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I find my lack of faith....not disturbing.


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The below comments are for Bioware and EA and not intended to entwine any other players into the belief and sadness this game has led me too. The comments are of my own opinion and are how I think this game should be run and what it should be turned into, even though for the latter it may already be too late for. As I am trying to give this a good argument I both doubt, but do hope a developer reads this and am trying to keep myself from going off on tangents of 'trolling' and keeping from the use of derogatory terms or phrases.


Who runs this game? Who is the lead designer/producer for Star Wars: The Old Republic? I could easily go look this up but I don't think it's worth the time or effort to uncover the sadness I can already expect. He's probably young, which seems like what every designer for Bioware is, and has no experience being on a successful game team in the small amount of game design experience he has had; therefore has no clue how to head the design of something as large as a game in the MMO genre let alone with the title "Star Wars" with the reputation and fan expectation that precedes it. It seems like this game has no passion from anyone at Bioware. I wonder if anyone at Bioware is even a Star Wars fan because the lack of 'common sense' in the 'Star Wars Design' of this game. It makes me wonder what the job qualifications are for being on the team that is creating the very lack-luster project that is Star Wars: The Old Republic. I would bet 1 million dollars that I don't have that more than 50% of the head developers of this game, the people that sit at 'the big table' and make the 'big decisions', don't have any kind of computer related degree or for that matter have a degree that relates to any kind of creativity or some form of design. I would guess most of them are business majors (God help us all.), economics, or even psychology majors. Someone heading the team that is creating this game needs to stand up in a meeting at 'the big table' and ask, "Are we doing this right?".


"Fans don't boo nobodies." --Reggie Jackson

The line above is kind of awkward. I'm not complimenting Bioware with it either, it's directed at the title of the game, in the genre, that you (Bioware) thought you could fulfill with the simple idea of story. Something I don't think a lot of the people employed by Bioware and on the team leading this game realize is that this 'game' isn't a game for you, it's your job. The fans that keep playing your game determine whether or not you receive a paycheck. Listening to your fans is the first step to succeeding in the gaming community. This paragraph alone is all any 'successful' game developer should need to continue reading the rest of my arguments.


“Inspiration is a guest that does not willingly visit the lazy.” ― Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

It may seem there may not be an argument, just my own judgment and opinion stated here, but one of which will probably be agreed to by a mass majority of the players that play this game. Hopefully, and I apologize if not, the developers of this game had parents. Have your parents ever told you that sweeping the dirt under the rug is 'half-assing' it and lazy? Just for the sake of an argument have you ever saw something done 'half-assed' or someone doing something in a lazy manner? With 2.0 you added a feature that has been asked for well over the necessary amount of time that it hasn't been in the game. Resizing buffs and debuffs. But that’s just it that is all you can do, resize them. It is not only the laziest implementation I have ever seen it is one of the most 'half-assed' ways of fixing something in the history of even be able to use the word 'fix' to describe it. Not only does it make it worse if you make them large, it makes the content harder if you make them small. In pvp if I increase the size all I can seem to look at is the giant red and yellow debuffs with my medals. You don’t even give the option to completely remove the buffs from being shown. To add to the laziness since the game was developed each class has had three skill trees. Cool! Why are there shared trees? Why does the assassin have madness? Since you made it completely useless in 2.0, why is it even there? The pyrotech mercenary, no comment. The lethality operative is arguable one of the worst DPS specs in the game, still. Now for rage on the marauder, it’s an art form to play this class, you can do better than the repetitive, boring rotation that is rage.


"Failing a test makes you better; failing it again makes you a failure."

What does the Player Test Server (PTS) do? What the hell is it used for? To see how many current subscribers you still have interested in the game and determine how soon new content should be released. That’s my current thought on it. It can't be to actually fix anything. There is no way a company wouldn't put 70% of their new expansion (Referring to the planet of Makeb.) on a PTS and expect a good player reaction when it is put out on live servers. Not only is this the worst expansion ever but I’m still waiting on the actual expansion. Hear me out, it takes a player roughly five to eight hours to complete Makeb based on your play style. The dailies on Makeb not only are extremely boring and long by the time you’re done you haven’t made much more than Ilum and the Black Hole and it’s time to go to bed and you missed your raid night. Whoever the incompetent idiot was that created the time commitment that is the GSI dailies, needs to be slapped. The saddest part is that the people willing to actually do these missions are the only reason this game has any form of existence. Pvp is well, ruined. With both the useless change to alacrity, I still won’t use a point of this on any of my characters, and the nerf to critical and tank statistics has not only made the game extremely annoying to have to figure out how to gear it has ruined pvp TTK, but most of that is to blame on the enormous increase players get to damage versus other players with expertise. Pve, well where is the content? TFB isn’t new, nor are the re-hashed flashpoints. Scum and Villainy hardmode was already cleared on the PTS (Waits on nightmare TFB.) there is no progression content in this game. Arkanian was a useless tier that should have never been implemented for the content that was already there shouldn’t have been remade just to add a new tier of gear. So when does the real expansion come out?


”Fidelity – the virtue of knowing this is around is all the more likely you are about to be betrayed.”

Isn’t that quote just amazing. Imagine your strolling up the ramp of a huttball on your pyrotech powertech and you see your first target and start to do your rotation and wait, what’s wrong, nothing is happening. Where is my critical chance? Why does my combustible gas cylinder do no damage? What the heck happened to thermal detonator? Well hey at least they gave me the buffs to last long enough to still realize I can’t do anything. I mean what do the pvp developers for this game need to get them to understand class balancing? The critical nerf alone was enough for the powertech and to add thermal detonator to that just makes the class’s old concept of best burst literally turn into no burst at all. I’ll go on, add the buffs that healers got in this game and you make the ‘old’ pyrotech powertech’s burst healable let alone do both. Sith warriors love it though. The juggernaut now has all three specs equally playable in any range of the content in this game with the buff to vengeance and even with the critical nerf to every other class they keep 100% critical chance to smash. The marauder now has arguably the hardest time just choosing which spec to raid or pvp with. Do I kill things efficiently, fast, or a lot of things really fast (Annihilation, Carnage, and Rage.)? Great, whatever this giant mistake ridden thing you guys define as an expansion is, Bioware.


In the end this just a long shot prayer to kick the developers in the *** a little and fix this game. It’s a joke how bad this game is now, not only do I doubt anything gets fixed, I bet you see the exact same effect this summer as you did the spring after the game released with people cancelling their subscriptions. I cancel mine as of June 1, 2013 if TTK in pvp isn’t fixed.

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Who is the lead designer/producer for Star Wars: The Old Republic? I could easily go look this up but I don't think it's worth the time or effort to uncover the sadness I can already expect. He's probably young, which...

Which means you do not really care to check before passing a judgment , do you expect anyone to take you seriously then?

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No need to insult people because they have a different opinion then you. Calling someone a tool because they thought the expansion was lacking? Really?

Edited by CommunityDroidDE
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Who runs this game? Who is the lead designer/producer for Star Wars: The Old Republic? I could easily go look this up but I don't think it's worth the time or effort to uncover the sadness I can already expect.


Can't be bothered to find the facts so you will just make stuff up. I see a trend here.


Listening to your fans is the first step to succeeding in the gaming community. This paragraph alone is all any 'successful' game developer should need to continue reading the rest of my arguments.


"Listening to" does not mean "Agreeing with". "The fans" do not speak with one voice. Successful developers listen to what is being said and then do what is likely to satisfy most of the players most of the time.


Snipping out a big chunk of opinion, including the complaint that BW listened to the players, ironic isn't it.


What does the Player Test Server (PTS) do? What the hell is it used for?


To load test the new content and to see if players come up with something off the wall that needs fixing.


Here is a hint, PTS Is not there to do anything more than find game breaking bugs that must be fixed before release. PTS happens far too late in the development cycle to expect much design rework or bug fixing.


Also players are not good testers, almost none of them test the release properly. Companies that use players for proper testing tell the players what to test and how to test it.


Imagine your strolling up the ramp of a huttball on your pyrotech powertech and you see your first target and start to do your rotation and wait, what’s wrong, nothing is happening.


Read the patch notes and L2P.


In the end this just a long shot prayer to kick the developers in the *** a little and fix this game. It’s a joke how bad this game is now, not only do I doubt anything gets fixed, I bet you see the exact same effect this summer as you did the spring after the game released with people cancelling their subscriptions. I cancel mine as of June 1, 2013 if TTK in pvp isn’t fixed.


Its a joke that you seem to think that you have made any valid points in this wall of text. BTW the devs have already said that TTK is something that they will work on.

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I said in the first paragragh it was of "my own opinion". I believe some of it has a great argument, especially the part about the lack of an expansion pack....the PTS section. If you wanna' troll go right ahead I have no care. But don't knock me if I already stated and accept that this is my opinion and never called anything in it pure fact. I don't even think I used the word "fact" in the enitire article.
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"Listening to" does not mean "Agreeing with". "The fans" do not speak with one voice. Successful developers listen to what is being said and then do what is likely to satisfy most of the players most of the time.

I would like a majority vote of these players ("most of the players"), and at different intervals of the year ("most of the time"), to find out if the fan's questions and problems have been fixed. Quite positive it will be in my favor.


Snipping out a big chunk of opinion, including the complaint that BW listened to the players, ironic isn't it.

I have no clue what your trying to say here it makes no sense. Don't use commas like that, it's hard on my profound use of the English language.


Read the patch notes and L2P.

I'm actually not just trolling and for that matter a very good player. I read all the patch notes and actively pay attention to the developer tracker.

Edited by ericthenut
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Well, its your opinion, but definitely not the opinion of the majority of the playerbase and most definitely not the truth.

But your whines are professionally masked in rhetorics, I give you that. I´m guessing politics or literature-student...

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