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Gender stereotypes surface in suprising ways...


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A very few armour pieces in SWTOR are unnecessarily and inexplicably sexualised. This is a problem, albeit a very minor problem, because women are subjected to a great deal of sexualisation in every day life. SWTOR is escapism which lets us leave our every day lives and be heroes. Seeing the same sort of enforced sexualisation creep into our (women) escapism can be disheartening.


And bringing this feminist tripe over a few armor pieces into our escapism is also disheartening. What's next? Will you ask for picket sign items to equip instead of lightsabers? Perhaps a bullhorn or a burning bra? You and your cohorts are shouting from the rooftops about injustice, then shy away saying it's no big deal, really. You can't escape the social injustices of "real life", but here it's pretty simple: don't wear those few armor pieces that you consider degrading.


Yes, the game is sexualized. Yes, there are holograms of half-naked Twi'lek dancing girls strewn throughout the universe. Yes, some clothing items fit differently on women. Yes, sex continues to sell. It always will. Again, I would point out that the extreme majority of this audience is men. Incidentally, do you know the most popular costume worn by women @ the Star Wars Celebrations and Comic Cons? That's right...Slave Leia. Even when women dress as a Jedi, Sith, or even a Stormtrooper, they usually sexualize those costumes, even against canon. Why? Because sexy nerd girls are just about the sexiest things on the planet.


I guess the ultimate point here is, the women posting in this thread are just making a stink for the sake of making a stink. Go back to the kitchen and make me a sammich.

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As a straight male, I am not in the least bit threatened by skimpy options for male characters' clothing. In fact, I'm all for it -- not only would it allow some gender equality (which would be nice), but new garb means new character options. And for all the morons screaming, "But the game is for men!"... shut up and make your own damn sandwich. Star Wars has ALWAYS been a universe with strong women, and if this game is JUST for men, I'd have no interest at all in playing. Expand your worldview and your mind: you might just learn something.
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Oddly enough, there is a chest piece for JK's that is different when worn by different genders. I cannot recall what it's called, but for the female it shows the mid drift along with bare arms (except the rings just below the shoulders)


On the male of the same piece, it is similar, but with a white t-shirt to cover all the flesh. :rolleyes:


Aspiring Knight's Vest

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Yep. It's a game. Meaning people should be able to come here to have fun, and not be told (explicitly with "make me a sammich" quotes, or implicitly with sexist clothing options) that they're lesser people because they don't have the right genitalia.
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no honey. you are engaging the "no U" and "I was just making a joke" routine and trying to make things that are not ok - as if they are ok.


I'm so sorry my desire for equality is getting in a way of your privilege and status quo. but I do understand why you fight so hard now. because things ARE changing.


Dear Bioware armor designers. thank you for trying and I do appreciate the many times when you get it right.. now please no more chestpieces that turn into crop tops on females and do add more skimpy armor variety for males. you know, to balance out all the slave girls. making people like hyfy and a few others uncomfortable? well that's just a nice bonus.


as for gender inequality - it is SOCIETAL and it can be changed. HAS been changed. otherwise, we'd still have slavery and segregation and all the other "joys" that people used to think were perfectly fine and stop rocking the damn boat, you instigators.


crop tops? minor issue. reaction of some of you to even mentioning unfairness of crop tops? THAT's the problem.


No, I never claimed to be making a joke. I was making a point using sarcasm and your own flawed logic against you. There is a difference.

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As a straight male, I am not in the least bit threatened by skimpy options for male characters' clothing. In fact, I'm all for it -- not only would it allow some gender equality (which would be nice), but new garb means new character options. And for all the morons screaming, "But the game is for men!"... shut up and make your own damn sandwich. Star Wars has ALWAYS been a universe with strong women, and if this game is JUST for men, I'd have no interest at all in playing. Expand your worldview and your mind: you might just learn something.


The problem I'm seeing here though is the same people arguing that the armors that change for women is sexism and that others who don't think so should be ashamed of themselves are deafiningly quiet about the armors that change to be more revealing to male toons. For example the relaxed jumpsuit or the new relaxed uniform or the covert energy top. All three of those change to be even more revealing on males, but when brought up it is convinently glossed over by the very same people. Personally I don't care if its more revealing on males but don't (not meaning you) come in here *****jng about inequality and when faced with examples of your own flawed logic (again not meaning you) go quiet.

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Context, Hyfy. It's important. A woman going topless is not equivalent to a man going topless, because of our cultural context. A woman going topless is considered, in our culture, to be softcore (a word that's edited on the boards, apparently). A man going topless is... going to be turned down service in a few restaurants. Even when it's legal for a woman to go topless, it's not treated the same as a man going topless. It's a false equivalency. A sports-bra on a woman is, culturally, about the same as a man going shirtless. It's not about the volume of skin shown.
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This isn't really true. You must understand that men and women gain sexual gratification differently. Men gain sexual gratification through visuals, Women don't, at least not to the same extent. Nudity is inherent sexual to men, that's just how they work. Period. This is ultimately while *********** is a much larger draw for men then it is for women, conversely romance novels/soap operas are a much bigger draw for women then for men for the same reason, it's how we're wired.


I have to agree with Drusilla on this. Men are, as you say, primarily influenced by visual stimuli, but realize that it is HOW nudity is presented that triggers said stimuli. Not everyone is going to be presented visually as a centerfold - take a trip to a nude beach or a nudist colony, where you're all but guaranteed to get an eyeful of an unclad version of Cousin It, and see how stimulated you get. Chances are you'll likely want to put your head in a wood chipper just to make the pain stop.


One of the things wrong with this thread is the assumption that EAWare actually has any worries about the subject. If they can make lots of money by creating more 'sexualized' outfits, they'll do exactly that, and make no mistake. If they think they can make a robe with a neckline that plunges all the way to the belt buckle and make a ton of moola doing it, they will - and chances are, they'd be right. The smart tack to take is "How will EAWare try to make money?" Once you've figured that out, the rest is obvious.

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