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RotHC // 2.0 : Healing - It's ridiculous.


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BioWare, tone down healing.


Every warzone is filled up with healers because nowadays it's the amount of healers, that matters in winning or loosing a warzone.


2 healer per team are horrible, because you can't even deal enough damage to kill them ( especially if one of them is guarded ). 3 healer - don't think about killing ANYONE of the opponents team.


Who the hell has been in the position for the 2.0 PvP balance? It's just horrible.


The amount of mass-healing ( especially group heals & HoT's ) is so overwhelming, that it's horrible. You just need one healer to defend a position against 2 DD's - run around and heal like an idiot and he will survive "eternally" until there will be enough friends to help or enemies to kill him. That can't be the sense of PvP.


A good healer right now can outheal 2 DD's - I can. And I think it's ridiculous. As soon as there are 2 / 3 healers in a team, you can't kill anybody. What's the sense of 1 healer = 2 DD's? It's laughable.


And please, don't argument with focus the healers - yeah, sure, focus 1 / 2 healer, no problem. There are dozens of ways they can protect themselves. Annoying Sorcs / Sages throwing shields like their crazy, Barrier that makes them invulnerable until they got healed completely, Guard, the ticking HoT's.


It's horrible.


Scale down effective healing in PvP for roughly -30% - I don't know even if that would be enough.


Right now PvP is all about the amount of healers you got and that's just dumb.

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if a "good healer" can survive against 2 damage dealers without assistance then said damage dealers are terrible.


No, they are not terrible. Healing is far too overpowered, especially running around and healing in short periods of time.


I rarely ever see healers on ToFN PvP.


More players are realising, how imbalanced healing numbers are right now, most of the lower players are healers. I see 2-3 healers EVERY warzone.

Edited by LovarBoy
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I 100% agree me and my guildmate pvp all day and night. Never had a problem pre 2.0 with healers they felt extremely balanced. Now even if me and my guildie leap onto the ****er interrupting everything we can and unloading on him he still runs away with 1/3 or 1/2 health healing himself luling at us. Not a gear problem since I have 29k hp speccing for power while using vengeance (good job bioware making vengece godly in pvp finally i'll give you that).


It is the problem with bolster, another fatal flaw now healers don't have to worry about expertise since they get free expertise it makes them nearly invincible running into WZs with elite and ultimate gear effectively becoming invincible.


So let me ask you Bioware did you not *********** think when you put in bolster? I see tanks with 36k HP soaking damage and god forbid there is another pve geared healer in the WZ with them then its GG if their team works together.



Way to go Bioware make expertise useless by giving it out freely to people who don't even work for it.

Edited by ThatGuyAnon
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If DPS could kill healers 1 on 1, there would be no healing. A good healer shouldnt really be killed kiting a dps, if they could be, then everyone might as well roll a dps.


Healing works both ways. If its overpowered for their team, its overpowered for your team. What is happening is that teams who are better coordinated and actually focusing are doing better than teams who just want to death match 1 on 1.


After the warzone, check the damage received by healers. As a dps that should be your job. Its pretty hilarious when I check stats to find out that my team did half as much damage to their healers, yet were complaining about how they couldnt kill anyone.


Or equally hilarious when I check the stats to find out that I didnt even receive 100k damage (I generally receive 400k+ if Im going against a good team), and the other team wonders why they couldnt kill anyone.


If I cant win 1 on 1 against a dps, I might as well just dps, because my entire utility as a healer is saving others, which is impossible if I cant save myself first.

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If DPS could kill healers 1 on 1, there would be no healing. A good healer shouldnt really be killed kiting a dps, if they could be, then everyone might as well roll a dps.


Healing works both ways. If its overpowered for their team, its overpowered for your team. What is happening is that teams who are better coordinated and actually focusing are doing better than teams who just want to death match 1 on 1.


After the warzone, check the damage received by healers. As a dps that should be your job. Its pretty hilarious when I check stats to find out that my team did half as much damage to their healers, yet were complaining about how they couldnt kill anyone.


Or equally hilarious when I check the stats to find out that I didnt even receive 100k damage (I generally receive 400k+ if Im going against a good team), and the other team wonders why they couldnt kill anyone.


If I cant win 1 on 1 against a dps, I might as well just dps, because my entire utility as a healer is saving others, which is impossible if I cant save myself first.



When you run into 2-4 healers in one WZ all with elite and ultimate gear it gets pretty ridiculous. I have no problem with the way healing is now if there was NO bolster. They get free expertise so they can just run into WZ with whatever overpowered 162 169(w/e ultimate is) and get a free 15k expertise! Before if I ran into a good healer pre 2.0 it was the same deal I couldnt kill him 1v1 I had NO problem with that because I knew he worked for his gear, now everyone has free expertise so every healer is now a godly healer

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BioWare, tone down healing.


Their answer is No, working as intended. Healing is finally in a place where it can make a difference, even if it is one healer. If you and another DPS cannot kill a single healer, then you need to look at what you are doing wrong. Interrupt, force choke, force push, back hand, (just to mention what a single Juggernaut has) and a plethora of other tools are available to ACs to slow down and stop a healer. One on one, yeah, you are going to have a tough time killing a healer (especially if they are shielded and the tank is close by using their taunts), two or more, healer should be down if the DPSers do it properly, in short amount of time.

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I rarely ever see healers on ToFN PvP.
Whaaaaaaaat????? I actually want to heal from time to time but is forced to always be DPS, due to there already being 2-4 healers on each team. There werent that many pre-2.0, despite it still being easy to heal back then too. The difference is that it wasnt totally OP, give or take operative/scoundrel healing. It's horrible right now.


Hell, I'd take it as far as saying that given the choice between getting instant WW back, which would benefit me personally, and a nerf to healing I'd pick the latter. Healing is atm worse than stun bubbles and smash ever were (smash is fine now btw).

Edited by MidichIorian
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I have no problem with the way healing is now if there was NO bolster. They get free expertise so they can just run into WZ with whatever overpowered 162 169(w/e ultimate is) and get a free 15k expertise! Before if I ran into a good healer pre 2.0 it was the same deal I couldnt kill him 1v1 I had NO problem with that because I knew he worked for his gear, now everyone has free expertise so every healer is now a godly healer


Completely agree. I have been pretty outspoken against bolster because its unfair to pvp. I have no problem working for PVP gear, I had a set pre 2.0. I already have 6 pieces of partisan gear, I also have full black market.


I actually cant tell if Im doing better in partisan gear or black market (that is a problem, pvp > pve).


But that is a completely different issue, that hopefully they are trying to fix.

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Their answer is No, working as intended. Healing is finally in a place where it can make a difference, even if it is one healer. If you and another DPS cannot kill a single healer, then you need to look at what you are doing wrong. Interrupt, force choke, force push, back hand, (just to mention what a single Juggernaut has) and a plethora of other tools are available to ACs to slow down and stop a healer. One on one, yeah, you are going to have a tough time killing a healer (especially if they are shielded and the tank is close by using their taunts), two or more, healer should be down if the DPSers do it properly, in short amount of time.


You make a great point and if this was pre 2.0 bolster I would agree with you. ALTHOUGH when EVERY healer has 15k expertise and run into WZ with elite and ultimate gear they become OVERPOWERED and annoying bugger unless you have equally geared dps to focus them down. Of course I'll use all the abilities I can to decimate them pre 2.0 I would never take a healer on 1v1, but now even with 2-3 dps on a single healer it is MUCH harder then it should be to take them down. If they have another pocket healer or tank then forget about killing him unless you are in a COORDINATED TEAM. This make pug WZs more unbearable because good luck trying tying to get half the pugs you get into to mark and focus healers even if you shout it out to them.



I'll remind you yet again if these healers got their expertise the REAL way through the gear grind I wouldnt have a problem being this OP because they WORKED FOR THE EXPERTISE, now they run in with the ez mode elite and ultimate gear and can lul at everyone unless of course you have conquerer.

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Completely agree. I have been pretty outspoken against bolster because its unfair to pvp. I have no problem working for PVP gear, I had a set pre 2.0. I already have 6 pieces of partisan gear, I also have full black market.


I actually cant tell if Im doing better in partisan gear or black market (that is a problem, pvp > pve).


But that is a completely different issue, that hopefully they are trying to fix.


I think the Tuesday patch is supposed to scale down the expertise high end PvE gear gets.


Generally speaking if the enemy healer isn't taking like 500K damage received either your DPS is very bad or very awesome (the healer dies too fast to receive more damage), and generally it'd be the former case.

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Completely agree. I have been pretty outspoken against bolster because its unfair to pvp. I have no problem working for PVP gear, I had a set pre 2.0. I already have 6 pieces of partisan gear, I also have full black market.


I actually cant tell if Im doing better in partisan gear or black market (that is a problem, pvp > pve).


But that is a completely different issue, that hopefully they are trying to fix.


I also have a few pieces of Partisan and ill assure you its useless, putting on one piece only gave me a litteral boost of 30 expertise (the chest piece) and with it gimping all of your other stats then it was obvious to me I am better off rolling into WZ with my PVE gear.


Also doesnt help the Warrior gear looks like a giant ***** :eek:

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Their answer is No, working as intended. Healing is finally in a place where it can make a difference, even if it is one healer. If you and another DPS cannot kill a single healer, then you need to look at what you are doing wrong. Interrupt, force choke, force push, back hand, (just to mention what a single Juggernaut has) and a plethora of other tools are available to ACs to slow down and stop a healer. One on one, yeah, you are going to have a tough time killing a healer (especially if they are shielded and the tank is close by using their taunts), two or more, healer should be down if the DPSers do it properly, in short amount of time.


Working as intended? You must be joking.


Healing is easy nowaydays and it's ultra effective. Healers no matter, and that can't be the sense of PvP.


You can handle 1 healer, 2 is very difficult, 3 is impossible. You can't interrupt spells that aren't casted. Shields, HoT's, the AoE's, most of the heals are instant. And the time they can't use their casted heal they are running away until they can.


Healing is so overpowered right now, it's unbelievable that there are people who defend it.


I don't know for 55, but in 30-54 it's a massive issue right now.

Edited by LovarBoy
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I think the Tuesday patch is supposed to scale down the expertise high end PvE gear gets.


Generally speaking if the enemy healer isn't taking like 500K damage received either your DPS is very bad or very awesome (the healer dies too fast to receive more damage), and generally it'd be the former case.


Bingo. If you see people being healed, locate the healer. Even if you are not killing them, you are annoying them, making them heal themselves, making them run around. Healers are the only class where if they are 1 on 1, they really arent doing their job at all, even if its a stalemate.


The other reason people are probably noticing pve healers, is because (at least me) I run a full heal specc, none of that gimped out hybrid. So I have a ton of healing tools and never look to do any damage. Many zones previously had healers with bubble stun, so that wasnt actually healing 100% of the time, they were just being general annoyances.


Right now 1 good healer probably makes a bigger difference than 1 good tank or 1 good dps, but in terms of role utility, the healer still relies on everyone else doing their job properly.

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Working as intended? You must be joking.


Healing is easy nowaydays and it's ultra effective. Healers no matter, and that can't be the sense of PvP.


You can handle 1 healer, 2 is very difficult, 3 is impossible. You can't interrupt spells that aren't casted. Shields, HoT's, the AoE's, most of the heals are instant. And the time they can't use their casted heal they are running away until they can.


Healing is so overpowered right now, it's unbelievable that there are people who defend it.


I don't know for 55, but in 30-54 it's a massive issue right now.


A team with 3 healers would have a very hard time killing anybody even against a team with no healers let alone 1, so they should be pretty hard to kill because they sure aren't killing anybody. The notable exception is if you got heavy healing but your DPS are smashers on Voidstar, because 2 smashers is pretty much all the DPS you need on Voidstar due to the map funneling people into killzones for Smash.

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Bingo. If you see people being healed, locate the healer. Even if you are not killing them, you are annoying them, making them heal themselves, making them run around. Healers are the only class where if they are 1 on 1, they really arent doing their job at all, even if its a stalemate.


The other reason people are probably noticing pve healers, is because (at least me) I run a full heal specc, none of that gimped out hybrid. So I have a ton of healing tools and never look to do any damage. Many zones previously had healers with bubble stun, so that wasnt actually healing 100% of the time, they were just being general annoyances.


Right now 1 good healer probably makes a bigger difference than 1 good tank or 1 good dps, but in terms of role utility, the healer still relies on everyone else doing their job properly.


I already posted a picture of a team with 3 healers, on the second page, go look at the result.

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