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Everything posted by Nerghal

  1. In case someone missed this, it seems BW is aware of the missing codex entries... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=260371
  2. Why not let the game switch on the fly between both modes? Load the single textures when the environment allows you to, and once too many characters enter the frustrum switch out to atlases? Also, flashpoints seem a rather controlled environment to me as well, so why not allow high res textures in there as well?
  3. That's the problem. If everyone is doing that, the queues will never be resolved as more people will troop back to the original server when they increase the player cap...
  4. I am not complaining, but I am a bit worried about the future and how long the queues will be there. The only solution as I see it is that Bioware implements a server migration program for guilds. Or character transfer if the former isn't an option. I have a feeling they want to sit this one out until the new player influx slows down and then they will increase the server population. Reason this will fail is that a lot of players (that I know off) are temporarily playing on low-pop servers, with any intention to fully move back to their original server once the queues become manageable, leaving us with queues for many weeks to come... Just my $.2
  5. Same here. Our (Imperial) guild has made a Republic version on a new server as well. We flock over there when the queues are too long. We still get to play together and don't have to wait for it
  6. I won't say that I enjoy the queues, but RIFT had 2 hour queues on most of the servers for the first 2 weeks after launch. The fact that you already forgot about it, is proof how big of an impact launch-period queues have on the overall feel of a game
  7. This! And I prefer the loot diversity. It shouldn't be too easy to come by and I would certainly hate it if every character of the same class walks around looking exactly the same....
  8. Just thought I'd tell everyone that is posting their e-mail addresses here to be careful. This is a public forum, and you make the address a perfect target for phishing attempts. So carefully check any links you see in any TOR-related e-mail...
  9. It's giving and taking, as with all things in life Though when I know my time is limited because one of the kids is about to wake up or whatever reason, I don't engage in MP content (bar PvP) as I don't like leaving a group in the middle of something.
  10. It would be typical to increase the caps once people start spreading out over the world. I doubt they will hard cap the amount of characters on any server. Though I still wonder why no MMO has ever implemented a system that allowed you to do something while queueing (e.g. character creation or even play on a low-pop server while queueing for your homeserver at the same time).
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