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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thankyou Bioware, the guild launch program broke our community.


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If all was staying put where they suppose, as the prelaunch guild system offered, we never would have this problem in Tomb of Freedon of nad, honestly. 40% of thoose joined the server was by guild system choosen, the other 60% (thoose made the server crowded) moved to this server because of reasons most should know if they read general chat. Plus you have 2 big communities (spanish/italian) that decided to roll on this server, how is that BW fault?



Tomb of whatever isn't the only server with massive queues.


So you can apologise all you want for them, but there are a lot of servers with this problem.




And again spreading the guilds across more servers, getting rid of the staggered access, and sorting out free transfers (from over subbed server) would have fixed this.


Again how is this NOT Biowares fault, they are the only one in control.






600 person queue at 9 am is stupid, never seen a game launch with queues like that.

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So... wait. You guys knew that by opting for the guild launch service you were putting your fate's into the hands of a third party in exchange for... what? The ability to guarantee you got your guild name?


I don't understand how this is Bioware's fault. If there had been no guild-launch system, y'all still would have rolled on servers during the EGA, servers that now have queue times. So what exactly does the guild launch system have to do with this?


Sounds to me like a lot of people shaking their fists over the inevitable. "OMG the game is popular?? DAMN YOU BIOWARE!!"


IF this was the case then you are right, I would not have posted here at all.


The blame for staying on the full server would lie with us and the logistics of moving five guilds that have played with each other over games such as Ultima Online, DDO, LOTRO, Rift and WoW would lie with us.


However as I keep pointing out this is NOT the case, we used the system inplemented by bioware to make things easier for communities of guilds to play together. We now have four of the guilds remaining on The Tomb of Freedon Nadd and one moved to a light load server.


The four remaining have alot invested already in the guilds they run, the game was open to us on the 13th of dec, we have reserved names, some levelled to 50 and even some beginning raiding, this is not some lvl 20 nub whining about having to wait in a queue.


Most people reading this dont seem to undrstand that it is not just one person encountering game breaking conditions, it is not even just one guild, but a communityof guilds, we have the ALLY/NEMESIS connections we used in the guild launch program, individual guilds are split on whether to move or stay.


Saying "Why did you join a full server?"


Or, "Just re-roll! The game has only been out 2 days?!"


Or, "Its your fault you joined full server, if your guild is that strong they will follow you"


Or, "Bioware is not at fault here, you chose to use the guild launch system, now you have to pay the penalty."


All of these above responses are moot to the point, and do not see the cancer that is the problem here, the guild launch program.

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The responses to the OP proves once more that if BW does anything wrong, some people will blame the customer no matter what. Rock on, fanboys....


No one would ever accuse me of being a BW fanboy, but I still fail to see how you guys are getting anything other than what you should have expected if you'd spent more than 5 minutes thinking about it when you signed up for this. If you want to blame Bioware for something blame them for coming up with a guild-launch idea in the first place. Many of us were saying it wouldn't work the instant they announced it. And the reason is that there's NO WAY to do it correctly without pissing a ton of people off.

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My guild was automatically assigned to "Frostclaw" by Bioware's guild program.


A guildie ended starting a character on another server after trying to log in twice, being booted from a 2 hour queue two times in a row by a "disconnected from server" error message. It's only temporary so far.


Many of us are already 25-30+, and we do NOT want to reroll.


Bioware better fix the queue problems very soon.


Oh, and I don't even want to think what's gonna happen at xmas, when all the kids open their SW:TOR present package and join the already crowed servers...

Edited by Korrigan
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How can people assigned by Bioware to a server blame themselves? :confused:



And why should they? :mad:


Because it was a suggestion and people in numerous previous MMOs have been able to ... you know ... coordinate their server through launches by talking together.


Just because Bioware provided an easier way; does not make it their fault. Many things can be blamed on Bioware if you choose, but this is seriously not one of them. And if you didn't expect queues but that your server would be held for you, then this is your first MMO.

It's like common sense goes out the window with each new launch of a MMO.

Edited by xandax
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My ticket to Bioware.


Report Player:


Hello Customer Support


I would like to report the player called: "....." from the "....." guild on the "Tomb of Freedon Nadd" server.


He has been using a macro or taped something to his keyboard so he keeps running into the VIP area on the Imperial Fleet for hours now. Last night (1am gmt+1) when I logged out he was there, 10 hours later he is still there trying to get into the VIP area.


To me this seems like he is using something so he is not logged out after a while and thus he is making the queue on our server even worse then it already is.


I hope you deal with this problem and in my eyes he deserves a ban. Anyway that's just my opinion.




THIS IS THE PROBLEM, not Bioware, the guild launch program or the server cap.


It's these selfish people who only care about themselves.

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Because it was a suggestion and people in numerous previous MMOs have been able to ... you know ... coordinate their server through launches.


Just because Bioware provided an easier way; doe snot make it their fault. Many things can be blamed on Bioware if you choose, but this is seriously not one of them.

Of course they can be blamed for the poor execution of this. Guilds were rammed into a small selection of servers until they were filled, instead of spreading them our on all servers. That's a mistake, that's BIOWARE'S mistake. We trusted them to know what they were doing and they failed. Edited by Korrigan
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Of course they can be blamed for the poor execution of this. Guilds were rammed into a small selection of servers until they were filled, instead of spreading them our on all servers. That's a mistake, that's BIOWARE'S mistake. We trusted them to know what they were doing and they failed.


And if they had launched 50 server at start, then people would have been here complaining throughout early access that the servers were empty because only themselves would have been there and instead of queues people would be complaining about empty servers demanding mergers.


This have happened in all MMOs which had a large launch.


This is just a case of 'damned if you do, damned if you don't'.

Edited by xandax
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seems to me that your community doesnt give a damn about you and you dont give about them either, if it was so strong as you say you would reroll to them or they would accept the queues


Exactly. and the other claims .. years in mmos ...


Well most mmos at launch have queues on popular servers... so if you were that experienced you'd know about that.

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Really some people ....


Do you really think Bioware knows up front exactly how many people are choosing what server to play on? Most people won't use the guild service thing. Your just unlucky but it's plain rediculous to blame Bioware for that.

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Because it was a suggestion and people in numerous previous MMOs have been able to ... you know ... coordinate their server through launches by talking together.


Just because Bioware provided an easier way; does not make it their fault. Many things can be blamed on Bioware if you choose, but this is seriously not one of them. And if you didn't expect queues but that your server would be held for you, then this is your first MMO.

It's like common sense goes out the window with each new launch of a MMO.




The staggered access completely fubard that.


By the time everyone was able to get in, many had put in a lot of time investment.


Plus initially Bioware appoligists were everywhere saying "they are going to raise the server caps" "queues are only temperary" etc. etc.



As usual the appoligsts add nothing useful and only make things worse.






And no I did not expect a 600 person queue at 9 am (looking like 2+ hour queue time atm) for a (GMT) based server. I have never seen that in any MMO I've ever played. Bioware have royally messed up this launch.

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It's early on in the game, the queues will eventually get better and the GLP wasn't ALL that bad. It wasn't great but hey, at least they gave you the option and they tried to create server with communities from the start! They didn't have to do that.


My guild is placed on a heavy load server too, last night it was 30-40 minutes for me, others a lot longer. BUT I WAITED got in and met up with my friends and played, it's what we do.


Wait it out, the only moot point is that you seem so selfish to think that the whole server your on revolves around your "community" - It's called bad Luck, lifes full of it, get used to it.

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And if they had launched 50 server at start, then people would have been here complaining throughout early access that the servers were empty because only themselves would have been there and instead of queues people would be complaining about empty servers demanding mergers.


This have happened in all MMOs which had a large launch.


This is just a case of 'damned if you do, damned if you don't'.




If they'd NOT had staggered access and had more servers up initially, the pre-access population would have been able to spread itself more naturally.



But the combonation of stagger access, guild assignment and few servers CONCENTRATED server populations.



I'm pretty sure Bioware would accpet this, the problem is I don't think they know what to DO about it (other than lock thread and run around their office in circle panicing).

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*** are you talking about. You planned for months a whole community around a server that probably couldn't hold half of it. Then some people from your community went and made a big ToFN is the unofficial "pro" EU server on PvP forum.


But it is clearly not your fault....ok.


^ This, there are many PvP guilds on ToFN that were not assigned by EA/Bioware, who decided they would all go to the same server.

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My guild is placed on a heavy load server too, last night it was 30-40 minutes for me, others a lot longer. BUT I WAITED got in and met up with my friends and played, it's what we do.



Last night some queued for 3+ hours and never got on (there was no option of playing).



Currently (right at this very momoment) I've been in a queue for 1.5 hours and I'm still at 60% of the total number I was when I started queuing.

Edited by Goretzu
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The staggered access completely fubard that.


By the time everyone was able to get in, many had put in a lot of time investment.



And you did not realize and plan accordingly?

Great community indeed if your guild friends just rush towards the level cap while they know their in-coming friends will be left in the dust.

Just because Bioware implemented a guild prelaunch program and staggered release - it does not prohibit you from talking and coordinating with your guild in any shape.


Seriously - I've seen so many people complaining about how community is going downhill since game X or Y and how it was all better in 'the old days' and yadda yadda yadda.... no wonder when people loose the ability to communicate with each other on a daily basis.



And no I did not expect a 600 person queue at 9 am (looking like 2+ hour queue time atm) for a (GMT) based server. I have never seen that in any MMO I've ever played. Bioware have royally messed up this launch.


Saw it in Rift and Warhammer.

In Warhammer they then decided to clone the servers to appease the complainers, and that just causes havoc and more problems than it solved because the complainers always wanted *the others* to be moved and not themselves, plus it left half empty servers quickly.

Heck - was I was in queues in WoW and (to a lesser extend due to fewer people playing) DAoC as well.

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I am not complaining, but I am a bit worried about the future and how long the queues will be there.


The only solution as I see it is that Bioware implements a server migration program for guilds. Or character transfer if the former isn't an option.


I have a feeling they want to sit this one out until the new player influx slows down and then they will increase the server population. Reason this will fail is that a lot of players (that I know off) are temporarily playing on low-pop servers, with any intention to fully move back to their original server once the queues become manageable, leaving us with queues for many weeks to come...


Just my $.2 :p

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Lemme fix that for you


.....crying about "internet friends not playing with you any more

.....blaming BW cos you cant shout at the friends as they are on other servers




Anyway quit whining or tell your mommy that the bad boys and girls have left you on a different server and you has a sad.



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And you did not realize and plan accordingly?

Great community indeed if your guild friends just rush towards the level cap while they know their in-coming friends will be left in the dust.

Just because Bioware implemented a guild prelaunch program and staggered release - it does not prohibit you from talking and coordinating with your guild in any shape.


Seriously - I've seen so many people complaining about how community is going downhill since game X or Y and how it was all better in 'the old days' and yadda yadda yadda.... no wonder when people loose the ability to communicate with each other on a daily basis.



What plans can you make when you had absolutely no idea when anyone would be in game?


By all mean enlighten me (and the world) with your stunning plan for guild deployment with the staggered access system. ;)



Saw it in Rift and Warhammer.

In Warhammer they then decided to clone the servers to appease the complainers, and that just causes havoc and more problems than it solved.

Heck - was I was in queues in WoW and (to a lesser extend due to fewer people playing) DAoC as well.


Neither Rift nor Warhammer Online had 600 person queues with 1.5 hours and counting queue times at mid-morning.


This is the first time I've ever seen this in UO, EQ1, DAOC, AC, AA, EQ2, WoW, LOTRO, AoC, WAR or Rift.

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The OP has a point. The pre launch guild program could have been done better.


My guild has the same problem, but on The Red Eclips server. Which is also one of the early servers where pre-launch guilds were placed on. AND is also VERY busy.


But me and my guild mates solved this problem by creating new characters on other servers and playing there. On the TRE server our characters are frozen. So once the problems are solved (see statement of SR on dev tracker), and max population caps are raised, then we go back there and continue our main characters.


Besides that, there is nothing left to do about it.

Edited by marco-wado
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What plans can you make when you had absolutely no idea when anyone would be in game?


By all mean enlighten me (and the world) with your stunning plan for guild deployment with the staggered access system. ;)



It's actually rather simple and don't require a stunning plan.

You decide with your guild how you'll handle the launch - whether you'll start playing your main character(s) the very moment you can get it, completely ignoring those who couldn't.

Now, if the community within the guild was so great as some people claim theirs were before Bioware ruined it for them - I suspect a number of people would have participated in the discussion and come to an agreement.


There's no rocket science in this. It simply comes down to how people in the guild wants to associate with each other.


But of course - it's much easier to just blame Bioware than looking inwards at the 'great community' that might not be so tight as some thought because they got 'left out' of it as others cared mostly for themselves and launched into a level spree the very second they got into the game.




Neither Rift nor Warhammer Online had 600 person queues with 1.5 hours and counting queue times at mid-morning.


This is the first time I've ever seen this in UO, EQ1, DAOC, AC, AA, EQ2, WoW, LOTRO, AoC, WAR or Rift.


Both the servers I was on, in Rift or Warhammer, did.

I don't remember what it was in WoW, but in DAoC - I had often a few hundred ahead of me as well in the weeks after launch, as then we knew what the server cap was and how many were playing.

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