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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2.0 Individual Class Records


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Most geared dps are pushing 30k health now anyway.


I've got 29.3k and I'll be at 30 once I've got my conq with proper augments. IF I took the heavy trooper talent I would be over 30k already in my full pvp set. In my pve set I have just shy of 33k health. I still see people running around in Underworld/Verpine in pvp so it isn't out of the realm of possibilities to have that much without exploiting.


Now, there is a certain commando I saw the other night with 37k health and THAT amount of health is suspect imo.

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You can make of it however you want to. It's not difficult to remove an item to lower a health pool in thoughts that the screen cap would be looked at by someone and questioned.

These listed records may in fact be legit, even I have managed a few 1.4+ mil damage runs in those long 4x4 healer matches and that was while in just a couple Conq items. Still a point that Yooni is in current use of the augment exploit. If someone doesn't want to get called out as a cheater, then guess what? Don't give a reason to be called out as one.


I'm not some PvP all star that thinks I should win every single match I get in to, Actually, I more expect to lose in a 1v1 just about every time though I'm not your F2P weekend warrior either, but not going to accept losing to someone (even if I only get them down 5% health) who is exploiting a busted up system.


It sucks that Bioware can't get their heads out of their own asses and address some of the issues in a timely matter, but still, the players are the ultimate stop gap between developer mistakes and exploiting them.


I'll say this.. Yooni, if all things were equal and you ran full PvP mods without exploiting, i'll admit to losing to you somewhere in the range of 99.9% of the time. I think you play your character better then I can play mine. You and the rest of Uncensored (and many others that I respect for their PvP skill) don't need to be using the augment exploit nor all the lvl 72 mods to gain that advantage over the more PvP focused player.

Ya, well, who am I anyways.. in this game, just a random unguilded Solo queue pug that hops into 10-12 warzones a night. Take what I say how you will, at this point, I'm just holding out till the future failure of FFXIV, I'll chip away at the 9 wins and accept 12 losses to get a daily done.


Thnx for saying this Kayko. I too feel and share the same sentiment that you have here. It's not just yooni who I have seen do this, I have also seen other uncensored people such as blunti, damager, annaka hp pools rocket from about 26-28k hp outside of a wz to about 33-35k inside them. I don't understand it to be honest, its a regular wz and you guys are skilled enough to not stoop to this level. Its funny and ironic because you keep saying to show the health pools in the screenshots. I have been grouped with the larger guilds from the imp side such as unicorn stampede, beer 30, trinity, and chaotic pixels; almost all are still under 30k with the exception of tanks in wz and I have yet to see one of its members use this augment exploit. I have also seen and went against LD50 but have yet to see a member having more than 30k health with the exception of their tanks. I respect people in this game who are skilled and the guilds I mentioned here (uncensored, unicorn stampede, beer 30, trinity, chaotic pixels, ld50) have at least a member who are really skilled at playing their class. What I'm saying here is you don't need to use this augment exploit. Quite frankly, the people from uncensored were the last people I expect to use this exploit. You guys have always been the classiest people on this server, if not the best at one point in time. Willing to help out other people and upon seeing an uncensored guild tag inside a wz, you know they are there for the rest of the game and will not result to namecalling or ridicule of another despite losing.


You guys created this standard brick by brick from the start and you are destroying it by using this exploit. Yooni said something here regarding the screenshot of his hp is under 30k in the records but thats not the point. The fact is you guys are using this exploit and it goes against the spirit of competition. You guys probably will not listen to what I'm saying here and probably just ridicule me. I'm also just another one of those unguilded solo pugger. I know I'm not as skilled as some of you in this game but I do recognize skill from other people and will give praise and respect when I see it. But I hope you guys understand.


PS. to xanxas - even if they do show the ss of their hp, who's to say they did not remove a piece of gear. The only real way to legitimize the records is to ask the people who were there with them and see if they exploited.

Edited by DegreesOfFreedom
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I feel ya. And not everyone in uncensored partakes in this exploit. Most of us are looking forward to tuesday when it's due to be eliminated from the game so we can resume ranked (to avoid any drama). Now let's have a mug and calculate some t distributions together. Edited by EnzoForMe
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Commando - Sylvand - 1667.58 DPS




Also my out of warzone stats so you can verify HP since im still in a lot of pve gear



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I guess we could include a screenshot of our character display with the appropriate stats overlapping the warzone victoyr/defeat screen. Then post another screenshot of the actual record. This would eliminate people pulling gear out of slots and stuff to bring their hp's down.
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How does this new exploit even work? It just raises health to stupid levels?


Check out the pvp forums, look for bolster threads. Also, google is your friend. Not going to spell out details, I will just get reported. This I will say, Screen Shots looking for health pools is a waste of time, doesn't prove anything. Perfectly easy to use augment bug without touching 30k health...without any need what so ever of removing gear to drop Hp back down. Pretty sure I'm not the only one from this server to check out the other threads, see the screen shots, videos, etc.


BTW, augment bug is probably the smallest gain to stats compared to the rest of the bolster bugs listed out there. If they only fix that come Tuesday, then they haven't done Sh*t.

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Updating my previous post for the following categories;

Protection/Damage300k+ (Vanguard/PT)

Overall Protection (Vanguard/PT)

Damage Taken/Death (Vanguard/PT)



In the interest of legitimacy, I've also included a SS with my health to ward off any possible confusion.


To show my disregard of these pathetic exploits, a comparison with my health on the fleet.


Edited by CDWthoon
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In the interest of keeping things as legit as possible, I'm going to stop updating this as of now. When BW fixes the exploiting I will resume with a new thread.


I'm sorry to everyone who has done so amazing with legit scores.

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In the interest of keeping things as legit as possible, I'm going to stop updating this as of now. When BW fixes the exploiting I will resume with a new thread.


I'm sorry to everyone who has done so amazing with legit scores.


What exploit are you referring to?

Edited by CDWthoon
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By resume do you mean copy the current 2.0 records over or start over? Most of us obtained our records legitimately, and you wouldn't really be able to tell if people played games after the fix or not.
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In the interest of keeping things as legit as possible, I'm going to stop updating this as of now. When BW fixes the exploiting I will resume with a new thread.


I'm sorry to everyone who has done so amazing with legit scores.


It's a shame really but I understand.

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