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A little disappointed in the "expansion."


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I got all 3 of my 50's to 55 now. Haven't finished Makeb on any of them. Haven't felt particularly motivated in exploring the Makeb storyline. I don't care about that planet and I do not like how they say the empire is losing this war. So the brief storyline, not a big fan of it. That upsets me that the storyline is pretty tame for a game touted as big on storylines. The expansion doesn't expand on much. I think less was introduced now then when TFB or EC were introduced.


The new flashpoints. Or should I say, the old flash points. Really? There's nothing new about them. Don't kid yourself. That's not new content. That's a rehash. Now I went from 50's grinding the same old flashpoints over and over again to .... grinding more of the same old flashpoints over and over again. Again, not expanding on the game a whole lot there.


The new operation. I look forward to playing it this weekend. Guildies resubbing for the expansion coming back and getting geared up. We should do a run this weekend and see what it's all about. Hopefully something fun. However, I don't see my ADHD getting satisfied by this one operation that has a queueable storymode. Doesn't that mean the mechanics are easy enough that anyone can do it? I'm just a little wary.


The new dailies pay less than old ones. SERIOUSLY. Where's the challenge in that? It's a no brainer to just grind the old ones at a faster speed than these new ones that pay out less.


The changes to skills I like. My mercenary has more oompf in everything now. I like that. I feel confident that I can dps or heal now with my trusty 'ol merc. I didn't quite get my tracer spam back. But it's alright. I seem to proc unload all the time now. I'm a big fan of that. My sorc healer got better. I like that. My pt tank is tanky. Not sure why some of the new gear has alacrity on it. Unless you're an idiot you pretty much know alacrity in all shapes and forms has nothing to do with tanking. All tanking is; "Look at me look at me!"


All said and done I really think I might be finding something else to do until they release the next content patch. Summer is here. It's time to go outside. But thinking about this. I was pretty well excited about scum and villainy. But realistically there's about as much here as 1.1 came with.

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Sorry -- if you choose not to dive into the majority of content offered by an expansion -- how can you have the audacity to say you're disappointed in it?


Go play it. You may only want to do it on one character -- but at least go do it. I loved it, and while I still hope for class stories in the future -- I'm perfectly ok with how they did this. I wouldn't mind a mini-expac like this every year, with a major one coming out every two years.

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The Makeb story is vastly superior to previous planetary quests. If you liked those in your trudge up to 50, no reason why you shouldn't appreciate 50-55.


This is true. But it isn't saying much considering just how low the other planet quests set the bar. While I found some parts of it really well written and interesting (particularly the "class moments"), other parts of it really dragged and got bogged down in the nitty gritty generic planet quest grind. No class story is going to hurt the game going forward.



On the Empire side, pretty much everything after the first major boss fight with the Isotope 5 robot was boring, generic, and forgettable


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Also, you should go see a therapist about that anger.


I'm waiting for him to come back and post about how "dissapointed" he is that his Mom just washed his mouth out with soap for the diatribe directed at Omnitheo . :p

Edited by Andryah
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I'm waiting for him to come back and post about how "dissapointed" he is that his Mom just washed his mouth out with soap for the diatribe directed as Kilora. :p


You just confused me SO much! lol


It wasn't directed at me, it was directed at poor Omnitheo.


Poor might not be the best word -- but, basically, no one deserved a response like that. Especially when what Omnitheo wrote wasn't even that rude! He wasn't attacking or anything, he's just like the rest of us who are sick of ridiculous posts like this >.<


Although, I do HIGHLY agree with the soap and the mouth. :rak_03: Although I guess he may not be back -- either because we're "ganging up on him" or because of a forum ban.

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I got all 3 of my 50's to 55 now. Haven't finished Makeb on any of them.


So you're disappointed and complaining and you haven't even tried the bulk of it? :rolleyes:





A statement that a situation is unsatisfactory or unacceptable.

A reason for dissatisfaction: "I have no complaints about the hotel".


plaint - grievance


dis·ap·point (ds-point)

v. dis·ap·point·ed, dis·ap·point·ing, dis·ap·points


1. To fail to satisfy the hope, desire, or expectation of.

2. To frustrate or thwart: "I will not disappoint the confidence you have put in me" (Wayne A. Budd).


To cause disappointment.


You are making the effort to express your dissappointment.

Disappoint = failure to satisfy

You are making a statement you that you are unsatisfied

Complaint = A statement that a situation is unsatisfactory or unacceptable.

Therefore you are complaining


Learn logic

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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You just confused me SO much! lol


It wasn't directed at me, it was directed at poor Omnitheo.


Poor might not be the best word -- but, basically, no one deserved a response like that. Especially when what Omnitheo wrote wasn't even that rude! He wasn't attacking or anything, he's just like the rest of us who are sick of ridiculous posts like this >.<


Although, I do HIGHLY agree with the soap and the mouth. :rak_03: Although I guess he may not be back -- either because we're "ganging up on him" or because of a forum ban.


LOL... you are correct... let me go back and fix that. :D

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On the Empire side, pretty much everything after the first major boss fight with the Isotope 5 robot was boring, generic, and forgettable


I agree with you that most of the quests were, but I loved where the story ended, the implications of what it means going forward, and the stuff in the wrap-up cinematic. It's made me more excited to see 'what comes next' than the Republic side, that's for darn sure.




Also, disagreeing with the OP. I enjoyed the progression of the galaxy-wide storyline presented through Makeb and how it built on some of the class stories and even Operatons. The callback to my characters accomplishments were nice.


More stories, new and relevant crafting, new Operations, new HM FPs, new dailies...there's a lot there to like.

Edited by AlixMV
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Get used to the empire losing the war. Cause it happens.

This honestly makes me laugh a little. How can the Imp players be surprised that they're going to lose the war? It's not like later on in the timeline hasn't been explored yet. They might need to expand more upon how exactly it's coming to pass, but the OP is disappointed that they're losing? Or was that intended to come across as the former part of my last sentence?:confused:

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Just my opinion but I thought the Makeb story was one of the better stories they have put it. It is definately one of the best planet storylines out there. Things I didnt like - too short. I would like a real expansion, not DLC. Although I believe it was worth 10 bucks, it just tells me they dont have the staff to do a full expansion and this tiny bit of content is not enough for me to last an entire year. The other thing I didnt like is it is far to condensed with agro mobs. The minute you leave the platforms its nonstop trudging through mobs to objectives and back. Thats just too much mindless killing for my taste. The story though, I thought was excellent.
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Get used to the empire losing the war. Cause it happens.

Dubious statement is dubious. We do not know that they lose the war, we suspect they do because the Old Republic continues to exist. We also know the Sith institute the rule of two at some point. It is an equally valid hypothesis that the Sith Empire overthows the Sith and is absorbed by the Old Republic in a mutually agreed treaty (it would explain how so many Sith Empire traits are mainstream by the time of the Galactic Empire) or they may even win and be absorbed into the ruling class of the Old Republic. The Old Republic may even cease and only be reconstituted at a later date. There is a line from the Clone Wars series that could support this theory.


Even if you accept that the Empire will lose in the long run just because they are losing now doesn't mean it will continue to be all one way. Wars tend to swing back and forth as tactics and technology change and adapt.

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Just my opinion but I thought the Makeb story was one of the better stories they have put it. It is definately one of the best planet storylines out there. Things I didnt like - too short. I would like a real expansion, not DLC. Although I believe it was worth 10 bucks, it just tells me they dont have the staff to do a full expansion and this tiny bit of content is not enough for me to last an entire year. The other thing I didnt like is it is far to condensed with agro mobs. The minute you leave the platforms its nonstop trudging through mobs to objectives and back. Thats just too much mindless killing for my taste. The story though, I thought was excellent.


I would fully support your opinion if it wasn't so short like you said. I watched the cutscenes on youtube so I know what I'm missing. Bioware/EA could make up for this deficit by expanding on the planet with installments, quarterly. Monthly installments would be better. If Bioware/EA treated their content like a tv series and released episodes like they originally planned, I probably wouldn't have any gripes with the story. As it is now, it's a condensensed made for tv movie.

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Loved the story/quests on makeb but the Seeker Droid and Macrobinocular missions are rubbish , the 2 new items are rubbish alos if i wanted to jump and climb on looking for stuff i'd bee playing encharted and tomb raider not an mmo !
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So you didn't complete any of the new storylines introduced, but are complaining about it not being enough?


Go finish the stuff.


Indeed. It's like complaining about an entire meal after eating half the main course.


It appears to me the OP had their mind made up about this update before it ever came out and then immediately started looking for data to back up the preconception.

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