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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thankyou Bioware, the guild launch program broke our community.


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Actually the one thing that would really help would be a grace period to log back in, I could stand sitting in a queue for 3-5 hours if I only knew that if I crash or disconnect I do not have to suffer through another queue, granted I log in again within 5 minutes or so.
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Yes. Free server transfers from full servers. That solves the problem. If this is incorporated from day one there would be no big server queues. Or I am being dense?


You are making perfect sense.


Let people transfer from high pop servers for free.


Problem solved.

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It does feel though that all guilds were placed on a single server. Currenlty Tomb is the only full server. The rest are practically empty.


I logged on earlier, and I saw at least five servers were full (including mine), without even scrolling down.

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My guild with it's Allies and Adversaries was placed on Mandalorian the Indomintable, and then I find out that The Swiftsure was the Unofficial Australian server. I had to make a descion, do I keep the server that BIOWARE assigned me with a pre-made guild, or do I start from scratch on the Unofficial Oceanic server. Doing it this way meant I had to find 5000 credits and 3 people to form the guild.


It was the best thing I ever did.


I had 22 members signed up on my guilds website before EA.


The guild now has well over 100 players!!!!


Swiftsure is an awesome community and is made up of ALOT of Australians. Hopefully, if and when they release oceanic servers they offer some kind of free transfer service. Because if they dont, we will stay where we are.


Heres hoping!

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Trolling is making off topic or insulting, inflammatory comments in order to get a rise out of someone. Telling him to reroll an alt is not trolling, it's providing a solution that, while it may not be perfect, is certainly better than complaining and whining on the forums.


And the only way to not feed the trolls is to not respond to them. Just saying.


Yes it is, because telling someone to solve a legitimate problem of server queues by just going away is exactly that. It is 'not' a solution to the problem. It's just trolling. It's certainly better to whine on the forums about legitimate problems that Bioware should have fixed well before launch (by providing server transfer functionality) than to throw away all of your hard work, time is limited after all, and start from the beginning.

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Yes, because they pre-launch wasn't well done at all.


It ended up with anyone daft enough to pre-organise their guild with Bioware being stuck on servers that have queues of 600 at 9 am in the morning and 4000+ at prime time.


This is Biowares fault.


I've only had one queue time problem. That was today. My guild was pre-organised, I got in on day one, several others on day. No, it isn't BioWare's fault.

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This means that players who are joining us now have to choose between empty servers OR a huge wait and not play at all. Consequently some of our best players have decided to roll on these empty servers and join other commtunities. This has ultimately broken or guild and now we have a fractured and slowly dying guild.






So is it about server queues or not? You need to decide one way or another.

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You are making perfect sense.


Let people transfer from high pop servers for free.


Problem solved.


There you go, I think this is also a good solution.


I even think you will find they will be doing it very soon.


So far whenever there is a large outcry over something they tend to come up with a good solution.


The only problem you might have is that if they have too many servers and allow free transfers, it could eventually lead to light servers and ghost towns and they have to start merging. Nothing shout's "crap game" as much as server mergers...

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We have had a community of players that have played mmo's for over seven years. We have always leveled up and enjoyed endgame as a team and as a social group over too many games to mention.



Sounds like a good, tight, close guild.... so, the Guild Launch failed you.....that can't be fixed at present... so a good, tight, close guild should take it on the chin and move to another server.


IF you are that good, tight, and close.

Edited by Rasticles
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Its only going to die if you let it.


If the community was what you "say" it is, you guys would reroll on the non populated server to join up with eachother.





First off .. if you all have been together for seven years and are as organized as that precludes, then you wouldn't NEED the guild launch program.


Second .. if you are having such an issue being able to get through the ques then I suggest you all roll on another server.


It isn't hard and probably not that difficult to get your level back up to where it is now being that we are not far from launch.


And if THAT is your problem .. that you don't want to move because you've put time into your toons .. then you have bigger issues.


One would think that a few hours grinding to save your guild/community would be worth it.


If not .. well .. the guild wasn't worth that much to begin with.

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I find it very amusing that several people posting on this thread have, at first, ranted about not being able to get on *fill in the blank* server, yet turn around and validate how legitimate their claim is by saying that they have a level 50 character and do not want to have to start on another server. Wha?!?!? :confused:
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Just gonna throw my 2c in the pile


To start, I agree with the OP 100% and cant fathom why people think it isn't a huge issue



BioWare knew this was going to be the biggest launch in MMO history


BioWare knew there where going to be hugely overpopulated servers


BioWare knew that people are not willing to give up progress on characters


BioWare knew that the guild launch program did not include all of the player


and finally....


BioWare knew that there are communities forming, and you cannot ask them to split up.




Just because other MMO's did it doesn't mean it's OK to do. This game was supposed to be the "next-gen" of MMO's that implies they have taken all the data of previous games, compiled it and built their own structure to solve the problems.


But, what we find is that they only solved the "enjoy-ability of PvE" problem and shafted everything else.


The last month of Open weekends should have been Bioware stress testing on the weekend, then shuffling guilds and un-guilded players around on servers and finding ways to combat the looming problem of over-population.


And a staggered launch does not go:


Day 1: 1% of players(first pre-orders and guild leaders)

Day 2: 2% of players

Day 3: 47% of players

Day 5: 100% of players


The Guild Launch program should have not been the "Guild" launch program. It should have been the "Pre-Launch" Program, and every user should have filled out the playstyle choices, and every account should have been locked to the server they where placed on until 5 weeks after launch. There should have also been a friend/foe list for the same purpose as allies/adversaries.

New players would fill out the same information and be auto-placed according to their preferences. For people that have friends, they would simply have to "friend" them through the website then once both parties accepted their account would be invited to the server with their friend.



As for unique names, i think they should remove the unique requirement, and open naming up. And if any name gets used more than 100 times, that name goes on a list of disallowed names. Players should be identified by their PlayerID(separate from account name for security reasons) This forces players to be honest, in and out of game. It links your in game characters to your forum name, and allows people to avoid players that like to cause trouble and then re-roll with a new name for a fresh slate.


Servers should have overflow backup servers so they can run at 2x population for now, and phase them out and open up transfers to balance the population after the subscription time drop, and this one could be huge, the game is bringing in a lot of bioware fanbois from the offline games, and there is a high chance they won't want to stay here, TOR is very dull in comparison to their other story driven games which offer a much larger range of choices and direction during the body of the story. Then there's the pandas...




Mr(or Ms/Mrs/Sir). CSR:

this post replied to the OP, and added few additional details, it is in no way derailing the post or causing any sort of action that would give you reason to close this thread.

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That server got too much marketing, and being the first servers obviously will fill up and people starting late will still start there regardless of queue because everyone talks about the great "community" so they flock there. If your guild and other guilds were really strong they would reroll another server. The early access was a good ideia and bad, but I think it was more a opportunity people dont understand clearly.


I for one and taking my sweet time on a few servers, because I know well that things will change in a few days


PS: All the qq, be open-minded and think if there was no early access, what would have happened anyway? Would your guild choose a light server? Would your guild be talking to other good guilds to start on same server anyway bottlenecking and causing same problems? Would any guild choose a heavy load over Full because of the recruiting potential?


However bioware better stop creating new characters on full servers with insane queues...but then again people there be able to create alts?

Edited by Grodr
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Half the problem now is people just getting the game and joining already heavily populated servers rather than empty one's. Making queue times even worse. Me and all my friend pre-ordered too and now I'm 500 in queue...


Make more space or stop letting people flood full servers!

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Omg, you fanbois do not even READ what you are rubbishing...


So here in gold and CAPS for you.


WE WERE PLACED ON THE SERVER BY THE guild launch program, along with our sister ally/nemesis guilds, it is not not just the individual that has to reroll but whole communities with players in there that dont want to move becuase of reserved names etc.


How is this OUR fault?


A simple solution is to offer the GUILD LAUNCH players a one off server transfer. Can ANY~ONE give me a good reason why they have not offered this?


Soooo if you were in the same situation, but chose a server on your own, it would be ok?


that being said, my guild has the same issues on HoG, 45min-1hour queues at prime time, but ya know what, we will be thankful after the queues die down, that we have an active pvp server and not a low pop.

Edited by Basiliscus
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Soooo if you were in the same situation, but chose a server on your own, it would be ok?


that being said, my guild has the same issues on HoG, 45min-1hour queues at prime time, but ya know what, we will be thankful after the queues die down, that we have an active pvp server and not a low pop.


Yes the only difference is that the server he is referring to has 2 hours queues at 9 in the morning....not peak hours. Peak hour wait can reach easily 5-6 hours.

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The fanbois above aside, I do take the point that we could all move, however as pointed out in the OP it means giving up the reserved names we have, the reserved guild name, we have many over lvl 35 players that took time off work to get ahead of the masses.


It also falls on the GM and officers to make that call, we have a split in the community that was placed on the server, half of us want to stick it out as the server is a high quality one, we have our allies (RL friends guilds) and our NEMESIS guilds (actual old skool rival guilds) all set up, using this program.




The fanbois above will and have defended a position that is untenable, the placement on this server was out of our control the organisation and loss to the community to move is huge, we are actually being punished for USING THE TOOL BIOWARE IMPLEMENTED TO MAKE THINGS EASIER!


I totally understand that things didn't go the best way with server populations and Guilds, but Bioware actually tried to help the situation by reserving pre-made guilds on servers and obviously tried to spread the load.


I suppose because of all the complaints in the future companies will just throw up their servers on launch day and first come, first served. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I think without their system, though, things would have been even worse.

Edited by Gelos
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The one thing I keep seeing here is that bioware 'forced' you onto a server. You do all realise that you didn't have to go onto the server that was picked out for you right? It just wouldn't have reserved the guild name. Quit ************, you are not the only one with the problem, other guilds will be in the same situation (mine is one of them on frostclaw) but we aren't splitting up over this. All this proves is that your 'community' isn't as strong as you thought because speed levelling to get to endgame content is more important to them then the other people in this community.
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