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You know your warzone team is bad...


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you know your team is bad when the other team scores twice in hutt ball 10seconda apart from one another.

You know your team is bad when everyone but you and one other person guard snow in alderaan


On a side note reading ths thread reminded me of a game of ctf in black ops 2 where I captured the flag and one the game in less then 30 seconds

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Aw, I thought this was a bashing thread where we got to fill in the blank. Like...


You know your WZ team is bad... when you get double capping in AHG because no one bothered to stay at your pylon... twice. :D


LOL been there.:o

Edited by MotorCityMan
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You know your team is bad when the other team has planted the 1st door in voidstar in less than 15 seconds.


Thats my que to exit.


I always love people quitting after this because there is no! chance to still win this round.... right? :rolleyes:

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I always love people quitting after this because there is no! chance to still win this round.... right? :rolleyes:


95% of games where the door is capped within the first 20 seconds are definite losses for the defenders.


The only way to cap a door in 20 seconds is if the other team is completely inept such that:


  1. You can Sap/Cap (meaning you'll be able to do it on the remaining 2 other doors)
  2. You can cap it right in front of 5+ people (meaning you'll be able to do it on the remaining 2 doors)
  3. You can totally throw them off because they're DPS derps (meaning you just need to bait 7 of them away with 2 people)
  4. You radically out DPS them such that they just melt (meaning you can pretty much kill them all and cap on the remaining 2 doors)


It is absolutely impossible for the door to be capped within 20 seconds of the start of a round if your team isn't filled with brain-dead morons.

Edited by Yeochins
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Actually getting so pissed off with lowbie PvP at the moment..


Yesterday was ok, we broke even for losses and wins.. but today, my god the dumbest bunch of people I have ever experienced on any MMO.


I've literally lost about 9 Warzones in a row, my team are making the dumbest of moved and not listening to anything I say at all.


My last match (Hypergate) there for example;

4 went west and 4 went east. I tried to tell them delaying the cap does nothing but inevitably get you killed, and allows them to grab the orbs. Within about 40 seconds they were clear 30+ points. Then, thinking it couldn't get any worse OUR pylon also gets capped. I looked back at chat just incased I missed any calls, but ofcourse.. there was nothing. This is the kind of crap I've been dealing with all day.


I mean really, how hard is it to actually read the loading screen on what you are meant to to do before you join the game?




Actually based upon your pattern of typing and overreaction to the game/match I'm going to go out on a limb and say you don't understand the emergent gameplay on some maps; especially Hypergate.


Right now, the quintessential best practice is to continually delay the cap of the enemy node while attempting to cap your own. Orbs are useless and cannot be captured without a node, and kills don't count towards your team unless you have a node captured as well making pylon fights the best emergent strategy over capping the orbs. This only works with well coordinated teams and skilled players though and you'll probably only see this in RWZ or sometimes in 55 PvP.

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...when multiple people on your team leave within the first 30 sec, your team gets replacements, and pull off an easy victory (team WAS bad until the bailing bads are replaced)


...when your team is losing slightly in ACW and therefore proceeds to congregate at the one turret that your team possesses in order to get defender medals rather than try to win (accepting defeat)


...when you get that message saying that the warzone will end in 30 sec if more people don't join


...when your team has five healers and can't kill anything


...when your teammates start complaining that mercenaries/commandos are OP


...when you seem to be the only one willing to guard a node, call for 1 more for backup, get ignored, see and call inc, nobody comes, inevitably lose node, then get chewed out for not calling inc soon enough....:rolleyes:


...when your teammates in a huttball match seem more concerned about getting top damage than scoring

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...when you seem to be the only one willing to guard a node, call for 1 more for backup, get ignored, see and call inc, nobody comes, inevitably lose node, then get chewed out for not calling inc soon enough....:rolleyes:


I actually experienced a similar thing (though not exactly like that) recently ...

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When you have 6 sorcs and 2 snipers.


When you announce 2-4-2 in CW and the whole team follows you to the opponents side.


When you solo take out 3 people on the opponents turret in NC and still watch the other two get capped by the enemy.


When your entire team is trying to kill the guardian that is getting heals from three other players.


When they try to kill the jumper ball carrier in the pit by standing on the ledge next to the ball carriers healer.


As defenders in VS they rush up to meet the attackers at the spawn and let a stealther have free access to the doors.


Just a few of the fun things I've noticed in my time playing.

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When you're carrying the ball in Huttball and notice your team and the other team TDMing in the center.


This isn't that bad if it allows you to score unhindered. Its when your team kills their entire team and they all respawn right before you make it to score and are killed in 0.2 sec drawing the ire of your team for not scoring.

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When you are guarding a node with a sorc, and he is standing right bl00dy next to you casting dark heal on himself while you solo fight off the attacker trying to take the node. Even after you type into chat "hey [name] got one right over here attacking!" :mad: Luckily I did fight him off, and we won that one, or I'd be starting a new rant thread about "BIOWARE NEEDS TO NERF...", uhm... I can't think what you'd nerf to fix that. So I guess operatives.
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Weird and sad games from last nite:


I got stuck guarding the off-door in voidstar. I'm alone and there are no enemies even peeking on my side. 60 seconds into the game, the bomb is planted on the other side. I check my map and notice 5+ teammates are right next to that door. Then a couple teammates start grilling me for no callout. Even though the bomb was planted on their side, under their noses.


Played a Hypergates match and for the first two rounds, someone caps our pylon then simply runs off to join mid, leaving our pylon unguarded.


Played TWO Novare Coast in a row, in both of them the entire team goes mid at the start, despite the pleas for someone to get east. (I am guilty as well, but being well geared and an Arsenal Merc, my place is at mid. IMO the undergeared ppl should be guarding)

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Weird and sad games

Played TWO Novare Coast in a row, in both of them the entire team goes mid at the start, despite the pleas for someone to get east. (I am guilty as well, but being well geared and an Arsenal Merc, my place is at mid. IMO the undergeared ppl should be guarding)


Undergeared should not be guarding! Often times you are left to solo it and undergeard get crushed. Often times these are not very good pvpers either.


When I'm on my DPSers I have no problem being the one to go solo guard even if I'm sure my services would be better served elsewhere in the zone.


Tank or healer are different animals though.

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You know the other team is bad when they leave a sorc guarding who is using consumption and healing themselves and you just come up behind them and use a spinning strike when they get down to low health and cap after one shotting them.
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Undergeared should not be guarding! Often times you are left to solo it and undergeard get crushed. Often times these are not very good pvpers either.

That's my point though. If they suck, they won't be much of a help at the main battle. But gear is irrelevant when calling out "incoming". Why have the single baddest dude on the team solo guarding when they could be wrecking shop at mid.


And any time you only have 1 person guarding, you are probably losing since you only have 1 node. Its going to be very difficult to make a comeback with your heavy hitters guarding nodes that the enemy will rarely attack.


But if you have 2 nodes, and 2 defenders....being undergeared doesn't matter as much (for stalling) when there are 2 of you. In my opinion, at least.

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In Alderaan, Voidstar, and Hypergates, losing the solo guarded node generally leads to instant defeat. Therefore it is absolutely imperative to have your best player guard that to prevent that possibility. Unless you can already tell that there's no way the rest of the team can possibly hold/assault an objective, you have to take that chance.


Novare Coast you can get away with a weak guard, or even no guard at all in certain situations, like say you are in a dominant position in south (but not controlling it) and you're attacking from west to east. There's almost no way for anybody to actually sneak to west even if it's completely unguarded so you can take your chances there.

Edited by Astarica
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