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I want a 30 second Force speed with no cooldown.


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I have yet to level my Smuggler or Agent above 51 so I'm not sure what kind of ludicrous skill you have given them.

What it looks like in WZ's is that you have given them an unlimited force speed like thing that also hops over my screen making them almost impossible to target.


This is a game breaking bug, and in the early days you promised game breaking bugs would get highest priority. You either give that skill the same cooldown as Force Speed in an emergancy patch or you will again start losing subscribers.


To cross the field in Huttball in 5 sec is not a pleasent experience for either teammates or opponents.


But if your intent was to get nothing but Smugglers and Agents in WZ's I apologize and give you kudos. Mission accomplished!

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I have yet to level my Smuggler or Agent above 51 so I'm not sure what kind of ludicrous skill you have given them.

What it looks like in WZ's is that you have given them an unlimited force speed like thing that also hops over my screen making them almost impossible to target.


This is a game breaking bug, and in the early days you promised game breaking bugs would get highest priority. You either give that skill the same cooldown as Force Speed in an emergancy patch or you will again start losing subscribers.


To cross the field in Huttball in 5 sec is not a pleasent experience for either teammates or opponents.


But if your intent was to get nothing but Smugglers and Agents in WZ's I apologize and give you kudos. Mission accomplished!


It's not a bug. Also snipers now have "kill shot" which instantly kills someone who you target on an 8 second cool down - instant cast. And operatives gain 'QQ' which is a new form of CC whereby your enemy is helpless to do anything but cry for 60 seconds, breaks after 10 seconds on damage.

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I have yet to level my Smuggler or Agent above 51 so I'm not sure what kind of ludicrous skill you have given them.


Totally invalidates the post.


Learn about the class and the ability before claiming something is OP please.


And sure. You can get your Force Speed with no cooldown. You'll have to spend 50% of your force to use it though. And maybe we should change Sage energy that it restores more slowly while low.

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Totally invalidates the post.


Learn about the class and the ability before claiming something is OP please.


And sure. You can get your Force Speed with no cooldown. You'll have to spend 50% of your force to use it though. And maybe we should change Sage energy that it restores more slowly while low.


What he is saying is he has seen this first hand on his main I assume. He has an OP alt apparently tgat he has not leveled. This does not invalidate his comments.

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You do realise that once a smuggler/agent has skipped the map with that skill, she has no energy to actually use anything bar pressing 1? Yes, they get there faster, but are sitting ducks when they do. What's that, is that every long range attack and force leap directed at that lonely smugger who's too far ahead for her team mates to help her? :D
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Since people keep claiming the defense of this new OP-as-heck-ability is that: it has high energy cost....


I will continue posting, that this is not a valid argument on a class that has the least action management issues of all the advanced class. A class that also gets an action replenish ability. As well as a class that gets a cloak ability that they then can stun opponents and/or hide and re-generate action.


I'm sorry but 25 stamina is not a high action cost amount considering smuggler/scoundrel's action regen rates.


ALSO, this ability **IS** op. There are plenty of times where action is not an issue, but traversing terrain at ludicrous speeds faster than entire groups of players in objective based warzones, is game breaking. You only need to do 1 huttball match against an operative/scoundrel roller to know what I'm talking about.


Action cost does not matter in some situations of objective warzones, where all you have to do is score, and then dying is ok. As long as objective based warzones are the prime source of pvp content, this ability will remain OP if it does not have a cooldown.

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Since people keep claiming the defense of this new OP-as-heck-ability is that: it has high energy cost....


I will continue posting, that this is not a valid argument on a class that has the least action management issues of all the advanced class. A class that also gets an action replenish ability. As well as a class that gets a cloak ability that they then can stun opponents and/or hide and re-generate action.


I'm sorry but 25 stamina is not a high action cost amount considering smuggler/scoundrel's action regen rates.


ALSO, this ability **IS** op. There are plenty of times where action is not an issue, but traversing terrain at ludicrous speeds faster than entire groups of players in objective based warzones, is game breaking. You only need to do 1 huttball match against an operative/scoundrel roller to know what I'm talking about.


Yeah last night I was in a huttball and we had slow pred (50%) and I dropped down from top mid and an Op had already grabbed the ball, *** is that? By the time I was in range to leap to him he threw it to the jugg on their team and vanished right after the leap. So... Yeah not op'ed guys :|.

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Yeah, it needs some kind of cooldown in huttball. It strikes me as an eye sore but otherwise fine in the other maps.


Its an extreme eye sore as well. and makes the game look broken when all you see are smoke clouds darting around either the warzones or the fleet. It reminds me of this:



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Since people keep claiming the defense of this new OP-as-heck-ability is that: it has high energy cost....


I will continue posting, that this is not a valid argument on a class that has the least action management issues of all the advanced class. A class that also gets an action replenish ability. As well as a class that gets a cloak ability that they then can stun opponents and/or hide and re-generate action.


I'm sorry but 25 stamina is not a high action cost amount considering smuggler/scoundrel's action regen rates.


ALSO, this ability **IS** op. There are plenty of times where action is not an issue, but traversing terrain at ludicrous speeds faster than entire groups of players in objective based warzones, is game breaking. You only need to do 1 huttball match against an operative/scoundrel roller to know what I'm talking about.


Action cost does not matter in some situations of objective warzones, where all you have to do is score, and then dying is ok. As long as objective based warzones are the prime source of pvp content, this ability will remain OP if it does not have a cooldown.


Moan moan its about time us op /scoundrels got something good nerf us moar plz

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Since people keep claiming the defense of this new OP-as-heck-ability is that: it has high energy cost....


I will continue posting, that this is not a valid argument on a class that has the least action management issues of all the advanced class. A class that also gets an action replenish ability. As well as a class that gets a cloak ability that they then can stun opponents and/or hide and re-generate action.


I'm sorry but 25 stamina is not a high action cost amount considering smuggler/scoundrel's action regen rates.


ALSO, this ability **IS** op. There are plenty of times where action is not an issue, but traversing terrain at ludicrous speeds faster than entire groups of players in objective based warzones, is game breaking. You only need to do 1 huttball match against an operative/scoundrel roller to know what I'm talking about.


Action cost does not matter in some situations of objective warzones, where all you have to do is score, and then dying is ok. As long as objective based warzones are the prime source of pvp content, this ability will remain OP if it does not have a cooldown.

Actually combat sent using double transcendence is faster then a roller in huttball with no resource loss to worry about.

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Guess you haven't seen a roller with transcendence yet


No I have but one person getting too far ahead in huttball is only going to get them killed since rolling can be counter by stuns roots pulls and electro net.

Edited by Kaizersan
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No I have but one person getting too far ahead in huttball is only going to get them killed since rolling can be counter by stuns roots pulls and electro net.


No, it wont. Not on a class with cloaking ability, dodges, and an area-stun at their disposal. Thats not even getting into the fact that he can then pass the ball, or have the other 7 guys on his team guard him, pull him, taunt, kill the other team etc etc.


There is no need to continue a hypothetical argument of the roll being used in warzones. Go play huttball against some rollers who know how to do objectives warzones. The ability is stupid OP right now.


I'm not saying it needs to be deleted from the game, im saying it needs a cooldown.

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Since people keep claiming the defense of this new OP-as-heck-ability is that: it has high energy cost....


I will continue posting, that this is not a valid argument on a class that has the least action management issues of all the advanced class. A class that also gets an action replenish ability. As well as a class that gets a cloak ability that they then can stun opponents and/or hide and re-generate action.


I'm sorry but 25 stamina is not a high action cost amount considering smuggler/scoundrel's action regen rates.


ALSO, this ability **IS** op. There are plenty of times where action is not an issue, but traversing terrain at ludicrous speeds faster than entire groups of players in objective based warzones, is game breaking. You only need to do 1 huttball match against an operative/scoundrel roller to know what I'm talking about.


Action cost does not matter in some situations of objective warzones, where all you have to do is score, and then dying is ok. As long as objective based warzones are the prime source of pvp content, this ability will remain OP if it does not have a cooldown.


Here's the thing, Scamper costs a scoundrel 25 energy out of a pool of 100. I don't need ot tell you, that's 4 Scampers in total before the player needs to gain energy once again. While force speed does has a cooldown, it has no cost to resources. Force Speed is a free ability, while Scamper is not!


It has a 12m reach (which is pretty good tbh) so obviously, that's a 48m range. That's not quite enough to get to the middle (even in a straight line across the acid pit) but granted, it certainately gives it a good shot. So, the scoundrel has the ball, who is she going to pass to? All friendly players are out of range AND out of line of sight!


Also, when slowed, scamper range is reduced from 12m to 6m. Any player worth their salt will use a slowing ability on that scoundrel. They would be foolish for not doing so! Of course, this helps control the scoundrel. Do they use their breaker, or do they save it for something more drastic? After all, this one trick is now crippled by half (and at 1/4 of resource pool, who wants to use it!)


Then of course, force leap has a rooting ability in the combat spec for Sents. Not to mention, snipers heavy long range attacks. Remember, that scoundrel is in the middle on her own here, none of her team mates are in a possition to help. By all means, she has the ball, but as the huttball commentator says "Rotworms have the ball, but for how long?" she would be dead when the entire ranged/leapers of your team cut her into deli meat!


Edit: As for cloaking ability they cannot cloak with the ball (or they loose it) also, any DoT burns their cloak. :cool:

Edited by chimex
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No, it wont. Not on a class with cloaking ability, dodges, and an area-stun at their disposal. Thats not even getting into the fact that he can then pass the ball, or have the other 7 guys on his team guard him, pull him, taunt, kill the other team etc etc.


There is no need to continue a hypothetical argument of the roll being used in warzones. Go play huttball against some rollers who know how to do objectives warzones. The ability is stupid OP right now.


I'm not saying it needs to be deleted from the game, im saying it needs a cooldown.


I just did a few huttball on my 51 OP and the roll is retarded OP in it. Yeah, it can be countered, but to do so requires a lot more than countering any other runner. If the enemy didn't have a pull off of cooldown it was pretty much a guaranteed score for me. I could skip over fire pits and even blockades of enemy players with ease.

Edited by Zican
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I just to a few huttball on my 51 OP and the roll is retarded OP in it. Yeah, it can be countered, but to do so requires a lot more than countering any other runner. If the enemy didn't have a pull off of cooldown it was pretty much a guaranteed score for me. I could skip over fire pits and even blockades of enemy players with ease.


just buff smash marauders and pyros and operative roll would be ok :)

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No, it wont. Not on a class with cloaking ability, dodges, and an area-stun at their disposal. Thats not even getting into the fact that he can then pass the ball, or have the other 7 guys on his team guard him, pull him, taunt, kill the other team etc etc.


There is no need to continue a hypothetical argument of the roll being used in warzones. Go play huttball against some rollers who know how to do objectives warzones. The ability is stupid OP right now.


I'm not saying it needs to be deleted from the game, im saying it needs a cooldown.


Nope it isn't just people don't know how to counter it because most people didn't bother playing it on the PTS your stealth can easily be counter by the correct positioning of a covered sniper or gunslinger which could easily root you and expose you.

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