who fish for support for their self-important demands for apologies.


I'm already in a bad mood, so may have been an exaggerated response.


Are you satisfied with the bolster system? I really don't care much for an apology or freebies either, but I am not satisfied with pvp after 2.0 and I will support the OP on that issue.

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If you want to make a statement...unsub.


Is it wrong to believe we should receive a formal apology? Well an apology from a corporation is....



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I only recall ever getting something free once in SWTOR. I can't remember which update it was, 1.5 maybe? It was such an epic fail, even worse than this, they gave everyone free game time. It was when there was a mass exodus from the game, they lost an enormous chunk of subscriptions over it. And really, that's the best way to gripe. Just unsub. I quit for several months when F2P went live because I just couldn't support the fact that they were developing a Cartel Shop and asking for more money when there were so many other issues with the game.


I don't really want an apology either. They just need to fix it once and for all.

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1. I want a clarification, if the Bolster is still broken (as it imo apperars to be)

2. I want a fix.

3. I want an explanation how the could repeatedly **** up the same thing and release obviously completely untested stuff which messes with all of PVP content in the first place.

4. I want too see new PVP content announced (x servers, arenas, new maps, whatever), because honestly, the enjoyment that bolster might be actually working some day might not be enough to keep me hooked on the long run...


They can keep their apology.

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Are you satisfied with the bolster system? I really don't care much for an apology or freebies either, but I am not satisfied with pvp after 2.0 and I will support the OP on that issue.


Not satisifed, no. There are aspects of it that need sorting out. But it's not so broken that you can't play, and it's an attempt to try something new to improve PVP in the game. I'd say PvP now (no bubblestun, fewer hopelessly undergeared people) is better than it was in 1.7. I'm not going to demand apologies for the developers trying to improve the game.


My ideal would be that you can work on your PvP gear to make you better (I like doing that), but it doesn't give you so much advantage that people starting PvP are crushed and don't play. For PvP to flourish we need more people joining all the time. So it should be easy to join in but tough to get the absolute best. In 1.7 there were a bunch of guys (me included) in great gear who'd simply destroy newbies (who couldn't even be expected to know to collect all their comms pre-50 to shorten the Recruit-punishment phase) and that cuts off the supply of fresh players to replace the inevitable wastage of veterans.


I can live with it being less than perfect while it's straightened out, so long as it's playable now and the kinks fixed.

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You guys realize that without bolster, there would be an enormous gap between geared players and players just getting to 55? There is no recruit set to start people out now. There is literally nothing to start people off in end-game PvP. There has to be Bolster.


In my opinion, it's working. People can fight on a much more even playing field. People who spend 14 hours in a video game daily and getting gear still have advantages. But those advantages are flattened somewhat.


Who wants to win games just because they're more geared? /yawn.

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In my opinion, it's working.


You are simply wrong then. :)


It might be working if they finally fix this. But it is still NOT working now.


At the moment its garbage and even balance wise still worse then before.


HP gaps I saw yesterday in the lvl 55 WZ:


About 24-25k HP for most scrubs and 37k hp (with 2000 exp) from a well known min-maxed juggernaut tank on our server atm.


Works like a charm...

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Meh, if you* have to ask for an apology, once given, is it really worth the pixels it's printed on?


Instead of an apology, or free gifts and shiny trinkets, I would much rather be in favor of more dev communication and updates. Every so often, a (rough) outline of what they are currently addressing would be much more favorable than a demanded apology.


*wholistic "you", not you personally :)

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You are simply wrong then. :)


It might be working if they finally fix this. But it is still NOT working now.


At the moment its garbage and even balance wise still worse then before.


HP gaps I saw yesterday in the lvl 55 WZ:


About 24-25k HP for most scrubs and 37k hp (with 2000 exp) from a well known min-maxed juggernaut tank on our server atm.


Works like a charm...


scrubs? You mean people that go to school or work? People that don't play video games 24/7 and aren't in full conqueror min/max yet?


I am OK with that :)

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You are simply wrong then. :)


It might be working if they finally fix this. But it is still NOT working now.


At the moment its garbage and even balance wise still worse then before.


HP gaps I saw yesterday in the lvl 55 WZ:


About 24-25k HP for most scrubs and 37k hp (with 2000 exp) from a well known min-maxed juggernaut tank on our server atm.


Works like a charm...


You need to take into consideration that these people with 25k hp, while they are still weaksauce if compared to the min maxed juggie, they now have some expertise (around 1.9k) that prevents them to get 3 shotted as they would if bolster wasnt here.


They will have weak heals / damage. Yup, they have crap gear.


They will have less HP. Yup, THEY HAVE CRAP GEAR.


Are they totally useless and will get 3 shotted by a healer recruit style? Nope, they have expertise to at least try and learn to play the game without being mangled in seconds by gear sharks.



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Not satisifed, no. There are aspects of it that need sorting out. But it's not so broken that you can't play, and it's an attempt to try something new to improve PVP in the game. I'd say PvP now (no bubblestun, fewer hopelessly undergeared people) is better than it was in 1.7. I'm not going to demand apologies for the developers trying to improve the game.


My ideal would be that you can work on your PvP gear to make you better (I like doing that), but it doesn't give you so much advantage that people starting PvP are crushed and don't play. For PvP to flourish we need more people joining all the time. So it should be easy to join in but tough to get the absolute best. In 1.7 there were a bunch of guys (me included) in great gear who'd simply destroy newbies (who couldn't even be expected to know to collect all their comms pre-50 to shorten the Recruit-punishment phase) and that cuts off the supply of fresh players to replace the inevitable wastage of veterans.


I can live with it being less than perfect while it's straightened out, so long as it's playable now and the kinks fixed.


Sums it up pretty fine.

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You need to take into consideration that these people with 25k hp, while they are still weaksauce if compared to the min maxed juggie, they now have some expertise (around 1.9k) that prevents them to get 3 shotted as they would if bolster wasnt here.


They will have weak heals / damage. Yup, they have crap gear.


They will have less HP. Yup, THEY HAVE CRAP GEAR.


Are they totally useless and will get 3 shotted by a healer recruit style? Nope, they have expertise to at least try and learn to play the game without being mangled in seconds by gear sharks.




Our problem is not the people with crap gear .... bolster em

Let me type it once again....


OUR PROBLEM IS PEOPLE IN 72 GEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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scrubs? You mean people that go to school or work? People that don't play video games 24/7 and aren't in full conqueror min/max yet?


I am OK with that :)


Sorry, but you need to decide:


Do you want a level playing field (as said in you previous post) or are you ok with a large gear gap between people who spent vastly different amount of time playing the game (as you say now). What shall it be?


By the way, your quoted post was the attempt of an actual insult, it failed miserably. You can get full partisan + a few pieces of conq gear easily in three weeks besides having a fulltime job and a active social life. I know, I have.

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Yes, I'll settle for a solution to the issue.. I'm just sayin it's very unprofessional to not address their customers. Acknowledging the issues days after their own customers provided testing and proof is irresponsible.


Believer, haven't play many pugs but when I do I roflstomp them anyways. Not about that, it's about a serious bug that's still in production several patches after it first when live... when everyone knew it was a problem

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I only recall ever getting something free once in SWTOR. I can't remember which update it was, 1.5 maybe? It was such an epic fail, even worse than this, they gave everyone free game time. It was when there was a mass exodus from the game, they lost an enormous chunk of subscriptions over it. And really, that's the best way to gripe. Just unsub. I quit for several months when F2P went live because I just couldn't support the fact that they were developing a Cartel Shop and asking for more money when there were so many other issues with the game.


I don't really want an apology either. They just need to fix it once and for all.


that was around this time last year. we got the free taun taun pet (which I liked). I think it was 1.3ish. post 1.2 but definitely not as late as 1.4, which will go down in infamy as the bubble-stun debacle.

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You guys realize that without bolster, there would be an enormous gap between geared players and players just getting to 55? There is no recruit set to start people out now. There is literally nothing to start people off in end-game PvP. There has to be Bolster.


In my opinion, it's working. People can fight on a much more even playing field. People who spend 14 hours in a video game daily and getting gear still have advantages. But those advantages are flattened somewhat.


Who wants to win games just because they're more geared? /yawn.


this is somewhat misleading. the only reason that there isn't anymore recruit gear is because bolster was supposed to replace it. bolster has been a train wreck since 2.0. how it ever made its way to live is inconceivable!


(if I keep using that word, it will mean what I think it means!)

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