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Crew-Skill Mobil App + Legacy Crew Skill Management


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I am wondering when we can manage our crew-skills through all our characters in our legacy. It would be quite useful, not to mention how much server resource we would save with avoiding the constant re-logging


Plus a mobile app would be soo awesome for that, I would even pay for it.



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Wouldn't take the worlds greatest macro scripter to then use that simplified interface to control all character companions on infinite mission runs while they go to school, work, sleep, holiday.

Technically, thats already doable actually.

Anyhow, the one thing EAWare actually seems pretty good at is catching botters(space missions.anyhow).

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Wouldn't take the worlds greatest macro scripter to then use that simplified interface to control all character companions on infinite mission runs while they go to school, work, sleep, holiday.


While androids are mode open/jailbreakable/hackable (for both good and ill), I think scripting and iPhone/iPad app would take about as much or more skill than scripting the existing PC game.

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