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Killing Innocent bystanders on Makeb =p


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Defenseless civilians would never just cower in terror! Totally unrealistic...


Are we seriously QQing over this or is this just a regular troll thread?




As a Jedi, trooper, or any one who doesn't kill unarmed civilians? Yes seriously...


The problem is that these mobs auto agro. Aka red


If the mobs were neutral aka yellow then that would be different. Players who don't wish to kill them can pass them by. And those who take joy in killing unarmed civies can get their lulz.


/serious face

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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I totally buy that the proverbial horse has long ago left the barn when it comes to behaving in a truly light side manner in this game. My wife and I joke about our respective Light V Sentinels' most recent murder sprees fairly regularly. Having said that, it takes things up a notch when the devs give some of the targets an actively "Please God don't kill me!!!" animation (to go with almost no hp and no active attack role). To me this screamed "don't kill them unless you're DS."


In fact, I wondered if the chickens might come home to roost later. What if the game was secretly keeping track of how many of the you kill and how many of them you spare, and will at some pre-determined point (perhaps a chat with Jedi leadership) come back to you in the form of a net LS/DS point allocation (and appropriate conversation thread). Now THAT would have been fun (an still could be if it's actually hidden in there). Imagine the reaction, "What?!! Me murder 53 unarmed civilians?! Weeeellll." :D

Edited by Lanja
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I totally buy that the proverbial horse has long ago left the barn when it comes to behaving in a truly light side manner in this game. My wife and I joke about our respective Light V Sentinels' most recent murder sprees fairly regularly. Having said that, it takes things up a notch when the devs give some of the targets an actively "Please God don't kill me!!!" animation (to go with almost no hp and no active role in attacking you. To me this screamed "don't kill them unless you're DS."


In fact, I wondered if the chickens might come home to roost later. What if the game were secretly keeping track of how many of the you kill and how many of them you spare, and will at some pre-determined point (perhaps a chat with Jedi leadership) come back to you in the form of a net LS/DS point allocation (and appropriate conversation thread). Now THAT would have been fun (an still could be if it's actually hidden in there). Imagine the reaction, "What?!! Me murder 53 unarmed civilians?! Weeeellll." :D

That would be hilarious.


Yea I'm with you on the behaving lightside. I only have one truly LS character, The rest are neutral so it's not so bad. But for my LS character I had to just decide long ago that his genocidal rampages across the galaxy are all OOC and have nothing to do with him at all.

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Just walk away, when you get far enough from them they go back to normal.


Or keep doing what your doing and slowly fall to the darkside...we have coffee


Actually, in many cases you can't "enter a door" or "head to the next section" while they are still alive. My lightside Jedi just went up to the civies and said, "Sorry, the Force says you gotta die." :p

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Agree with the OP. Annoys the hell out of me. I try to play everything light side (even the Imperial lines) and this (even though it does not effect the standing) runs contrary to the way I want to play.
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Agree with the OP. Annoys the hell out of me. I try to play everything light side (even the Imperial lines) and this (even though it does not effect the standing) runs contrary to the way I want to play.


this is the problem with having such a rigid playstyle.

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Only because they can't fight, it doesn't mean they are innocent. They willingly go red, therefore they deserve to die.


That's the excuse I use for ganking PvP flagged people, when they're almost dead.


Willing to go red, willing to be dead

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I feel so sorry for those poor little droids that look so scared, huddling up. Wish is was easier to not aggro them, or dump it. Don't want to kill them.



U know what i feel the same way...i ussually use force push and pretend i only knocked em out :))

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