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[VIDEO] Ability Failure to Fire Bug


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Meh, if you don't die from it, how is it game-breaking?


Annoying, yes. Game-breaking? Doesn't look like it.


Happens to me sometimes too. I hate it. But it doesn't break the game for me. I hope Bioware fixes it.


Try master strike on a jedi and see how frustrating it is to be doing 0 damage and locked into the animation of flailing your lightsaber around like an idiot while your target just runs away and heals up.:mad:


Also, try using a defensive heal/cd when you're at low hp and instead of surviving you're gcd locked and die.

Edited by breathofrockets
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Today I was in a warzone and had only two seconds to try to interrupt a cap. I hit Force Stasis, it failed to activate and I watched the GCD trigger for nothing as the enemy capped the node. Then we lost the warzone.


Commando abilities that regularly fail to activate: Grav Round, Full Auto, High Impact Bolt, Demolition Round

Guardian abilities that regularly fail to activate: Master Strike, Force Stasis

Scoundrel abilities that regularly fail to activate: Underworld Medicine, Blaster Whip, Quick Shot, Kolto Pack

and that is just the tip of the iceberg.


This is the number 1, most annoying bug in the game and imho needs a priority fix.


There's nothing worse than watching a long animation that doesn't actually do any damage. It's so confusing having to watch Full Auto numbers because you can't be certain you're actually using the skill when you see the animation.


EDIT: The best example is hitting your Mount Speeder button, then watching your character run forward at 110% speed for like 2-3 seconds before the speeder appears. It's hilarious!

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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i was wondering why this would happen to me when i use ravage yet i deal no damage on my jugg. it happens quite a lot and it's annoying .


Exactly, this has been happening to my Guardian as well whenever I wanted to use Master Strike. You can watch the whole animation play without actually doing any damage. Extremely annoying, not to mention fatal in PvP.

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This has been happening a lot to me as well since 2.0 :-/ Maybe it's my subjective impression, but I don't think it's limited to just one ability on my Marauder. Very annoying and yes, fatal in some cases. If I have a little health left and so does the enemy, the difference between an ability firing or not means dying or not.


And of course sometimes I don't notice that something fails to fire and I keep going, messing up my rotation. I hope they fix this soon.

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This is nothing new. It happens a lot more when you're in a populated place (like Ilum during gree event or the new operation or when the servers are fuller than usual).


Truth is, it's BW's engine and hardware. Who knows if they'll ever get it fix. Honestly though, it's really bad, and unless it's fixed before next expansion I won't be continuing with this game.

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This has been driving me crazy!!!


Use up all the time for thundering blast, uses time for GCD, but the spell never happened!!!


This happens all the time lately....in any fight that lasts more than 15 seconds. In boss fights, I'll waste quite a few casts on this issue.

Edited by _tegrof
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This bug has been in the game since it launched. I gave up hope a long time ago it would ever get fixed, but I agree it is an embarrassing bug to have in a game when it involves compromising the primary function of your gameplay.
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How come everyone in this thread happens to acknowledge it? Months ago thread regarding this bug contained "my game game is fine", "you lag" or "your pc sucks" type of answers!

I don't think that's true. There was an old post called "Ability Delay" and a few since then. However, before server merges there was noticeably less of it as BW made some optimizations and the servers were far smaller (meaning less taxing on them). However, due to server mergers and people all going to the same areas now it's become a lot more prevalent... again.

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This bug is can clearly be seen during a sniper's Series of Shots. When you hit the hotkey, the first shot comes out immediately, and then nothing happens until the end of the cast, the other 3 shots fire in very shot succession, similar to a hammer shot attack.


Sometimes, it will be so delayed that only 2 shots fire at the end, and the 4th shot never fires. When this happens the cooldown on Follow Through is not reset.


It's a pain in the ***.


As for performance/lag arguments. I run this game with fully maxed settings and it does not even use half of my PC's resources. I also maintain a 25ms ping to the server over fiber connection.

Edited by Light-years
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I personally have never experienced the ability delay until 2.0, and it is a very frustrating bug esp. when in PVP you need to heal or make a finishing move and you cant fire an ability for 3-5 secs, in PVE when you cant heal for that time.


Hopefully they are looking into a way to get this fixed.

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Meh, if you don't die from it, how is it game-breaking?


Annoying, yes. Game-breaking? Doesn't look like it.


Happens to me sometimes too. I hate it. But it doesn't break the game for me. I hope Bioware fixes it.


The bug doesn't kill you obviously, but the guy you're staring dumbly at while your weapon goes ::click:: does kill you.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Meh, if you don't die from it, how is it game-breaking?


Annoying, yes. Game-breaking? Doesn't look like it.


Happens to me sometimes too. I hate it. But it doesn't break the game for me. I hope Bioware fixes it.

Misfire an interrupt... yeah, pretty-game breaking.


I'd rather have a visual error seeing my companion's lightsaber sticking out of their sheathed hilts than this ability delay feature. It affects all aspects of combat so it's definitely as game-breaking as almost any bug out there.

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I've played a Kinetic Combat Shadow since launch and - for me - the only ability that consistently misfires is Spinning Strike.


It literally does not go off about half the time. I've grown so accustomed to it I actually plan for without thinking about it.


Be nice to not have to do that, particularly when fighting a healer.

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No, you can't do it... Abilities which ignore cd are not affected by this glitch/bug!

Not true at all. I've had Gore and DS misfire because of this glitch. In Carnage as a Marauder it's not fun to find that your Gore didn't fire and now you're Ravage is hitting a mob w/out 100% armor pen. This most definitely happens. I've also where the non-GCD generates a global cooldown before.

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Ive been testing to see if I can force the bug, and it seems pretty consistent if you spam a button before the GCD is up, it has a high chance to bug out.


Using my HoT as a healing smuggler, I was able to bug it out nearly every cast by simply spamming the button before GCD was up.


Very frustrating to have to be near perfect on the GCD cooldown or you may well trigger your next GCD, but the power does not go off.


Thanks for bringing this to Devs attention, this should be priority #1 to fix, as it is really ruining gameplay.


Devs---Do not devote resource to cartel market, do not devote resources to space combat or other nonsense, fix this.

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Devs---Do not devote resource to cartel market, do not devote resources to space combat or other nonsense, fix this.

Honestly, good luck with that. We've been saying this since Day 1 and still hasn't been resolved. I would think someone this key as your combat abilities stuttering would be a #1 Fix issue. It affects more people than anything in PvP or PvE, then guilds who run FP's, then casuals who don't do any endgame stuff because this affect EVERYONE.

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