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Cartel Market Update: April 24th, 2013


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Yay! But as I posted in another thread...why does it have to be 1,440? Is it just because it's a creation screen armor like all the other 1,440 sets are the character creation screen sets (except the Valiant Jedi armor)? Because the Eradicator's set was only 900. So was the Eradicator's set a friendly fluke? Or will all the sets be 900 from now on once the creation screen sets are done? Or will all future sets continue to be 1,440?
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There should be a discount on the Stalwart Protector's Armor, since it has been almost 5 months (19 weeks) since the 1st set (Valiant Jedi) was released. Also not to nitpick, but the legs on the Stalwart Protector's Armor preview pic are not the same design as those of the creation screen armor.
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There should be a discount on the Stalwart Protector's Armor, since it has been almost 5 months (19 weeks) since the 1st set (Valiant Jedi) was released.

The patch notes list the set as having a temporary 20% discount. Hopefully it's just an omission from this update, and not an oops-we-changed-our-minds.


On a related note... can we see the armour from behind? It's highly important information.

Edited by Bleeters
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Kotor stuff, I like it. Love the sith trooper's gear. Definitely grabbing myself a Gurian Lightning.


Will there be no helmet with the new armor?I really want some kind of trooper-ish helmet for my Imps!I was really excited,not sure so much now:confused:

The head isn't included because it's a character creation set, none of them have headpieces.


Yay! But as I posted in another thread...why does it have to be 1,440? Is it just because it's a creation screen armor like all the other 1,440 sets are the character creation screen sets (except the Valiant Jedi armor)? Because the Eradicator's set was only 900. So was the Eradicator's set a friendly fluke? Or will all the sets be 900 from now on once the creation screen sets are done? Or will all future sets continue to be 1,440?

The eradicator's set is 900cc because it isn't finished. They haven't added the helmet yet. These sets also do not have helmets but there are currently no known plans to add them.


No Eradicator's Warsuit mask?

Coming in 2.1, not 2.0.1.


So.... are you fixing revans armor in this since you also broke revans outfit on the holo statue? >_>

You kinda contradict yourself but the fact is that the statue has a different (the original) lower robe than what is in the game now. I hope you changed it back. I know of no one who likes the new one. It simply looks bad.



In any case, great update, added a lot of highly-requested items, and while the mounts and such are (for the most part) reskinned, they're professionally reskinned, not simply given a color change. Some even have model alterations. Bravo!

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Grade 6 mats and jawagrams are outright insulting.


Its why I no longer buy packs. I used to get a few now and again but with no use anymore of grade 6 mats and to be honest some of the "rare" materials were so common ie Ciridium that you can hardly give them away was a joke calling them rare. Now we have grade 9 and 10 materials, to still have grade 6 In these packs is pretty awful.

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picked up the Gurian Lightning today...don't see any on the GTN...might be able to make some money


Thats because the items are bound to you for two days. I currently got like 6 of those Gurian Lightnings in my bays. Can't wait to sell them :p

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The eradicator's set is 900cc because it isn't finished. They haven't added the helmet yet. These sets also do not have helmets but there are currently no known plans to add them.


That's the point, though. These sets don't have helmets and they're still 1440 despite that. The Eradicator set doesn't have the helmet, and it is still 900. So, if one set can be 900 sans helmet, why can't they all? What's the point of one set being 1440 and another being 900 if they include the exact same amount of items. In fact, Eradicator's (and Valiant) would probably get more buys than the other (rehashed) sets. What's the reasoning behind this?

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Jawagrams and other Cartel Pack junk should be moved to the Social/Collectors/Security Key Vendor. I bought a hypercrate and every single pack had a Jawagram in, 6 of the packs had 2 in! Junk items should NOT take up the rare slots in packs, seriously it's insulting that you expect us to pay so much for junk. Fix it.
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