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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will we see new active sub numbers?


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Fail troll is fail.

when launch,

i saw more than 3 hundred ppl on an planet,

and that's only 1 of the servers!

now how many servers bw have?

and less than 40ppl on an planet.


So very ignorant of how the game works. They instance the planets now to improve performance and allow more people per planet in total. Often planets have 40-50 people per instance but there are multiple instances of the planet. Just after RotHC launched there was a night where there was 33 instances of Makeb on Red Eclipse.


Just as we see multiple instances of Fleet now, and there can be 400+ people on fleet.

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Are you on the asian-pacific servers that have low pop? Are you trying to sell them when they are just came out or long after?


On my server they sell really well, when the first come out they'll sell for 200k - 400k easy. They die down as the pack gets old and most people have the items they want. Even if you only make 30k I don't see how just deleting them would be better. I'll make a toon on your server and you can just give them to me instead.


No, that's the point, I don't know if they sell, I'm not even bothering to try to sell them anymore. Buy, open, take vaguely useful stuff (like the exp boost)

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I have been once in a Makeb instance with over 50 people, usually it's around 30.


Yep -- and I've only once been on Makeb with fewer than 45 people in my instance =D


That's why it is so hard to make any estimates, and why I tried to take a lowball estimate along with a higher estimate. But, like I said -- complete speculation, as we will probably never have the means to figure out how many people are logged in at one time.


They could want us to not be overly optimistic -- or they could be hiding us from a terrifyingly dead game. Doesn't matter to me, so long as I can find me a group ^.^

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Yes, it's true, I had forgot the other side.


So, 30 X 30 players, X 2, X 8


Im just wondering how are you covering rotation of players, player frequency and rolling times ?


that goes out to all doing the math btw not just the one i quoted. ty

Edited by Shingara
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No, that's the point, I don't know if they sell, I'm not even bothering to try to sell them anymore. Buy, open, take vaguely useful stuff (like the exp boost)


I'd recommend grabbing them when they are fairly new, and then plopping the entire pack up on the GTN. Wait until it is unbound, and check prices first, though.


On Shadowlands, I've generally seen them sell for ~400k when the pack is reasonably new.

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granted, but 30 instances of 30 people, that make...900 people.


That means, over 8 servers, around 8000 people. That's not much.


The number you see is for your faction (I guess this is why the faction only planets like Tython can have more than 50 people per instance, it looks like the total on planets is 100 per instance).


There are 17 servers between NA and EU and you never see all the players in one place and you never see all the active players online at once.

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I don't know how many I see that are F2P, but I can say that for a game that's been out this long, I see more people leveling characters in every single leveling zone than I've seen in any other MMO I've played. And there are often multiple instances running. With that many people leveling new characters or that many new players, I'd say the game is very healthy, and not overly end-game oriented. That works just fine for my casual playstyle.
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There are 17 servers between NA and EU and you never see all the players in one place and you never see all the active players online at once.




The super servers run "Heavy" with about 6000-7000 players logged on from my observations. Which makes sense since the super servers appear to be ~3x the capacity of the old gen servers. Using generally accepted industry measures that have been around for years.... 5-10% of the servers active accounts are logged in at any given time. These are ranged estimates of course.. but they are roughly correct. Almost all the servers are HEAVY or more during server prime times and there are 17 super servers.


If people would do the math instead of foam at the mouth all over their keyboards about the game being "fail"... they would see that 6000/10%x17 servers is 1.M active accounts and 6000/5%x17 is 2.4 M active accounts. In reality, as an aggregate.. the server populations probably fall somewhere in between these min-max ranges.... which would put the NA/EU server farms at 1.7M active accounts at this time. In other words... ~ 50-60% of WoWs NA/EU player base right now. So, yeah... as they have stated to the public.. SWTOR is the number 2 western MMO in the market right now.

Edited by Andryah
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The super servers run "Heavy" with about 6000-7000 players logged on from my observations. Which makes sense since the super servers appear to be ~3x the capacity of the old gen servers. Using generally accepted industry measures that have been around for years.... 5-10% of the servers active accounts are logged in at any given time. These are ranged estimates of course.. but they are roughly correct. Almost all the servers are HEAVY or more during server prime times and there are 17 super servers.


If people would do the math instead of foam at the mouth all over their keyboards about the game being "fail"... they would see that 6000/10%x17 servers is 1.M active accounts and 6000/5%x17 is 2.4 M active accounts. In reality, as an aggregate.. the server populations probably fall somewhere in between these min-max ranges.... which would put the NA/EU server farms at 1.7M active accounts at this time. In other words... ~ 50-60% of WoWs NA/EU player base right now. So, yeah... as they have stated to the public.. SWTOR is the number 2 western MMO in the market right now.


It's also the #1 MMO with a sci-fi theme. Creating artificial boundaries ("Western", "Sci-Fi", "Games not named 'World of Warcraft'", "Games for which over 75% of initial purchasers decided not to pay 50 cents a day to play beyond 3 months") serves marketing suits but not reality.



Then why are you here?


Obviously I'm in the something around 1M that prefers Star Wars to Kung-Fu Panda? ;)

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I don't know how many I see that are F2P, but I can say that for a game that's been out this long, I see more people leveling characters in every single leveling zone than I've seen in any other MMO I've played. And there are often multiple instances running. With that many people leveling new characters or that many new players, I'd say the game is very healthy, and not overly end-game oriented. That works just fine for my casual playstyle.


What I see is the same thing I used to see in CoH back in its first years. Populations boom for a few days after each patch as all the people waiting for some miraculous improvement come back, then leave again when there is no miraculous improvement.


Populations, from my observations, are about what they were after last year's merges. The post-expansion influx is already gone.

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It's also the #1 MMO with a sci-fi theme. Creating artificial boundaries ("Western", "Sci-Fi", "Games not named 'World of Warcraft'", "Games for which over 75% of initial purchasers decided not to pay 50 cents a day to play beyond 3 months") serves marketing suits but not reality.


The boundary is not artificial in the case of EAST/WEST for MMOs, and you know it. It is generally accepted by even the most thick skulled that there is a fundamental difference between EAST and WEST in MMOs. Even Blizzard acknowledges this.


Further...... SWTOR does not service the EAST MMO player base (ASIA, not Aus/NZ) AND ASIA MMOs are not subscription base MMOs, NOT EVEN FOR WoW.


Stop grasping at straws and conflating context.

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It's also the #1 MMO with a sci-fi theme. Creating artificial boundaries ("Western", "Sci-Fi", "Games not named 'World of Warcraft'", "Games for which over 75% of initial purchasers decided not to pay 50 cents a day to play beyond 3 months") serves marketing suits but not reality.





Obviously I'm in the something around 1M that prefers Star Wars to Kung-Fu Panda? ;)


No kidding.


TOR: the most popular PC entertainment product of all time!*



* - "Most popular" refers only to products released on Dec 20, 2011 and which rhyme with "S'more"

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The boundary is not artificial in the case of EAST/WEST for MMOs, and you know it. It is generally accepted by even the most thick skulled that there is a fundamental difference between EAST and WEST in MMOs. Even Blizzard acknowledges this.


Further...... SWTOR does not service the EAST MMO player base (ASIA, not Aus/NZ) AND ASIA MMOs are not subscription base MMOs, NOT EVEN FOR WoW.


Stop grasping at straws and conflating context.


East, West, North, South, Austrailia, North America, Europe, subscription, hourly, cash shop... Revenue is revenue. Doesn't matter how you slice it. Unless you're slicing it for "spin".

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7000 people per server one week after the release of an expansion pack is really not much when you have 17 servers


7000 x 17 : 119 000 players


At a given time. Not everyone logs in every day all day. As was mentioned above, roughly 5-10% of an active playerbase is logged in at a time.

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I don't see why customers would feel entitled to know the number of active subscriptions. They don't have to share that information at all.


but but but I need the masses to validate my opinion or how do I know im cool...


/rolls eyes at thread

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The boundary is not artificial in the case of EAST/WEST for MMOs, and you know it. It is generally accepted by even the most thick skulled that there is a fundamental difference between EAST and WEST in MMOs. Even Blizzard acknowledges this.


Further...... SWTOR does not service the EAST MMO player base (ASIA, not Aus/NZ) AND ASIA MMOs are not subscription base MMOs, NOT EVEN FOR WoW.


Stop grasping at straws and conflating context.

the typical WoW player is not smart enough to grasp that over 70% of their accounts are not monthly subs. SWTOR is actaully very close to WoW in terms of actual subbed players in their competing markets.


WoW also does not have a cash market... and that is something else the window lickers cannot understand. Look at all the people who bought hypercrates yesterday... thoes are nearly 70 bucks.. i know a guy who bought 3 of them. That one guy spent more on SWTOR in a day then someone in wow spends in a year.

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At a given time. Not everyone logs in every day all day. As was mentioned above, roughly 5-10% of an active playerbase is logged in at a time.


You might be right on that. I seem to remember stats much much higher than that back in the days of UO and EQ, more like 50-80% during primetimes.


On the other hand, it seems awfully convenient that the Booster Police always make up figures that magically result in TOR having exactly the number of subscribers it had when the numbers peaked at launch, even though there are less than 1/10th as many servers and none of them ever seem to be particularly busier than they ever were.

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the typical WoW player is not smart enough to grasp that over 70% of their accounts are not monthly subs. SWTOR is actaully very close to WoW in terms of actual subbed players in their competing markets.


WoW also does not have a cash market... and that is something else the window lickers cannot understand. Look at all the people who bought hypercrates yesterday... thoes are nearly 70 bucks.. i know a guy who bought 3 of them. That one guy spent more on SWTOR in a day then someone in wow spends in a year.


And you are proud of someone using real life money to purchase stuff ? You are proud of it, you think it's an achievement ?


That's the kind of players you want ? People coughing 70$ to buy credits ?

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the typical WoW player is not smart enough to grasp that over 70% of their accounts are not monthly subs. SWTOR is actaully very close to WoW in terms of actual subbed players in their competing markets.



What color is the sky in your world?

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You might be right on that. I seem to remember stats much much higher than that back in the days of UO and EQ, more like 50-80% during primetimes.


On the other hand, it seems awfully convenient that the Booster Police always make up figures that magically result in TOR having exactly the number of subscribers it had when the numbers peaked at launch, even though there are less than 1/10th as many servers and none of them ever seem to be particularly busier than they ever were.


They don't seem busier because of instancing. There are definitely more people per server than there ever were before the final merges. I'm saying PER SERVER, not number of players.

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WoW was more polished at release than this game is 1.25 years after release.


But yes, this is a more fun game. For some people. Like... under a million to WoW's 10+ million. *shrug*


Your comments suggest you didn't play wow on release which was a bug filled nightmare and continued to be for a good couple of years.

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