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Bioware buff sorc dps to pre 2.0!!


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The 2.0 changes screwed up sorc dps. Now you're forced to go heals, this is pathetic. Boost Sorcs back to pre 2.0 strength. We can't even kill tanks now, or even other dps. No one wants a sorc dps on their team anymore. And to those who say sorc dps is fine, look at this video and tell me they're fine.



Buff Sorcs Bioware. This is getting out of hand!

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I'm doing just fine. I seem to be able to burn down people really quick now (I'm playing as Madness). I top damage in nearly every BG I play in. There aren't any classes that give me problems. My kiting and escape tools are great. I keep hearing complaints but I'm not seeing them. Of course I'm only 52 ATM. My only complaint is that in WH/EWH gear I'm 2k less health than level 40s in greens. Not that I want better stats, just not worse.
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I know exactly what you are saying. I called bioware to try and switch advance classes specifically bc of this. FYI nobody can switch advanced classes and that sucks. I explained to the rep i talked to that i wanted to change advanced classes bc no matter what spec i played in my dps sucked. I have been playing ranged dps throug 4 dif mmos and for roughly 8 years. I know how to play with at least some skill. He told me i cant change my advanced class and that bioware intended sorcs to be team support. saying he understands that dps isnt good. there is notheing he can do and that if i want to pvp i should play as a healer or make another char using legacy to lvl faster. How is any of that fare. a bioware rep says we know you cant play as a dps on your main we made it that way so play a healer or reroll.


This is either a really bad rep who should probably not be representing the company or bioware has intentionally done all these class changes to force specific classes to do specific things. And if anyone had a different idea about what they want to play too bad.


Thank you bioware for turning my favorite mmo into a joke

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Between your text and the video it's hard to determine what it really is you're trying to say.


The video isn't mine, its someone who fought the best player on our server, aka the sage. He used to be able to kill anyone, now he can't even kill a clicker tank because they nerfed sage and sorc dps so hard.


Join me in this outrage my cast bar brethren. Bioware must buff sorc dps. This video is evidence of that!

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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Unfortunate that I have to bring a third party into this, the sage, but if he's considered the best player on whatever server you are on you really need to move to a new server for a different peerspective. The reason I replied like I did in my first post was just because of that, it looked like a horrible sage that proved nothing of what you were saying.


There is nothing wrong sorc/sage atm and I play it in what must be the worst possible build for crowd control ( I have one stun on a 1 min CD and no channel reduction on WW), which I havent used a single time since 2.0 anyway). Even then I'm able to control the enemies.

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So basically you think you're better than our servers top player/sage. I didn't ask for ego here, this is a threa to discuss how Bioware broke sorc and sage dps, as evident in the video, and asking them to fix it back. If this sage can't beat a tank, no sage can beat a tank.
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So basically you think you're better than our servers top player/sage. I didn't ask for ego here, this is a threa to discuss how Bioware broke sorc and sage dps, as evident in the video, and asking them to fix it back. If this sage can't beat a tank, no sage can beat a tank.
Yeah because that's clearly what i said. Ask any decent sage/sorc out there and they'll tell you the same thing, he's face-tanking and backpeddling, and since you chose to use the video as some sort of evidence to back up your case I have to question it.


But again, and regardless of the video, sages and sorcs are in a better place than they've been for a long time. The only thing I would change would be to bring instant WW back. Addionally I wouldn't mind if barrier didnt auto-drop the huttball, it would be consistent with much more powerful abilties, in terms of moving the ball forward (other defensive abilities, roll, leaps)

Edited by MidichIorian
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There was another thread using this same video calling out this sage as a bad. Feels like a disguised thread to embarrass him again.


What makes you think I'm trying to embarrass him? It isn't even my video. I see this clicker beat a player who's known for his skill, after 2.0 and you're telling me its normal?

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My opinion is that sorc dps and survival is a joke and why bother which is why I no longer play that character. I dusted it off to see what changes 2.0 made, got mostly partison gear, and finally admitted that the class is essentially worthless except in huttball.
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I can't tell if people are just trolling or not.




Lightning Sorc dps is insane and they never run out of energy. If you're talking about Madness Sorc being kind of gimped, I can see that.


To answer your question, you are trolling. Posting a screenshot of a sorc that never died once in a wz. lolol ya riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

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Clicker meets backpedellar = ???


Lulz ensue. Sorcs/saves are fine. This "evidence" in the video is not very supportive.


something is rly bad in this game, some backpeddalers/keyturners are one of the best pvpers? how is this possible?

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