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RotHC // 2.0 : Healing - It's ridiculous.


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Interrupting is hard.


^ Apparently, for many posters.


On my Vanguard, my first priority is finding the healer, and interrupting (I talented Riot Strike specifically for this purpose.) Healer not healing = dead teammates. For laughs, I tell my teammates not to suppress the healer I am fighting, to make sure they are as helpless as possible, and killing higher-value targets (like, Sniper/'Slingers)

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^ Apparently, for many posters.


On my Vanguard, my first priority is finding the healer, and interrupting (I talented Riot Strike specifically for this purpose.) Healer not healing = dead teammates. For laughs, I tell my teammates not to suppress the healer I am fighting, to make sure they are as helpless as possible, and killing higher-value targets (like, Sniper/'Slingers)


Umm, what is that you are interrupting exactly... Ever seen Operative healer casting something???

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Umm, what is that you are interrupting exactly... Ever seen Operative healer casting something???


I have a Scoundrel who thrives on instant-casts. I've even recorded a video or two on him.


I usually target Merc Healers and Healy Sorcerers. Scoundrel/Operative I deal with by using Harpoon/Cryo Grenade to break their LoS; when they break out of that, from there, it's anything I can do to get their undivided attention (which, is admittedly little.)

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Umm, what is that you are interrupting exactly... Ever seen Operative healer casting something???


If they're not using injection or infusion then they are doin it wrong.

If you cant counter an Op healer who only uses instant heals, then you're bad.


Get educated.



Edited by Scotland
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We are suppose to believe a someone like you, who just clearly wants to keep his god healer from being nerfed, knows anything about balance? I don't even need to provide in-game evidence to prove your are wrong. Anyone with a brain can tell how bias your post is, and therefore your credibility is non-existent.


I also like to point out how much of a noob you are when it comes to Warhammer. Warhammer was designed from the ground up to be a team effort, so there was a lot of rock, paper, and scissor classes. Warhammer was always suppose to be played with 4-6 other people in mind, never 1vs1 matches. For example, a WP or DoK was no match against a Witch Hunter, or Witch Elf. SWTOR, however, was designed very much like WoWs. Each class was suppose to be able to hold it's own against another. They accomplished this before 1.2, but ruined with every patch after. Warhammer Online and SWTOR are two completely different games.


A. I don't have a healer, I have a Shield Tech Powertech, and a Sniper. I also have a Marauder but i've not leveled him past 50 yet.


B. You don't provide any evidence because you're wrong, and can't refute what I said.


C. You're really trying to claim that Warhammer Online was designed with 4-6 people in Mind and never 1v1 matches, but SWTOR was? Really? SWTOR is nothing more then Warhammer Online with a Star Wars skin, if you actually played WAR you'd know this. Each Class was Suppose to hold its on? Really? at What point were you able to kill a Operative as a Sniper pre 1.2? Please i'll wait... What about my Pyro Powertech just taking a dump on everyone but Marauders? This game operates isn't any more independent then Warhammer Online, If you want to see a game that has got the whole be independent and be ok vibe going down that I present to you Guild Wars 2..You can go play that mess of a game if you want what you're asking for.

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Yeah your arguments aren't really compelling. The vast majority of people pug, not all of them are brain dead, but cc in particular has to be highly coordinated in order to work against healers right now. Interrupts are a joke in this game, they need to be used only because it's all dps has to mildly slow down the healing of a healer, but perfectly timed stuns are the only way to really kill them.


1 Tank+1 Healer= 3-4 dps

1 Tank+ 2 Healers= 4-6 dps


Maybe with voice comms or just really good skills can 2 dps kill the tank/ healer combo, but only then after an extremely long time. Meanwhile the WZ is over. Reinforcements have arrived, ect..


2 dps vrs 2 dps it's the better skilled ones that win, pug or not. That is balanced.


2 class tank/healer combo beats 4 dps in almost all scenarios. This is the definition of unbalanced.

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As a focus sent, I have noticed it does take a bit longer to kill Sorcs and if an Op hits me 1st I'm pretty done.


Sometimes though all you need to do is get everyone to defend their healers so the rest of your team can accomplish the objectives in the WZ.


Though I will say that there are way too many healers now and if they all are healing each other it can be impossible to kill them. All I've had to do is be more selective in attacking. Like in voidstar while everyone is killing I will try to just watch the node. My points aren't that high and I don't get many medals, but we win.

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Healing is to strong in pvp imo.


Seen plenty of matches where 5-6 dps try to take down one healer. It survives easy.


tbh it makes pvp pretty boring.


Although I think healing needs to be toned down a tad, if 5-6 dps cant take one healer then the problem has nothing to do with this game. Any dps 1v1 can kill a healer, it takes a long time, but that healer will die 100% of the time if that dps knows what he/she is doing. The problem is scaling, not 1v1.

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The only time you will find it difficult to kill a healer is if that healer is backed up by another 2 good healers and a tanks who are actually using guard and taunt to reduce damage. Of course then you aren't fighting just the healer you are fighting a whole team and might actually need to think rather than mindlessly smash stuff.
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Yeah your arguments aren't really compelling. The vast majority of people pug, not all of them are brain dead, but cc in particular has to be highly coordinated in order to work against healers right now. Interrupts are a joke in this game, they need to be used only because it's all dps has to mildly slow down the healing of a healer, but perfectly timed stuns are the only way to really kill them.


1 Tank+1 Healer= 3-4 dps

1 Tank+ 2 Healers= 4-6 dps


Maybe with voice comms or just really good skills can 2 dps kill the tank/ healer combo, but only then after an extremely long time. Meanwhile the WZ is over. Reinforcements have arrived, ect..


2 dps vrs 2 dps it's the better skilled ones that win, pug or not. That is balanced.


2 class tank/healer combo beats 4 dps in almost all scenarios. This is the definition of unbalanced.


The number of DPSers it takes to kill a couple of healers cross-healing or a healer/tank combo has been vastly exaggerated in this thread. Four DPSers can most certainly take out a healer/tank combo........ unless they are really, really, really bad. Guards and taunts only go so far, and there is no cross-healing in this case since we are only talking about one healer. Four DPSers vs one healer/tank combo is basically the same as two DPSers vs one healer (since guard reduces the damage the healer takes by 50%). And two DPSers (especially melee/stealthers) can most certainly kill a lone healer, unless they are really, really, really bad.

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The only time you will find it difficult to kill a healer is if that healer is backed up by another 2 good healers and a tanks who are actually using guard and taunt to reduce damage. Of course then you aren't fighting just the healer you are fighting a whole team and might actually need to think rather than mindlessly smash stuff.


But you see, it's "overpowered" because it forces them to actually think, coordinate, and not just mindlessly DerPS.

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1 healer versus 1 tank is barely possible for a short period of time. It'd usually involve several major CDs and you can't do it for very long.


Usually when people think 1 healer held off 4 DPS there's really another guy healing (doesn't have to be a healer, could be a DPS who has a healing spell, that still counts), and also other DPS can directly (killing your DPS) or indirectly (drop a CC on your DPS). Protection by itself doesn't really tell you much either. The biggest impact the tanks have is with their various denial tools. For example you see a guy leap to your healer, you Grapple/Force Pull him, well that melee isn't coming back to that healer anytime soon. You can consider his DPS neutralized by 100% for the next 10 or so seconds before he can leap again. Keep in mind that a lot of classes require 4m to do most of their dps, so even a small KB can create the space your healer needs to stay alive.


And if the enemy team has multiple healers and multiple tanks, you simply have to approach this fight differently. You've to realize that team cannot easily kill anyone either, and generally in this case it's better to simply do the mirror strategy they're using. If you can't kill them and they can't kill you, then doing exactly the same thing as they do is completely safe. You can then use the stalemate to think about how to break through their defense.

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Yes i saw, and i use my UM in pvp, if i have time for that.


The only spell I see Op cast is Dianoistic Scan!


But yeah if you're applying enough pressure at some point they'd actually have to use a spell with a casting time. HoTs and instant heal alone isn't enough to keep up against respectable DPS, not to mention if that's the Op's sole plan of healing what you do is just stun him whenever he or whoever you're trying to cast is at 30%. Half of the time having 2 executes hitting the same time will overpower the instant heals anyway.

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Again. Balance shouldn't be scaled to pugs playing terribly. If they are bad and fill the resolve too quickly then that is their fault, not the fault of balance. If you balance the game to the terrible pugs then the rateds will be all out of whack.

And this:

That is essentially the center piece to their entire "healers are OP" argument. They want healers to be "balanced" around the inability of tunnel visioned pugs to coordinate, focus fire, and use their brains.

Pvp balance decisions shouldn't be made based on what pugs can and cannot do. A bunch of Rambos running around just smashing and pew-pewing are probably going to have some difficulty with healers. Does this mean healers are OP? No. But it does mean you are going to have to use some strategy and team coordination, though. But in all honesty, even pug groups made up of a good amount of skilled players can handle healers, despite the extra disadvantage of not having real team coordination.

Umm, what is that you are interrupting exactly... Ever seen Operative healer casting something???

^ Oh and saying something like this is a really good way to lose credibility and make people lol. I think Alba already briefly pointed out the hilarity of this statement, but just for good measure: If you're a scoundrel healer and you don't use underworld medicine and kolto pack... lol is you. If you're playing against a scoundrel healer and you don't interrupt his underworld medicine casts... lol is you.

Edited by jboehm
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Honestly most Op I see don't bother casting spells with a casting time when a good melee is on them because they know it's just going to get interrupted anyway, and having a spell interrupted at 1.9/2.0 is usually worse than not casting it at all, as if they didn't cast that they can usually sneak in another free instant heal or another HoT on someone else instead of doing nothing. There's a reason why Diagnoistic Scan is cast pretty often because they know nobody will interrupt that (and if it's interrupted then you cast your real heals) so at least you get some healing done instead of risking none. Edited by Astarica
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